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Complicated Parts: Book 1 of the Complicated Parts Duet by Ashley Jade (3)


“The better the gambler, the worse the man.” ― Publilius Syrus

I'm halfway through the courtyard when I hear it. “Preston?”

I stop in my tracks, grimacing at the sound of her voice.

She's carrying your child—I remind myself. A child I saw for the first time today.

My brother is convinced it's not mine, considering Becca is a cheater and all—and logically I know he might be right.

But the second I saw that image on the screen, something inside me shifted, and I realized there was no might about the baby I couldn't take my eyes off of. I felt it.

Poor kid isn't even born yet and already it has the worst luck in the world.

Slowly, I turn around to face her. “Hey.”

Becca's face scrunches in confusion. “What are you still doing here? You dropped me off an hour ago.”

She's right. I had every intention of going back to Yale after the appointment, but I felt like I had the weight of the world sitting in my pocket. And even though I knew I was the last person Kit wanted to see, I needed to do the right thing and give her mom's engagement ring back to her.

It was the least I could do, considering the girl has lost so much already, and I'm ripping everything she ever wanted right out from under her.

Even though I don't want it.

Or rather, I didn't...because that sonogram is seriously fucking with me.

She takes a step closer and I force myself to stay put. Becca's pretty, beautiful even. Her bleach-blonde hair and blue eyes, combined with her expensive and impressive rack would have most guys giving their right nut to have a shot with her. But unfortunately, she's also the reason they say beauty is only skin deep.

Deciding to be honest with her, I say, “I stayed so I could talk to Kit.”

Instantly, her posture turns rigid and it strikes me that it's the most emotion I've seen from the girl since I've known her. “Why?”

I stick my hand in my pocket and fumble for my keys. “Because you never gave her back the engagement ring and you should have.”

Her eyes narrow. “You had no right—”

“Bullshit, Becca, we both know you shouldn't have it anymore. She didn't deserve what you did to her.”

I want to add that I didn't, either. But unlike Kit, Becca's infidelity makes me feel annoyed rather than heartbroken.

I glance down at her still flat belly, recalling the doctor said she was almost twelve weeks along already. “It was the right thing to do. I figure I should start setting a good example for my kid.”

Her eyes widen. “This is the first time you called the baby yours.”

Shit. I sit down on a nearby bench because my head is starting to whirl.

She stands directly in front of me. “You're right. We should be setting a good example for the baby.”

Before I can stop her, she places my hands on her belly. My heart does a little skitter when I feel the slight bump and I can't bring myself to tear away from the contact.

“I know you're angry with me,” she says. “I know this isn't what you want, and I'm sorry for what I did. But I'm not sorry for creating this miracle with you.”

I take a deep breath and let it out slowly as she places her hand on top of mine. “I know you don't believe me, but I swear you're the only guy I've been with. This is our baby, Preston. Don't punish it for my mistake.”

I swallow the lump forming in my throat because she's right. This baby didn't ask to be born, but we created it. And as much as I wish I could take care of my responsibility without dealing with Becca—I can't, because we're in this together.

No matter how I feel about her right now, I owe this kid the best life possible...and that means doing right by its mother too.

I rest my forehead against her stomach. “I can't believe I'm gonna be a father.”

Her fingertips graze my scalp. “For what it's worth, I think you'll be a great one.”

“I hope so.” I don't want to be the father mine was.

I place a kiss on her belly, silently vowing to be the best dad I can be.

“Are we really doing this?” Becca whispers, her voice cracking. “Are we really gonna be a family?”

“Yeah, we are.” The second the words leave my mouth, something in my peripheral vision catches my eye.

For the briefest of moments, Kit's tear-stained eyes meet mine. She looks utterly devastated, but there's nothing I can do about it. I can't fix this situation, and I can't make it better for her.

The only thing I can do is make it better for my family, because nothing else matters from this point on.

I pull my gaze away and stand up, my attention back on Becca like it should be. “When is your next class?”

She checks her watch. “In a half hour, but I really don't want to go. I'm so tired and hungry, all I want to do is eat and sleep.”

I take in the bags under her eyes and steer her toward the exit.

“Where are we going?” she questions.

I loop my arm around her, tucking her to my side. “Home. This way I can take care of you and the peanut.”

Neither of us looks at Kit as we stride past her.