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Carter's Flame: A Rescue Four Novel by Tiffany Patterson (10)

~ Chapter Eleven ~


I felt like a total fucking heel for bringing her here. The condo. The bachelor pad as my brothers often referred to it as.

“This is your place?” Michelle asked, as we strolled toward the elevator.

We’d just come from Charlie’s and in my anxiousness to get her alone for the rest of the night, I’d brought her here.

“Yeah, kind of.” I punched the elevator button for the penthouse suite and then stuck in my key card that granted only a handful of people in the world access to this part of the building.

“Kind of?” She eyed me suspiciously. “What? Don’t tell me, you own the entire building not just the penthouse suite?” She laughed.

“No, definitely not that.” I shook my head. My family’s company owned the actual building, but I decided that didn’t need to be said. Instead, I pinned her back to the wall of the elevator, dipped my head in the crook of her neck, and inhaled, letting my lips brush up the side of her neck. I grinned when I her entire body shuttered in my arms.

“Did I ever tell you, you were dangerous?” She moaned.

“Maybe.” I planted a kiss everywhere, until I finally reached her mouth, drawing her tongue into mine, sucking on it. Another moan from her caused my entire body to inflame.

Before I could get too carried away, the elevator buzzed and the door opened to the living room of the suite. I stepped aside, and watched as Michelle’s eyes bulged. Her jaw dropped slightly as her enlarged eyes scanned the shiny, hardwood floors, spacious living room, decorated modern furnishings of earth tones.

I took her hand in mine, guiding her out of the elevator and down the three stairs to the actual living room.

“This is quite a place,” she stated, looking around at the grand piano that sat in the corner by the floor to ceiling window. I’d been telling Tyler to get rid of that fucking thing for more than two years now, but he insisted that women loved it. “Do you play?”

I let out a deep laugh. “Not since the fifth grade when I stuck a frog inside the sound band of my teacher’s piano. My mother got the hint after that and let me drop the lessons.”

Michelle gasped. “You didn’t!”

“I did. And I have absolutely no regrets about it either.”

I pulled her by the arm to me, placed her hands on my shoulders, and let my own hands fall to her wide hips, squeezing them. “Did you have a good time at Charlie’s?”

She nodded and leaned into me.

“Good.” I pulled my cell phone out of my pocket, pressing the button for the bluetooth to connect with the system that had been installed in the walls of the condo. Moments later, soft music filled the room.

“We never did get to finish that dance at my parents’ place.” My voice was low in her ear.

“I didn’t know firefighters could dance,” she teased.

“Sugar, I can do anything you want me to.”

A soft giggle poured from her lips. When her tongue darted out to moisten her bottom lip, the need for words ceased, and the demand for action became paramount. Dipping my head, I captured her lips with mine. Caught by surprise, her gasp left her mouth open for my assault. My tongue rolled over hers, my hunger growing by the seconds. My cock began straining against my jeans, seeking the one place that had come to feel like home. Michelle’s hands tightened around my shoulders, pulling me even more so with the same urgency I felt.

“Do you have to go home tonight?” I questioned, panting against her lips.

“N-no. My mom’s caring for Diego.”

I nodded then fused our lips together once again, satisfied that for the night, she was all mine. I began walking her back toward my bedroom. We hadn’t even gotten to the door of the bedroom when a loud noise startled Michelle. She jumped in my arms, breaking our kiss. The movement of the elevator doors caught my attention and my head darted in its direction. Seconds later, loud, female giggling flowed from the elevator. A pair of long, stockings-clad legs stepped off the elevator. My frown immediately turned into a scowl when I saw the man behind her.

“Carter. Shit, what’re you doing here?” my youngest brother questioned.

“The fuck are you doing here, Tyler?” I demanded, pissed at the interruption.

“I’m resting for the second week after getting injured.” The stupid grin he wore on his face relayed he thought this was some type of fun coincidence. His green eyes drifted to Michelle and they filled with humor.

“I see we had the same idea.” His eyes narrowed. “You look familiar.”

I stepped in front of Michelle, cutting off his line of sight. “Mind your fucking business,” I growled. We mostly certainly had not had the same idea. I didn’t even bother to glance at the groupie he’d brought back to the place.

“You share this place with your brother?”

I glanced over my shoulder into Michelle’s questioning, honey eyes that always made me feel a little weak in the knees.

“Share? This is my place, sweetheart. My big brother bestowed me with his bachelor pad when he bought his own home. Although he still uses it for one-nighters on occasion.”

My eyes slowly blinked closed on Michelle’s gasp. I’m going to kill that son of a bitch with my bare hands. And then I’m going to call my parents and tell them I did it.

“Is that so?” Michelle’s question was filled with indignity. Her eyes cut back to me. I could see she was totally getting the wrong idea from Tyler’s description.


“Oh, yeah. All the badge bunnies are brought back here.” Tyler laughed as if this were the funniest shit he could imagine.

“What the hell is a badge bunny?”

“Women who chase men with badges. Cops and firefighters, especially.” Tyler snapped his fingers. “I remember you, you worked the event for Townsend Industries, right?”

I heard Michelle mumble something behind me before pivoting around one of the foot stools in the living room and heading toward the elevator.

“That was a great event–”

“Tyler, if you say one more fucking word, I’m going to kick your ass from here to kingdom come! You’ll never be able to play football … hell, you won’t even be able to play rock, paper, scissors by the time I’m done with you!” I shouted. I didn’t have time to register the shock on the woman’s face or the continued mirth Tyler’s eyes displayed because I was too occupied staring at Michelle’s back.

“Michelle, wait!” I called, sticking my hand in between the closing doors of the elevator. 

“I’m going home,” she stated sternly, arms folded over her breasts.

“Listen, Tyler’s a loser. Has no idea what the fuck he’s talking about.” I was talking fast since the firm line of her mouth let me know she wasn’t playing around.

“I’m not one of your damn badge bunnies!” She stomped her foot. I had to admonish myself from thinking how fucking beautiful she looked, even angry.

“I don’t have badge bunnies,” I retorted. She gave me the sharpest look I’d ever seen on a woman.

“Who the hell do you think you’re lying to? A man who looks like you, is a goddamn hero for a living, and is one of the heirs to one of the wealthiest families in the country has badge bunnies, groupies, and woman of all types clamoring for his attention.” She exhaled a sharp breath, her chest heaving up and down.

I decided to take a risk, because fuck it, risks were meant to be taken, especially when the stakes were as high as they felt right then. I wasn’t willing to lose Michelle, especially not because of some misconceived notion of who she thought I was, in part thanks to my shithead brother.

“Don’t come near me!” she hissed, but I didn’t listen.

I pressed the button to stop the elevator where it was. I stepped into her personal space, crowding her until her back was against the wall.

“I’m not taking you home.”

Her eyes squinted but she didn’t say anything.

“Tyler’s an ass.”

“You said the same thing about your other brother, too. Maybe it’s you who’s the ass!” she snarked, and my lips curled into a grin. I was definitely liking this feisty side of her just as much as the sweet-natured side she more readily showed.

“You might be right on that. And as I recall, I called Aaron a prick. Not an ass.”

Her eyes pivoted back to me. She still remained silent, but her face softened a little.

“So all of the men in your family are either pricks or asses?”

My eyes rolled up to the ceiling and I pondered for a moment. “Pretty much,” I conceded.

“Then why should I even contemplate seeing you again?”

“Because we might be asses, but we Townsends are nothing if not loyal.”

“Even Aaron?” she questioned, raising an eyebrow.

“Especially Aaron.”

My brother was a grade A jackass, but the one thing I would never question about him was his loyalty.

“Tyler was right,” I confessed. “This used to be my place. I let him have it two years ago when I bought my own home.”

“So, you have your own home but bring me to your brother’s bachelor pad?” The anger was back in her tone.

“Yes, but only because it would’ve taken too long to get to my place.”

“Taken too long for what?”

“For me to get inside of you.” I lowered my head so that my lips hovered just above hers. “I’m an ass and a selfish one at that,” I stated, moving in to nuzzle the side of her face with my nose. “I wanted you more than the time it took to get to my house. So, I brought us somewhere closer.” That was the truth. That, and another reason I was slightly too embarrassed to admit right then.

“How do I know you’re not lying?” She pulled back to stare up at me. Her eyes had softened, but she was still wary.

“I told you I’d–”

“Prove it.”

I raised an eyebrow.

“You told me you’d never lie to me. Prove it. I want to see your home.”

My head dropped a little, my chest enlarged on an inhale and, I averted my gaze. I debated on how to handle this. When I felt her shoulders slump against me, I knew that she conceded that I was lying. I couldn’t have that. 

“Okay,” I finally responded. “I’ll take you to my home.” I took a step back and turned to press the button to allow the elevator to carry us back down to the ground floor. If she wanted to see my home, then so be it.




“You live in Cedarcrest?” I asked, as we passed the sign that read “Welcome to Cedarcrest.” It was one of the wealthiest communities located just outside the city of Williamsport. Come to think of it, the community wasn’t too far from where Carter’s parents lived, just on the border of the city.

“Yup.” His response was quiet. I could feel his mind wandering as we drove.

It’d taken nearly thirty minutes to drive out there. My eyes passed over houses that were triple and quadruple the size of the small home I’d grown up in. My vision finally landed on a massive, modern-styled home, most of which was covered in tanned colored siding, with the lower level of the left side of the house covered in brick siding. Out front I saw a spacious lawn that looked like it had been cut every once in awhile but nothing else had been done to maintain it. The light illuminated the porch and driveway as soon as we turned in.

Carter parked his Yukon in the driveway instead of pulling into the garage as I thought he would. He sighed heavily, turning off the car and climbing out. I watched as he rounded the front of the car, coming to pull my door open. He was quiet as he opened the door, holding his hand out to me to help me down.

“You seem nervous,” I remarked. I could feel his tension.

“I don’t get nervous.”

Those eyes turned down on me and my belly flip flopped. But I still could see there was an unsureness in his eyes.

“Liar,” I mumbled, and then laughed, unintentionally, when he made a growling sound in his throat.

“Okay, sugar. You asked for it,” he stated, pressing the code for his home. Seconds later the door unlatched and he pushed it open.

“You don’t even use a key.”

He shrugged. “No need.” He took a step back, to allow me to enter first just as the inside lights came on.

I stepped inside the entranceway and was completely thrown by what I saw. I heard Carter sigh from behind me as the door closed. I looked around and realized aside from the cream carpeting there was … nothing. His home was just about bare, save for an ugly black futon that sat in the room to the right that looked as if it was supposed to be a study. The design of the house was beautiful. There were two spiraling staircases upon first entrance, that led up to the second floor. The home was spacious, and even standing close to the front entrance I could make out an open kitchen down the hall on the other side of the house. But it was bare. As if no one lived there.

I abruptly turned to Carter. “How long ago did you say you bought this house?”

His head dropped. “Two years ago.”

“Two years you’ve lived here and you have no furniture?” My eyebrows were nearly touching my hairline. I took a few more steps inside, still shocked by the sight of barely any furniture, no pictures or accessories of any sort, lining the walls. Nothing.

“I have some furniture,” he grumbled, coming up behind me.

“Baby, an ugly futon does not count as furniture.” I pointed at the monstrosity, amusement filling my voice. My lips twitched and I did my best to keep from laughing. Now I knew why he really took me to the condo instead of here. Yes, his home was much farther out, but also because of this.

“You’re laughing at me?” he questioned, mischief filling his penetrating gaze.

I tried to shake my head no, but a laugh finally spilled from my lips. “I’m sorry, but, baby, this is a little pathetic.” I nearly doubled over.

“I sleep at the station a lot working overnights. Or, I stay at the condo downtown a few times a week.”

I don’t know why, but that made me laugh even more. I held my stomach.

“Oh, you think this is still funny, huh?” His voice was consumed with mirth and censure. Before I could take my next inhale, in one fell swoop he lifted me over his shoulder and turned to head up the staircase.

“Carter!” I shrilled, but held tightly to his waist, fearing he’d lose his grip and I’d fall. “Put me down before you drop me!”

I yelped when a hard smack to my upturned ass stung my cheeks.

“The only place I’m dropping you is onto my cock!”

“Oh my God! You’re so damn dirty.”

Another smack to my ass as he mounted the stairs, with me still firmly tossed over his shoulder. I tried to reach down and smack his ass to cause him even a slight bit of the humiliation he was causing me, but he just chuckled. When we made it up the last step he turned right down a long hallway coming to stop in front of a closed door. I thought he was going to put me down, I should’ve expected otherwise. He removed one of his hands from my body, but his left arm was still securely around my thighs, holding me in place. A second later, he kicked the door open and we strolled into a darkened room. He reached for the light but all I could see was the grey carpeting that covered the room’s floor, as well as a wooden dresser that stood against the right wall. He had more furniture in what I guessed was his bedroom. Before I could assess my whereabouts fully, I was tossed onto the bed.

I blinked a few times, letting the dizziness from the blood that rushed to my head subside. I looked around to see that I was plopped onto a huge bed, covered in the softest sheets and blanket I’d ever felt. When my vision cleared, I could see that this was indeed the master bedroom, and it was definitely more furnished than the rest of the house. Finally, I turned to look back to the man in front of me. His eyes were trained on me. My body heated just from the look he was giving me. As always, his eyes ate me up.

“We’ll talk about my lack of furniture in the morning.” His voice was low, singeing every nerve in my body. When his hands went to my ankles and tugged me farther down the bed, closer to him, I gasped. His hands trailed up my calves and down my thighs until he reached my lace panties. His lips spread into a smirk as if he knew I’d worn the panties just for him.

“Love the lace, sugar. But your bare pussy is what’s most attractive.”

Goosebumps sprang up on my arms. I’d never been turned on by dirty talk, but Carter made everything sound so good. As if every word formed on his lips was specifically selected just for me.

He slid my panties down my legs, then removed my shoes before getting on the bed to help me sit up to pull my dress over my head. I let him strip me completely bare and exposed for him. I was past the point of being ashamed of my body. He’d very much demonstrated how attracted he was to me, despite my not being a size two.

“Enough ogling. More touching,” I demanded when his stare was no longer enough for me.

A deep chuckle in his throat was his response. He stepped off the bed.

“Carter!” I growled, ready to lunge at him and take what was mine if he insisted on playing. This damn man had me all hot and heavy while he was taking his sweet time.

“Are you in a rush, sugar?” he commented, slowly unbuttoning his shirt, finally revealing his hard chest.

I crawled to the edge of the bed and pushed this shirt down his shoulders with my hands. I glanced down at his spectacular chest coated in an array of colors, and those damn piercings. Leaning forward, I licked the outline of the Williamsport Fire Department coat of arms tattoo, adoring the salty and sweet taste of his skin. I moved to lick around his nipple and then sucked the metal of his piercing into my mouth. 

“Who’s teasing now, sugar?” His voice was tight with arousal. 

I wasn’t given time to answer when I found myself flat on my back, his broad body hovering above me. Instinctively, my legs went up to wrap around his lower back.

“Mmm,” I moaned when his head lowered to my breast and his hand went to my soaked core. “Carter,” I whispered his name, when I felt his finger breach my nether region. My hips jumped.

“Always have to make sure you’re ready for me,” he said on a groan before connecting our lips again. Too soon he broke the kiss and reached over me for the dresser by the side of the bed. I watched as he slowly pulled his other hand from my body and lowered the gold foil wrapper to his waist. I had no idea when he’d unbuttoned and removed his pants, but he was bare, letting me see all of him.

My eyelids drooped, and I worried my bottom lip. I had to remind myself that this wasn’t our first time together, and that he’d be able to fit inside of me.

“Give me your hand.”

My gaze flew to his, and he didn’t wait for me to respond. He took my right hand in his and brought it to his stiff member. I was barely able to wrap my hands around it.

“Put me inside of you.”

He was serious. He urged me with his cock in my hands to guide him to where I needed him most. He watched intently, lowering to his elbows to lay above me, hips high. I widened my legs to give myself more room to maneuver. With his eyes on me and mine locked on his, I did as he’d instructed, pulling him into me. My chest caved when he penetrated me. I had to stop to allow myself time to adjust but Carter’s impatience must’ve worn off because he took my hand in his, raising it over my head, and finished pushing himself into me until our hips collided. I was still pulling in air from the breath that I’d just lost when he pulled out and pushed all the way again.

“Holy shit!” I screamed, back arching off the bed.

“Such a dirty mouth, sugar. Let me show you what to do with that mouth.”

He nipped at my bottom lip and then penetrated my mouth. I clung to him in every way I could. He released my arm from over my head and I pulled his shoulders to me, pushing my head back against the pillows when he moved to my neck, his beard scraping against the soft skin of my face and neck.

I pushed my knees into his hips as he ground his body into mine, causing all types of assault on me. Loud sounds of moaning and the screeching of the bed filled the room. Without notice, Carter rolled us over so that I was on top of him.

“I want to watch you ride me,” he informed.

I pressed against this chest to sit all the way up. His hands went to my hips, fingers digging into my skin. My breasts felt heavy, nipples aching painfully.

“Ride me,” he groaned, and the sound sent a shiver through me.

I lifted, rising on his shaft before lowering onto him over and over again. One of his hands moved to pinch the nipple of my left breast while the other moved to my clit. The combination of his penetration, massaging my clit, and the pressure on my breast caused me to feel overwhelmed with pleasure flooding my veins. I threw my head back, hips still moving ― at this point, uncontrollably. I leaned into him, again letting my hands fall to his chest, preparing me to let go.

“That’s it, sugar. Come for me. Let me see it.”

I locked my eyes with his and did as he requested. I surrendered to the orgasm that needed to break free. My entire body shuddered as I sat above Carter. I moaned and ground my hips onto his, my inner walls tightening and clamping around his rod. By the time the last shudder left my body, Carter rolled us and I was on my back, him above me, thrusting in and out of me again. I felt his hand on my sensitive button again and couldn’t believe he was working to wring out another orgasm from me. And my body, of course, began to respond to him instead of my silent pleading for it not to.

“Carter, I can’t,” I begged.

“Yes, you can, sugar.” The need in his voice alone jolted my entire body and I jumped. He continued to pump his hips, taking his pleasure and leaving me writhing on the bed. But soon, a tingling began down in my toes and moved up my legs until it erupted in my core, filling my entire body. I clung to Carter, who leaned down, embracing me in a bear hug, and shivered as his body released its own orgasm.

For a long while we laid like that, glued to one another. Our sweaty skin clinging to each other, as our breaths caught.

“You are amazing.” He picked his head up, staring at me, satisfaction filling those ocean blues of his. “I love you.”

I just stared at him, unable to speak because I was already worn out from the two orgasms and this was the biggest shock of all. He meant it. There was no doubt in my mind that he meant every part of those three words.

Leaning down, he kissed the tip of my nose. “I’ll be right back.” He pulled free of my body and I moaned at the feeling of his withdrawal from me. I watched as he moved to a closed door and opened it. I saw that it was a bathroom. Seconds later he returned with a warm towel, wiping me before returning to the bathroom. He shut the light off when he returned and got back in the bed, enfolding me in his arms, spooning me.

“I love you, too,” I whispered.

After a few moments of silence he returned, “I know,” right before I fell asleep.





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