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Beyond Reckless by Autumn Jones Lake (9)


“Your uncle wants to see you, Char. You haven’t been over there in forever.”

Yeah, no thanks.

My mother interprets my silence correctly. “It’s his birthday. You have to go. We’ll all go together,” she insists.

“Uh, I have plans.”

“Charlotte!” My mother can be as demanding and whiny as a child when she wants her way. “Your uncle put you through that fancy-ass law school. The least you can do is spend five minutes at his birthday party.”

Birthday party my ass.

Drunken orgy is more like it.

Put me through law school is also a stretch.

He paid for my first year, and in addition to my massive student loan payments, uncle dearest also receives a check from me every month. Because fuck him and fuck owing him anything.

That fucker cashes every check too.

“Ma, you know why—”

“Oh, for fuck’s sake, Charlotte. It’s been years. Get over it.”

Her words are a painful punch in the gut. She’s never been there for me. Never taken my side in anything.

I’m almost thirty frickin’ years old. Why do I still care?

“I’ll go with you, sis,” Carter says from behind me. I turn and find him glaring at our mother. “I’ll make sure no one bothers you.”

Thank God for Carter. There’s no way I’d set foot in that place again by myself.

Mom’s lips curl into a sneer. “You’re just gonna piss Chuck off, but whatever, Carter. You think your sister needs a babysitter, by all means. Just make sure you get your ass to that party.”

“Wait, aren’t you coming?” I mean if it’s a family event and she’s forcing me to go, why isn’t she going?

“I’ll swing by later.”

Meaning, she’ll get shitfaced and pass out. Fantastic.

“I need to run home and change.”

My mother runs her gaze over me in one quick and dismissive movement. “Something less nerdy would be good.”

“God forbid I don’t run around with my tits hanging out,” I grumble.

Carter chuckles and takes my arm. “I have a T-shirt you can borrow.” He leads me down to his room and closes the door.

“You really need to get your own place.”

“I know,” he says quietly as he plows through his dresser drawers. “I’m just worried if no one’s here she’ll drown in her own puke or something one night.”

“Jesus, Carter. That’s her problem. Not yours. I have room. Come stay with me.”

His mouth quirks to the side. “I think that would be awkward for both of us.”

“More awkward than bringing girls home for the drunken inquisition?”

He snorts softly. “There haven’t been any girls to worry about lately.”

“Well, maybe Uncle Chucky can hook you up tonight.”

He throws a disgusted glare at me. “No thanks.”

Damn do I love my little brother. He towers over me by quite a bit these days, but he’ll always be my little brother. Even if he thinks it’s his job to be my protector.

“We’ll take my car. Let me know when you’re ready to go,” he says.

“What if you want to stick around?”

He tosses that glare at me again.

“No, seriously. What if you want to hook up?”

“Sis, I love you, but it’s really creeping me out that you’re so damned worried about my dick right now.”

“Fuck you, you little shit.”

“You talk like that when you go to court?”

“All the time.”

As soon as we’re in my brother’s car, I’m praying the old clunker breaks down. Is that too much to ask for?

“Should we bring him something?” I ask Carter.

“Fuck him.”

I could’ve predicted that answer. I’m inclined to agree, but I don’t feel like being bitched out by mother later if she deems we weren’t respectful.

“Come on, stop at the liquor store, I’ll at least bring a bottle of something he likes.”

“Whatever. Like his place isn’t stocked.”

He swings into the parking lot and waits in the car.

When I return, Carter inspects my purchase with a bland expression. “Whatever. Just don’t drink anything there.”

“No kidding.” I pull the bottle of seltzer I brought out of my bag. “Why do you think I brought my own.”

“I hate this,” he grumbles, pulling out of the parking lot. “Let’s get it over with. I can’t believe mom bitched at us about going and then isn’t even here.”

“We’ll go, pay our respects. Sing happy birthday, grab some cake and get the fuck out.”

He holds out his fist and I tap my own against it. “Deal.”

The parking lot’s packed when we arrive.

“Fuck,” Carter mumbles.

“Park out there, so we don’t get boxed in,” I direct.

“You got it.”

He finds a spot suitable for his baby. Once he shuts the car off, he leans over and flicks the glove box open, pulling out a small revolver.

“Carter, are you nuts?”

“I’m not messing around, sis.” He flashes a cheeky grin at me. “It’s not loaded.”

“You’re an idiot. You pull that on someone, you’re going to get your ass kicked or worse.”

He rolls his eyes. “Come on, you know Uncle Chuck expects everyone to carry.”

“Uncle Chuck is also a lunatic,” I point out. “Apparently it runs in the family,” I mutter as he gets out of the car.

“I heard that!” he yells, making me laugh.

My family is insane.

Of course before we leave, Wrath wants all of us to meet up in the front yard. I’m extra antsy because Heidi’s still joining us tonight. It’s awkward for a lot of reasons.

“Heidi, they run their club different than ours. You’re going to see some shit,” Wrath warns. “Mouth shut. No judgmental faces.”

Heidi nods. She’d never mouth off to Wrath and I find his instructions to her fucking hilarious.

“No one should bother you.” He nods to her property patch. “But stick with your man.” He glances at Trinity. “If we need to discuss business, I want you two to stick together.”

“No problem,” Trinity says.

It finally seems to sink in that this might not be the fun party Heidi expected. She gives Murphy an uncertain look and he squeezes her hip in response.

Wrath nods at me. “I assume you’ll be watching over Heidi, so stick with them.” His gaze moves to Ravage. “Eyes on Trinity.”

“You got it.”

As newer patched members, Hoot and Birch still get a lot of shit work. Wrath tasks them with keeping an eye on the girls. They don’t get to tap ass tonight. I almost wish I could trade with them.

Before everyone moves to the garage, I take Heidi aside.

“Hey, you all right?”

She gives me an uncertain look that kills me. It’s not nerves from going to this party. It’s hurt. She flicks her gaze to Murphy and gives me a half-smile. “I am a little nervous.”

I attempt a teasing tone. “Why? You used to beg to go to these kinds of things and see what we were up to.”

“Yeah, now I’m afraid to find out.”

“You’ll be fine.” I nod to her property patch. “You’re Murphy’s ol’ lady, anyone fucks with you, they die.”

She thumps her hand against her chest. “That’s so comforting.”

I hook an arm around her and kiss the top of her head. “That’s the spirit.”

Murphy gives me a fist-bump before they leave.

Wrath stops me from following with a hand to the chest. “You good?”

“I’m fine. Kind of wish Rock was going.”

“Me too.”

He glances at the others and in a lower voice informs me, “I need to have a talk with Whisper. Need to find out where he stands on the rebuild of Furious.”

Surprised he’s sharing information with me about the gym, I answer with the only thing I can think of. “Is it gonna get ugly?”

“It shouldn’t.” He gestures toward my truck. “Riding or driving?”

“Fuck, you know I still can’t ride.”

He runs his gaze over me quickly before meeting my eyes again. “You’re gonna ride again, brother. You’ve come a long way in a short amount of time. This’ll be good for you.”

“Why? You don’t seem too thrilled.”

“That’s because I’m old and anti-social.” He pats my cheek and flashes a wide grin. “You’re still a pretty party boy.”

If he didn’t have so much seniority over me in the club and I didn’t love him like a big brother, I’d probably punch him. “Startin’ to feel like an old man.”

“I hear that. Hey,” he says, cutting his laughter short. “Heidi will be fine. She knows how to handle herself.”

“We’ll see, won’t we? Besides, she’s Murphy’s problem. Isn’t that what you keep saying?”

“Gee, and here I thought you weren’t paying attention.”