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Baby for the Kingpin by Melinda Minx (22)


I shiver as we get out of the car. I’ve gotten too used to California, and Queens is cold as ever.

Luca holds out his hands and helps little Marco out of the car.

Then I take his hand, and we both smile up at the church. There’s some bad memories here, but mostly good ones.

Marco looks absolutely adorable in his little suit, mostly because he just started walking. The contrast of a spiffy suit and tie on a little baby who can barely walk without tipping over is too much for me to not smile at.

Luca holds him tight, and he doesn’t fall as we walk up toward the church.

Everyone looks up at us as we approach. I see Gio first, and I have to do a double take. The man must have lost at least 50 pounds. I barely recognize him.

Marco doesn’t recognize him, and instead he just hugs his Daddy, and Luca has to scoop him up and carry him. Soon both families are on us, and Marco just gets red-faced and buries his face into Luca’s arms.

“Shy one,” Alessia says.

“My boy,” Dad says, nearly prying Marco out of Luca’s hands. Luca resists for a while, but ultimately lets him take the kid.

Marco starts to cry as Big Tony holds him, and Dad gets a bit flustered, then quickly shoves him into my arms. “Your Mom always handled you when you cried, I never knew what to do!”

Marco stops crying as I hold him.

“Marco,” I say. “This is your Grandpa Tony, your uncle Gio, your aunt Alessia…”

Since neither Luca or I have brothers or sisters, we decided our cousins would count as uncles and aunts.

I notice a number of Gallos are missing, namely Leo and some of the others who didn’t take the breakup of the empire too well. I shrug. They can wallow in the money Luca gave them, which they didn’t deserve. So long as they leave us be.

Marco doesn’t cry as he’s baptized, which I take as a good omen. He was worried they were going to dunk him in water, but it’s just a little bit poured on his forehead.

We go to my father’s house after the ceremony, and Marco gets his first taste of the big Italian family meal, and all that comes with it.

I put everyone on strict orders to talk only about actually family stuff, and not family stuff, while Marco is here. Even my father sticks to the rule.

“Thank you so much,” I whisper to Luca.

“What for?” he asks.

“For saving my father,” I say. “And keeping me with my family. They aren’t perfect...but they’re mine, I guess.”

Luca just nods and takes my hand.

After we finish eating, Dad takes Marco again, now that he’s not crying, and starts showing him around the house, introducing him and showing him off to everyone in the family.

Gio appears suddenly between us, his eyes wide and excited.

“Luca, Bella,” he whispers. “I know I should keep my mouth shut, but–”

Luca elbows him. “Keep it shut then!”

“This time it’s about me though,” Gio says.

“Is it about how great you look?” I ask. “Seriously Gio, I’m so impressed.”

He blushes. “Ah, thanks Bella. I mean I guess it’s kind of about that, because I just made out with someone in the garden.”

Luca rolls his eyes. “Gio, this is a family gathering, tell me you didn’t–”

“A Riela!” he says, grinning wide. “Nothing fucked up, Luca.”

I realize I’m staring at him with my mouth wide open, trying to figure out who it could have been.

“Who do you think it was?” Gio asks, looking back and forth between Luca and me. “Come on, guess!”

“Just tell us,” I say. “I’m dying to know.”

“Alessia,” Gio says. “She’s so damn hot, Bella, I hope you aren’t gonna be pissed off it this goes somewhere…”

I just give him a hug. “It’s fine Gio, we just want you to be happy. Alessia is tough though, don’t let her eat you alive.”

He walks off with a spring in his step.

“Jesus,” Luca says.

“I guess that will help the truce even more,” I say, laughing.

“Gio’s out,” Luca says. “Started his own Indian casino or some shit.”

“I still don’t get how an Italian guy started an Indian casino.”

“Some Seneca guy runs it,” Luca says. “And Gio is a partner. It makes bank, so good for him.”

Our garages are doing well. We still own all the ones around New York, and we have two in California now. Luca didn’t think he’d be able to replace Vinny, but as far as I can tell, he’s doing a good job being the face of the growing franchise.

Tony comes back around with Marco, he’s beaming. “This kid is freakin’ smart! He’s got the vocabulary of a two-year-old. I’m teaching him all the Italian words now too.”

“None of the bad ones,” I say, feeling uneasy.

“Of course not,” Tony says. “The good ones. The food words! Prosciutto, Gabagool.”

“Gabbygoop,” Marco says.

Tony laughs and ruffles Marco’s hair. “Close enough, son, close enough!”