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Bedding The Baby Daddy (Bedding the Bachelors Book 9) by Virna DePaul (6)

Chapter Six



Dante popped the tops off the Indian food that he’d just had delivered, tossed some forks on the counter of the breakfast bar and ripped off some paper towels for napkins. There. That was just fine. If she wasn’t happy with that then she could just…

Oh who was he kidding? If she wasn’t happy with that, he’d get out his grandmother’s china.

Dante scraped a hand over his face and looked down at his work clothes. He usually would have changed out of them by now, but he’d gotten her text right when he’d gotten home and then spent the next half hour frantically getting ready for her. Thank god his Aunt Arlene had been free tonight, otherwise, he might have had to lock Michelle in her room for the next few hours.

Just kidding.

He glanced at the clock. It was almost 45 minutes since she’d texted. Had she changed her mind? He looked at his response to her, texted seconds after she’d texted him.

A single word.


And then about fifty party hat emojis followed by fifty firework emojis followed by fifty flame emojis.

Maybe not the coolest thing he’d ever done, but he would bet his bank account that it had made her laugh and simultaneously roll her eyes. So it was worth it.

Every muscle in Dante’s body froze up tight when he heard a soft knock at his front door.

He strode through the hall, swung open the door and there she was on his front porch. Standing, her hands in the pockets of her slacks, her blonde hair tumbling down her back, and a look on her face he’d seen many, many times before. This was the look she had in a business meeting when she knew she was seconds away from getting what she wanted. If it tented his pants in boardrooms with ten clients sitting next to him, it did it tenfold standing in his front entryway with no one around but the two of them.

“Hi,” she said, her voice low and husky.

He immediately stepped back and let her through. He took a few steps toward his kitchen. “I’m glad you came. I took the liberty of ordering some Indian food. If you—”


He turned, looked back over his shoulder and froze. She was toeing out of her shoes and starting to unbutton that clingy silky blouse. The look in her eyes had him forgetting his own name.

“We’re not eating. We’re not talking.” She slid the shirt from her shoulders and tossed it on the floor. She wore a sheer black bra that was both there and not there. He could see her nipples beading and pressing against the fabric. Next came the button on her slacks. And then she was stepping out of them. Standing there in two scraps of woman magic lingerie that made him want to fall to his knees.

“Were you wearing that at the office today?” His voice was low and gravelly and sounded too intense even to his own ears.


“The underwear. That bra. Were you wearing that when you were sitting across from me in your office today.”

She nodded.

Dante ripped his work shirt off over his head. Fuck the buttons. He was going for the undershirt as well when she strode toward him.

“Leave it. Undershirts are fucking hot.” And then she batted away his hands, undid the button on his pants and then rose up.

They stared at one another for a blinking, breathing second before she lunged forward, planted her mouth at the pulse point on his neck and dragged him to the floor.

Dante thanked god for carpet as they rolled over one another. He lowered his head and suckled her hard through her bra. Aurora cried out and clamped her legs around his waist.

He tried to pin her arms over her head but they grappled for control. He reached down and clamped her lip between his teeth, still the closest they’d come to kissing, and Aurora moaned, hard. His body went pliant against her and she took advantage of the opportunity.

Using all of her weight and the element of surprise, Aurora rolled them over so that she was on top. There was fire in her eyes as she raised up just enough to fully open his pants, jam them just far enough down his legs to free his cock.

“Jesus. I thought for sure I was embellishing in my memory,” she said as she stared at his cock.

He grinned. “Nope.”

She looked up at him. Didn’t return the smile. “Condom. Now.”

He dug into the back pocket of his pants and started to tear it open when she ripped it from his hands, started to do it herself. As she slid the condom down his length, Dante had to grit his teeth and grip the carpet with his hands. It was just too good.

And then she was bracing her hands on his shoulders, raising up over him, poised to take him.

“Aurora, sweetheart, let me—” He reached one hand toward her core, knowing that, small as she was, she was going to have to be extremely ready to be able to take him. He wanted to help her get there. He wanted her to come on his hand, on his mouth. He wanted to make her come a hundred times before he took her. They had all night.

Apparently, she didn’t think so, because she slapped his hand away, hooked her panties to the side and sank down on him in one swoop, taking him all the way down to the base.

“Fuck,” Dante groaned, his head lifting involuntarily and then rapping back into the floor. Holy god. How the fuck had she been that ready with zero foreplay? But here he was, buried inside her less than thirty seconds after she walked through his door. Dante was not going to waste the opportunity.

His hands found her hips and he gripped her for a second before sliding them up to her gorgeous breasts. He filled his hands with her while Aurora started to ride him. There was no lead up, no finding of her rhythm. She just started riding him hard and kept riding him hard. Her strokes were some addictive cross between vicious and gentle and Dante was losing his mind.

Her eyes were slammed closed, as tight as her fingers, which were digging into his shoulders. Her hair spilled everywhere, tickling his chest, grazing his neck and it gave Dante the insane feeling that she was inching her way inside him as much as he was her.

He planted his feet and started to meet her strokes, taking it to the next level. The slap of skin on skin filled the entryway and Aurora began to moan in earnest now. He could feel her body start to tense and he watched her in amazement. God, she was so responsive. She leaned down even more, ground her clit against him with each stroke. Dante had to look away from the sight of her taking him, lest he blow way too soon.

She was close. So close, he could feel it. He wanted to take her there. He was just bringing his hand to her clit when she lowered her chest to his, blocking the angle. She ground herself against him in every way, every inch of her body smashing, pinning, possessing him.

He was seeing stars and didn’t know how much longer he could possibly hold on through the most exquisite torture of his life. But then she reared up the slightest bit, just enough to plant her plush, soft mouth right on his.

And oh god, he wasn’t ready. He had no idea a kiss could be like that. She was swallowing him whole. Every single inch of his body was on fire and her mouth on his was a cool, floral balm. Her warm tongue slipped into his mouth, tentative, sweet, searching. Dante lost his shit.

His arms clamped around her back, cementing her to him as he fucked her hard from the bottom. His mouth opened and his tongue met hers, devouring her. Her flavor exploded through him. The best thing he’d ever tasted in his life. Given he’d tasted her pussy, that was really saying something. He sucked her tongue into his mouth as she moaned, hard and fierce.

Her body clamped down on his over and over again. He swallowed her moans, took them inside of him where they could never escape. Every inch of her was clamping him, down to her hands on the sides of his face. She came so hard and so long that Dante couldn’t wait for her to finish. He clenched his eyes closed, his hands made fists on her back, and he poured himself into the condom. For the first time in his life, he cursed the barrier between him and a woman.


* * *


Aurora opened her eyes and slowly realized her hair had completely covered her face. Dante breathed hard underneath her and soon that breath turned into a dark, rumbling chuckle.

“Holy shit. I think you killed me.” He reached down behind her bottom to hold the base of the condom as he pulled out of her.

Aurora used the last of her strength to sit up, still straddling him. She tossed her hair back behind her. “I think I killed both of us.” She planted a hand on her wildly beating heart and couldn’t help but chuckle a little along with him.

“Feeling a little pent up there, gorgeous?” he asked as he climbed to his feet, tied up the condom, and tossed it into the adjacent bathroom trash. Hands on hips, he turned to look at her in all his magnificent glory.

She admired him for a moment before stretching luxuriously. “Just a tad,” she said.

She moved to get up, but before she could, he bent down, lifted her up, and carried her into the kitchen where he set her down naked on his granite countertop. The coolness made her hiss, and he smiled. “Now that’s a beautiful sight. Hungry after all?”

She swallowed hard, then nodded, grateful he wasn’t going to make her talk about what had just happened. They didn’t need to talk about all the reasons she’d acted so aggressively just then. All he needed to know was that she’d wanted to have sex, and they had.

Simple as that.

Only as she sat there in her bra and panties, she knew she was kidding herself.

She knew from the moment she’d met him, nothing with Dante had been simple, and that was especially true now.

With apparent reluctance, Dante slowly stepped back, then crossed to the other side of the kitchen and the food he had set out. “I’ve got Indian for dinner and then some ice cream if you want dessert. I remembered you like Indian food because—” He turned around to face her and completely froze.

“What is it?” she asked when he remained silent.

“Do you have any idea how fucking gorgeous you look. In my kitchen. On my counter. In those two little scraps of lingerie, your hair messy and shiny, your eyes bright and big, and your lips red and smudged and plump.”

She blinked, feeling drugged. “Do you have any fucking idea how gorgeous you look? In your kitchen? Almost naked. Your hair messy. Your blue eyes brilliant and dazzling. Your lips red and your body… your body…”

His eyes dead set on her lips, Dante crossed back over the kitchen like a lion stalking prey.

“You let me kiss you just now,” he said, his voice almost a whisper.

“Oh. Yeah.” Aurora hadn’t wanted to kiss him the night of the party, it had seemed too personal, but tonight she couldn’t have stopped herself from kissing him if a tornado had come through the house.

“You’re going to let me kiss you again,” he said, almost against her lips as he slid between her legs.

“Okay,” she whispered, unable to think of anything she wanted more. Okay, she could think of a few things she wanted more, but since she was pretty certain she’d get to have it all, she yearned for his kiss. Right here and now.

And then his lips were on hers. Harsh, demanding, consuming her. There was nothing gentle about the way he was kissing her, crushing her mouth against his, swallowing her alive.

“Dante!” she pulled back from him in surprise when his tongue swept over the front of her teeth.

“Let me,” he growled. “Your front teeth drive me insane. So white against your pink little lips and just a little crooked.”

“Hey!” she pulled back again, not sure whether to be offended or flattered. She planted a hand over her mouth. “I hate my crooked front teeth.”

“Don’t,” he demanded, tugging her hand down. “They’re so fucking hot.”

She looked at him like he was insane. “Crooked teeth are hot?”

“Yours are,” he insisted, leaning forward and sucking her bottom lip into his mouth for a second. “Something about the little imperfection. I don’t know. It just drives me wild. It’s like you’re this complete and utter goddess. Aphrodite. Cleopatra. And then you have this little perfectly imperfect thing that reminds me that you’re human.” He traced one hand roughly up her side, cupped her breast in a possessive way. “It reminds me that you’re touchable.” He stepped even closer to her, pressing her heat into his stomach and tangling his tongue with hers for just a second. “Fuckable.”

“Oh.” The word was breathless, desperate as she gasped and clasped her feet around his waist. They’d just fucked not ten minutes ago, there was no way he was going there again, right? The man was almost forty. But, whoops, yeah, that thing she was feeling against her core was definitely not his leg. Wow. The man had stamina.

She tore her mouth away from his and took a gasping breath, resting her forehead against his shoulder for just a second. There were feelings bubbling up inside her that were making this moment very confusing. She was exhausted yet wired, sated yet hungry, wary and giddy all at once. She knew the smart thing would be to retreat, regroup, take a beat to organize her thoughts in the privacy of her own home.

But all of those thoughts completely fled as Dante began to kiss his way down her neck. And over her breasts. He paid lavish, selfish attention to her breasts as he unclipped her bra, then laving each of her breasts with his tongue and teeth, using his stubble to make her nipples stand tall and beg for him.

She leaned back on her hands on the counter as he continued to kiss down her stomach, nuzzling her navel and then finally, finally, letting his mouth close over her core. She still wore her underwear, so she couldn’t feel him in great detail, but his hot, wicked mouth already had her clenching and raising up off the counter.

That night they’d spent together, he’d tasted her off of his fingers, off of her own fingers, but he hadn’t directly gone down on her. And the thought that he might be about to do just that had Aurora’s breath coming in pants.

He knelt before her and stripped her panties away, then took one more second to strip his undershirt away. He tossed the discarded clothes onto the floor beside him. For some reason, the sight of her slinky black underwear mixed and tossed with his utilitarian undershirt was wildly erotic to her. Aurora found herself spreading her legs for him with no prompting necessary.

“Good girl,” he growled, looking up from between her legs. He held her eyes as he leaned forward and planted his mouth over her.

Aurora’s body went fully electric. She wouldn’t have been surprised if blue light was shooting out of her fingertips, out the top of her head. She’d never felt anything like this before. This man was deeply skilled, that much was for sure, but she’d also never been in the path of this much passion before.

His hands were planted on either of her thighs, holding her fully open for him. He kissed her as if she were the love of his life, like they’d been separated by war for decades. He kissed her pussy like he was suffocating and she was air.

And then his tongue was plunging into her and the making love part was over. Now he was just downright fucking her pussy with his mouth. He plunged into her over and over, dexterously touching every part of her. When he slid his mouth upward and sucked her clit, tonguing and sucking and groaning, Aurora plunged over the cliff and to the other side of pleasure. Her body quaked and shook and liquefied for him. He suckled her through her orgasm and then stood up, immediately cushioning her head against his shoulder as she went weak around him.

She was vaguely aware of the sound of a condom wrapper tearing. He threaded his fingers through her hair and tipped her head back. She was shocked at what she saw on his face. A terrible need for her, etched into every line. He was no longer the smooth-talking Dante she saw in boardrooms or the flirty, sexy Dante who sidled up to her at social engagements. This was full-on pirate Dante, soldier Dante, sex Dante. He was tense and coiled and on edge.

The hand in her hair tightened, just to the edge of pain, before he slid it around to her chin. He held her face in place as the head of his cock nudged her entrance, pushing in just a scant inch.

“You going to let me take it again, baby?” he asked her, and his words had her pussy clamping again, her heart racing.

“Yes. God, yes.”

He plunged into her completely, and both of them groaned. His strokes were short and fierce and measured as if he were digging inside her for some special secret. And god did he find it. The angle had him pressing against something that Aurora had never felt before. It felt like an orgasm that started from deep inside her, but she hadn’t even known that was possible. She tensed her legs around his waist and let him take her there. Let him show her all of it.

She clung and exploded into a kaleidoscope of stars as she screamed into his mouth. She felt him tense and let go as well, and all she could do was hold him tighter.