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Brie's Submission (1-3) (The Brie Collection: Box Set) by Red Phoenix (53)

Preparing for Graduation

Brie walked into Sir’s office, a tangle of nerves. The night before graduation, each girl was expected to sit down with Sir to discuss their overall experience with the program, as well as their plans for the future. It was her best chance, and perhaps her only chance to get him to admit his true feelings. Really, now that their graduation was imminent, there was no reason for him to hide it any longer.

“Please sit,” Sir said in his smooth, velvety voice.

Brie sat down and thrust her hands between her legs to keep them still, not wanting to expose her tense excitement. She looked him directly in the eyes, letting her face express her love for him.

He cleared his throat. A sign of his own nervous excitement? she wondered gleefully. “I am assuming you still seek to be collared tomorrow?”

She beamed. “Yes, Sir.”

“I thought so. It’s a wise choice for you. Although you have the ability to please the Dom you are with, I don’t think you will truly be satisfied until you can focus on a single Master.”

Brie couldn’t stop herself from smiling. “I long for it, Sir.”

“I shall be forthright with you, Miss Bennett. You are one of the most talented subs I have had the pleasure to instruct. Although your instincts get in the way at times, you have the ability to please and charm a variety of Dominants. It has been satisfying to witness. However, I have enjoyed your wit, coupled with your fearless determination, that much more.”

“Thank you, Sir,” she purred, bursting with happiness. “I’ve flourished under your instruction.”

He waved the compliment away, choosing instead to splash cold water on their exchange. “You have two noteworthy Doms who are interested in you. I have confidence both would care for you well, although they couldn’t be further from each other in philosophy.”

Brie shook her head. What was he talking about? Two?

He read the confusion on her face and responded, “Am I wrong to assume you will be choosing between Nosaka and Wallace?”

A nervous giggle escaped from her lips. “Those are not the only two.”

His tone became deadly serious. “Miss Bennett… I hope you are not under the impression that trainers are an option. I told you early on that we cannot partner with our students.”

She stammered, “But… I… We graduate tomorrow.”

His expression changed into one of compassion. “I will always be your trainer. Your graduation does not change that. Feel free to come to me or any of the trainers if you ever have need. We will always be here for you.”

She stared at him dully, trying to process his words. In one fell swoop, he’d stripped away two of her choices. No Marquis and no…Sir. The ice-cold reality of what he was saying washed over her.

A pained look traveled across his face before he spoke. “Miss Bennett, I thought you understood.”

She shook her head slowly.

Within a few seconds the worried look on his face transformed into a reassuring smile. “Well, there is no reason to be upset.” He picked up a pen from his desk and began fiddling with it. “You have two exceptional Doms to choose from. Ren Nosaka is a master at his skill. It is obvious that he has feelings for you. As for Todd Wallace, I had my reservations when he approached the Center about wanting to train as a Dom. However, he has proven himself to me. In fact…” Sir looked at her intently. “I see some of myself in him. That’s why I chose to spend time outside the Center instructing Mr. Wallace. Although I am not a master of one particular area, I have a solid background overall. It’s the main reason I was chosen as headmaster of the Center.”

Brie couldn’t believe that the man who had trained do everything was the one man who chose to rely solely on his touch. It made him…perfect.

“I am unsure if Mr. Wallace is simply infatuated with you, but that is something the two of you can explore if you choose.” Sir’s eyes were gentle, so loving.

A tear escaped and slowly trailed down her cheek.

It seemed as if he couldn’t handle seeing it, so he chose to ignore it by saying, “You are in a win-win situation, Miss Bennett.” Sir pulled a photo out of his desk and placed it in front of her. It was the one that Tono had taken of her. “Any man who can make you feel this way is worthy.”

She stared at him, still in shock. He continued on, choosing to be oblivious of her pain. “Mr. Wallace, on the other hand, can provide you with a variety of experiences. He seems to have an innate talent, one that cannot be taught. I feel he has the capability to stretch you, and that is an important consideration.”

He put the pen down and gazed at her. “The choice is up to you. You can partner with a man you obviously have a connection with or a Dom who has the same desire to grow. Trust that instinct of yours, Miss Bennett. You cannot make a wrong choice if you do.”

How could he deny his feelings for her? Brie wondered if there was something she could do at the ceremony, but he interrupted her thoughts. “If someone were foolish enough to present me with a collar, I would be forced to reject it.”

She stared at him in misery.

“It is important to concentrate on the viable options afforded you, Miss Bennett. Don’t allow anything to distract you from that decision.”

“But Sir, I…”

He held up his hand to silence her declaration of love and then pointed to the collar around her neck. “It is no longer needed. Come.” He gestured to the floor at his feet.

Her body was leaden as she got up from the chair and bowed before him. She closed her eyes as he unfastened the collar. She felt a chill as the warmth of the leather was replaced by the coolness of the air and a sob escaped her lips.

He placed it on his desk and said quietly, “You may leave. You have much to consider tonight. I will explain to the others that you were unexpectedly called away.”

She stood up unsteadily.

“Miss Bennett, this is for the best.”

Somehow, Brie made it out of his office, but she stumbled in her six-inch heels. She angrily ripped them off her feet, throwing them across the hall with a growl. Then the tears came. She pressed her face against the wall, sobbing uncontrollably.

She heard him clear his throat several times and held her breath, staring at the open door, hoping he would come for her. When that did not happen, she slowly picked up her shoes and walked to the classroom to retrieve her coat and purse. In a trance, she left the Center and headed home.

When Brie made it to her apartment, she walked inside without turning the lights on. She collapsed on the bed with her hands covering her ears in a feeble attempt to shut out the world.

She woke up the next morning to bright sunlight and a feeling of hope. Then she remembered the night before and her joy faltered. She focused on the wax mold Tono had created of her. Despite the fact Sir could never be hers, Brie did have two men she cared for.

There was no doubt she loved Tono. Just thinking about him gave her pleasant shivers. A relationship with Tono would be full of amazing sex, delicious bondage, and maybe even a side career in Kinbaku. He respected and loved her, and she him. Truly, in every way he was a perfect choice.

Then there was Faelan. She laughed when she thought of Blue Eyes. He was young like she was, as well as determined and innately talented. He had an adventurous spirit and the wildness to challenge Brie beyond her comfort level. That excited her. His dangerous component and the animal chemistry they shared made him a viable option. They could learn and grow as one, doing God only knew what to each other. A match made in heaven.

Brie sighed. Unfortunately, both Doms also had their drawbacks.

Tono was a Kinbaku master. That meant his expertise was limited. Not only that, but he had a kind soul. She couldn’t see him picking up a cane and giving her convincing whacks with it. What if there came a time she needed that?

Faelan, on the other hand, was young, and as inexperienced as she was. Brie hadn’t decided yet if she loved him. It could be a case of animal magnetism and nothing more. Plus, she didn’t like the fact all the submissives at the Center wanted the new Dom. Brie desired an exclusive relationship—no harems allowed.

At least she still had the interviews. She felt certain comparing the two side by side would help her make a definitive decision.

Brie spent the day preparing her body for the graduation ceremony. She went to a salon and got her hair and nails done professionally. She handed the hairdresser a beautiful comb she had picked out especially for the evening. It was a silver and gold abstract representation of a wolf; a symbol of Faelan.

When she got back to her apartment she began to dress in an outfit she’d assembled specifically to attract her Master. Brie held up the scarlet corset covered in black lace. It had cost her more than a hundred dollars, but was definitely worth it. Once she’d put it on, the enchanting corset showed off her shapely figure, but didn’t cut into her skin when the laces were pulled tight. She slipped on her expensive hose and attached them to her lacy garter belt. The hose were a sheer black material that shimmered in the light. Her skirt came next. It was a black lace micro number that swished against her butt cheeks when she walked. She had also chosen a golden chain that hung around her hips seductively.

Brie twirled in front of the mirror. Nothing said sex and class like the color black, but it was the scarlet of her corset that made her deliciously alluring. Oh, yeah! Come to me, Master…

A few minutes before she left, Brie put on her shoes. She’d gone with the traditional six-inch height, but these shoes were stunning. They were all black except for the heels, which were ornately decorated with metallic gold. Totally hot!

There was only one more piece needed to complete her look. Brie carefully slipped the bracelet onto her forearm. The gold dragon wound around her arm seductively and gave her a slave girl image she liked. Naturally, the dragon was her symbol for Tono.

Neither Dom would suspect she held a piece of each of them for luck. She glanced in the mirror one more time… Perfect.