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Billionaire Bodyguard: Clean Billionaire Romance (The Irish Billionaires Book 1) by Jill Snow (22)

Chapter 33

Jude Ryan paced back and forth across Conor’s office floor. Where was he? He couldn’t get over the change in Conor. From someone who rarely took time off from the businesses to sleep, he had gone to being like someone working a regular nine to five job.

It was all that woman’s fault. Emily Williams. The Saint of the Gaming world. Despite every effort, he hadn’t been able to find a single piece of dirt on the girl, no matter how far back he dug or who he spoke to. Even past employees of her company had nothing but good things to say about her.

How was he going to get Conor to turn against her and stop this foolish nonsense about turning his companies away from the products that sold? People wanted the games that Sunny Studios produced.

He didn’t want to think about how much money he had lost, having invested in Sunny Studio shares. He needed his slice of the money—while he enjoyed a good lifestyle, his recent run of bad luck on the gaming tables had pushed him over his limits. The Staglioni brothers weren’t known for their patience in waiting for payment.

“Jude, what are you doing here?”

“Waiting to see you. I wanted to finalize some paperwork with you. I met your Emily a couple of days ago.”

“She is hardly my Emily.” Conor protested but Jude noticed his face flushing.

“Oh, that’s a relief then. She looked fairly cozy with the man she was with. I didn’t want to say anything since I thought you were a couple. I was worried she was seeing someone else in secret.’

“Emily is a free agent. She can date whom she likes. But she’s been at my house every evening. Are you sure it was her?”

“Yes, I said hello to her. It was lunchtime. Can’t remember what day. You know what it’s like. Busy, busy—the days roll into one. Anyway I need your signature on a few forms. Got another couple of employees who have decided to take advantage of the severance package.”

Jude held his breath as Conor signed the papers. He could tell Conor was upset about Emily. His friend hid it well but the pen shook a little. Jude felt a twinge of guilt but it was Conor’s fault. He had thrown over five years of friendship for some girl.

“Thanks, Jude. Anything else I can help you with?”

“No, thanks. Take care of yourself and I’ll see you soon.”

* * *

Conor sat at his desk after Jude left. He couldn’t believe Emily was seeing someone else. Who was it and how long had they been together? She’d behaved like someone single. What was it about him that made people drop him as soon as they got close? The door opened as Crystal walked in.

“What did that snake want this time?”

“Crystal, that’s not nice. He needed a couple of signatures, that’s all.”

“Why do you look like you lost a million dollars?”

“Just busy. Did you want something?” His tone was polite but business-like. He couldn’t handle Crystal’s pity at the moment.

“Your mom called again. She needs to see you. Says she can’t stay around much longer. She has to get back. Things to do.”

“Tell her to go. I won’t see her so there is nothing for her here.” The first woman to abandon him. Typical she would turn up now.

“Conor, please talk to her. She is desperate to see you.”

“Crystal, you know how much I value you. Not just as an employee but as a friend. Don’t ask me anymore. If I never see that woman again, I will die happy.”

“Conor, please

Conor gave her a look and Crystal withdrew from the office, slamming the door behind her.

Conor stayed until midnight at the office. When he got back to his apartment, his dinner was waiting in the oven. There was a note from Emily saying she hoped he was okay but she’d gotten tired waiting up for him. He took the dinner out and put it straight in the bin. He didn’t have the stomach for it. Any of it.

* * *

Emily tossed and turned all night before getting up to check if Conor was home. It was silly, but she’d been hurt the night before when he hadn’t even called to say he would be late. She’d thought they’d made progress, especially as she’d told him her deepest secrets. Maybe he had been so busy he lost track of time.

She wandered out to the kitchen, just in time to hear the door slam. He had gone to work already despite it being close to sunrise. Was he avoiding her, or was he just busy? She wanted to go after him but that would be a bit desperate. She would call to his office and surprise him by taking him out to lunch. That was the least she could do.

Whistling As Time Goes By, she showered and changed. After doing a little bit of work and telling Nana she was heading out, she rang Conor’s cell. It went straight to voicemail. Instead of leaving a message, she phoned the office. Conor was busy, so the receptionist put her through to Crystal. After exchanging pleasantries, she confirmed he was free and gave the address of the restaurant to Crystal for lunch at one p.m.

Nana had told her to be nice to him. That’s exactly what she was going to do.

* * *

Intrigued when Crystal told him Emily wanted to meet for lunch, Conor quickly rearranged his day. Jude must have gotten things wrong. He wasn’t exactly the romantic type so he probably misread whatever he had seen. Jude called him just as he was leaving.

“Conor, can you check your desk for me. I seem to have mislaid an important file?”

“I can’t look right now, Jude. I’m on my way to lunch.”

“Please, it will only take a second. It will save me having to come back to the office. If Crystal is there maybe she can look.”

Conor looked toward Crystal’s desk but she was nowhere to be seen. She had probably left for lunch already. Sighing, he returned to his office and looked at his desk. Nothing was out of place.

“Jude, it’s not here. “

“It must be. I had it in your office. Can you check the coffee table?”

Conor glanced at the table. “Right, it’s here. I will leave it at the front desk for you.”

“Are you passing Shiels on your way to your lunch date? I am meeting Mac there for lunch. Too bad you have plans or you could join us.”

Shiels. That was where he was meeting Emily. He almost groaned aloud at the thought of Jude bumping into Emily. Maybe they wouldn’t see each other. That was a bit much to hope for.

“I will bring it to you. See you in a few minutes.”

* * *

Emily arrived at the restaurant.

“Emily Williams, isn’t it?”

“Yes, do I know you?” Emily thought the man looked familiar but she couldn’t place him.

“Jude Ryan, Conor Dunne’s attorney. I’ve just left his office. I was there when you spoke to Crystal. He asked me to tell you he wouldn’t be able to make lunch.” Jude’s lips curved but she noticed his eyes remained cold.

“Really? Why didn’t he call?”

“He said he tried but couldn’t get you. Maybe you lost signal? Anyway, I am free. Would you like to have lunch with me? I am starving.”

“Sorry, but I have to be somewhere. I was actually going to ask Conor to come with me. I’ll see him later. Nice to meet you, Jude.”

She walked away without looking back. Why would Conor send that nasty man to meet her? Didn’t he realize she disliked him? Well, his reputation—as in all fairness she had never met him. She checked her cell. It seemed to be working. Then she called Carrie.

“Can you call me back? I think there’s something wrong with my cell.”

“Sure thing.” Carrie did and it worked fine. “What’s up?”

“Nothing, Carrie, just that someone said they couldn’t get hold of me.”

They chatted for a few minutes about the business. She was amazed she kept her voice calm and reasonable when she wanted to cry. Just what was Conor Dunne playing at? Avoiding her last night and now again at lunch. Well, if he was sending out a message, she was receiving it. Loud and clear.

* * *

Conor arrived at the restaurant about ten minutes late. There was no sign of Emily but Jude was waiting for him. ..

“Thanks Conor, you saved my life. Is your lunch date here yet?.”

“Em, no. I have to meet a friend.” Thankfully Jude hadn’t seen Emily. He didn’t want to face an inquisition from his lawyer right now over what was happening between them.

“Oh, right. Mac is always late. I should know that by now. Do you want to join me for a drink while we wait?”

He didn’t, but to say no would appear rude. He went inside and ordered a water. The time passed with no sign of Emily. He checked his cell but there were no calls. He tried to call but it went straight to voicemail.

Mac didn’t turn up either, so he and Jude had lunch. He couldn’t very well leave the man to eat alone when it was obvious they had both been left waiting. By the time lunch was over, he was fuming. He didn’t play games with people and wasn’t about to let Emily start with him.

He went back to work in such a bad mood even Crystal didn’t approach him. When he got back to the apartment, Emily was nowhere to be seen. Gertie was watching the TV. There was no dinner ready for him. Gertie stood up and said goodnight when he walked in.

“Something I said?” he asked her, gaining a look of disgust in response.

“I thought you were a gentleman, Conor Dunne. I am very disappointed in you.”

“What’s that supposed to mean? It was Emily who stood me up. I am sure she is too busy with her new date to bother showing up for lunch.”

“I have no idea about a date, but I know she was due to meet you for lunch today. She was worried you were working too hard. But you didn’t even have the decency to call her to let her know you couldn’t make it. Some man told her, I can’t remember his name.”

“What are you talking about? I was there, she wasn’t. What man? ” He tried to modulate his tone, torn between wanting to scream at someone and good manners. Gertie was older than him and didn’t deserve to be spoken to disrespectfully.

Gertie looked at him for a few minutes.

“Gertie, I swear I was at the restaurant. I was a few minutes late arriving but not more than five. Got caught in traffic. There was no sign of Emily. I tried to call her but it went straight to voicemail. I have no missed calls on my cell all day.”

“You and Emily need to speak. It’s obvious there’s some misunderstanding between you. Talk to her, Conor. The sooner the better.”

“I will.”

But he didn’t get a chance. When he got up the next morning, she was still in bed. She hadn’t surfaced by the time he left. He had an important meeting. He would swing by her apartment on his way home and collect the stuff she needed. Then they would talk.