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Blaze by Teagan Kade (38)



Naomi’s listening to music on the steps leading up the dorm building.

She takes off her headphones when she sees me approaching. “Someone’s looking pleased with themselves. What’s going on?”

I hold the railing. “Not much.”

“You got in late last night.”

She’s really keeping tabs on me. “I was out, you know, seeing the sights.”

And what a sight it was.

She puckers her lips. “So you weren’t with a certain strapping football player?”

Damn it. Why can’t I stop smiling? “And if I was?”

I’d almost forgotten what happiness was over these last few months. In fact, this is the last place I expected to find it.

She looks skeptical. “You were being careful, weren’t you?”

I tilt my head sideways and eye her. “Are you my mother or my roommate?”

She smiles back. “You’re right. I’m happy if you’re happy. Are you going up to the room?”

I look to the dorm building and consider spending the next hour or so up there with Naomi facing another grand inquisition.

I point behind me. “Actually, I thought I might go for a walk.”

Naomi stands to collect her things. “I’ll come with.”

I put my hand up, trying to be as gentle with this as I can. “I think I’ll go this one alone. I need to clear my head, you know, consider my actions.”

That gets her. “Right,” she nods. “Good. Yeah, think it over.”

“I will.”

I turn and walk off with no real direction in mind—until I see the football stadium towering over campus, the mighty Troy.

And Cayden.

Here I come, ready or not.


I come to the end of the player’s tunnel, once more finding the stadium surprisingly lax as far as security goes. The cheerleading squad is practicing down one end of the field. I feel myself tucking deeper into the shadows. I naturally repel away from girls like that, and there were plenty of them in high school ready to look down on me.

Thank god that’s over.

The cutting-edge fashion Aunty sent me to school in didn’t exactly help, though I’d like to think I’ve improved on that front.

Cayden certainly approved.

I’ve never seen any guy look at me like that, like I was taking up all his attention, like he wanted to devour me right there on the spot.

I focus on the other end of the field where Cayden is running between cones, leaping from left to right by himself. He’s in most of his gear, his helmet off, and his inky hair moving each time he shifts, leg muscles pushing against the tight fabric of his pants, ball cradled under his arm like I was the other night after… that.

I didn’t think it was possible to come like that hard—a constant hammer of sensation so strong that for a small, blink-and-you’ll-miss-it moment there was an actual consideration that ‘damn, I might actually die of pleasure,’ my body unable to take it.

But take it I did—all of it.

An idea occurs to me, something Cayden would never suspect, a way to prove I too am full of surprises.

I wait until he finishes up, following him with my eyes as he heads into another tunnel on the far side of the stadium.

I follow him in full ninja mode, keeping my distance as I enter what appear to be the locker rooms.

I almost come through the door too soon, the surprise lost. I pull back around the corner as he undresses, stripping down to his jock strap, his giant cock comically too large for the tiny garment. He strips said garment off and I can’t help but gasp again.

How the hell does it look even bigger limp like that?

He heads into the next room and I follow, staying low, my heartbeat racing along.

He steps under a shower and turns it on in full as I watch, peering around the doorway.

We’re alone, as far as I can tell. I didn’t see any other guys out on the field.

This is way out of character for me, sneaking around like something out of Mission Impossible.

What if you’re busted in here?

But I’m excited, excited and terrified, which is somehow making it even more delicious as Cayden turns to face me, hands in his hair, suds streaming down his body, into that beautiful vee.

He cleans his cock, pulling its length.

I place a hand between my legs, feel myself growing hot and damp there. Holy hell.

He shuts the shower off.


I make my move, stepping out onto the tiles.

He sees me when he turns back around, momentarily startled. “Hello.”

“Hi,” I reply sheepishly, telling myself to act sexier, to sell it.

He starts to smile, making no attempt to cover himself up. “You’re going to get into serious trouble if someone catches you here. Have you met Coach?”

I stop, letting my eyes drop and pushing my lips together. “Mmmm mmm.”

“I’m not a burger and fries.”

“No? How about some of that special sauce?”

His chin drops to his chest. He raises an eyebrow. “And you said I am the one with the bad lines…”

I start to walk forward, my eyes constantly wanting to pull down to that freak-of-nature penis and the way it’s defying gravity growing taller.

There is no denying it. Cayden Beckett is a beautiful specimen of a man. I devour him with my eyes. Everything about him is cut and ripped, from his biceps to his forearms, coursing with veins that somehow are both sexy and angry at the same time. From his sculpted face to the sharp definition in his traps and abs, this is a man who knows how to take care of himself.

And others…

You can say that again. I’ve never been that satisfied sexually, not that I have much to go off, but being with Cayden feels right, like we are made for each other. I think even he was surprised how easily I took his length, the way it sunk so perfectly inside my depths. I grab his towel off the hook on the way and place it down at his feet, kneeling on it so my jeans don’t get wet.

I reach up and take hold of his cock, now iron hard, its cherry red glans swept back. It twitches in my grip.

I can’t get enough of the belt of muscle on the outer edges of his pelvis pointing to the primal appendage below.

“You do realize anyone could walk in right now,” he warns. “Dean Smith might be heading this way for all I know.”

I start to stroke him softly, my fingers struggling to close around his cock. “I’m a rebellious punk. This is the kind of stuff I do.”

He watches me. “Far be it from me to bring an interruption to proceedings then.”

“Now,” I state, “are you going to let me suck your cock or not?”

“Suck away,” he purrs.

I open my mouth and let my lips flare over the wide crown of his member. His hands run through my hair, pulling me to task.

I hold him with both hands and lash the plush head of his cock with my tongue, alternating between sucking and licking until he’s bucking against me in silent frustration.

Hot damn. I’m good at this.

My confidence builds. I suck him gently before taking the entire head of him inside my mouth. His unique scent floods my senses, a vibration rippling through his body when I let his cock come from my lips with a smacking pop.

I flutter my tongue against the underside of him, running the tip up and down his shaft. With one hand I fist the base of his cock, using the other to draw up to my mouth, pumping and stroking and sucking him until I’m rewarded with a warm flood of pre-cum.

And I want more. I want to drive him completely crazy. The sweet and innocent Indy has gone on vacation. I’m not taking anything less than the full fifty shades now.

I hollow out my cheeks and suck him deeper, taking him as deep into my throat as I can.

It’s met with a groan, his fingers knitting tight into my hair.

“Yes, god. Keep going. Just like that… Indy.”

He starts to thrust forwards, trying to fill me. I let him, jacking him off harder, my mouth working and tongue flat against the velvety length of his shaft.

He swells.

I let go of his cock and hold his bulging thighs with my hands, desperate for his release.

It comes sooner than I expect—a quick pull, a tension, before he bellows, his voice echoing off the tiles.

He thrusts against the back of my throat, the initial discharge so substantial I struggle to swallow it all, struggle to breathe as his cock throbs and pulses into my mouth.

I milk him dry, holding his cock away and enjoying the way even spent it continues to jerk and spasm in my grip.

“Holy. Fucking. Shit,” he says, eyes popping open.

“Was that okay?”

“Okay?” he laughs. “If there was a sexual Olympics, you’d be taking home the gold.”

I notice he remains hard. He could more than fuck me senseless right now, but I think I’ve pushed the risk factor here long enough. I wanted to do this for him, make him happy, make us happy.

I don’t feel used or taken advantage of at all. No, I feel alive.


We’re headed away from campus in the Mustang. It’s bordering on twilight, the sky clear of clouds and fuss, only a muted haze of peach remaining.

Cayden hands me a Giants jersey in the car. “You’re going to need this.”

I hold it, looking across to him. “A bit of a hike to New York, isn’t it?”

He nods knowingly. “It is.”

I’m not so sure I should have agreed to this mystery date, but I must confess I am intrigued.

I take in the scenery sluicing past the windows. “If you’re taking me back to that punk club…”

“I thought that worked out quite well for me, actually. Until you flipped it, that is.”

I lean away from him, aghast. “Flipped it? I had genuine cause.”

“And now?”

I let my eyes turn to slit as I examine him. “I’m seeing the Cayden Beckett who’s more than ‘The Damage,’ who’s more than big hands and a big,” I pause, swallowing. “Cock, as nice as said attachment is.”

I’ve made sure my legs are parted on the leather of the bucket seat—inviting.

Cayden looks away from the road to soak in my expression. “I’m seeing another side of you, too.”

“And what’s that?” I query.

“The anti-nerd, the vixen… the seductress.”

“You make it sound like I’m a Magic the Gathering card.”

“If you were, you would be the Black Lotus.”

“All powerful?”

He can’t help the smile pulling at the corner of his lips. “Rare and priceless.”

I nod, one eyebrow raised. “Okay, a couple of marks for the Magic reference, but the fact you know what the Black Lotus sealed the deal. How long have you been cooking up that line?”

He smiles again. “Ever since I saw the deck of cards on your desk.”

“When were you in my room?”

“I came looking for you, the day after the kiss. Your roommate wasn’t there, but I did bump into her later—Naomi, is it?—and she was not happy to see me. In fact, she went all mother bear, threatened me even. I wasn’t going to push it. The Beckett-Dean relationship has been a touch strained of late. How old is your roommate anyhow? Girl could pass for my mother.”

I laugh. “I know what you mean. She’s way too old to be dorming it up with the likes of me, but she’s cool. I know she’s protective and all, but I think she has my best interests at heart.”

Cayden turns off the road into a clearing, getting out the car to undo the lock on the gate. He runs back over, climbing in and driving on towards lights in the distance. “We’re here,” he says.

I see the hangar ahead, slightly dumbfounded by what’s inside. “Is that a plane?”