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Caliente Nights by Suzette Riddick (10)

Chapter 10


“Thanks Auntie and Mr. Sam,” Jeanette said as she exited the backseat of the silver Cadillac. The older couple waved as they drove off. If Jeanette didn’t have bad luck, she wouldn’t have any luck at all.

Macy’s was unusually slow for a Saturday afternoon. Her shift was supposed to be from 10:00 am until 6:00 pm. As a part-timer she was the first one to be sent home at three. Which she didn’t mind because she was tired and could use a nap and shower to freshen up before Alonzo was due to show up at seven-thirty with dinner.

Five minutes away from home, her car started smoking and jerking like it was possessed by an unclean spirit. Maneuvering over to the side of the road, Jeanette banged her fist on the steering wheel when her hooptie spurted one last time, coughed then conked out.

Jeanette figured she let the hunk of junk sit and cool off for twenty minutes or so. While she waited, she went on Pinterest for inspirational ideas for Thanksgiving Day. After jotting down her ideas, she crossed her fingers praying the car would start up after cooling down. To Jeanette’s dismay the useless junk refused to turn over. Desperate, she called Gloria and Mr. Sam.

Bless Mr. Sam’s heart. He thought he was doing something when he lifted the hood checking if he could, “see what going on under there.” The retired bank manager didn’t know a timing chain from a radiator hose.

Jeanette didn’t have the cash for towing, so she had no choice but to leave the car on the side of the road. Maybe Skip knew someone who could sell the parts.

For some reason Jeanette didn’t feel too stressed by the current setback as she climbed the stairs to her apartment. When she opened the door, she was greeted by the subtle scent of pumpkin spice. She kicked off her heels, picked them up and headed to the bedroom. Tossing her keys and purse on the dresser, she went over to the closet. The shoes made a loud thud as she dropped them on the hardwood floor before stripping out of her black blouse and slacks. Once undressed, she grabbed her phone out of her purse before lying across the bed. She smiled when she saw Alonzo had sent her text.

Sweetheart, what do you want for dinner?

Sorry, I took so long getting back to you. I’m not too picky. Whatever you bring.

Did something happen?

My car broke down.

Where? Are you OK?

On 70th and Old York Road. Yes. Auntie and Mr. Sam picked me up.

You could’ve called me

They were closer.

OK. See you later.

Later, Alonzo.

Jeanette stretched her hands above her head letting out a loud yawn. She hadn’t thought about having a boyfriend in forever. Mostly because her busy schedule didn’t allow it. Besides, she could do without the drama. The last guy she dated thought it was acceptable for him to run around town with other women when she wasn’t available.

She learned this the hard way when he asked her to a Baby Face concert on a school night. Of course, she had to decline. Disappointed, he told her, “I guess I’ll take my cousin, Tammy.”

He must’ve forgotten his lie. A week later on his Instagram page was picture after picture of him snuggled up at the concert with some chick who looked nothing like Tammy.

As her eyes drifted shut a dreamy smile curled her lips. Alonzo with his thoughtful ways was definitely boyfriend material.




Freshly showered, Jeanette styled her twists in a topknot bun to camouflage the fuzzy strains. She pampered her skin with Clinique’s Happy body butter, and painted her finger and toe nails burgundy. Instead of hoop earrings she opted for a pair of silver studs. She kept her apartment nice and toasty so the black V-neck short-sleeve shirt, jeans and black leather flip-flops was a comfy outfit for dining in. An added touch of her favorite cinnamon lip gloss finished the look.

As she waited for Alonzo to arrive she went into the living area and fluffed up the orange pillows on the brown loveseat. She did the same to the brown pillow on the orange arm chair. Her eyes scanned the multicolored—burnt orange, brown, tan, and cream—area rug beneath the glass coffee table for any specks of dirt. Yes! The vacuum job from Wednesday was holding up. She was taking down plates from the cabinet when the doorbell chimed.

Jeanette switched on the light in the dark stairwell. At the bottom of the stairs she turned on the outside light before looking through the peep hole. Excited fingers worked at disengaging the locks to allow her handsome visitor inside. She didn’t know if it was the blast of the early November nippiness causing her nipples to pucker, or sexy-as-sin Alonzo Castro. He wore his signature leather jacket and jeans ensemble. Tonight’s jacket was dark gray with a lighter gray sheepskin collar, faded jeans and matching gray Timberland boots. She couldn’t tell what color his shirt was because his jacket was zipped up. She wanted to nestle her nose against his neck to get the full effect of the masculine woodsy scent of his cologne.

“Hey, how are you?” She asked stepping aside to allow him in. The tight confines of the narrow space brought their bodies intimately close. Her breasts lightly brushed against his arm when she reached around him to lock the door, igniting a spark she hadn’t felt in over two years. Visions of their naked, sweat slick bodies, tangled in sheets set off a tingling desperation of need in her secret place.

Alonzo gripped the handles of the large bags containing their dinner. The softness of her innocent touch made his body respond in the most wicked way. It didn’t help when his eyes drifted downward her nipples were erect, testing his restraint. If she had been anyone else, he would have taken the liberty of stroking her sensitive flesh making his desire known. But she wasn’t anyone else though. She was his sweetheart. His Jeanette.

“Better now that I’m with you.” Alonzo leaned down kissing the corner of her mouth.

If any other guy had fed her the same line she would’ve told him to shut his face. However, there was something miserable in his eyes that told her he wasn’t making a lame attempt to sway her with his words.

“Is everything okay?”

“It will be,” he murmured. His smile was nowhere nearly as bright as the last time she saw him.

“I hope you like Cuban food.”

Jeanette glanced over her shoulder as she headed up the stairs. “Never really had it before.”

“Then you’re in for a treat.”

Alonzo surveyed the apartment. On the wall above the loveseat was a large, framed print of a beautiful orange sunset. He wasn’t surprised that the décor was bursting with bright colors. It fit her well.

“You have a nice place, Jeanette. It feels cozy.”

A place where he could come hide out from the rest of the world. A place where he didn’t have to be on display.

“Thanks, Alonzo. Give me the food so you can take off your jacket.”

She pointed to the closet near the front door. “You can hang it up in there.”

As Jeanette carried the food to the table she stuck her nose in the bag. “OMG, this smells heavenly. What’s in here.”

Setting the bag on the table, she went to the sink to wash her hands. Alonzo traced her steps to the kitchen sink and did the same.

“Vaca Frita, fried plantains and Cuban black bean soup,” he told her as they worked side-by-side removing the meal.

“I hope there's dessert in there too.”

Alonzo pulled out a clear plastic container. “Flan cake.”

He playfully swatted Jeanette’s hand when she reached for the treat. “Not until you eat all your dinner.”

“Give it here.”

She yanked the dessert from his hands, salivating over how yummy it looked. “I can’t wait to try this.”

Alonzo laughed when she gave him a suspicious look. “I know you didn’t cook all of this.”

“No, that would be my brother, Julio.”

He reached inside pulling out two large cups that looked like cola.

“Ah, the chef.”

Alonzo nodded with pride. “Yep. Let’s eat, I’m starving.”

They sat at the table. Jeanette was impressed when Alonzo bowed his head in prayer. She figured he was Catholic when he made the sign of the cross after he finished saying grace.

Although Jeanette wasn’t a picky eater she placed a small portion size of the vaca frita and plantains on her plate. When she took a taste of the beef it melted in her mouth. Tonight she wasn’t in the mood to play coy, hiding her hearty appetite. Oh no…she would be going back for seconds. Maybe thirds.

“Alonzo, this is so good. Please thank Julio for me. What’s the name of the restaurant and when are you going to open?

He’d just stuffed his mouth with a healthy helping of the tender beef. He held up a finger signaling her to hold on for a second. After swallowing his food, he took a sip of cola.

“Cuban Soul. We’re scheduled to open the second week of December. I want you to come with me to the grand opening.”

By then he reasoned he would have revealed his identity.

Jeanette ducked her head. No way would she allow him to see her blushing like a seventh grader. She busied herself with slicing her fork into a plantain, hoping by the time she lifted her head the warmth she felt in her cheeks wouldn’t give her away.

“Interesting name. I like it.”

“It’s who we are. Julio wants the dishes to reflect our Afro-Cuban culture. The menu will be a fusion of Cuban and soul food.”

Jeanette grinned. “Now that’s what I’m talking about. I can’t wait to for the opening. Thanks for inviting me.”

“You’re welcome.”

The couple chatted and laughed enjoying each other’s company as they dined. When they were done Jeanette ushered Alonzo over to the loveseat. She wished she had a television in her living room to entertain him while she tidied up. There were only two televisions in the apartment. The tiny one she kept in the kitchen on the counter; and the other in her bedroom. Alonzo Castro was not stepping one Timberland boot in her boudoir. The thought of him in there, on her bed, was giving her palpitations.

Jeanette quickly logged into her Spotify account on her laptop. The night they went out for dinner he had a Latin music playing. She searched until she found a similar station.

“Is this okay?”

Alonzo nodded.

“Be right back.”

“I’ll be here.”

Alonzo stretched out his long legs, laid his head back and let his eyes to drift shut. He hadn’t been feeling himself since his disagreement with his mother. It made him miss Teresa even more. Two years had passed since he last saw his sister. The only reason he’d never went for a visit was because she begged him not to come; assuring him she was fine. It killed him every time he thought about her being alone in New York. Teresa would probably be angry with him if she ever learned he had a private investigator looking in on her from time to time.

 After Marta kicked him out, Alonzo took a chance on dialing Teresa’s number. His heart sunk after the third ring. Just as he was about to hang up, she answered. The excitement in her voice brought tears to his eyes. It felt good talking with his sister. He could tell she was doing better emotionally. Teresa asked about Julio. Alonzo wasn’t surprised nor offended when she didn’t inquire about their parents.

When Alonzo told her about the grand opening next month, Teresa fell silent. When she finally spoke, she told him she wanted to discuss something with him in person. They ended the call with her promising to contact him in a few days to iron out the logistics of her return visit. Before ending the call, she made him promise not to tell their parents she’d be coming home. “I’m not ready to see them yet.”

“Sweetheart, come closer,” he murmured.

Without hesitation she slid closer, loving the feel of being near him. It was the most natural thing for her to lay her head on his shoulder when he put his arm around her.

“Are you okay?”

“Are you psychic?”

The sadness in his voice tugged at something deep in Jeanette. “Not hardly.”

She took his hand and threaded their fingers. After she was done cleaning the kitchen, she hung back for a few minutes watching him. She thought he might have fallen asleep and was having a bad dream. Several agonizing twitches marred his handsome features. And when he opened his eyes to look at her, they were clouded in misery.

“I could tell something was bothering you when you got here.”

Alonzo lifted her hand to his mouth, kissing her knuckles.

“Sorry I wasn’t good company. I have a lot on my mind. Maybe I should go.”

When he withdrew his arm, Jeanette immediately mourned the loss of his touch. And she wasn’t having it.

“Hey, now wait a minute. I didn’t say you could go,” she fussed positioning his arm back around her shoulder. “After the day I’ve had, you’re my bright spot. You can’t leave. Not now anyway.”

She turned her head to gaze at him. Their lips were so close she couldn’t resist kissing him.

Alonzo took control of the kiss, taking possession of her mouth. His tongue swiped every corner staking his claim. Jeanette let out a long groan as he suckled her tongue. When he got his fill he released her, leaning his forehead against hers.

“No, sweetheart. You’re the bright spot of my day.”

“Want to talk about it?”

Everything his mother said about marrying Cuban and staying with your own kind troubled him. Most of the night Alonzo tossed and turned. The only other time her old-school ways affected him was when she ran Teresa away. This time, Marta’s ways hit too close to home. Jeanette was the kind of woman he could see himself falling beyond deep for. He wouldn’t hide her or be ashamed to bring her around his family. Nor did he want his parents to give her the cold shoulder because they didn’t think she belonged. Yeah, he needed someone to unload on.

“Sure,” he smiled at her. “You look like a good listener.”

Jeanette chuckled. “I’d like to think so. Before you start stand up.”

Alonzo lifted a brow.

Jeanette playfully rolled her eyes.

“Don’t look at me like that. Just do what I tell you.”

After he stood, Jeanette scooted to the far end of the loveseat so she was flush against the arm. She patted her thighs. “Put your head on my lap.” She pointed to the opposite arm of the furniture, “And put your feet up there.”

Settled into position, Alonzo glanced up at Jeanette. “I’m glad you banged up my car.”

Jeanette’s laughter was sweet and light. “Shut up, Alonzo before I pop you in the head. It was only a few scratches and a tiny dent.”

“I might like you popping me upside the head,” he grinned as he boldly grazed her right nipple with his knuckle.

Jeanette gasped, lightly popping his forehead with the palm of her hand. “Stop being nasty and talk to me.”

Alonzo laughed. The sound was deliciously wicked causing her to shiver despite the room being toasty.

“Alright, sweetheart. I told you I had a younger sister.”

“Teresa, right?”

“Yes. She was in love with this guy and my parents didn’t approve of him. Mostly my mother.”

“Why? Was he a bum or something? Did he beat her?”

“No, nothing like that.” Alonzo hesitated, ashamed in that moment of his parents. “He was African American.”

A stunned silence punctuated the air.

Did he just say because he was African American? “Umm…I’m confused. Aren’t you and your family Afro-Cuban?”

“We are. But my mother is on this crusade for us to marry Cuban.”

A tight knot began to form in Jeanette’s stomach. She wanted to ask him where did this leave them because she could feel herself falling for Alonzo. Should she cut her losses and tell him to leave now before her feelings got any deeper?

Alonzo felt Jeanette go stiff. He reached up, taking her hand and kissing it before placing it across his beating heart.

“Sweetheart, you don’t have anything to worry about. I don’t subscribe to that nonsense.” He looked up and locked eyes with hers. “I’m going to be with whom I want to be with. I want to get to know you and be with you, Jeanette. I don’t give a damn about what my mother thinks.”

With his free hand he rubbed the cheek his mother slapped as if he could still feel the sting of her anger.

“My mother and I got into an argument and she told me to get out.”

“I’m sorry,” Jeanette whispered. It pleased her that Alonzo wasn’t a punk and made it clear he wanted to be with her. But to go against his mother…

“What about your father? What does he think? Whatever happened with Teresa and her guy?” She fired off, praying this story didn’t douse the flame that had begun to flicker between them.

Alonzo let out a deep breath. “My dad is regretting the role he played in breaking up Teresa and her boyfriend. Teresa was so devastated that when she went back to New York for school she stayed and never came back home. She hasn’t spoken to my parents since. She does keep in touch with me and Julio from time to time.”

“Wow, that’s such a shame. My parents died in a car crash when I was two years old. I’d give anything to have them back. I know this has to be hard on Teresa… and your parents.”

“It is.” He let out a harsh, irritated breath. “My parents need to swallow their pride and ask for Teresa’s forgiveness.”

“Yeah, I agree with you.” Jeanette hesitated before asking, “Where does this leave us, Alonzo?”

She hated the vulnerability in her voice, but had to know where she stood with him. “Please be honest with me because I like you a lot.”

He sat up so they were face to face. His dark gaze penetrating the cautious hazel eyes staring back at him. Eyes that pleaded for him not to hurt her. Tenderly, he stroked her satiny cheek.

“Jeanette, I already told you what I want.”

His kiss was passionate, reassuring. “You can trust me. I promise.”






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