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Counterpoint by Anna Zabo (20)

Chapter Twenty

The week after the revelation about Dominic both flew by fast and went excruciatingly slowly. Greg had made good on his threat, and a mere two days later, Adrian’s own photo had been splashed across a website, along with the headline DOMINO GRINDER’S SECRET LOVER and some painfully intimate tidbits about their dinners. He’d wandered over to Poet and Whiskey after work, intent on giving the owner a piece of his mind, and spotted more than a few people following him.

And when he’d gotten to Poet and Whiskey, he’d pretty much killed every conversation by walking into the place. The owner found him first, and apologized profusely for the invasion of privacy. She assured him that Greg had been fired. So he’d stuck around for a beer and been surprised when the staff and patrons closed ranks around him.

The night was pleasant, and he ended up texting Dominic about it.

Not everyone is an asshole.

Dominic had been pleased. Yeah, I know. My new therapist keeps pointing that out, too.

They’d been texting every day, and talking when they both knew each other was alone. It hurt to be apart. Adrian tried to keep the loneliness out of his voice, so not to add to Dominic’s stress. He sounded so tired most days, but the connection helped.

None of this was easy. Watching the news about Twisted Wishes on Twitter and the gossip sites was unnerving. And so were finding people hanging out in front of his house waiting for Adrian to come out each morning.

He’d never kept a huge footprint on the internet, but there was enough public information out there. His address from real estate records. His résumé still lurked on some job-hunt sites. They’d found his gym membership, though no one there had given any reporter the time of day, thank goodness.

Work was most certainly not amused with Adrian’s sudden celebrity status. But the building was secure and the front desk extra vigilant—one of the perks for working at a bank in New York City. He had suggested to Jackson that they not work out or take lunch, lest he be drawn into the fray.

Jackson waved a hand. “Adi, I am so unconcerned with this job and with those ‘reporters’ trying to dig into dirt on you.”

The first part of that made Adrian pause. “Did you—” He lowered his voice. “You got it?”

“Of course I fucking got it.” Jackson gave him a sly grin. “Just took a while for the paperwork to come through and for them to figure out my compensation. I’m turning in my notice as soon as I’m finished talking to you.”

Oh. A strange mix of elation and sadness rocketed though Adrian. Jackson was leaving. Off to a job that meant something.

Dominic was up in Chelsea, passionately recording his heart out and dodging the press, something he might not have had to do if Adrian hadn’t made him—less careful? More open?

Adrian caught Jackson frowning. Shit. Head in his own problems. “Hey, I’m really glad for you.”

Jackson leveled him a look. “You ain’t happy, Adrian.”

“I am for you. I’m just—” He shrugged. “There’s a lot on my mind.”

“Like your dude. And the people following him. And you.” Jackson sat against the edge of Adrian’s desk.

“Honestly, I think at this point Dominic’s more upset that I’m being drawn into the chaos that is his life than he is that he was found out. Part of him realized it would happen eventually. And when I figured it out, I think it gave him a mental heads-up that this was coming.”

“Transference,” Jackson said. “He tell you that you guys should break up yet?”

Adrian didn’t bother hiding his flinch. “Not in so many words.”

A chuckle from Jackson. “Let me guess—doesn’t want to screw up your life?”

Almost exactly the words used. “Pretty much.”

Jackson grunted. “Adi. I’m gonna go in and tell Russ I’m out of here in two weeks, which you can bet means I’m being escorted out right after they do an exit interview.” He stood and looked down at Adrian. “You know this office is gonna grind to a halt.”


“So what the fuck are you doing here when you should be talking to your man?”

The question hit Adrian hard. He hadn’t even considered heading over to the studio, not when he was being tailed. Not when Dominic was in a state of panic at the chaos. “I figured once things calmed down, we’d figure shit out.”

Jackson raised an eyebrow. “You’re not a fool, Adrian. You know better. He’s a rising star—a rock star. This is gonna be his life.”

And there was the truth. Adrian pushed away from his computer, his heart pounding. He wanted to be part of that life—part of Dominic’s world. Chaos or no. If he let go of Dominic, there’d be no more quiet moments in his library. No more waking up to that smile.

Jackson stood. “Stay for the fireworks, then get out of here and go do what I know you want to do.”

Adrian nodded, lips pressed tight, and watched Jackson exit and head down to Russ’s office. Because cube walls didn’t keep out anything, there was already murmuring around him. Whispered conversations, and this time it wasn’t about Adrian’s sex life with a rock star.

Domino. Dominic. Jackson was right. After the show, he needed to go to Dominic and argue that this shouldn’t end. That the fame, the annoyance of the notoriety, was nothing compared to the agony of losing Dominic. His passion, his beauty, and his love.

He knew his feelings were returned. Dominic loved him—wanted him. Just didn’t see a way to be together.

Adrian glanced around his cube, and thought of the email sitting in his personal account from Marcella Crane. Thought about the other from Ray Van Zeller.

Jackson was leaving this job. Maybe it was time for Adrian to, as well. There wasn’t anything at all holding him here, other than a paycheck.

He stood and wandered out into the hallway. Other people were popping up over their walls, peering toward the boss’s office. Five minutes later, it wasn’t Jackson, but William who marched down the hall. “You.” He pointed at Adrian. “You knew this was happening.”

“I knew he was interviewing, yes. That he’d found something that excited him in a way this place never did.” Adrian cocked his head and leveled a look at William. “There’s more to life than just a paycheck.” He didn’t honestly know whether he was talking to William—or to himself.

William shook his head. “It’s only going to mean more work for you.”

“Maybe.” Adrian scooped up his phone. “Maybe not. We’ll see.” He turned his back on William and headed for the elevators.

“Where the fuck are you going?” William’s voice rose shrill and hard behind him.

He waved a hand in the air. “Figure it out. You’re the genius on the floor, William.”

A minute later, he was on the elevator and heading to the lobby. Five minutes later, he was pounding down the steps into a subway station. Pretty sure someone was following him. Or maybe he was just paranoid. Didn’t really matter at this point.

He had enough signal to fire off a text to Dominic. We need to talk.

When he passed through the next station, a reply came in. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I didn’t want to do this to you.

Fucking hell. You are not breaking up with me over text, Dominic Bradley! Of course, the fucking train halted on the tracks and he no longer had signal. Adrian closed his eyes for a moment, then the train lurched forward.

When he reached the closest stop to the studio, he marched out of there and up to the street. No reply from Dominic. Maybe avoidance. Maybe panic. He didn’t know, but this wasn’t going to end without them speaking.

He definitely was being followed now. And photographed. Adrian hit the call button on his phone and listened to the other end ring and ring and ring.

Finally—finally—as he got to the building that housed the recording studio, Dominic picked up.


“Don’t. Just—don’t. I know it’s hard. I know you want to. But don’t.”

A hiss, as if Dominic was breathing out through his teeth. “Do you have any idea what your life will be like? The fans? The press? Nothing will be normal again.”

“Sure it will.” Adrian stopped in front of the building, surrounded by fans and photogs and a ton of cell phones being pointed his direction. He was vaguely aware that people were calling his name, but all he could do was crane his head up and look at the building. Count the floors. “And I have a fairly good idea what the non-normal part will be like, too.”

“How could you?”

“Because I’m standing on the sidewalk in front of your studio. I’m sure if you check Twitter or something, you’ll see video.”



“You’re outside?”

“I am.”


He rolled his eyes. “Take a fucking guess, genius.” He laughed. “You are so impossible sometimes.”

“Oh my god. You are there. There’s about a dozen live feeds. Ray has one up. Holy shit.” On the other end, a deep rumble of a voice—probably Zavier—said something. “Yeah, but I can’t just—” Dominic took a breath.

“Yes, you can,” Adrian said. “You can come down here and rescue my sorry ass from this.”

“I’m—not dressed.” Dominic’s voice was a harsh whisper.

He knew what Dominic meant, and ignored it completely. The look he wore didn’t matter for this. “I’m one hundred percent certain you have clothes on, Dominic.”

Silence on the other end, which only emphasized the crush and chatter of the crowd around him. He lowered his own voice, ducked his head, and closed his eyes to block out all those people staring at him. “Babe, please.”

His next step was to fall apart on the sidewalk. It was too much to handle, the emotions. Knowing that every word, every expression was being transmitted over the internet to god knew who. Maybe even his siblings. Fuck knew what Patrick would think, him begging for his lover in public.

But he’d endure what he could for Dominic. Because Dominic had to endure so much more now that his true name was out.

An exhale on the other line. “Oh my god, Adrian. Hang on. I’ll be right down.”

He had no idea what had changed Dominic’s mind, but relief shot through him. “Thank you.” He clicked off his phone, but kept his eyes closed for a little longer. Found the calm, the center, and the control, even if his heart was trying to pound its way from his chest. His stomach was in tatters.

Maybe they would break up. There was always that possibility, even if he hated the thought. But it wouldn’t be because of fear or the public or any of this shit.

He blinked his eyes open and raised his gaze to the door of the building. They fit together. In bed. Outside it. He loved the shy bookworm as much as the over-the-top rock star. Loved everything in between, too. The surrender and the steel. All of the things that made Dominic Bradley utterly himself.

The lobby door opened, and Dominic was there, pushing through the crowd of people. “Excuse me,” Dominic ground out. “Can you all just...get out of my way?”

Dominic was—different—this way. But also the same. A T-shirt clung to his body, exposing his tattoos. He was wearing the faded jeans Adrian was so used to seeing on him, but with sneakers, not his dress shoes. His hair was a mess—more Domino than Dominic, but glasses perched on his nose.

When Dominic finally reached him, he grabbed Adrian by the shoulders and gave a little shake. “What are you doing here, Adrian?”

He peered into those wide brown eyes. “Do you remember when you asked me if I liked my job?”

Dominic slid his hands up to Adrian’s neck. They were strangely cool. Soothing. Or he was overheated. “I remember everything about that night,” he said.

“I fucking hate my job. It’s awful. My best friend just quit and I’m going to be stuck in that corporate hell alone.” After that statement blazed across the internet, he’d probably get pushed out. “I’m here because nothing in the world matters more to me than you. Not the job, not my grandparents’ house, not even my library. I’d burn it all down if it meant I could be with you. I love you.”

Dominic’s shoulders dropped. “Fucking hell, Adrian.”

There were tears lurking back in the corner of his eyes and in his mind. He missed family. Missed connections. Jackson had been a lifeline for years. So had Janelle, but they were friends—not this. Dominic was so much more than a friend. He’d become part of Adrian’s life.

“I mean it.”

Those hands rose to cup his face, and Dominic stepped close. Pressed his forehead to Adrian’s. “I know you do. You’re surprisingly, refreshingly truthful about every damn thing in the world.”

Adrian met those lovely brown eyes. “Surely not everything.”

A laugh, then the humor fell away. Thumbs stroked Adrian’s cheeks. “You know, this is the way my life is.” He nodded to the crowd rocking around them, all the people taking photos and videos and no doubt texting and tweeting all of this. “Chaos. No privacy.”

Yes. And no. Adrian mirrored Dominic’s hands, taking that sweet face into his own palms. “Right now, I’ll admit this crowd is pretty fucking terrifying.” He smoothed a thumb over Dominic’s lips. “But we’ve had privacy. We’ll have it again. Not everything is for public consumption.”

A flicker in Dominic’s eyes, and a curve of a smile on his lips.

“The world can have Domino. He’s pretty fucking amazing. But I want you, Dominic Bradley. And I’m not willing to give you up without one hell of a fight.”

“I hate fighting.” Dominic’s eyes were shining. “And I love you, too.”

Adrian stepped in, until there was no space left between them at all, and whispered against his lips, “Then fucking kiss me, already.” It came out as an order.

A huff of laughter, then Dominic did, and the world fell away beneath the gentle pressure of his lips and the slip of his tongue. Yes. This was right. This was theirs.

When they broke the kiss, he realized the buzzing in his head was cheers and applause, and his whole body flared with too much heat for a suit during the summer in Manhattan. “Time for you to rescue me before I pass out from the heat.”

Dominic smiled, took his hand, and led him into the building and its air-conditioned splendor. When the doors closed behind them, Adrian shuddered and wrenched off his suit jacket. They headed toward the bank of elevators. “Please don’t ever make me do anything like that again.”

“Declare your love for me in front of the world?” Dominic’s cheeks were red and his eyes a little moist. “I fucking hated that crowd, but that was the most awesome, greatest—”

Adrian grabbed the back of his neck and swallowed the rest of the sentence in a kiss that had them both banging up against an elevator door. When he broke the kiss, he met Dominic’s stare. “No. Don’t you dare make me march across town with my heart in my hand to stop you from breaking up with me over something so foolish as you being a fucking rock star and trying to protect me from your life ever again.”

“Oh.” Dominic breathed out the word. “But it is a lot to deal with. I mean, I hid from it for years.” He swallowed. “You should probably press the up button.”

Adrian jabbed the arrow, but kept Dominic against the elevator door. “And I get why. People prying into your business, your personal life. Following you around. I’m not going to like that part.”

Dominic grabbed his tie, pulled him in, and their mouths met in a tangle of lips and tongue. God, he felt so good, so right in Adrian’s arm. His taste, his fingers digging into his arm.

The elevator dinged and the door to the left—not the one they were making out against—slid open.

With a moan, Adrian broke the kiss. “Our ride is here.”

They broke apart and stumbled into the other car. There were mirrored panels in the elevator, and Adrian saw his wild reflection. Hair destroyed and moisture dripping from his hairline. His shirt was wrinkled to hell and drenched in sweat, and his tie askew. Lips red and plump from kissing. “Well, I’m a mess.”

Dominic hit the button for the floor that housed the studio they’d been renting. “You’re gorgeous. Stunning. I can’t believe you came here for me.”

“Should have come sooner. That Monday, I should have been here.”

Dominic leaned back against the back of the car. “Maybe. I don’t know. I was so out of it, then. To be honest, I’m still kinda terrified. But I can’t change any of it...and the fans don’t seem to mind. And it’s not nearly as horrible as all the nightmares I’ve had about it.” He took another breath. “I fucking walked out there as me, and saved you.”

Adrian loosened his tie. “Yeah, you did.”

“I was watching the feed Ray had up while we were talking and you just—you looked crushed in that crowd. Like you were gonna break open right there and then. And I realized how fucking unfair I’ve been to you.”

That—Adrian hadn’t expected those words. “You haven’t been unfair to me.”

Dominic straightened as the car came to a halt. “I have. I totally have.”

But the door swung open and before them, in the hall, were the three other members of Twisted Wishes. And they were clapping, the fucking bastards.

“Well,” Ray drawled before throwing an arm around Dominic, “for someone who hates the spotlight, that was probably your most amazing performance.”

“Fuck you, Ray,” Dominic said. “Wasn’t a show.”

Ray kissed him on the side of the head. “I know.” He let Dominic go.

Mish handed Adrian a bottle of water. “You look about ready to pass out.”

“That’s because I am.” He cracked open the bottle and drank half of it.

“The studio’s cooler.” Zavier gestured to the door. “And more private.”

“Except for the techs,” Dominic said.

Ray waved a hand. “Sent them home. No way we’re recording anything else today. And Marcella’s already called. She’s on her way.”

Because of Adrian. What he’d done. “Sorry about the sudden PR nightmare.”

Zavier laughed. “Not a nightmare at all.” His hand fell onto Adrian’s shoulder, and slowed his entrance into the studio until they were the only ones in the hall. His eyes were bright. “What you did was astounding.”

“What I did was nearly have a nervous breakdown and pass out on a sidewalk.”

“You saved Dom.”

“He saved me.”

“Yes.” Zavier grinned. “Exactly.” He clapped Adrian on the back and pushed him into the studio.

He didn’t understand these people—not entirely. But they felt like family.

And when he stepped into the studio and saw Dominic smiling and laughing, looking like that heady combination of Domino and Dominic, and their eyes caught—Adrian knew he was home.

* * *

Dom handed bottles of water to Adrian to pass to the others as they all sat around the studio and waited while the furor of Adrian’s well-broadcast declaration of love and Dom’s “daring” rescue made the rounds on the internet. Marcella’s cell phone rang off the hook for requests for interviews. She’d headed out into the hall to field the calls. After all, they would have to address what had happened.

At one point, Adrian got a text and scrunched his face in disgust at the screen of his cell phone.

Dom winced. “People bothering you?”

“No. It’s Jackson. Said he was escorted out of the office after he quit. Fucking awful way to treat him.” He looked up. “And apparently, I have a meeting with the boss tomorrow at 8:30 AM.”

Oh. Fuck. Adrian’s work. “Um. You’re not gonna lose you job...?”

He shrugged, his shirt untucked, half unbuttoned, and sleeves rolled to his elbows. His tie and jacket had been thrown over a chair close to the door. “Maybe. I don’t really care at the moment.”

Ray ducked his head and turned away, but Dom saw the smile. He swung around to peer at Zavier. “Wait, what’s going on?”

Of course, Zav raised an eyebrow. “I have no idea what you mean.”

“Bullshit. You know everything Ray’s got his fingers into.” Dom stood and rounded on Mish. “We’re supposed to do things as a band—all of us!”

Mish held up her hands. “If Ray’s up to something, he hasn’t let me know.”

“No...” Ray faced Dom, his grin wide. “I’m just...thinking. That’s all.”

“You want to hire me to work on the website,” Adrian deadpanned.

“I’m thinking we should hire Adrian to do the website,” Ray said.

Mish rolled her eyes. Zavier spun a drumstick in his hand and said, “It’s not a bad idea.”

“No,” Adrian said.

They all looked at him, including Dom.

“Wait, you don’t want to do the website? But that list...” Ray looked lost.

Dom smacked his hand against Adrian’s thigh. “And if you’re gonna lose your job because of me...”

“I’m not losing my job because of you. If they don’t fire me for unexpectedly walking out of the office today or for essentially saying that my position is a flaming pile of shit, I’m quitting tomorrow morning anyway. And I have more than enough vacation owed to me and a savings account built up. I can manage fine for quite some time.”

“You don’t want to fix our website?” Ray said again. He pulled a chair out and flopped into it.

Adrian waved a hand, his lips twisting up into a grin. “Oh, I want to fix your website. It needs an overhaul something awful—and it’s down right now thanks to the increased traffic.” He held up his phone. “Funny how that works.”

Zavier stilled the stick in his hand. “I’m not following this discussion correctly. You want to fix our website, but you don’t want us to hire you to fix our website.”

Adrian grinned at Zavier, and Dom recognized the gotcha in those lips. “Exactly,” Adrian said.

That got a snort from Zavier.

“Is he always like is?” Ray turned to Dom.

“No. Yes.” Dom sighed. “Adrian?” There was a plea in his voice.

“Sorry. I’m still a little lightheaded and giddy, so you’re going to have to put up with my mood for a change.” He raised a hand to silence any other outbursts. “I don’t want to be hired to fix your website. I want to be hired to run your IT and your social media.”

Mish strode over, dropped a water bottle into Adrian’s lap, and punched him in the arm. “You’re going to be just as much trouble as the rest of them, aren’t you?”

Adrian got a sly grin and cracked open the bottle. “Maybe. Depends on whether the band hires me.”

“We’re gonna hire you,” Ray said.

Adrian met Ray’s gaze. “Even though I’m fucking your best friend?”

Heat shot straight to Dom’s face and balls. Yeah, Adrian was starting to feel better, that was for sure.

Especially since you’re fucking my best friend,” Ray said.

Dom buried his face in his hands. “Fuck you both. And Zavier’s your best friend, too. So’s Mish.”

“Zavier’s my husband,” Ray said. “And I can have more than one best friend. We’ve had this discussion before.”

Adrian snorted. “Are they always like this?”

Both Zavier and Mish answered, “Yes.”

Dom started laughing. He couldn’t help it. Everything was wrong and everything was right. He was still Domino Grinder and he was utterly Dominic Bradley.

And Adrian Doran was gonna work for Twisted Wishes. His Adrian. The man who held his heart and his secrets and tied him up. The love that kept him steady and let him float above all the cares in the world.

Hands on his shoulders and then his chin, tipping his face up, and Adrian was there. “I’ll give you everything I can in this world, Dominic. Just let me be with you.”

“You’re asking me?” Because really, if it weren’t for all the other people in the room, Dom would be on his knees right now.

“I’m always going to ask.” Adrian’s smile was soft.

“I want your library.” Dom met his gaze. “But it’s gotta come with you, ’cause it’s not nearly as fun without you in it.”

Adrian’s grin was wicked.

Somewhere behind Adrian, Ray murmured, “They’re fucking perfect for each other.”

“Mmmhmm,” Zavier said. “And I believe this is where the three of us should go and find out what interviews Marcella’s booking us for.”

There was shuffling, and Mish laughing, and a door opening and closing, then silence. Dom hadn’t once looked away from Adrian. Couldn’t. Not from those eyes or that smile.

“Just the library and me?” Adrian whispered. “Nothing else?” He stroked fingers over Dom’s cheek.

“How about the whole house and the rest of our lives? Shacking up?”

A nod, then Adrian pulled him up into his arms, and took Dom’s breath away with a kiss that was hot and deep and utterly claiming. Dom dug his fingers into Adrian’s hair and kissed back hard, fighting for every inch of control, until they were both hard and breathless.

When Dom came up for air, he laughed. “Did I just propose to you?”

Adrian nipped his ear. “Yup.”

“So you’re fine with being Mr. Grinder?”

Adrian’s breath caught, then he huffed out a laugh before kissing Dom’s neck. “Adrian Grinder sounds ridiculous.”

“Yeah, nearly as bad as Domino Grinder.”

Adrian softened at that and pulled back, hands gliding down to Dom’s shoulders. “Domino Grinder is a fucking amazing man. So’s Dominic Bradley. And you’re the love of my life. My strength and my home.”

The mirror of his own thoughts. “You’re my shelter and my refuge. You’re right. We can have our privacy. The public can have Domino. The rest of the band can have Dom. But you’re the only one who’ll ever have all of me.”

Adrian’s smile was joy incarnate and his kiss feather-soft. “Deal?”

“Deal.” He pulled Adrian into his arms.

“You know, I’m kinda looking forward to eventually sending a wedding invite to sanctimonious Father Patrick.” Adrian grinned.

Dom chuckled. “When we set a date.” He sobered. “Maybe your other siblings will be kinder.”

“I hope so.”

He kissed Adrian’s neck. “Let’s get out of here. Dodge the press, buy some pie, and go home so you can tie me up and feed me.”

Adrian lifted him off the ground and swung him around completely. “I fucking love my job,” he said.

So did Dom.

They didn’t even bother with Adrian’s coat or tie, just took the fire stairwell down to the ground floor, snuck out hand-in-hand, and took off for the nearest subway stop, laughing the entire way.