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BAD BOY'S KISS: A Dark Bad Boy Mafia Romance by Naomi West (5)




I whistled an upbeat tune and nearly hopped and skipped back to my hotel room. I'd left that sucker so well fucked he probably wouldn't even remember what day of the week it was, let alone realize I'd left as soon as I walked out of the closet.


Too bad I was going to have to blow this joint. I liked Al, and I even liked the guys over at the truck stop next door. They looked out for me in their own ways, and I never really had to watch my back around them. But now that handsome creep had figured out who I was, I knew he'd try and drag me back to Pops like all the other idiots who had come along.


I hadn’t ever told Antonio and Al about the real me, and for good reason. Firstly, it would put me in danger. The more people know a secret, the less secret it becomes. Secondly, I knew Antonio and Al were the types that would try and stand up for me.


Luckily, after five years of practice, I'd gotten pretty good at this little act.


I stopped in front of the door to the motel I paid for by the week, keys jingling in my hand. I heard a car, and old hot rod like my mother used to love, growling its way through the lot at low speeds. Curious about what kind it was, just for old time's sake, I glanced back over my shoulder.


I nearly dropped my keys in surprise. Whoever Mr. Handsome was, he sure was smarter than I'd given him credit for. He drove by slowly in an old Camaro SS, a late 60s, his eyes searching around the motel but not in my direction.


A sudden shot of adrenaline entered my veins when the shock of seeing him at the motel wore off. Frantically, I shoved my key in the lock, threw open the door, and bolted inside. I closed the door behind me, slammed the chain in place, and collapsed back against the thin piece of wood. I took a series of deep breaths as I looked around the motel parking lot.


I needed to be calm. I needed to think. He hadn't seen me, I figured. Which meant I still had time to pack up and get out of here, either slipping out the back, or backtracking to Al's and borrowing Antonio's car for the time being. If worse came to worse Pops had taught me a few tricks for a bind like this. Lockpicking, how to jimmy a car door, how to hot wire older vehicles.


I didn't bother with packing. I just changed my top so I'd have a better chance of not being recognized at a distance, took my hair from its pony tail and pinned it up with some bobby pins, and grabbed a thick hoody for when the sun went down and the air went from damned hot to too damned cold. I needed to move light, which really meant grabbing my clutch-sized run bag. I always kept one packed, something with a roll of cash, a couple hundred bucks worth of prepaid Visa gift cards, and a few fresh changes of underwear, and some clean socks.


Everything else, changes of clothes, sunglasses, food, whatever, you could get on the road, no questions asked. Every shop sold the basics. No reason to carry a whole suitcase of easy to find items. They'd just weigh you down. I'd learned after my second or third run that almost nothing was irreplaceable. And the only thing that wasn't? That was you.


I tied my hoody around my waist and grabbed my little run bag from the bottom drawer of the motel room's nightstand, really nothing more than a purse, and hit the door, keys in my hand. I unchained and unlocked it, then was out onto the walkway, letting the door slam behind me as I headed back to the diner. I stepped into the parking lot between two older sedans, hoping to stay low as I made my way out of there.


“Well,” said a voice behind me, “fancy seeing you here, Cora.”


I grumbled as I stopped and turned around, my curled lips transforming into a seductive smile as I did.


There he was in all that cocksure glory, his thumbs hooked in his hip pockets, his heavy boots clumping with each step on the walkway as he approached me. There wasn't anything menacing about his posture, but I could tell from the way he moved, he could outdistance in me in a heartbeat and bring me to the ground no problem. Fighting would be my last resort with Handsome.


“Well, hello, Handsome,” I said, playing his game and smiling as widely as I could, hands on my hips as I cocked one out to the side. “Sorry I ducked out like that, but it was the end of my shift, and I'm not much for long good-byes. Besides, I thought you were just passing through on your way to LA?”


He laughed. “Got a call saying my audition was pushed back,” he said, moving his head from side-to-side as if was weighing the possibilities of life, “so I decided I might as well call it a night and not leave till the morning.”


“Audition?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. “Really, you had an audition out there?”


“Just a small role,” he said, badly faking embarrassment, “but it could lead to something bigger on a TV show.”


This was almost laughable, but I could see what he was doing as I glanced around the lot. It was getting close to evening, and the motel was fairly busy for once. If he made any kind of move on me, out here in the open, someone would be on the phone to 911 in a heartbeat, especially if I screamed. But, if he was betting on my being oblivious to who he was, he might be able to get me back into my room, or his, and stow me away for the night.


Of course, two could play at this.


“But it's been pushed back?” I asked as I approached him, a knowing smile on my lips. I could act this guy into a corner any day of the week. “For how long?” I asked as I stopped within arm's reach of him, showing him I wasn't scared.


Inside, of course, I was shaking like a leaf. But, sometimes being a little scared can be a lot of fun.


“Just one day,” he said, looking around the parking lot. “But, like I said, I'm not leaving till the morning. What about you? Stay around here?”


I nodded past him to my motel room. “That's my place. I was just going out to grab a bottle and call it a night. Want me to pick you up something and swing by your room?”


“How about I drive you over,” he asked as he came a step closer, looming in front of me with bulging muscles, and that musky smell of him, “and we pick something up for the both of us?”


If I gave in and hopped in the car with him, that was it for me, and I knew it. But, also, if I objected and let him walk with me to the liquor store, chances are I'd still end up out of view of bystanders and open myself up to an attempt. No, the best thing to do was to get him somewhere on my terms. And, from our one short interaction, I knew exactly how to do that.


“Hmmm, only reason I was grabbing something was because I was going to be all lonely tonight,” I said as I stepped closer and slipped my arms around his neck, standing on tip toes as I let my body melt into his. My fingers danced through the back of his air, over an earlobe, as he closed his eyes briefly and smiled. “Not much sense in getting one now, don't you think?”


Handsome didn't seem to need much convincing. He reached down and grabbed my ass with both hand, his big mitts covering both cheeks easily through the fabric of my hoody, squeezing hard, pulling me into him. “I see your point,” he growled in that surly voice of his, sending a shiver up my spine as he lowered his lips to mine.


His lips and tongue were like fire, burning me with their intensity as we kissed in the parking lot, our bodies entwined like two longtime lovers.


Guys like these think with only one of their heads, and I knew exactly which one was in the driver seat right now. I shoved my tongue into his mouth as I ground my hips into his crotch, noticing I was already getting a reaction. I groaned into his mouth and ran the tips of my fingers up and down the nape of his neck as his tongue danced around mine, playing with me.


We broke our kiss, both of us panting.


“Said your room's right back there?” he asked, his voice less excited than what was happening in the front of his jeans.


“Mmhmm,” I replied, grinning.


He lowered his lips to mine again, and I returned the kiss like my life depended on it. Which, I suppose, it did. Handsome was a good kisser, too, his lips soft and full, and I was still loving how wonderful his well-defined arms felt around my body. I guess it was a good thing Pops didn't send some gross, sweaty dude after me. This probably would have been easier to pull off with a guy like that, but not nearly as much fun. As it was, my knees were weak from his hands and lips on me.


We broke our kiss and I reached back behind me, grabbed one of his hand off my ass, then pushed past him and lead him as I spun back to face him. I walked backwards between the cars towards my room, my hands grasping his. “Come on, Handsome,” I purred, licking my lips. “Let's make your stay a little more eventful.”


Maybe dragging him back into my room wasn't the right decision at the time, but I didn't care. Either I was going back to Pops, or I wasn't. On the one hand, I was going to have to start a new life all over again, which meant I wasn't going to get laid for a while. Or, on the other, I was going to get dragged kick and screaming back home.


Our hands were on each other as soon as we got into my room. His hands lightly grazed my skin with his blunt nails, his calluses wonderfully rough as his hands stroked over my body, my cheek and jawline.


I tossed my little bugout bag aside, onto the TV stand, and tugged at the hem of his shirt. I pulled it off him, up over and his head and threw it to the floor, my hands roaming over his washboard abs, his defined pecs, his tattooed skin. Yeah, this was going to be way more fun than just trying to run.


He pulled my top over my head and dropped it on top of his, his hands finding my naked stomach and sides as he kissed me again, his tongue slipping into my mouth.


I groaned as he ran his hands over me, loving how possessed he made me feel. I didn't care if he was some thug or not, I wanted him inside me again. I wanted him over me, behind me, his lips and hands on my flesh. I unsnapped my bra and shrugged out of it, throwing it aside before my hands found his belt and tugged at it.


He found my breasts, his hands covering them, his palms sliding over my sensitive nipples. He pulled my lips to his again, kissing me hard as he backed me up to the bed. I pressed them into his hand as I worked the fastener on his tight jeans and began to unzip him.


Handsome pushed me roughly back onto the edge of the bed, his eyes raking over my half-naked body like a starving man. He quickly unlaced his boots and pulled them off. As I watched him finish undressing, unconsciously licking my lips, I kicked off my shoes and socks and began to take my jeans off, my hips lifted off the bed. He reached down and tugged at my pants legs, helping me out of them, but yanking me closer at the same time as he stepped up to the side of the bed, his jeans hanging invitingly open as he brought his manhood closer. He stroked the side of my face, entwined his fingers in my bundled-up hair.


Sitting on the edge of the bed in just my bikini cut panties I took one look at his eyes and knew exactly what he wanted. My hands eagerly went to his waistline, began to pull his jeans and boxer briefs over his hips. I raked my nails over his firm naked ass, squeezing the muscles there with delight as I licked my lips again in anticipation.


“Think you can get it all?” he growled.


“Is that a challenge?” I replied, my voice low and throaty with lust, as I pulled his jeans the rest of the way down, his cock springing free. I tugged at his jeans, dragging them down past his strong thighs, letting them pool at his feet.


It was just as beautiful as I remembered. Big, hot, slightly purplish, with a manly crown atop it. He stepped out of the tangle of denim around his ankles, bringing his rod closer to my waiting lips.


I swept my eyes over this spectacular piece of man who I was finally getting to see naked for the first time. I didn't even know his name, but I didn't give a shit. I just wanted him to fuck me, to make me scream out in ecstasy a few more times, before I figured out a way to slip from his grip. I felt my mouth being to water in anticipation. His hand tightened its grip in my hair, urged me forward to his cock


I gazed up at him as I leaned forward, ran my tongue around the head, groaning at the feel of him on my tongue. I reached between his legs, hefted his heavy balls in my hand, squeezed. I took him into my mouth, my lips over my teeth, loving the way his spongey hardness seemed to over-fill my mouth. He tasted wonderful, a mixture of his own sex and my own scent still on him from earlier. He groaned, his fingers tugging at my air as his hips began to move already, shoving his cock deeper into my mouth, towards the back of my throat.


I gagged a little as I took more of him, my eyes watering. I loved the way he was making me feel, pushing his cock into my mouth and commandeering my body, not even knowing who I was fucking. I pulled him from my mouth, ran my lips along the underside of his cock, stroking him as I gently massaged his balls. His moans filled the room as I played with him, his hand pulling at the roots of my hair. He reached down between my legs with his other hand as I sucked him, found the front of my panties. He stroked crudely, his hand roughly moving up and down my slit, sending fireworks off behind my eyes.


I spread my legs for him, liking where this was heading as I pulled him deeper into my mouth.


“Give me your hand, slut,” he groaned, pulling my hand from between his thighs. He stuffed it down between my legs where his had been, pushing it in through the top of my panties. He forced my fingers over my dripping pussy. “Show me how much you're enjoying my cock.”


I groaned at the sound of his voice, at how powerful it was, how he growled his commands at me. I'm a strong woman, but even strong women want a man who can take charge sometimes. I rubbed my clit furiously, groaning around his cock as I circled the hood with the pad of my fingers. I could still feel a little of his cum inside me from earlier, and I couldn't wait to have more of this hunk of a man.


I lifted his shaft, stroked him as I tongued his smooth sack, sucking first one into my mouth, then another. He threw his head back, grunting as I took his head back into my mouth and began to bob on his shaft. I wanted him well-sated, relaxed, and, more specifically, exhausted. My hands reached up behind him, grabbed his ass and pulled him to me, my mouth working on his cock like it was the last thing I'd ever do. I drooled a little as I took more of him, my mouth really working, my tongue massaging the bottom side and swirling around him as much as I could.


More than anything I wanted to feel him explode in my mouth. I wanted to see what he tasted like, see how sweet or how salty he would be. I was betting sweet, with how much sugar he used in his coffee, but I wanted to know for sure. I struggled to lock my lips around his shaft and bobbed my head faster.


“Enough,” he said, pulling his cock from my gasping mouth.


“But, I wanted-”


“No,” he said forcefully, pushing me back on the bed.


When I went onto my back, my hand was dragged out of my panties.


He reached down, grabbed my panties and pulled them off, leaving them to dangle around one dainty ankle. He lifted my legs up and over his shoulders, producing a squeal from me as he lowered himself on top of me, pushing my knees to my chest.


“Guess you're on top this time,” I groaned, feeling his tracing up and down my lips. “You're still inside me from before, by the way.”


“Let's see if we can add some more, then,” he replied, shoving his cock into me.


This time didn't hurt nearly as much as before since I was already accustomed to him. My eyes rolled back in my head and I moaned low as he began to fuck me. Each stroke hit my g-spot with my ass off the bed in this position. My knees pushed into my chest, crushing my breasts beneath them.


He leaned forward, crushing me even more with his menacingly comforting weight, his giant cock filling my insides to bursting. His lips found mine, his tongue shoving its way past my lips and into my mouth. I groaned and sucked on his tongue, biting it lightly, moaning louder as he continued to try and impale me to the bed, his hips driving me into the mattress as my body roared with pleasure. I reached out, grabbed the sheets in my tightly balled fists, screamed into his mouth as my first orgasm ripped through me, sending shudders through my contorted body.


He pulled back from our kiss, raised his body a little as he propped himself on one hand. With the other he gathered up my hands from the sheets, put my writs together and pinned them above my head with his vice-like grip. “Do you like that? Do you like getting fucked by a complete stranger?”


“Not quite a complete stranger,” I gasped out between moans as I struggled against the hand holding my wrists, “if I've fucked you twice, are you Handsome?”


“Guess you're right,” he admitted with a groan, his hips moving faster into me, his lips assaulting mine again.


His tongue was hot and wet, as forceful as his cock and hands. I groaned out again, my body exploding from the pleasure he was pounding into it. I spasmed against him, arched my back as I felt him release my hands.


He lifted his body from mine and pulled his cock from inside me, leaving my body suddenly empty and wanting. He reached down and flipped me over onto my stomach and dragged me onto my hands and knees. Before I could properly react, his cock was back inside me, his hands gripping my hips hard enough to leave purple and black bruises in my flesh, his pelvis slamming into my firm ass, bounding my swaying tits with each powerful thrust.


I screamed in pleasure, dropping to my elbows as the bed shook, slamming the headboard against the wall. I came again as his balls slapped into my clit, my face burying itself in the rumpled covers. I yelled out as my orgasm, shouting it into the sheets as I pushed my ass back, fucking him as much as he fucked me.


Handsome kept going, using my body, but giving it more pleasure than I'd ever experienced. Years with other men hadn't prepared me for anything like this, anything like the sensory overload of this thug fucking me. Again I came, my body going into overdrive and collapsing entirely. I felt my thighs give out and slump under the pleasure, my mind completely blank except for the pleasure-chemicals in my brain firing nonstop.


I didn't drop to the bed, though. He just held me in place and kept fucking me. “Do you like that, slut?” he asked.


“God yes,” I groaned back.


Eventually he pulled his slick cock from me, his hand stroking up and down the shaft. He roughly slapped my ass to warn me, and pulled me around to face him.


I curled my legs up below me, my eyes focused on his slowly stroking hand as it moved up and down his cock. “You said you wanted to taste me,” he panted. “You ready?”


I nodded, too gone to smile, and took his hands from his cock. I reached around and grabbed his ass again, this time with both hands, and took him into my mouth, stroking him with my lips. Quickly, I could feel his cock growing in my mouth, his hips moving as he drove it into me.


His whole body went stiff as a board, and he grabbed the back of my head with both hands as he erupted in my mouth, his creamy salty-sweetness hitting my tongue as I choked on him, a little cum and drool slipping from the corner of my lips. A moan escaped my lips from around his cock as an aftershock from a previous orgasm tremored through my body. I swallowed him down greedily, sucking hard as I dragged my teeth lightly on the underside.


He swore and tightened his fingers in my hair, panting as he pumped into my mouth till he went soft.


I pulled him from my mouth, letting his slick, soft tool slide past my lips. I grinned wearily up at him. “How was that?” I asked.


He slumped, his whole body relaxing as he stroked my face. “That was fucking amazing.”


“When can you go again?” I asked, stroking his flaccid manhood as I rose from the bed.


“Goddamn you're insatiable,” he growled as he batted my hand from his cock and pulled me to his sweat-slick body. He grabbed my ass and pulled me closer, our sexes grinding wetly and wonderfully as he kissed me again.


He was wrong. I wasn't insatiable. I was actually about as sated as I'd ever been. My pussy was sore, my jaw hurt, and my body desperately needed a rest. But that didn't matter. I needed him to pass out so I could make my break.


“Well,” I whispered with a grin when we broke our kiss, we only have tonight, right?” I pressed my lips to his, attacking him with renewed gusto.


I slipped my hand back down between us, smiling as we continued to kiss. I could already feel him getting in the mood, and beginning to press his stiffness against my belly.


“You know, Handsome,” I said. “Since you just finished in my mouth and all, maybe I should finally know your name?”


“Asa,” he said as he pushed me back down on the bed by my shoulders, his eyes burning with desire. “Name's Asa.”


I grinned up at him. “Nice name, Asa,” I said just before taking him back into my mouth.


This was going to be a long night.




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