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Captive Discipline (Demetrian Brides Book 1) by Taryn Williams (11)

Chapter 11

Considering what happened to her at Master Rodogan's party, Janys wasn't sure how to approach the upcoming Planetfall celebration with her in-laws. On the one hand, her happiness with Martel and newfound closeness with Kronitin and Shalimerie made her believe she would share the holiday with family. On the other, she might unknowingly insult Zellin or deliberately say something catty to Zagote and again find herself on the wrong end of a hairbrush.

But things went surprisingly well. Most of the credit belonged to Master Lewital, the recent returnee to the trade office whom Martel persuaded to join them. The young man's grin lit his broad face as he entertained them with offworld adventures. Although Janys predicted Yagote would show no interest in him, she caught the two exchanging smiles several times during the meal.

"I didn't think she could move her mouth except to say something nasty," Janys confessed to Shalimerie afterwards in the kitchen. Taking a fresh dish towel, she tackled the large pot where the traditional muclokin, a hare-like game animal, had been stewed. "I swear one time she almost laughed."

Shalimerie nodded as she dried off the silverware. "I almost laughed myself when Lewital commented on her spilling the sauce."

They both chuckled over how Yagote blushed when she jiggled a few drops on the tablecloth. "Good thing you are not my wife," Lewital told her as he caught her hand. "In my house, wasting food as wonderful as this would be a spanking offense."

Shalimerie checked again to make sure they weren't being overheard. "Do you think they might have a chance together?"

"I hope so. Anything to get her mind off Martel." Though Janys had to admit she'd seen little of Yagote in recent days, as if the girl were avoiding her. Could his "sister" have finally given up expecting Martel's marriage to fail? Or maybe being around Janys served as an unpleasant reminder of the whipping she'd received for her role in the waxing.

Her friend tucked the last fork into the drawer. "Would you like to come over to our place later this evening? We always open a special bottle of winnotal in honor of Planetfall."

"I'd love to," Janys sighed. "But remember, I start teaching tomorrow. I'm almost done with that book Rodogan loaned me, but there's still a lot of things in the textbooks I haven't gotten to yet."

"You will do wonderfully," Shalimerie assured her. "It may take you a little longer to catch up on all our literature, but you have seen places and things beyond what many here can imagine. If you run into problems, be like Lewital and tell them tales of another world…"

I bet the Elders will love that. Although she had to acknowledge censorship on Demeter applied only to information about the planet's disciplinary structure being released to outsiders. While the residents had abandoned electronic implants and other retrieval systems along with other high tech gear, people could freely share whatever knowledge they had about other societies and lifestyles.

The next morning Janys woke up before Martel, watching his back move slightly with each breath. Several Earth years ago she'd faced another starting day alone on her narrow cot at the Institute. In fact the Professor hadn't noticed she'd made the transition from student to researcher until she asked him to validate her hours at the end of the first pay cycle.

I can't think about him anymore, she reminded herself. That part of my life is over, while a new one begins.

"Big day for you." Her husband turned over and reached for her, hugging her tightly. "If you wish, we can walk together to the school."

She shook her head, then kissed his nose. "No, that would be out of your way. Plus I think it's important I do this by myself."

"As you wish. But seeing as we still have a little while before either of us needs to leave—" he returned the kiss, then moved to her lips, proceeding to parts below. Despite her best intentions to be early, she ended up rushing through breakfast and running part of the way in order to make it to Mistress Meisin's office before the starting bell.

Although Janys spent hours worrying about the gaps in her knowledge of Demetian literature, she'd completely overlooked one element of the teaching life likely to cause more distress than her unfamiliarity with Master Dardannon's opus. After a brief orientation lecture, the principal handed over a grade book, calendar, and three items that made the new teacher shiver. "What am I supposed to do with these?"

"This?" The director picked up the metal ruler. "Of course you can measure things with it, though I doubt you will find it necessary unless you teach math someday. Around here it sees much more action smacking palms and the backs of legs. Great for the little ones—stings at the time, but no marks."

Nervously she ran a finger along the edge of the smaller of the two paddles. "You expect me to use this as well?"

"On the younger students. If you want to be quick about it, just turn them around and give them a few whacks standing up, or if they need more of a lesson, it works very well over the knee."

Janys closed her eyes. She couldn't imagine taking anyone across her lap to experience the type of pain and humiliation she'd experienced since her trial.

Meisin picked up the larger paddle, gripping it by the handle and swinging it back and forth in the air. "The oldest groups gets this one. I prefer asking them to bend over the desk, but some of the other teachers around here just have them grab their knees or ankles."

She took a deep breath. "Meisin, I really don't think I can do this. I've never paddled anyone in my life, or used a ruler that way"

"You will find it easy enough to learn," the principal interrupted. "If you wish, come by for a few minutes after school. Alicitia and her boyfriend played hooky last week. I decided to postpone their punishment so they could still sit down with their families for the Feast of Planetfall, but tonight they will be getting blisterings. Once I show you the techniques, you can assist me."

Alicitia? Under no circumstances could Janys participate in punishing Chardontal's babysitter, or the boy she'd seen laughing with her at Rodogan's party. "Look, if I have to spank anyone, I don't think I can take this job after all."

Meisin's eyes narrowed. "Are you saying you do not believe the school should correct them in this way, or only that you do not want to administer the punishment?"

Both, Janys wanted to reply. If it were her school, she'd discipline using time outs and suspensions. But she knew she could never win that battle, at least not as a newbie teacher. "Just that I can't be the one to do it."

"So if someone broke a rule, you would refer the student to me?" the principal persisted.

She thought hard about it. "Yes, I could do that." But I probably wouldn't. No matter how she tried, she couldn't visualize sending someone off to be paddled.

"All right," the principal told her briskly. "I think you will change your mind after being with us for a while, but we need you enough at the moment for me to take on that responsibility. Now that we have that solved, let me show you to your classroom."

As they walked down the short hallway, Meisin described the schedule. Janys would teach the middle graders in the morning, the smallest ones right before lunch, and the oldest directly afterwards. "That will get you home in plenty of time to prepare dinner, or you can stay here and go over lesson plans for the next day," the older woman noted as she ushered them into a room crammed with desks and chairs. Minutes later, squirming bodies filled in the remaining space.

Somehow Janys got through the first two sessions, trying to match names and faces while getting some understanding of each child's skills. By the time the last group filed in, she felt she'd been there for a decedonner instead of a half day. Fortunately the final class was the smallest, containing only three students besides Alicitia and her boyfriend Jernonon. She immediately recognized Vilding, the boy who'd gotten switched by his father for stealing dessert from Mistress Milner.

Knowing what Mistress Meisin had in mind for the truant couple, Janys couldn't help keeping an eye on them. Jernonon appeared unconcerned, joking and talking with Vilding and the other boy in the class, but Alicitia twisted her hair as she watched the clock. After Janys's class finished, the girl would still have to sit through math and social science before keeping her painful appointment with the principal.

As the bell rang and the students made their way out, Janys slumped back in her chair. Yes, she'd made it through the day without any major mistakes, but she'd never dreamed how much energy it would take keeping up with all those arms and legs and voices. A soft tap made her sit up, expecting the principal had dropped in for a report

Instead a scarecrow leaned in her doorway, his gray hair spiking out around his thin face. "Pannolorian" he said, thrusting out his hand. "I teach science and physical education. You may not remember, but you probably saw me at the party."

"Oh," Janys blushed as she squeezed his palm. If he'd been there, he'd already seen more of her than she'd ever want to share with a colleague. But his gray eyes showed no awkwardness as he came in and perched on one of her desks.

"First day is the worst. You think you will never be able to juggle all these subjects and class levels and students. But trust me, tomorrow will be better." He rolled his eyes. "And at least for a few days, you can count on these scoundrels being on good behavior while they scout out your weak spots."

"That's comforting," she laughed. "But they seem like a pretty good group to me."

"Oh that they are. But they can be a handful. I should know—Jernonon is my son." He chuckled and shook his head. "You would think a boy would know better than skip school where his father teaches, but I guess spending a day with a pretty girl seemed worth the consequences. Though he might think twice about doing it next time after both Meisin and I wear him out tonight. Are you planning to help her as well?"

Janys stared down at her desk. "I've told Meisin I have a problem with—correcting the students that way."

"I am sorry to hear that," he told her gravely. "If you wish, I can fill in as a disciplinarian when necessary, but I hope you will decide to do it yourself." Pannolorian pressed his fingers together in a triangle, resting his chin on the peak. "Our children thrive on structure. Most come from homes with simple rules that are strictly enforced, and they expect the same from us. If we can be fair and consistent without being cruel, we help them learn much more important things than just the subjects we teach."

"I just don't think I could bring myself to hit someone."

"Nor could I, if you mean striking in anger." he agreed. "Or any place other than those suitable for correction, such as a backside or hand. However I think you will find a few well-placed taps on those areas get attention, and a few more make a point a lot faster and more effectively than scolding or shouting."

"Maybe." Janys shook her head.

Pannolorian stood up. "I have to round up the ingredients for our experiment this afternoon, but tell me if you need anything. I know you are new at this, but if you end up enjoying the work half as much as I do, you will be very happy here."

"I hope so." Actually she hoped more that none of her charges would ever misbehave. Then she wouldn't have to worry about sending them off to him or Meisin.

She returned home to find a message from Shalimerie. "We saved some of the winnotal to toast your first day," the note read. "Dinner will be served as well. Lie down and relax for a while, then come on over. Martel will join us directly from the office."

Janys took the suggestion, and by the time they gathered around the table, she'd managed to come up with enough anecdotes about the children to keep the conversation light. But Shalimerie eyed her several times, finally asking Kronitin to take Chardontal to his room for his bedtime story. As soon as the tall and short bodies vanished down the hall, she turned towards Janys. "Did something go wrong today you want to talk about?"

"No, nothing like that, but I don't know how to handle disciplining the students." Quickly she described her quandary. "I feel like I'm the one breaking the rules because I don't believe in giving them the 'blisterings' Meisin told me about."

"Janys, I think Meisin exaggerated," Shalimerie said slowly. "When I taught there, I saw many spankings, and gave quite a few myself, but they were all done in the manner of a loving parent or spouse. Yes, their hands or bottoms hurt for a few minutes, or even days, but the children understood why we did it."

But you grew up thinking you would be disciplining your husband, Janys bit back. It never occurred to me I'd ever hold a paddle in my hand except when rowing on Scortia XVIII. "I just don't see how they can expect me"

"But they do," Martel broke in. "The school expects it, the parents expect it, and the students do as well. You will confuse them if you fail to correct their behavior."

But who wouldn't rather be confused than paddled? Unfortunately her husband and friend obviously believed otherwise. "Let's see how things go," she finally told them. "If my methods work, no one will have to be punished any other way." She tried to ignore the warning looks from Martel and Shalimerie.

The next day also went smoothly, but as Pannolorian predicted, on the third all levels began testing her. The small ones whined, the middle graders threw pencils, and the oldest "forgot" to turn in their essays. From the way Jernonon and Alicitia shifted uncomfortably in their chairs, Janys might have excused them, but she couldn't imagine why the other three ignored the assignment. "Get it in tomorrow," she advised them. "Or you'll be here after school writing it."

By the next day, Janys could barely hear herself over the roar of the middle class. No matter how many times she ordered them to be quiet or sent someone to sit in the corner, someone else started giggling. She hoped the younger ones would be more obedient, but soon found herself yelling again.

"What is happening in here?" Pannolorian stood in the doorway, his face stern. Immediately everyone became silent. "We have an experiment going on, and though I have repeated the instructions three times, no one in my class can understand me over the noise coming from this direction."

"I'm so sorry—" she began.

"I think these are the people who need to be sorry." He began circling the small group, eyeing each one in turn. "But if not, with your permission, I will give them a reason to be."

Janys wanted to say no. But what excuse could she give? Because she couldn't control her class, her students weren't learning anything, and now she was keeping Pannolorian from teaching. If this kept up, the school might decide they didn't need her services after all. "All right," she told him, biting her lip.

"On your feet, everyone," he ordered.

Frightened glances replaced grins as one by one they stood up. Rositeria, the youngest girl, started shaking as he passed by her desk. He studied them for a long moment, then turned to Janys. "Mistress, if I may borrow your ruler?"

Her hand trembled as she fumbled in the drawer and drew it out. After stowing the longer paddle in her coat closet, she'd stashed the ruler and small paddle under a pile of papers. Pannolorian took it, smacking it against his palm so the sound reverberated through the small room. Several students cringed as he crossed over to the desk on the far right

"Jostemin," he addressed the quivering boy. "If you would please give me your right hand." Slowly a small arm came up which Pannolorian grasped at the elbow. "This is to remind you to be quiet during class time." Three times he brought the ruler down across the waiting fingers as Jostemin cried out, reminding Janys much too closely of her lessons with Elondelle.

Pannolorian dropped the hand, grasping the boy's shoulder and turning him around. Bare thighs peeped out beneath a short tunic. "And this is to remind you to treat your teachers with respect at all times." The ruler bounced against the exposed legs three more times while Jostemin danced about

Ordering the boy to sit down, Pannolorian moved to the next desk, delivering the same messages with the ruler to a slightly older girl. As he worked his way around the circle, Rositeria began sobbing. When her turn came, the teacher had to hold her up while he administered the full count.

Finally he stood back in front of them, the ruler resting ominously in his hands. "Does anyone here need a second reminder?"

"No, Master Pannolorian," they murmured before relapsing into a tense silence.

"Then sit quietly at your desks while I have a moment with Mistress Janys. If I hear even one more word, I will make the circle again." Taking her arm, he guided her outside and down the hall so they were no longer within earshot of the students.

"I believe you will see a marked improvement in their behavior for the rest of the class. If not, give them another reminder yourself, or call me back in." He gave her back the ruler. "Also, watch out for the excessive criers like Rositeria. Three whacks on a hand or legs stings for a few moments, not forever. By now, most should be recovered to concentrate on their work. If you find this not so, then use the ruler to give them a real distraction."

"Okay," Janys stammered. Would she ever be capable of threatening, much less administering punishment in such a matter-of-fact way? Yet she admired the way Pannolorian commanded absolute respect from her rambunctious charges.

"One more thing, Janys." He waited until she met his eyes. "I know you lack experience, but you should never let a problem go this far. You have apologized to me, but if I were you, I would take that ruler home tonight. Ask Martel to give you the six strokes your students received as a reminder to ask for help more quickly next time." Without saying another word, he vanished down the hall into his quiet classroom.

How dare he? she fumed for the few steps back to her own class. As if she'd ask her husband for punishment because the students didn't listen to her.

Yet when she stepped through the doorway, she couldn't believe the change. All eleven sat quietly in their seats, pens and paper before them, waiting for her to continue. Although they didn't have much time left, she managed to get through most of her lesson. Even more amazing, many including Rositeria smiled and laughed as they left. She'd been fighting using the ruler, yet in a few minutes it brought order without any apparent negative effects.

She picked it up from where she'd put it down on her desk, remembering Pannolorian s suggestion. Maybe she still couldn't perform physical discipline herself, but she should have told someone about her difficulties. By ignoring the principal's directive and failing to enforce the rules, she'd cost her class learning time and interfered with a fellow teacher's lesson plans. If she'd just enlisted assistance earlier by sending someone off for a spanking instead of making them sit in the corner, the rest of the group might never have had their hands or legs slapped. Face it—she'd been in the wrong, but it was the children who'd suffered from her error in judgment.

But take the ruler home and ask Martel to balance the scales? Closing her eyes, she knew how it would play out. His long fingers would wrap around the end as he swished it through the air, getting the feel. They would go upstairs, either to their bedroom, or more likely, the one with the bench. First she would have to offer up her hand. Then he would force her to face the wall as she had during Master Rodogan's party while he swatted her legs.

Compared to what she'd gone through at other times, it wouldn't be much. Not unless her husband decided she needed a more extensive "reminder". But it would humiliate her to be punished like a child, and even worse to have to tell him what she needed.

"That's something else I can't do," she whispered as she slid the ruler back into the drawer. "And I'm not going to write it down in the bibalon either. This time, all of them will just have to be satisfied with my feeling responsible. I'll make it up to the kids some other way."

Yet her conscience pricked her even more the next day when she discovered Master Pannolorian's surprise visit had been reported in full to her other classes. The middle graders minded her completely, while the little ones remained subdued from their experience. Only the oldest group appeared untouched, with two still forgetting to turn in their essays.

"Vilding and Sariontella," she scolded. "If you can't write your papers at home, you can do so after school. Report here after your last class, and we will stay here today and all other days necessary until you finish." Even if it means I can't go home myself at the normal time

Vilding shrugged, but appeared before her on schedule, sitting down to scribble barely decipherable pages. She kept him there while she went over it, making extensive notes before handing it back. "Tonight I want you to clean this up. Otherwise I'm going to make you come back here again so we can go over it word for word."

However Sariontella never showed up. As Janys walked home, she wondered how to handle the matter. Report her to Meisin, or give her one more chance? The next day they had off as the half-decedonner break. Maybe the girl just needed a little extra time to finish her work. If so, she might let her off with a lecture.

Martel had the day off as well, so they borrowed a solar buggy from the trade office and drove out to Brendanella, the deep lake which provided water for the streams through Wyteen and Lycarta. He showed her the spot where the original settlers set up their camp. Around the blue gray expanse, they could see the buildings of Katerie, with Pertrotal barely discernible farther down the curve.

"So why didn't they all stay here?" As Janys recalled, the history book Elondelle forced her to study barely mentioned the relocation "Didn't they know they'd have to ration water once they moved away from the lake?"

"They did. But you know the feelings running between Wyteen and Lycarta folk. No one could agree on which group could stay in this place after Katerie and Pertrotal broke off. " Martel took her hand and pulled her down into the sun-warmed grass. "For many decedonners they fought. When things turned violent, the Elders agreed both groups would abandon the spot and move downstream."

"So now except for those people who are so far around the lake we can barely see them, we're alone out here," she teased.

"I noticed." The grass prickled against her back as he lifted her tunic.

Later when she worked through her plans for the next day, she remembered a similar story. "It's an Enosian folk tale," she told the middlers. "About the war between the mountain and ocean people over who could live on the beach."

She'd only gotten a little way into it when she heard murmuring from the back of the class. "Illean," she asked sharply. "Why aren't you paying attention?"

The tallest boy looked up. "Because that story is for babies. We have much scarier ones here. Like the rikkitasha that ate five people"

"That's enough." Just what she needed—horror tales of the snakelike creature she'd have met first hand if they'd banished her to Kollent… "Illian, if you want to share that with us during the next decedonner when we talk about Demetian fables"

"But it really happened!" He crossed his arms over his chest. "My father saw one of the woman afterwards with her leg missing"

"I said we're not going to discuss that now," she told him firmly. "Now please be quiet so I can finish the story."

For a minutes he leaned back in his chair, an insolent smile on his ruddy face. Then he picked up a pen and started scribbling. At least she'd succeeded in gaining his silence so the others could hear. She started in again, describing how the ocean people blamed the mountain folks for causing the landslide when sudden movement drew her attention. Garnastio, Illian's best friend, sniggered while sliding a piece of paper to the girl on his right.

Swiftly Janys confiscated the sheet. On it, a crudely-drawn woman with hair and tunic resembling her own dangled from the teeth of an enormous serpent. The words "Help Me, Master Pannolorian - I Can't Get Him to Behave" ballooned from the woman's mouth.

"I take it this is your work, Illean?" She folded the paper. After exchanging glances with Garnastio, the boy nodded.

"We'll talk about this after class. But if you interrupt me again, you're going to be sorry."

Illian shot a look up at the ceiling, his lips twitching with amusement. Then he dropped his head onto his desk. Please just stay there, Janys prayed as she sped up, hoping she could still get to the end of the tale. But just as she began to describe the lava flow, the boy emitted a loud snore. Everyone besides Janys began laughing.

She couldn't allow this to continue. Gazing around the room, her eyes lighted on the oldest girl. "Malimera, I want you to monitor the class for a few minutes while Illian and I pay a visit down the hall."

"Yes, Mistress." Malimera looked nervously around at her friends.

Janys handed her a piece of paper. "Write down the names of anyone who talks." She thought for a minute, then added loudly. "They can plan on making the same visit."

Illian looked more amused than afraid as she led him outside the door. "Are you taking me to Master Pannolorian?"

"Yes I am," she replied firmly, her fingers locking around his elbow.

"So he can whack me a few times with a ruler, like he did my brother Jostemin?" He smiled even more broadly.

"If that's what he decides to do." Actually I hope he gives you a good paddling. Could she really be thinking this? She who didn't believe in spanking? Yet she wanted someone to wipe that grin from his face. A sore behind seemed the least he should suffer for ruining her class.

"But surely you know, Mistress Janys," he said mockingly. "Master Pannolorian is not at school today. He took my brother and the other little ones to see the water recycling plant."

That's right. She'd forgotten Meisin mentioned she'd have one less class today while the students toured Wyteen's sole nod to technology. "Then we will pay our visit to the principal instead," she snapped, pulling him past Pannolorian's classroom towards the office where she'd first been handed the ruler and paddles.

To her surprise, her mother-in-law sat at Meisin's desk. "What are you doing here?" Janys blurted out.

Elondelle looked up from her writing pad, her eyes coolly taking in the situation. "Mistress Meisin asked me to sit in while she covers classes for Master Pannolorian. Did you need to see her?"

"Yes." Briefly Janys reported Illian's disruptive behavior.

"And you require Mistress Meisin to address the matter?"

"I think that would be best." Janys wished the woman who'd punished her so many times hadn't found out she had to rely on the principal for disciplining students

"I see. Unfortunately, she has a very full day." The other woman consulted a calendar. "Her only free time would be lunch, but two of the Elders will be meeting her then." Elondelle looked knowingly at Illian. "If this matter is so serious it cannot be handled by the teacher, perhaps the Council will wish to take a hand in its resolution."

"The Council?" Illian's face turned from red to white. "My father said if I ever had to go before the Council for anything, he would borrow the razor strop from Master Rodogan"

"Which will teach you to think before acting up in class," Elondelle finished unsympathetically. "Janys, if you wish to return to your duties, I will watch over him until Mistress Meisin and the Elders arrived"

"Please!" The boy's eyes filled with tears. "Just give me the paddling. I promise I will be quiet in class from now on."

"I am sorry, Illian, but I am not authorized to punish you," Elondelle said smoothly. "However if Mistress Janys believes your behavior can be adequately addressed that way without involving Mistress Meisin after all—" her voice trailed off as she and Illian looked expectantly at Janys.

What am I going to do? Minutes ago she'd been hoping someone would spank him, but she hadn't dreamed of putting him before the Council. In his eyes she saw the same panic she'd felt during her own encounters with Tadewidan and his cronies, and knew even if Illian's father carried out the punishment, it would be much more severe than what Meisin would deliver.

But with Pannolorian gone, Meisin occupied, and Elondelle barred from expanding her role, that left her as the delivery person. She looked hard at her mother-in-law. "I don't want this to go in front of the Council. I guess if I had some help, I could use the paddle."

"I believe I am authorized to render guidance." Elondelle gestured at Illian, who looked both relieved and apprehensive at the same time. She whispered to Janys, "Ask him to step outside for a few minutes and face the wall while we talk. Tell him he will then come back inside to receive correction."

Janys tried to make herself look confident. "Illian, you will wait outside while Mistress Elondelle and I discuss your punishment." After a moment she added, "When I come to get you, I want to find you looking at the tiles thinking about the spanking I'm going to give you." Her voice shook a little on the last phrase. Without a word the boy scooted out the door as Janys shut it behind him.

Elondelle glanced at the desk clock. "Have you already dismissed your class?"

Her cheeks turned hot as she realized she'd forgotten about them. "No, I left Malimera in charge."

"Then I best do so before Master Durgan wonders what happened to his math students. I will also tell him Illian will be delayed." Elondelle paused at the doorway. "Which paddle do you wish me to bring back? The small or large?"

She remembered Meisin saying the large one was for the oldest group. "The small. It's in my desk drawer. Also—ask Malimera if she has any names for me." Janys hoped the paper remained blank. If not, she might have to press the paddle into additional service.

"While I am gone, you should think through how you are going to handle Illian." Although the door remained closed, Elondelle leaned forward and dropped her voice. "You should know several things. First, he lost his mother and baby sister to childbirth complications. Although it has been over sixty decedonners ago, neither he nor his father have fully recovered. Meisin has also had problems with Illian accepting women in authority."

"All right." Although glad to hear the background information, Janys didn't understand how it affected what she was going to do.

"You need to take control of him. If you let him retain independence, he will resist you during the punishment, and resent you afterwards." Elondelle pointed towards the beat up couch running along one wall. "I would put him over my knee and make it very clear who was in charge."

At around eleven Earth years, Illian hadn't started his growth spurt, yet Janys knew it would be awkward having anyone that tall lying across her lap. "Is that really necessary?"

The other woman shrugged. "With the small paddle, you will find it hard to build up much force if you bend him over a chair or desk. Your arm will also tire more easily than if you have gravity on your side. But most of all, the more you treat him as a small child instead of an older one, the less likely he will be tell his friends about the experience. Do you want them challenging each other as to who can take more from the new teacher?"

"No." Janys admitted Elondelle's suggestions made a lot of sense. Still she hated carrying them out. Probably she dreaded the upcoming activity even more than Illian. Could Martel feel this way when he punished her? While she'd already forgiven her husband for everything, for the first time she realized what he must have gone through when picking up the strap for her forbinner.

"Think about it while I take care of your class." As the older woman disappeared, Janys steeled herself by considering the alternatives. She had to control her classroom, or all the children would suffer. And if she couldn't bring herself to wield the paddle, Illian would face both the Council and the razor strop.

Elondelle returned quickly. Despite the change in circumstances, Janys's heart flip-flopped when she saw the small paddle in her hand. She remembered Pannolorian's comments about Martel and the ruler, and wondered what he'd say about a teacher who'd forgotten her class. Perhaps she should feel grateful that this time the hand closing around the smooth wooden handle was her own

"One last thing," her mother-in-law began. "Another certain way to build resentment and ridicule is spanking too lightly or stopping too soon. Although Pannolorian could require him to lower his undergarments, as the women here may when correcting the girls, you cannot, so he will have some protection from the sting. That means you must hit harder. Also once you begin, you must continue until he has learned his lesson. If you wish, I will remain in the room and signal my opinion on when you have reached that point."

Poor Illean. From her own sessions with Elondelle, Janys knew how long that could take. Yet without experience, she'd undoubtedly end the punishment too soon to be effective. "I'd appreciate that."

"Then are you ready?"

"At least ready to get it over with." Janys walked towards the door. Surely by now she knew how to write the script for a punishment. "Illean, please come inside."

He shuffled in, a trace of his insolent grin back on his face. Now Janys understood what Elondelle meant about getting control. Although she hadn't planned to, she grabbed his left wrist while raising the paddle in her right where he could see it. "Today you interrupted my class and challenged my authority. Do you take responsibility for those actions?"

For a second she feared he'd laugh or deny it, but the knowledge that Elders would soon be descending on the office must have chilled his natural responses. "I so admit and I offer my body for correction," he said finally.

"Then come with me." He allowed her to lead him the few steps back from the couch, but tried to pull away when she sat down. She held on, tapping her knee with the edge of the paddle. "Put yourself here to receive your paddling."

He looked desperately at Elondelle, who simply nodded, then back at Janys. "But my father just makes me bend over the bed"

"And if you would rather your father do your correction, either bent over the bed at home or in front of the Council, then we will wait for the Elders." Janys could hardly believe her coolness. "But if you want me to do it, then you follow my rules."

"Pull up your tunic first, child," Elondelle added. "Mistress Janys needs as much access to your buttocks as possible."

He tensed again as though ready to bolt for the door, then scrunched up his eyes and moved towards her. With the last bravado gone, he looked like a little boy surrendering to his mother as he stretched out along the couch, his tunic hitched up as he positioned his rear over her right thigh. Automatically she put her arm across the small of his back to secure him in place.

She laid the paddle over the thin white cloth in the same way Martel did on her bare skin. Picking it up, she brought it down tentatively, scarcely making a sound as she tapped his left cheek. Nor did she elicit much of a response from Illian, who acted as though nothing had happened. Elondelle shook her head.

Okay, so she'd have to do this a lot harder. Gripping the paddle more fiercely, she snapped it down, this time aiming for the right side. Illian jumped slightly, but made no sound. Harder still then. The third one she targeted lower as the boy rewarded her with a squirm.

So that's the spot. Although she continued to smack other portions of his posterior, Janys concentrated her efforts at the juncture between Illian's rump and legs. Within twelve strokes, he wriggled more noticeably. A few more and he'd started making yips like a dog with a hurt paw.

Her arm began tiring, but she continued on, building up rhythm and force. She felt like a machine, programmed to do a job. Although she could tell from his reactions that her efforts caused the boy pain, she recognized it as a necessary part of the process.

Janys slowed, looking at Elondelle over kicking legs. Would she agree Illian had been punished sufficiently? But the old woman waved her on, and she resumed, pounding his backside until she could see his tears wetting the couch. A few seconds later he went limp, all resistance gone.

Elondelle let her continue for a little while longer, then made a cut off sign. Janys brought down the paddle one final time, then released her hold on his back. "You can get up now, Illean." Immediately he bounded up, his hands dabbing frantically at his face.

"Your handkerchief," her mother-in-law reminded him. "Then I suggest you get yourself to your math class. I believe I hear Mistress Meisin coming down the hall."

Illean needed no additional warning as he stumbled out the door, both hands rubbing the back of his tunic. "Congratulations," Elondelle said drily after he'd gone. "You will find the disciplinary skills you learn here useful when you and my son have children of your own."

Now Janys could hear the principal's voice outside. "I'll be getting back to my classroom now. But—after the Elders leave, please tell Meisin what happened. And, well—thanks." The other woman nodded.

She thought she'd feel terrible about having spanked someone, but aside from wishing the situation could be avoided, she didn't experience guilt. By overcoming her scruples, she'd saved Illean from a worse fate, just as Martel had stepped in for her.

Still she didn't want to follow the experience up with a confrontation with Sariontella over missing the essay session, even when the girl came empty-handed to class. "For taking this much time, I'm adding another three hundred words to your assignment," Janys told her. "Be prepared tomorrow to turn all of it in, or face the consequences." She managed to overlook the scowl.

That evening she told Martel the entire story as they lay in bed. "If someone forces my hand like that, I could do it again," she admitted. "But I still don't think I could just decide on my own to spank someone and carry it out."

"Oh, you never know," he teased. "Many times on my own I decide to spank someone, and I have no trouble carrying it out. " His large palm playfully swatted her bare behind before he rested it on her waist, pulling her to him. "I think you will soon take that step as well."

Elondelle hadn't given her any list of names, so Janys assumed the middlers kept themselves in line during her absence. They certainly did so the next day in class, though Illean rarely met her eyes.

Of course the youngest bunch still bubbled over with excitement from their trip, the more so because they'd had a minor casualty. Lelliticia, a girl with ringlets and curiosity in equal abundance managed to escape the leader's eye long enough to crawl up the main pipe system, breaking her wrist on the downward trip.

"Her parents and I agreed the injury to be punishment enough," Pannolorian told Janys in between classes. "Living in a cast for several decedonners will not be easy."

Yet the little girl still enjoyed the novelty of her situation as she regaled classmates with her story, stopping only to let someone sign a name to the white plaster. As Janys did so, she felt a pang for the life she left behind. The time she'd broken her own arm falling into a pit on Rydell, the Institute doctors had healed it immediately with fusion surgery.

Only one child seemed uninterested in Lellicitia's saga. Andrine, a slightly chubby brunette with puppy dog eyes pulled her small chair to the side of the group. Other than a few glances towards the injured one, Andrine stared at her lap where her small hands lay clasped.

As Janys hoped, at the end of class the girl waited until her classmates left before standing up. "Andrine," she said quietly. "Would you like to tell me what's wrong?"

The child startled as though Janys struck her. "Nothing," she choked out.

"Now Andrine." Janys smiled at her, but kept her voice firm. "You know that's not true. You've been upset all morning. Did something happen to you yesterday?"

"I — Suddenly tears choked the soft, high voice. Instinctively Janys picked up the child and held her on her lap, letting her sob into the shoulder of her tunic.

For a few minutes she merely kept her arms around her, letting her cry it out. When the sounds subsided, she stroked the brown hair. "What happened?" she asked gently.

The story poured out. Andrine had pointed out the pipes to Lellicitia, daring her to climb them. When her friend told her Master Pannolorian would catch her, Andrine distracted the teacher by wandering off in another direction.

"She got real high," Andrine reported miserably. "Almost to the top. She waved at me. Then she grabbed somethin' with her other hand and yelled ouch and fell down. Then she cried real hard. "

Probably grabbed a hot water conduit to balance herself, though the details of the accident weren't relevant. "Did you tell Master Pannolorian?"

"No," Andrine began crying again. "Lelli said not to. She said the Master would spank me and Papa would spank me, but no one was going to spank her because she was hurt. So I should just be quiet and no one would spank me."

"But not saying anything hurts in a different way, doesn't it?"

"Yes," the little girl mumbled.

Janys took a big breath. "Then maybe you should talk Master Pannolorian today. Or at least your father."

"No, no, NO!" Andrine stuck out her lip and shook her head. "Lelli told her daddy and momma she saw the pipes and wanted to go up them. They asked if I told her to do it. She said no. If I say I did, she would get spanked too."

What a moral dilemma for a child barely seven Earth years old. And because Andrine had chosen to confide in her, Janys had to help her resolve it. She thought she knew what the girl wanted her to do, though the idea brought back all the tension associated with Illean's paddling.

Maybe not, she argued. If you think she's confessing all of this because she wants the spanking to clear her conscience, why doesn't she just ask for it? The answer came immediately: for the same reasons you couldn't take Pannolorian's advice and hand Martel the ruler. Or tell your husband about kissing the Prof knowing he'll paddle you. If a grown woman can't admit responsibility and ask for the consequences, how could anyone expect a child to do so?

"Andrine," she began tentatively. "Do you think you would feel better if you got punished for all of this? If I—if I spanked you?"

The girl stared up at her, brown eyes solemnly weighing the offer. Janys could see how much she longed to say no. Please do, she prayed. She really didn't want to cause more tears. But she could also tell Andrine didn't enjoy feeling guilty about her friend's injury. "With the paddle?"

"If you think I should." But what had Meisin said about the ruler being better for the younger ones because it didn't leave mark? She certainly didn't want the parents to quiz Andrine on why she'd gotten spanked at school.

"I hate the paddle." The girl looked at her warily, as though expecting an argument.

"I was thinking we would use the ruler instead," Janys said carefully.

Andrine's small face squinched in concentration "Could I stop it when I want to?"

"I don't think that's a good idea, Andrine." Janys actually liked it a lot, knowing it would relieve her of the responsibility, but she didn't think it would help the student if she bailed out too quickly. "For this to make you feel better, it's going to have to be something you want to stop right away, but you need to finish."

Again Andrine thought hard. "Can you do it now?"

"This is your lunchtime?" The girl nodded. "Then yes, we can do it now. " Gently she put the plump legs back on the floor. "Please close the door while I get the ruler."

She could tell by how slowly Andrine turned around after pulling the door shut that she already had second thoughts about her decision. Janys went up to her, her fingers totally enclosing the small hand, and led her back to the teacher's desk chair.

"Has Mistress Meisin done this before to you?" The head bobbed up and down "Then I want to you pretend I'm her, and get on my lap the same way."

To Janys's surprise, before the girl laid herself down, she reached under her tunic and pulled down her prander. The globes staring up at her were small, white, and completely defenseless. Now she remembered Elondelle's comments about the women requiring girls to lower their undergarments, but she hadn't realized she'd be giving a bare-bottom spanking.

"Ready," Andrine snuffled.

Although the girl was considerably shorter and lighter than Illean, the chair didn't give the same amount of support as the couch. Janys wrapped her left arm around Andrine's waist to steady her, then brought the ruler down across the middle of her buttocks. "Ow!" the girl cried, bucking slightly.

Janys gripped more tightly, then whacked her again. As with Illean, she found herself building up the pace. Only this time she could directly see the results of her efforts as Andrine's behind changed color, first to pink, then a deeper rose. From the kicking and sobbing, she knew the child appreciated the consequences of her ill-conceived dare.

She continued until Andrine lay exhausted across her knees, too spent to cry any more. As she pulled up the prander, Janys felt the heat coming from the reddened skin. To think she had done this! Her wrist felt tired, but inwardly she experienced a strange sense of accomplishment.

As soon as her clothes had been replaced, Andrine pulled herself up onto Janys's lap, her hands clinging to her neck. "Thank you," she whispered. "I feel better. Can I go to lunch?" Janys helped her wipe off her face, then with a final hug sent her out the door. A while later she caught sight of the two girls outside, Andrine serving for Lellicitia so the injured ball player could keep up with the others.

If only Sariontella had brought her essay, Janys's happiness over helping Andrine might have lasted the rest of the day. Unfortunately when she asked for the paper, the girl sullenly shook her head.

"I'm not going to ask you to come after school," Janys snapped. "Because last time you ignored me. This time you will stay after class to discuss the matter."

"But I have math next—" Sariontella began.

"Then you will be late," Janys interrupted. "If you cooperate, I will explain the situation to Mistress Daradon so she doesn't punish you for your absence. If you don't, Mistress Meisin will be the one hearing about it."

She worried the girl would disobey her again by trying to slip out at the end of class, but Sarionetella stayed in her seat, arms locked over her chest. Both Vilding and Jernonon hesitated at the door, but Janys shooed them on, closing it firmly behind them. As soon as the two boys moved away, she turned back to her captive.

"Sariontella," she began. "I can't have you refusing to do assignments. If I let you get by with this, every other student will stop doing work."

"Oh, go ahead and give me the paddle!" the girl snapped. "I would rather you did than stay here after school writing a silly essay!"

"Then that's what we'll do." As Janys walked to the closet, she wished she could find some way to hand this off to Meisin or Pannolorian. But as with Illean, Sariontella had challenged her authority. How could she keep control of her class in the future unless she herself administered the correction?

Janys hadn't guessed how bulky the large paddle would feel in her hand after her sessions with its smaller version and the ruler. Why hadn't she asked someone how many swats the older students usually received? "Continue until she's learned her lesson," Elondelle would say. By the time Illean and Andrine reached that point, they'd been sobbing. I'll give her a few smacks and hope she starts crying, she finally decided

Sariontella hadn't budged from her seat. "Please stand up and bend over your desk," Janys told her as coolly as possible. The girl complied as though disengaging herself from a pool of molasses.

"Now pull down your prander." As Sariontella slowly obeyed, a slight quiver in her right leg showed she might not be as nonchalant over the punishment as she pretended.

Janys felt the jolt through her arm as she swung the paddle forward and connected with her target. Sariontella gasped but didn't cry out as a mark emerged across her white skin.

Gritting her teeth, Janys struck again. Already she could feel tears pricking at her own eyes over the pain she was causing. Why didn't the girl start crying so she could end it? But the student's eyes remained dry through two more rounds even as her backside turned darker red.

At first she didn't hear the knock at the door, dealing out two more hard blows before a loud rap stayed her hand. Flipping Sariontella's tunic back down, Janys still held the paddle as she reached for the knob. Pannolorian stood in the hallway. "I'm sorry," she told him. "But this is a really bad time. I'm correcting someone."

"I know," he replied, his face worried. "Sarionetella. Jernonon came to tell me. He worried you might not know about her home circumstances. In fact, I did not either until he described them."

"No, I haven't heard anything." Janys stepped outside, keeping the paddle arm back where it couldn't be seen by passerbys.

He dropped his voice. "Her father left the family two Planetfalls ago, and now her mother has become ill. I understand she spends most of her time at home taking care of her sister and brother. She has earned a few spanks from me for being late on her assignments as well, but"

"It's wrong for me to expect her to be able to stay after school," Janys finished. "I wish I'd known. Thank you for telling me. I'll let her go now."

"I am just glad Jernonon finally said something. In fact, I believe I will go tell Meisin and the others so we can all be a little more understanding." Smiling, he headed back to his own class.

Janys backed into her room. Sariontella lay tensed across the desk, her prander bunched around her ankles. Going over, Janys reached down and slid them back up, then patted the girl's back. "We're done," she said quietly. "And I'm sorry. If I'd only realized what was going on in your life, I'd have been happy to give you a few more days. Or maybe Master Pannolorian could excuse you from physical education so you can have a study hour at school."

At first she didn't think Sariontella heard her, but then she felt the heaving shoulders. Finally the young woman released the pain she'd been carrying, far more than anything Janys might have dealt her. Janys rubbed her back as she let her cry it out, first across the desk, then in a tight hug. By the time the girl finally regained her composure, both had soggy tunic fronts.

The rest of the decedonner passed quickly, while the next flew past as things fell into rhythm at the school. She'd gotten past feeling like a beginner and had started wondering whether to ask for additional work when suddenly she found herself nodding off during her afternoon rest sessions, once sleeping until Martel arrived home. More alarming, her breasts felt full and tender.

Could it be? Her birth control implant should have protected her for a little while longer, but she'd heard once its effectiveness might be shortened by stress. Without Institute technology, Dr. Alaniette wouldn't be able to confirm it for at least another decedonner.

Janys rested her hand on her stomach, caressing her skin. "We'll wait until we're sure before we tell your father," she whispered. "In the meantime, I'll keep learning as much as I can about children. I think I've figured out some things, but there's always something new to learn."

And always something new starting.




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