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Caleb's Woman by Eve Vaughn (4)


Chapter Three


Sommer could sense him the very second Caleb walked into the party. How could she miss him when his very presence demanded attention? Dressed in a tailored black designer suit which skimmed the fine lines of his hard muscular frame and the wavy locks of his dark hair framing a ruggedly handsome face, he was one of the best-looking men she’d ever seen.

He scanned the room and Sommer instinctively knew he was looking for her. When he caught sight of her, a slight smile tilted the corner of his sensual lips and he strode toward her with the easy careful steps of a panther stalking its prey.

Caleb was only a few feet away when he was intercepted by another party attendee—Selena Kahn. The tall, willowy brunette wrapped her fingers around Caleb’s arm as though they belonged there and gave him one of her patent come-hither smiles.

Sommer gritted her teeth. There was something about that woman that put her on edge. Selena was nice enough, she supposed, but it always seemed as if she was hiding something behind that brilliant smile she often wore. There was something superficial about her but Sommer couldn’t quite tell what it was. It didn’t help matters knowing that Caleb and Selena had once dated. At one point, there had been speculation of the two joining. Sommer never understood why they hadn’t made a go at it. They made a striking pair.

With a heart-shaped face framed by a wave of chestnut that fell to her model-slim waist, Selena Kahn had the kind of exotic looks that made men drool. Possessing clear golden skin with slanted green eyes, pouty, scarlet painted lips, high cheekbones and a long straight nose, she was easily one of the most beautiful women Sommer had ever seen. If that weren’t enough, Selena was self-assured, a successful businesswoman and Wulfen. Many members of the pack sought her out as a mate.

She would make the perfect Alpha Fem.

Sommer looked away from the sight of the radiant Selena with her hand cupped behind Caleb’s neck and her lips not even an inch away from his ear, whispering something. The intimacy of that pose was like an arrow through Sommer’s heart.

She shouldn’t care, not even after that lapse in her office yesterday. It had been a mistake. For reasons known only to Caleb, he had taken it into his head that they should be lovers. It was a dream come true for her, but Sommer was well aware of his love-em’-and-leave-em’ reputation. Her heart wouldn’t be able to take the rejection once he decided he was through with her as he had with the others.

“Sweetheart, your party is officially a success.” Slender arms wrapped around her waist.

Sommer put her arm around her mother’s shoulders, giving her a quick hug. “Thanks, Mom. Yes, I’ve had an amazing turnout. I can’t believe this is all for me.”

Laurel McGregor smiled at her daughter, pride shining within the depths of warm hazel eyes. “I knew you’d be a hit.”

Sommer sighed. “Let’s just hope this garners some business for Afternoon Delights. I’ve collected quite a few business cards so far and I’ve even lined up a couple of functions already, but I need to keep this momentum going.”

“Your father could mention something to Seth and—”

Sommer shook her head vehemently. “Absolutely not. I need to do this on my own. If Daddy steps in, what would that prove? No, I don’t want any help from Dad, you or Seth.”

Her mother frowned. “We only offer to help because we love you and want you to be happy.”

Sommer leaned over and gave her mother a brief kiss on the cheek. “I know, Mom, and I appreciate it. This party you and Daddy are footing the bill for is help enough.”

A slight smile tilted her mother’s plum-tinted lips. “It’s the least we could do, considering how prickly you were about us getting involved otherwise.”

“You know how it is, Mom.”

“I know, sweetie, but keep in mind that just because you have to ask for help every now and then, it doesn’t mean you’ve failed.”

“I know. I hope you don’t think I’m ungrateful. It’s just…” How could Sommer tell her mother, the most generous woman she knew, that sometimes the help offered by her and Dad could be a bit suffocating at times?

Laurel gave Sommer a quick squeeze before letting go. “You don’t have to say it, honey. I know your father and I can be a bit overzealous at times, but you’re our little girl. I know you’re an adult and quite capable of handling things on your own, but sometimes it’s a little hard for us to let go. We just want to feel like we’re needed.”

“Mom, I’ll always need you and Dad.”

“Am I interrupting?” Caleb moved closer to them, a smile pinned to his handsome face.

Laurel opened her arms, welcoming Caleb to step into her embrace. “Caleb, when did you arrive? I was just talking to your father a few minutes ago and he wasn’t sure when you’d get here.”

Caleb returned the hug with enthusiasm. “I had dinner with a client, otherwise, I would have gotten to the party much sooner. Nothing could have kept me away from it.” Though he said the words to her mother, Sommer got the distinct impression they were for her benefit.

She fought off the shiver that threatened to take over her body. When Sommer had no idea her crush would ever see fruition, she could remain cool, calm and collected around Caleb. But after what happened in her office, she wasn’t sure how to act. She squirmed beneath his penetrating stare. Managing to paste a smile on her face, she tilted her head to meet his gaze. “Thank you for coming. It really means a lot to me.” Shyness washed over her all of a sudden.

He lifted a dark brow. “Don’t I get a hug from you, as well?”

Sommer froze. Could she risk being in his arms again when they both knew she’d burst into flames from his touch? “Umm, I uh…this dress wrinkles easily,” she mumbled. Groaning inwardly, she realized how lame that excuse must have sounded, especially when he’d probably seen Sommer and her mother hug.

Laurel gave her daughter a questioning look but didn’t comment.

Caleb, however, didn’t seem ready to let go of the subject. “You’ve never let something like that bother you before, Sommer.”

“I’ve never had a grand opening either.” When she would have turned away from him, Caleb caught her elbow.

“You’re not going to leave me when I’ve only just arrived, are you?” he challenged softly.

“Go ask Selena to keep you company,” she snapped. Sommer could have kicked herself the moment those words escaped her lips. It wasn’t her intention to sound like a jealous lover, but that’s exactly how it came out. Damn.

Judging from the smug smile curling Caleb’s sensual lips, he’d interpreted it that way as well. Sommer’s face grew warm in her embarrassment, and to make matters worse, her mother had probably picked up on the tension between them as well.

“If you don’t mind, Laurel, Sommer and I have some things we need to discuss. If you’ll please excuse us?” He didn’t give the other woman a chance to answer before guiding Sommer outside to the terrace.

Struggling would do her no good because it would draw more attention toward them that she definitely didn’t want. Once they were out of earshot of the other partygoers, Sommer was prepared to let him have it.

“You had no right to oomph—”

Caleb cut her off by covering her lips with his.

Sommer placed her hands against his broad chest to push him away, but once she felt the pounding of his heart beneath her fingertips, she found herself grasping clumps of his shirt in her fists, pulling him closer.

She parted her lips under his tender assault with a moan, welcoming the invasion of his questing tongue. Her nipples pebbled against the thin silk material of her blouse, eager to break free, and her pussy tingled with warmth and arousal.

He groaned, wrapping corded arms around her body, holding her tight while he sought out and tasted every crevice within the depths of her mouth.

Just like she knew she would be, Sommer was on fire for him, desperate to give him what he wanted. Why did it seem she lost all reason when she was this close to him?

Caleb’s large hands ran down the curves of her spine before cupping her rear and giving it a squeeze. He broke the kiss, pulling back just enough to graze his lips against the side of her face. “You have no idea how much I’ve thought of kissing you again. Since yesterday, I haven’t been able to get you out of my mind.”

Sommer was too caught up in a wave of torrential delight to respond. Instead, she pressed her body against his, pleading for more—demanding it.

He chuckled lightly. “I see you’re not worried about your dress right now,” he murmured before covering her mouth once again with a hungry kiss. Caleb pulled her against him and his erection pressed against the juncture of her thighs. He could probably take her right here and now and Sommer would let it happen. It was as if he’d cast a spell on her because she couldn’t think of one good reason why she shouldn’t be with him.

And then something furry grazed her hand that was now resting on the small of his back.

His tail.

Growing up among the Wulfen, she was well aware of their mating habits, and the fact that Caleb’s tail was out demonstrated how turned on he was. But this gave her the reason she couldn’t find earlier to pull away from him. He was Wulfen and she human. The most they could ever have between them was a brief affair because Caleb would need to settle down with one of his own kind.

Sure, her parents, Caleb and Uncle Seth had shielded her from most of the censure expressed by pack members who felt she had no business being raised among them, but they wouldn’t be able to protect her if Caleb were to actually take her as his mate. It was foolish for her to even think he’d choose her to be his mate when there were Wulfen females more suitable to be the Alpha Fem, governing by his side when Caleb took over for his father. Someone like Selena Kahn.

Sommer tried to step away from him, but his arms were like bands of steel. “No, we can’t do this.”

For several moments, it seemed like he wouldn’t let her go, but finally, Caleb sighed, releasing her. “You’re right. We can’t do this here.”

She shook her head vehemently. “We can’t do this ever.”

His eyes narrowed and his ice blue eyes turned cobalt. “What the hell do you mean by that? How can you even imply this wasn’t meant to happen when I could have taken you right here on the ground,” he practically yelled at her.

“Lower your damn voice,” she hissed, hoping everyone inside was too preoccupied to hear what was going on out here. Among their extraordinary abilities, the Wulfen had extra-sensitive hearing. “And be a little more careful, please. There are other humans in attendance.”

Caleb raked his fingers through his hair, his frustration evident. His ears morphed into sharpened points, further outlining his agitation. “I’m sorry, but you’re so damn infuriating.”

“Me? I’m trying to be sensible. This thing between us…I mean, I’m attracted to you, but it’s pointless for us to get involved.

“Says who?”

Sommer pointed to her chest. “Says me.”

“You can say that after what happened yesterday and just now?”

“I wish you wouldn’t remind me of that. It was a lapse on both our parts. This isn’t supposed to be happening between us. We grew up together. We’re friends, that’s all.”

He advanced on her, and when Sommer took a step back, he moved two steps closer. “Don’t friends make the best lovers? You may be willing to pretend things can remain the same between us, especially after what we shared, but I sure as hell won’t. I’ve waited too damn long for you to look at me, the way you did yesterday. You have no idea what it’s been like watching you spread your wings and date other men.

Sommer’s mouth fell open. “You…you’ve wanted me for a long time?”

“Since you were sixteen.”

“But you never said anything.”

“You were underage. I’m not a complete degenerate. Besides, my father and yours would have had my ass if I tried something with you at that age.”

Hearing this made Sommer’s heart race. She wanted nothing more than to throw her arms around him and surrender to the passion that ran deep between them. “It doesn’t matter, Caleb. You and I aren’t meant to be together.”

Like hell we aren’t. You can’t deny you don’t feel something for me.”

Sommer couldn’t argue with him there. The longer they stood out here arguing about the matter, the weaker her resistance became. Yes, she wanted him, more than the air she breathed, but wanting just wasn’t enough. If she were to start a relationship with him, eventually she’d want more, and she knew it wasn’t possible. “You’re right. I can’t deny it but it doesn’t mean you and I are a good idea. It would be best if you get it into your head there won’t be anything happening between us. For one thing, I need to focus all my attention on making my business a success, and another, I don’t see any point in starting something that will only end in a matter of weeks, maybe even days.”

“What the hell are you talking about, Sommer?” He clasped her arms, his fingers digging into her bare skin.

“Caleb, you’re hurting me. Let go.”

Sommer, I know my own strength and I’m not applying nearly as much pressure as I’d like to right now. What I really want to do is shake you until your teeth rattle. Now tell me what you meant by that comment about us not lasting.”

She poked her bottom lip out mutinously and met his gaze with an angry glare. He was making this harder than it had to be. Why was he demanding answers when a simple no should have sufficed? How could she pour her feelings out to him without looking like an utter fool? If she were to tell him what was really on her mind, chances were he’d laugh in her face. They stared at each other, neither one backing down.

Sommer was on the verge of cracking beneath the weight of his steely gaze when she was saved.

“There you are, darling. I thought I saw you out here, but I couldn’t imagine what would have kept you out here so long.” Selena Kahn joined them on the terrace, sauntering over to the Sommer and Caleb like a lioness on the prowl.

The subtle dig didn’t escape Sommer. If Selena had seen Caleb go out to the terrace, then she would have also seen he was with Sommer. Selena’s insult underlined what Sommer had known all along, the pack viewed Sommer as insignificant, not worthy of the Alpha-in-Waiting’s attention.

As the daughter of Seth’s Betas, she should have commanded much more respect, but the fact that she was human nullified that. Sommer recognized Selena was not being intentionally rude, it was simply the way most of her kind thought.

Caleb released Sommer but shot her a look that left no doubt in her mind exactly what was on his mind. His expression said it all. This isn’t over. Then he turned his attention to the impeccable Miss Kahn, in a designer little black dress which showed off her curves to their advantage. “Selena, as you can see, Sommer and I were having a private conversation.”

Sommer saw her opportunity to escape. “It’s okay. I need to mingle with the guests. You two enjoy the rest of the party.” Not giving either of them an opportunity to reply, she dashed away, not stopping until she was once again surrounded by other people.

She looked behind her shoulder to see Caleb coming back inside as well. Sommer scanned the room, looking for someone she could take refuge with. A smile tugged the corners of her lips when she spotted her father on the other side of the room talking to one of his business associates.

She scurried in his direction, raising her hand. “Daddy,” Sommer called out to the tall, broad man whose hair was liberally sprinkled with silver.

Slate gray eyes turned in her direction before a smile twinkled within their depths. “Princess.” He held out his hand to her. “I was wondering where you’d gotten off to.”

Sommer took it gratefully before snuggling beneath the protective crook of his arm. “I had to make the rounds.”

Sommer, you remember Mark Spenser, don’t you? He was just complimenting you on the lovely spread tonight.”

She smiled at the older gentleman. “Thank you. I thought it would be a good idea to put out samples of what can be expected from my company.”

Mr. Spenser patted his rotund belly. “Everything I’ve tasted has been delicious. Hopefully, I get to sample more of your creations at a company function.”

Sommer shook her head with a regretful smile. “Actually, Masters and Son won’t be one of my clients.”

Mr. Spenser frowned, looking at Trevor and then back at Sommer. “Why ever not? Surely that would be quite an account for a start-up company to land. Haven’t you asked your father yet?”

Sommer bristled under the assumption. It was on the tip of her tongue to answer, but her father did it for her.

“Seth and I offered to hire her company for some upcoming functions, but Sommer wouldn’t hear of it.” Trevor looked down with a smile on his face and gave Sommer an affectionate squeeze. “My little girl has an independent streak a mile long, so once she gets something into her head, there’s no talking her out of it. But she knows we’ll be there for her should she need us.”

She placed her head on her father’s chest and smiled. He always knew the right thing to say to put her at ease.

The tender moment, however, was broken. “Well, it’s lucky for you, Sommer, you have a safety net in case your business fails.” The way the words were delivered left no doubt in her mind that’s what the other man expected.

Though he wasn’t Wulfen, Mark Spenser had been with Masters and Sons for years. Sommer got the distinct impression that he didn’t approve of her for some reason. She couldn’t quite put her finger on why. It could have been because he believed she was spoiled and overly coddled by her parents or possibly because she was black. Whatever his problem was, she wouldn’t let him take away what she’d already accomplished thus far.

“And it’s especially lucky for me that I don’t plan on failing.” She narrowed her eyes just enough to get her message across, daring him to contradict her.

Mr. Spenser flushed. “Well, of course, you won’t, my dear. I’m sorry, Trevor, but I see someone I need to speak with.”

Her father nodded. “Sure. I will talk to you later.”

The other man hurried off without a backward glance.

“Was that rude of me?” Sommer wanted to know.

“Not at all. I think you handled yourself beautifully, Princess.” He dropped a kiss on her brow.

From the corner of her eye, Sommer noticed someone fast approaching them. When she turned her head to see who it was, she groaned inwardly. Caleb didn’t look like a man who would be easily deterred this time.