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Close Encounters of the Sexy Kind: In the Stars Romance by Abbie Zanders, Jessie Lane (14)

Chapter Thirteen

“If it’s too much for your delicate constitution, Winslet, we can handle it.”

“I’m fine, but if you need a moment, go right ahead.” Ryan swallowed the bile rising in her throat and kept her face neutral. Yes, the scene was gruesome, but it was the fishy smell of the docks that made her queasy. She wasn’t about to give Haines, Kowalski, or anyone else a reason to believe she wasn’t just as capable as they were, though in truth, they looked a little green around the gills themselves.

She forced her gaze away from the man who had been strung up along the dock and left dangling. She recognized him as one of the local indigents known as “Punxsutawney Phil.” He had gotten the nickname because he was a transplant from the Northeast and had a tendency to hide at the first sign of trouble. The poor man had definitely looked better. His eyes, ears, and tongue had been crudely cut out and left beneath his feet.

“Who called it in?”

“A couple of dock workers,” Kowalski answered. “Said they found him like this shortly after they clocked in.”

“Looks like someone was trying to send a message,” Haines said.

She frowned. The scene was clearly a warning. See nothing, hear nothing, say nothing. Otherwise, this was what would happen. Phil must have seen or heard something he wasn’t supposed to.

“Yeah, but what?” Ryan mused aloud. The docks weren’t exactly a safe place to hang out, but she felt pretty confident that none of the locals would have done this to Phil. They knew he wouldn’t have said anything. Phil had been a silent presence around here for years.

As they spoke, a black sedan pulled up and two men got out. Even if their dark suits and sunglasses didn’t peg them as Feds, their cocky G-man swagger did.

“Great. Just what we need, the dynamic duo,” Kowalski grumbled.

Ryan bit her tongue. It was no secret that Kowalski was champing at the bit for a position in Homeland Security Investigations. Hell, many of them were, including her. But, instead of letting the caustic taunt of “Jealous?” cross her lips, Ryan remained silent and professional.

“You think Nez is involved?” Haines asked quietly.

“I do now,” Kowalski answered.

Ryan didn’t care for their superior attitudes. In the interest of working together, though, she would share what she knew about Phil with the G-men. After a brief internal debate, however, she decided not to mention her conversation with Drew. If her informant was right and there really was a new guy in town, it might explain why Nez had resurfaced unexpectedly. Unfortunately, she hadn’t had a chance to corroborate any of Drew’s information, and she was not about to jeopardize another chance at nailing Nez by parroting unsubstantiated claims.

The agents didn’t seem inclined to share much either. When she asked point-blank if they had any leads on Nez, they blew her off with Bureau-speak answers that revealed nothing. She wondered if they knew about her previous encounter with Nez or if they were just misogynistic douchebags.

She was in a foul mood when she returned to the station, but the crystal bud vase with a single red rose she found on her desk lifted her spirits. She held it to her nose and inhaled the sweet, subtle fragrance.

“You’ve been holding out on me,” Pam accused, coming out of nowhere. “Who is T anyway?”

Ryan snatched the small card out of Pam’s hand, seeing the strong, masculine scrawl with the words: Until tonight, T.

“Nosy much?”

“Jealous,” Pam corrected. “I can’t remember the last time a guy sent me flowers.”

Neither could Ryan, but that was because no man had ever actually sent her flowers.

When she heard Haines and Kowalski coming back into the office, she quickly slipped the delicate vase into her oversized tote. Being a woman on the force was difficult enough without having things like flowers on display. Her general rule was: if it wasn’t something the guys would put on their desks, she wasn’t going to put it on hers.

“You saw nothing,” she told Pam pointedly.

Pam put her thumb and forefinger together and made a zipper motion across her lips. “My lips are sealed.” Then her face grew serious. “Hey, I heard about Phil.”


“He didn’t deserve that, you know?” She lowered her voice. “Is it true? Nez is back?”

Ryan looked over to where Haines and Kowalski were deep in conversation. “It sure looks like it.”


“Yeah. Keep your eyes and ears open, okay?”

Pam nodded and went back to her desk.

Ryan checked the time, pleased when she saw it was already after six. She opted not to stay late for once. After all, she had a date to prepare for.

After propping her bag in the passenger seat and opening it slightly so she could see the beautiful flower, Ryan hit the hands-free button and called Betty as she pulled out of the lot. “Hey, are you busy?”

“Not anymore,” Betty answered. “What’s up?”

“I have a date tonight, and I was hoping—”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Back the truck up! You have a date?”


“With who?”

“A guy I met at the bar the other night.”

“You shameless hussy! You didn’t say anything!”

“That’s because there’s not much to tell. We had coffee.”

“That’s it? Coffee?”

“We had pie, too. And talked.”

“That’s boring. Only you could find a dud in a place like Bait.”

“He’s not a dud!” Ryan said, feeling the need to defend him. “He’s extremely good-looking, intelligent, and well-mannered. In fact, he sent a lovely rose to the precinct today.”

“The old-fashioned type, huh? Well, I guess that’s something. So, what do you want from me? Oral tips? Sexual aids?”

“Gah, no. Just ... We’re going out to dinner, and he didn’t say where exactly, just that I should wear something casual and comfortable. What does that mean?”

Betty’s hmmm resonated through the car’s speakers. “If this guy’s the gentlemanly, romantic type, I’d go with a simple sundress. Classically feminine without being overdone. Wear the turquoise one we bought at the outlet last year—it shows off your eyes. Oh, and a light sweater. Go light on the makeup and keep your hair down. Guys love that shit.”

“Thanks, Betty.” Ryan laughed. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

“Me neither. As payment, you can buy me lunch tomorrow and tell me all the sordid details.”

“You’re on.”

Ryan followed Betty’s advice. She took a quick shower, spritzed her hair with a light conditioning mist to keep the frizz factor manageable, and then applied only a bit of mascara and lip gloss. Betty was right about the sundress, too. It really did show off her eyes.

She selected a pair of comfortable, low-heeled sandals, switched to her smaller purse, and made the short walk to the bookstore, drawing some appreciative glances along the way.

She had to admit, she did feel pretty. Hopefully, Tiberius wouldn’t be disappointed, since it was nothing like the sexy siren get-up she had worn the other night.

The black Town car was already there when she walked up. The driver greeted her with a pleasant smile, and then surprised her by handing her a piece of paper.

“What is this?” she asked.

“A copy of my driver’s license, as well as the license plate number of the vehicle. Feel free to take a picture of both and send them to your friend. Tiberius thought it might serve to put you at ease.”

“Thank you.” Tiberius’s thoughtfulness impressed Ryan.

She took a picture and sent it to Betty before climbing in when the driver opened the rear door for her. The interior was classy and comfortable, and soft classical music played through the speakers.

Anticipation bubbled in her veins as the sedan made a smooth cruise through town. Not knowing exactly what Tiberius had planned for the evening was exciting, and so far, it was starting out nicely. However, her excitement waned somewhat when they stopped at one of the more exclusive marinas where Tiberius was waiting.

He looked stunningly handsome in a pair of light slacks and an expensive-looking white polo that showcased his tawny skin.

When Tiberius opened the door, Ryan took a deep breath and put her hand in his. Immediately, some of her anxiety began to ebb, though her heart continued to pound.

As if he sensed her distress, he looked at her with concern. “Ryan, are you all right?”

You can do this, Winslet, she mentally coached herself, looking toward the open-air restaurant on the southern tip of the marina. It’s just dinner.

“Yes, of course,” she said, forcing a smile. “Just a bit nervous, that’s all. It’s been a while since I’ve been on a date.”

She closed her eyes in mortification. What had compelled her to blurt out the truth like that?

“Ryan, look at me.”

Tiberius’s voice was low and soothing, and she found herself looking into his deep, dark blue eyes. He lifted her hand and brushed his lips over her knuckles, just as he had that first night. And once again, she felt the kiss in more places than just the back of her hand.

“I am honored to be among the few to be granted this gift. You look absolutely beautiful, Ryan. I am a fortunate man, indeed.”

She sighed, actually sighed. Instead of thinking of her as an un-dateable loser, he assumed she was just selective. That earned him some definite bonus points and made her even more determined to see things through. She could do this. She would do this.

“Thank you.”

Tiberius placed his hand on her lower back. It felt so good that it took her a moment to realize he was leading them not toward the restaurant, but away from it. Right to the line of bobbing yachts.

Well, hell.