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Buy Me by Cassandra Dee (6)



God, the moment had come.  Go time was here, the auction was about to begin and I reached for Abby’s elbow, intending her to escort her to a front-row seat.  I wanted her to see just what it was about, the huge sums of money trading hands, and who the buyers were.

Because my brothers are good-looking mofos, I have to admit.  Money can’t buy you happiness, but it sure as hell can buy you a lot of other stuff.  So yeah, my fellow billionaires have the best personal trainers, the best nutritionists, the best tailors, and it showed.  They were handsome bastards and I was sure once Abby got a look, her defenses would crumble, she’d agree to go on the block.

But as I reached for her elbow, my hand closed on air.  What the fuck?  I spun around, looking for the brunette.  WTF, WTF?  Right when it was most important, my girl had disappeared, and I growled with frustration.  How the fuck could this be happening?  I’d brought Abby here specifically for this purpose, and now at the climactic moment, she was nowhere to be found.

“Where is she?” I growled.  “Did you see her?” I asked my friend.

But Xander merely shook his head, shrugging, reaching for that mean blonde. 

“Naw, but I’m sure she’s around somewhere.  Pretty one you got,” he drawled suggestively before striding off, his companion trailing from his arm.

I spun around again, looking for Abby, eyes searching through the crowds, hoping for a glimpse of brown curls, a flash of those curvy assets.  Goddammit!  Where was she?  When I found her, I was gonna throw her over my lap and give that ass a good beating, finishing with my joystick in her bottom.

But it was hopeless.  The brunette had vanished in a flash, exactly when I’d turned my back for a second.  How the fuck did she pull off this trick?  The girl had barely been able to walk in heels, teetering around like a baby giraffe, reaching for my arm to steady herself.  And more than once, she’d fallen against me, pressing her breasts into my arm with a small gasp of “Sorry Daddy!”  Bullshit.  That girl was bad in heels, yeah, but what she’d really wanted was to press those titties against my strong arm, giving me a sample of the good stuff.

But evidently, the brunette was fleet-footed because she’d vanished without a trace and as the crowd drew around the concourse, I had no choice but to follow.  Goddammit, goddammit!  Abby was infuriating, this girl had such a way of screwing up even the best laid plans.  And now it was too late because as the mass closed in around the raised dais, the lights dimmed and a spotlight snapped on, blinding in its glare.

“Welcome to the Billionaires Ball Auction,” chimed a dulcet female voice.  “Tonight we will be showcasing some of our finest goods, the most succulent female flesh available in the Continental United States and beyond.  Handlers,” she continued, “please lead Article Fifty-Four onto the stage, we’re ready to begin.”

And with a hush, the crowd quieted, the stage lights focusing on a hidden door by the rear.  It opened with a silent hiss, revealing a girl in a midnight cape, hood draped over her face, men in black masks gripping her elbows.  Slowly, she was led into the center of the dais, men and women looking on from all around.

“Article Fifty-Four,” the female voice commanded.  “Please remove your cape.”

The woman didn’t budge, silent and still, but the handlers took over and slowly pulled the velvet material from her frame.  A hushed gasp rose from the crowd because of course, the girl was stunningly beautiful.  The blonde couldn’t have been more than nineteen, with big blue doe eyes and golden skin, all of it blemish-free, clad in nothing at all.

That’s right, for this particular auction, we weren’t even bothering with the traditional g-string.  The girl was nude as the day she was born except for sky-high heels in gold, elongating those beautiful pins.

“Article Fifty-Four, please turn around,” commanded the female voice.

But the girl stood there, paralyzed under the spotlight, big boobies heaving, the pink slit of her cunt peeking out from between her thighs, forcing the handlers to take charge.  With black-gloved hands, they manipulated the female so that she rotated slowly to the left, showing her assets, and then rotated to the right, giving the entire crowd a good view.

And of course, everything about the product was perfect, from her pouty pink lips to the nubile crevice that beckoned between her legs.  It was almost like a cattle auction, nothing was left out.  Whenever the voice chimed, the girl was bent this way and that, showing off each and every inch of that gorgeous body, like the most priceless human doll.

But I wasn’t paying much attention.  First, because this girl’s price was gonna be high, sure, but she wasn’t my type.  I like sass and action, I like females who work it, jiggling their asses, teasing and tantalizing with every inch they have to offer.  Some guys like them docile, some guys like the girls to be nothing but brainless Barbies, but that’s not my thing, I like pizzazz and spunk, not to mention huge handfuls of flesh.

Plus, I still had Abby on my mind.  The event space was dark, the crowd pressed all around the center dais, but my eyes continued to sweep over the impeccably attired billionaires and their dates.  I looked futilely for Abby, eyes searching, scanning every cranny, every nook.  Where the fuck was she?  I growled below my breath, annoyed.  Fuck, fuck, fuck, my plan was coming apart at the seams.

And finally, the girl on stage was sold for hundreds of thousands of dollars, ushered off through the hidden door again.  No worries, that was chump change for my brothers, someone had gotten a good deal, believe it or not.  And just as before, the female voice rang out again, mild and soft.

“Handlers, please bring out Article Fifty-Five.  We are ready to begin.”

The door on the side slid open once more, another blue-caped girl standing there, hood pulled low.  But I was barely paying attention, still searching for Abby.  What the fuck?  We were already onto the second auction, and she was still nowhere to be found.  I was gonna beat that ass when I got a hold of her, I was gonna whup that creamy behind and make the female scream.

But that’s when the girl on the stage got my attention.  Because there was something familiar about her, I wasn’t sure exactly what.  Maybe it was the fact that she was so wobbly in those high heels, gripping the handlers’ steady hands, or maybe it was the particular sway of her walk.  Because when the cloak came off, I fucking lost it, eyes bugging, unable to believe my eyes.

It was Abby.  The brunette had somehow finagled her way into the auction, she was right there on stage, flashing her assets.  A myriad of emotions rushed over my brain then.  On the one hand, there was the what-the-fuck aspect of it all.  I’d brought her here to witness an auction, to see if this was something she’d want to do, and instead, she’d turned the tables on me.  Somehow she’d gotten in touch with the folks in charge and managed to get herself a slot on stage.  How?  Why?  What the hell?  I was the guy in charge, how had this happened on my watch?

So yeah, I should have been happy because this is what I wanted right?  I wanted Abby to go up on the block, and here she was showing off her assets, those huge boobs jiggling, that pretty cunt slick and soft.  But a sense of devastation also crushed me.  Because it was what I wanted, but it wasn’t as well.  I’d jawed a good one, stating over and over that she should go up for sale, but now that the moment had come, I felt helpless, like events were whirling out of my control, a fucking blizzard was blowing and I was a lost man caught in the storm.  Oh shit.

But it was too late because Abby began shimmying, showing off for the crowd.  Oh yeah, my baby’s beautiful, and the reaction from the men only underlined her desirability.  She swayed her hips left and right, winking coyly at some of the guys in the front row, bobbling her boobies.  And with another sly smile, one hand reached between her legs, lightly trailing over her slit before bringing up her fingers, showing off the glistening wetness.

Oh shit, oh shit!  A couple guys had already started bidding, clicking special hand-held consoles as lights flashed overhead, and with a sudden fury, I threw myself into the fray.  I wanted Abby to go up on the block, but I’d never said that I wasn’t going to bid.  Hell yeah, I was gonna bid and win this chickadee, make her mine for the ages, she was gonna my dick in that behind for a solid week given the trick she’d pulled.

But the disembodied woman’s voice rang out again.

“I’m sorry, but the bidding phase has not begun yet.  Please hold your bids for the time being.  Article Fifty-Five, turn please.”

Uncaring, I kept bidding, pressing the button on my remote again and again like a desperate Jeopardy contestant.  Fuck that, bidding phase, viewing phase, I didn’t give a shit.  As soon as I could, I’d be on this little girl like white on rice, offering up my fortune for a week with the girl.

And Abby behaved like a pro, not some unseasoned novice.  Following the voice, she twisted this way and that, shimmying and shaking, showing off everything she had under the lights.  Shit, half the guys had their dongs out already, poking from tuxedo pants, stroking massive boners, hands going up and down their poles, eyes glued to my baby. 

It only made me angrier, but there wasn’t anything I could do at the moment.  Because my girl is a dirty one, and the female wasn’t holding back.  Making eye contact with a couple losers in the front row, she lifted one tit in both her sweet hands like an offering.  But it didn’t stop there, oh no.  She kept lifting until that sweet sack of cream was right below her mouth and licked a pink nipple, coyly running her tongue around the hardness, lightly sampling herself.  Fuck, fuck, fuck, my penis spurted in my pants, I’d taught her that move and now she was deploying it to great effect, judging from the throaty moans from those guys.

But no auction is complete without that robotic female voice, and the tones continued to guide Abby through a set of pre-determined moves.

“Please turn to the left,” the woman said mildly.  “Bend over.”

Slowly, Abby did as told.  Teetering in those high heels, she circled one hundred and eighty degrees, spreading her legs and bending over until her ass cheeks parted, bracing her hands on the ground.  Oh shit, yeah my baby’s flexible and suddenly I was seeing how effective it was, what an asset she had.  Because we were able to see everything, that brown pucker topping her sweet pink slit, glistening and wet under the hot lights.

“Turn to the right now,” the disembodied voice said mildly.  “Bend over again.”

And obligingly, Abby straightened and pivoted, shooting the crowd a sweet smile before spreading her legs in a vee and leaning forwards once more.  The men in the front row practically fell out of their seats, some guys visibly spurting, their dicks were so hard and ready to do some damage.

But this isn’t some low-life auction, billionaires like to see what they’re buying, they wanna inspect the goods.  So when the female voice came back on, I wasn’t surprised to hear its command.

“Lay back and spread your legs please,” the woman commanded, like this was no big deal.  “Article Fifty-Five, spread your legs and pull yourself open.”

And at that, Abby flushed.  Sure, I’d taught her well, I’d introduced her to a life of sin, shown her every trick in the book when it came to bedding a man, but still, we were in public, with dozens of eyes looking on.  But the brunette straightened her shoulders and lifted her chin, taking a deep breath.  I loved that about her.  My little girl is a fighter, and she knew exactly how to deliver.

So sitting down gracefully, the brunette leaned backwards until she was lying flat, and then raised both pins in the air, each leg slim yet fleshy at once, those thighs so creamy and delectable, they were like huge ham hocks perfect to bite into.  And slowly, oh so slowly, she parted her legs, those sweet pins splitting into a vee, her secret crevice coming into view slowly.

A collective gasp rose from the audience because my baby is so gorgeous.  Oh yeah, Abby’s got a perfectly formed cunt and her lips were plush and nubile, glistening under the hot lights.  And without being told, moving of her own accord, the girl slipped one hand between her legs, pulling her folds apart, letting us see everything. 

God, she was fucking beautiful.  As that flesh spread, I lost it and jizzed onto the ground a little, unable to control myself.  Fuck, fuck, fuck, that cunt was so gorgeous, the deep pink insides of her vaginal channel on view, the brown pucker of her ass dark and mysterious, I could almost smell her musk from where I stood.

But suddenly the spotlight flicked off and the crowd was plunged into darkness.

“Eeee!” screamed a female voice.

“What’s going on?” growled the man next to me.  “What the fuck?  It just got good!”

But I knew exactly what was happening, and wasn’t surprised when the spotlight came back on again with no one there, the stage distressingly empty.

“I’m sorry,” came the monotonous robot voice.  “But Article Fifty-Five is no longer for sale.  Please hold, we’ll be moving on to Article Fifty-Six shortly.”

All around me, the crowd rumbled and gasped, unclear what had happened.

“What the hell?” came one whiny male voice.  “I wanted that one, I was ready to make a purchase,” he complained.

I shot the mofo a dark look, determined to expel him from the Club if his whining kept up.  Because he was no competition for me, and besides, I knew exactly what had happened.  Just when Abby’s legs had parted, when she’d pulled herself open for the billionaires to see, the white had dripped.  Oh yeah, we’d met up in the bar before coming to the ball, and I’d jizzed into both her holes, filling her with my sperm. 

And right at the critical moment, my seed decided to make an appearance.  It’d happened quick, one moment there was merely her glistening pink flesh, open and inviting, and the next, my semen had come rushing out, coating that ass and pussy with the evidence of my desire.  Of course, no one knew that I hadn’t penetrated her pussy, that her hymen was intact still, but did it really matter?  It looked like some man done the dirty, that the brunette was no longer a virgin, and she was whisked off stage immediately, auction aborted.

That’s right, my semen dripping from Abby’s holes ruined the whole thing, and Abby was no longer on the block.  Her damned plan to go ahead and do whatever she wanted had backfired.  And now … the girl was mine for good.




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