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Aspen Valley Wolf Pack (The Complete Series) by Amber Ella Monroe (71)

Chapter 13


Sweat dripped down Jacques’s face as he pounded his fists into the punching bag hanging from the basement ceiling in the old Kent house. His pectoral muscles burned and his deltoids were just about pushed to the max. He shut out the pain and focused on the training exercise. A utility window was propped open, keeping the surface of his skin relatively cool with the crisp breeze flowing through. He always loved the smell of the forest in the aftermath of a rainstorm. While others had been praying for clearer skies for the past couple of days, Jacques had been enjoying the tranquil sounds of Mother Nature to ease his mood. He needed the diversion now more than ever as anger tried to creep up on him yet again. He wouldn’t let rage consume him any more over something he had no control over.

This was his private space. It was where he slept and trained. Excessive training was one of the ways he got through hard times. Plus, he had a fight coming up and he needed to condition both mind and body. His grandmother had kept the basement completely the same as the day he moved out of her home when he turned eighteen. Even to this day, he could recall her refilling his water cooler or bringing in those protein shakes she made for him when she knew he was done. There would be no more of those…Grandma Kent was dead.

The timer on his watch rang and he moved to the next circuit of one hundred push-ups. Midway through the exercise, some noise outside caught his attention. The house was backed up to the woods just like the other homes situated on the street. The neighborhood was fairly quiet, so when anything occurred out of the ordinary, everyone around knew about it. For the most part, it was a shifter-friendly neighborhood.

Jacques propelled himself upward and grabbed a towel. Just as he swiped it down his face, he heard the howls coming from the woods. He froze, letting the towel fall from his hand and onto the floor.

The wolf howls weren’t ordinary howls. The call meant that a high-ranking member of the Pack was nearby. Although, this wasn’t a warning…just an announcement.

The howls grew louder and more distinct, and soon Jacques could pinpoint which high-ranking Pack member was about to visit the neighborhood.

Their Alpha.

There wouldn’t have been that much ruckus made for any other wolf.

Jacques picked the towel up off the floor and placed it on the back of his neck. He went up through the basement stairs, entering the first level of the home. By the time he reached the living room, all had gone quiet outside. He walked over to the kitchen and pulled out a bottle of water and began to guzzle it down.

Out of the corner of his eye, the curtains above the kitchen window lifted as air pushed inside. The refreshing breeze wasn’t the only thing that wafted inside. Along with it was the scent of the Alpha. Strong and potent. He was nearby and hella close.

Jacques left the water on the kitchen table and headed out into the foyer. His intuition finally kicked in and it dawned on him

Had the Alpha come to see him? If so, he could only be here to bring bad news. More bad news

When would it end?

Like he’d been doing all of his life, he decided to face his problems and not run away from them. He vowed years ago that he’d never become the person that his parents were and hide from the issues mounting like a pile of trash.

He opened the door and there stood the Alpha—Dane Magnus—in wolf form. His fur was black as night and the moonlight only enhanced its sleekness. With gold and majestic eyes that only a wolf from a noble bloodline could possess, he stared at Jacques.

So it was confirmed: the Alpha was here to see him.

“Alpha,” Jacques said.

Just like that, the air around Dane turned to haze and he stepped out in human form. “Hello Jacques Shalane. Long time no see.”

“Come inside.” Jacques moved aside to let Dane cross the threshold.

He closed the door behind the Alpha and handed the man a freshly washed pair of pants and t-shirt.

After Dane slipped into the clothes, he sat down in the big chair near the fireplace. Jacques followed his lead, taking a seat on the sofa next to him.

“What brings you here, Alpha?”

“I think you know.”

“I’ve been dealing with sporadic shit storms for the past several months. I could only guess that you’re here after catching wind of everything that’s happened to me.”

“I gave you my condolences at Miss Kent’s burial services, but I’d like to offer them again. She was well respected in our community. Not only because she raised one of us, but also because she used her position on the school board to secure adequate education for our kids. She was an extraordinary human.”

“She did. And she was.”

“Have you had any problems from the courts where this land and home are concerned?”

“None yet. My grandmother made sure there’d be none. Everything is still in my fa—” Jacques swallowed. “Everything is still in Leonardo Kent’s name.”

“Good…for now.” Dane frowned. “If there are any issues whatsoever, you will let me know.”

“That’s the thing. I’m thinking about leaving here and I need someone to look over this property for me when I do. I’ve been thinking about the possibility of renting it out to one of us.”

“You’re leaving?”

Jacques sighed as he slouched back on the sofa. “There’s hardly anything for me here. I’ve lost it all.”


Jacques thought back to Natasha. It would have been a lie if he’d said that he had nothing here. His wolf just wouldn’t let him let go of the fact that he had Natasha. She was his to claim. But the man knew better. Natasha’s dad had made it clear that he’d make Jacques’s life a living hell in Aspen Valley if he continued to pursue his daughter.

“Well…I have someone, but she’s…”

“She’s what?”

“Sort of off limits,” Jacques replied. “Plus, what can I do when I’ve lost a job in a town where there are virtually no jobs available unless someone retires or dies?”

“That’s why I’ve come, Jacques,” Dane said. “To offer you something.”


Dane nodded.

“But at what price?”

Dane laughed under his breath. “Depends on how you look at it.”

“I’ve been held on manslaughter charges and I’m still being watched whenever I enter town. There’s still this expectation lingering around that I’m going to start punching people to death. It’s absurd. I’m not the only man or shifter fighting in those rings.”

“Do you think you’re the only one that gets watched around here?” Dane raised an eyebrow. “Exactly. I like to worry about the health of my Pack instead of the presence or lack of expectations, whether bad or good. Besides, who do you answer to anyway? You’ve not pledged to our Pack in over a year.”

“I am not worthy.”

“Says who?”

“Says the past twenty years of my life.”

“So you’d rather live the rest of your life as a common citizen?” Dane asked.

“If I have to, yes.”

“Well, what if you don’t have to?”

“What are you proposing?” Jacques inquired.

“You’re of Shalane blood, are you not?”

“My family is dying out and scattered across the country. Some have even joined other Packs.”

“You’re still alive and you’re not dying,” Dane countered. “The name will die if you will it so, but if you had the chance to revive the Shalane bloodline and take your rightful place in our Pack, would you?”

“I would.”

Dane smiled. “I thought you would.”

“So what are you saying? You have the max number of Omegas serving you already.”

“Our Pack has tripled since I took the Alpha position. We’ve restructured and I’ve amplified Pack protection. But I only have room for one more Omega under my charge.”

Jacques knew what this meant. Dane was laying the offer on the table. An offer that, if he took it, would give him the chance to bring honor to the Shalane family name again and serve his people like they’d done for nearly a century before they lost the title.

“I don’t know if

“What you don’t know, you will learn.”

“And the price?” Jacques asked.

“My decisions are made with immediate and long term future goals in mind. Omegas under my charge must pledge to produce heirs within two years time. The goal is for the Shalane’s to become an Omega family again. Your family was the original Omega family. I wouldn’t feel right if I were to eliminate you as a candidate. Truth is, you’re perfect for what I have in mind. Have you fought in the ring any after you were cleared of the charge?”

“I have, but you have to understand that it’s the only way I can settle the Kent debt. Now that I’ve been fired from Reverie, I’ve been training more.”

“I’m not here to tell you what you can and cannot do to make money. Your choice of profession was similar to the Omega who served under my great-great grandfather. He was a martial artist, and he trained the Enforcers that protect our people and enforce our laws.”

Jacques shook his head. “I’m sorry. I should know…but I was never given much on the history of our family. I know a little, but I wish I had the chance to dig deeper.”

“It’s not your fault. I’ve reviewed the records of your family and the notes that were kept on them by previous Alphas. You’re free to read them if you’d like. I’ve read them. You’re doing remarkably well despite living your childhood without the shifter who gave birth to you in your life.”

“Then tell me…is it true about my mother?” Jacques asked, holding Dane’s gaze. “That she wrongfully accused a man of rape to the point where he spent over a year in jail?”

Dane lowered his head. “If the records are without error, she did make that accusation and the man was later found not guilty.”

“My grandma said that was the point in which her relationship with my father went downhill.”

“There was no reason for her to leave you behind.”

“You’re right. Her reason was freedom and money.”

“We can’t change these things. I’m sorry,” Dane said.

“And if I don’t find anyone to produce heirs for me?”

Dane chuckled. “I’m not a fool, Jacques. I’ve heard the rumors. You go to parties, clubs…bars, and the women are all over you.”

Jacques grinned. “I haven’t gone to a bar in quite some time. Not since I decided to take up fighting again. I can’t afford to lose due to one drunken night on the town.”

“You’ll be paid handsomely for your service,” Dane said. “You’d never have to fight or work for another company again. You do know that, right?”

Jacques shrugged. “I sort of forgot that being an Omega is actually a job.”

“Of course, it is.” Dane nodded. “Will you consider?”

“I’ll consider.”

“I won’t take up too much of your time.” Dane stood up and headed for the door. “You know where to reach me when you’ve made a decision.”

Just before Dane could completely cross the threshold, Jacques rose and stopped him. “But why me? Why me when you can solicit another Pack family that our community knows and respects already?”

It looked as though the Alpha was contemplating his answer as he peered up at the dark, obscure clouds against the evening backdrop, but then Dane turned around.

“I purposely didn’t seek out the most picture perfect man for this job,” the Alpha said. “I don’t need a man who has never had anything bad happen to him in all his life. I don’t care for anyone who has never made any mistakes. I don’t want someone who is already set for life with loads of money being thrown at them. I want the man who has experienced life and all of its injustices. I want the man who will fight when not even an ounce of hope is left. He’ll fight to make himself whole again.” He paused to assess Jacques. “Does that man sound familiar?”

Jacques nodded once. “I do what I have to in order to keep going.”

“For every setback, there are detours that may bring many different possibilities and newer perspectives. They’ll change the way you look at things. They’ll give you hope for a brighter future. Whatever you decide, the point is that you keep going. Goodnight Jacques.”

“Goodnight Alpha,” he said. “And stay dry. Those skies tell me that was just the first round of storms.”

After the door was closed, Jacques heard Dane shuffling around on his porch, probably to shed from the clothing he’d borrowed. He knew the Alpha was gone when his scent no longer permeated the foyer. Not long after that, the rumbling of thunder could be heard rolling toward the house in the distance.