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Daddy Commands by Maggie Ryan (9)

Chapter Nine





Running the loofah over my legs, I looked up as Brett entered the bathroom after finishing the rest of his run. “You going to join me?” I asked, as he started to strip.

“Wish I could, but I’ve got to get to work.”

By the time he stepped out of the shower, I had dried off and squealed when he pulled me to him. “Hey, you’re still wet!”

Bending to kiss me, he moved his hands to cup my breasts, toying with my nipples, which instantly went hard. When he gave them a pinch, I inhaled sharply. Dropping one hand, he slid it between our bodies to cup my sex.

“Hmmm, seems like I’m not the only one wet.”

I dropped my own hand, encircling his cock. “I thought you had to report for duty, Major Griffith.”

“My first duty is to my wife.” Picking me up, he set me on the counter and got out the shaving supplies. “A well-groomed soldier is a happy soldier,” he said, moving to position my legs as he had the first time he’d shaved me.

“I think the happy soldier is the officer in charge,” I teased with a smile.

After removing the stubble, he ran his fingers through my sex again, and I knew he’d discover I’d become even wetter. Carrying me to the bed, he laid me down and climbed up to join me.

“Spread those gorgeous legs again, baby. A good commander always does a very thorough quality control inspection.”

I smiled and opened my legs. I couldn’t hold back the mewls and gasps as he ran his tongue through my center. This man knew exactly how to bring me to the brink until I was trembling, my hips arching as I begged for permission to come.

“Not yet,” he said, pushing my knees up, forcing my legs further apart as he slipped his hands beneath my ass, lifting me higher. The tip of his tongue swirled in slow circles around my clit, as he slid a finger, then another inside, pumping them in and out.

“Oh, God, I’m so close!” I warned, not wanting to disobey, but knowing my body was going to betray me.

“You come without permission and I’ll spank this needy pussy,” he said, giving my sex a slap that had me gasping as he pulled his fingers out.

“Please… sir!” I begged, the swat doing nothing but increasing my need to explode. I then inhaled sharply as his tongue ran across my taint to run around the rim of my puckered back entrance. When it pushed inside, I gasped, my fingers gripping the quilt beneath me.

Lifting his head, he replaced his tongue with his finger. “You’ll come with my fingers inside your ass.”

The command had my face heating. I still considered the act a bit perverse, a little taboo and yet I’d be lying if I said it didn’t have my entire body tingling, my belly tensing, the spring inside me coiling with the expectation of intense pleasure. A second finger joined the first, causing a burn that he took my mind off of by returning his tongue to my clit. When he began to scissor his fingers, stretching me as he demanded my acceptance of their presence in my tight hole, my toes curled as if trying to mimic my hold on the quilt. My head tossed back and forth on the pillow as he pushed me to accept a third finger.

About to state that I couldn’t, my protest was cut off with a primal sound as I discovered that I could. God, I was so full, so wanton as I began to push my hips to meet his fingers every time they withdrew, as if begging them to return to my darkest recess. His tongue began to fuck my pussy in sync with the fingers in my ass. My entire body tensed and I could see spots beginning to dance beneath my eyelids.

“Come, baby.”

I didn’t need to be told twice. The second his tongue dove back into my pussy and the fingers of his free hand pinched my clit, I screamed and obeyed. Wave after wave of pure bliss washed over me as he continued to finger fuck me, his tongue lapping up the cream he’d drawn from my body. I was whimpering when his fingers slid free and he moved up my body. His cock entered my pussy, and I wrapped my legs around him, my hands reaching to grip his arms as he planted his hands on either side of my head.

“You are so gorgeous when you come,” he said a moment before he kissed me. He made love to me slowly, gently until I was begging to come again. “Come with me,” he said and, being his good little soldier, I had no choice but to obey my commanding officer.

“Oh, God, that was… incredible,” I said after he’d withdrawn, rolled to his back, and pulled me on top of his body. “I guess I passed inspection, sir?”

“With flying colors,” he said, grinning before he kissed me. After a few minutes of cuddling, he gently rolled me off and climbed out of bed.

“Don’t cook dinner tonight. We’ll go out for pizza.”

“Oh, that sounds good,” I said, still in bed, lying on my side, enjoying the view as he dressed.

After Brett left, I got dressed and drove to Stephanie’s. “Sorry I’m a little late,” I said when she opened the door.

“No worries. Gary just left. Do you want some coffee before we go?”

We drank a cup of coffee and then went back to my car. “It’s a brilliant idea to use the school’s playground. I’m nowhere near ready for anyone to see me on the obstacle course.” I told her how pathetic my first attempt had been and that I hadn’t improved much.

“We all start somewhere; just be proud that you started at all.”

After doing some warm-up stretches, we walked over to the monkey bars. I giggled as I wrapped my hands around the bars and then said, “Wow! My training is really paying off!” I easily made it to the other end while Stephanie laughed.

“I think that’s called cheating,” she said when I released the bar and gave a bow. “I’m pretty sure your feet aren’t supposed to touch the ground.”

I laughed, having forgotten that the bars from my childhood had been much shorter. She showed me that I needed to bend my knees and hang by my arms before traversing the bars. After she’d completed the length, she came over.

“Don’t worry. I’ll spot you.”

It was embarrassing as I didn’t even make it halfway across, but she refused to accept my apologies.

“Hannah, I’ve been training for a month longer than you have.”

“I’m just afraid I won’t be anywhere near ready to sign up for the Mudder,” I said, flexing my fingers to get ready to try again.

“Well, if you had Gary for a coach, you’d make sure to scamper across like the monkey these are named for.”

Cocking my head, I gave her a long look. “That’s twice now you’ve mentioned him giving you some sort of motivation.” I wanted to know what he used to inspire her into working so hard, but just couldn’t bring myself to ask. Instead, I gripped the bars again. “He’s taught you. You can teach me. What’s my incentive, Coach?”

She laughed as she moved to stand beside me to break my fall if I let go—which I would, of course. “Let’s just say I’m not sure you’d appreciate Gary’s methods. But, if you make it further than the first time, I’ll pop for a Starbucks on the way home.”

“Sounds good.” I didn’t earn the prize until the third time and still didn’t make it to the end, but from the way we both shouted and did a happy dance, you’d have thought I’d won a marathon.

We did some pushups, ran along some beams that were low to the ground, and then jogged around the track. Cooling off on the swings, we laughed as we tried to outdo each other to see who could go highest. Climbing off, I staggered a bit, but I loved every quiver of my muscles. Driving through the Starbucks, the barista informed us that today was National Friend’s Day, and the drinks were buy one and get one free.

Stephanie laughed. “I swear I didn’t know when I made that offer. Hey, if you come out with us tonight, I’ll make it up to you and I’ll buy you a drink.”

“Out where?” I asked as I pulled up to the window.

“Lieutenant Dawson, Kelly’s brother, has a band and they’ve got their first gig. A bunch of us are going to a club out on Brewster Street. It’s a bit far, but Kelly asked if we’d go help support them. Besides, he said that Fridays are ladies’ night and they’ve got this free buffet.” She paused while I passed her phone to the guy at the window so he could scan her app to pay for the coffees.

It was Friday. I’d totally forgotten what day it was. Brett had mentioned dinner, but had not said anything about what would happen after we’d eaten. Perhaps he’d decided one week was enough of his camp? Somehow, I rather doubted that.

I shook my head. “Sorry, it sounds like fun, but I can’t go,” I said as I handed her phone back.

She rolled her eyes. “God, you’re going to think I’m some sort of cheapskate. I mean your coffee didn’t cost me anything and the drinks at the bar are like half-price.”

“No, it’s not that,” I assured her, giving her coffee to her and accepting my own. “I’m all for cheap drinks. Any other night and I’d jump at the chance. But, well, Fridays are when Brett and I…” True, I felt that we were becoming close friends, but I was not ready to share such an intimate detail with her… with anyone really. “It’s sort of our date night.”

“Oh, that’s too bad, but I understand. Gary and I are the same way.”

“You are?” I asked, wondering if some instinct in me had drawn me to another wife who practiced this dynamic.

“Yeah, but on Sundays. We always go out to brunch somewhere after church.”

Church and brunch… not dinner and spanking. Thank God I’d not said more about my own ‘date night’. I just smiled and nodded, glad when Stephanie steered the conversation back to training after I reached up to rub my shoulder, which ached a bit.

“What you need is a good massage,” she said.

Her words made me think of the massages that Brett always gave me after our runs. I’d had a better week than I’d had in as long as I could remember. And why was that? As much as I hated to admit it, it was because we’d made those vows, Brett had enforced them, and we had started over. Smiling for real this time, I turned to her. “I’ll make you a deal. If I can actually be ready to do this Mudder, and live through it, I’ll treat you to a spa day when it’s over.”

“You’re on!” She raised her cup. “The only thing I love more than coffee is getting pampered. You can bet your ass you’ll make it!”

After dropping her off at her house, I went home and finished the project for the welcoming baskets for the newcomers to the base. They were now lined up in a neat row along the back wall and would be picked up by another committee member tomorrow. I spent some time watering and checking our garden, glad to see green shoots beginning to appear in the pots we’d started as seeds.

Realizing I actually had some free time, I tried to read but couldn’t concentrate. Instead, I made a few more flowers, enjoying the process instead of being freaked out that I’d never finish. As I worked, I thought about the week. I’d not broken any of our rules, and Brett and I hadn’t had a single harsh word… well, if you didn’t count those few grumblings I’d made when forced to get up so early. But I’d even stopped doing that.

When it was about time for Brett to get home, I went into the bedroom to change. Pulling a dress from my closet, I reconsidered. Even though I had done nothing wrong, had nothing to confess, and there was no reason for me to worry about getting a spanking, I’d worn a dress last Friday and look what had happened. He couldn’t expect me to remove my pants and panties in the middle of a restaurant. Putting the dress back, I pulled on a pair of jeans and a sweater. If he questioned me, I’d simply state that it wasn’t our anniversary and going to a pizza parlor didn’t require a dress and heels.

I was halfway out of the bedroom when I paused. What was I doing? If I hadn’t wanted this deep down, I would never have agreed. Sure, it had been embarrassing to have to face my faults and lay over his lap with my bottom bared. It had hurt to have my ass smacked, but I’d not only survived, the pain hadn’t lasted long. And if I were honest, I’d felt… well, cherished. And yet I already had an excuse on the tip of my tongue to explain my clothing choice. I was surprised to discover I felt ashamed of myself. Turning around, I pulled off my clothes and was reaching for the dress when I heard my phone ringing. It was Brett’s ringtone.

Grabbing it off the bed where I’d tossed it, I answered. “Hi, I was just getting dressed.”

“Sorry, babe, but I’m going to be…”

I could barely hear him for the sound of voices in the background. “Brett? I can’t hear you, when are you going to be here?”

“Late… if I get home at all.”

Sinking down onto the bed, I asked, “Oh, God. Are you deploying?”

“What? No, hang on.”

I heard him say something about quieting down and was aware of other people talking, but I was not really paying attention. My heart had started pounding when he said he might not get home at all. I tried to present a brave front when he was off on some mission, but inside I was always terrified.

“I just have something important to deal with. I’ve ordered a pizza for you. It should be there soon.”

Before I could ask what had happened, I heard someone else talking before Brett said, “Look, I’ve got to run.”

And he was gone.

I pulled on a pair of sweatpants and one of his t-shirts. It hung down to my knees but it made me feel closer to him. The doorbell rang and I accepted the pizza. When I tried to tip the delivery guy, he shook his head.

“It’s covered. Major Griffith paid for everything when I delivered the other pies. Have a good night, ma’am.”

Other pies? What did that mean? Carrying the pizza into the kitchen, parts of the phone conversation bounced around in my head. Suddenly, I froze. I’d heard someone saying something about having found the cards and another voice calling out, “Griff, you coming? The guys are ready to kick some ass.”

Brett wasn’t coming home because he had something ‘important’ to do. Since when was playing poker something important? More important than our plans… more important than his supposed dedication to our commitment. A commitment that had me running my ass off, making a fool out of myself trying to make him proud, had me eating crow with women I’d been in charge of, and pulling out of projects I should be heading. Well, fuck that. I had more important things to do too!

I dialed Stephanie’s number, but she didn’t answer. Knowing how loud clubs could be, I’d wait a few minutes then try again. Leaving the pizza box on the counter, I was pulling off my clothes as I walked back to our room. Throwing his shirt on the floor, I rummaged through my closet and pulled on a dress, but not the one I’d originally chosen. Shrugging off my bra, I pulled on a red sheath with thin spaghetti straps. Pairing it with black heels, I applied more makeup, brushed my hair and then stood and looked at my reflection. The dress hugged my body and I smiled. I’d only been exercising for a week, but I would swear I’d lost weight. Would Brett be disappointed if I lost my curves?

No, he has more important things to do than hang onto those curves, remember? Picking up my phone, I dialed again. She still didn’t answer, but this time I left a voice message. “Hey, Stephanie, this is Hannah. Evidently I’m not important enough for Brett to keep our date. He’s ditched me for some fucking poker game. I’m not going to sit around like some damn dog begging for his attention. I’m dressed to kill and ready to party. Get ready to buy me that drink, or a dozen, Coach. I’ll see you soon.” I grabbed a smaller purse and transferred my wallet, brush, and lipstick to it before going out the door. Climbing into my car, I remembered she’d never mentioned the name of the club. Shrugging, I pulled out of the drive. How many clubs could there be on one street? Leaving the base, I turned the radio up loud and sang along, determined not to think about Brett as he sure as shit wasn’t thinking about me.


* * *


An hour later, I was beginning to rethink my plan. I’d thought I’d remembered where Brewster Street was, but it took me several times backtracking to finally connect with the street. Driving slowly, I shook my head as I pulled into another lot. Why would there be so many bars in one place? You’d think having so many choices would cut down on customers.

At the last light, I’d dug through my purse for my phone only to discover I didn’t have it. Evidently, I’d forgotten to transfer it to my new bag. I’d already gone into one club only to find it wasn’t a club… well, it was, but it was a strip joint. I’d stared at a gorgeous woman shimmying around a pole and then bending over, planting her palms flat on the stage and shaking her ass. It had been mesmerizing and honestly, I was a bit jealous at how toned she was. The only curves she had were her enormous breasts that didn’t seem to shake at all despite her energetic twerking.

“I can take your name for a lap dance.”

“What?” I asked, spinning around to find a topless woman grinning at me.

“She’s really good, and it’s only a hundred bucks,” the waitress said.

A hundred dollars! “Um… no, thanks. I-I was actually looking for some friends. We’re supposed to listen to a band?”

“Honey, the only thing to listen to here are the shouts of horny men, well, and some ladies. And you can’t just watch. There’s a two-drink minimum.”

“Oh… I’m not staying.”

“You sure? Angie is really good. Guaranteed to make you cream your panties or your money back.”

I could only blush as red as my dress and shake my head. “I’m sure, thanks anyway.” I could hear her laughing as I ran for the door.

The second club was more of a bar with still no signs of Stephanie or any band. I didn’t bother to go into the next club as there were only a couple of cars in the lot, which was very poorly lit. My stomach rumbled and I thought about the pizza that I’d not even bothered to open. Sighing, I was about to give up my quest to go home and heat up a slice when I saw Rocky’s. Red lights scrolled across a sign that said ‘Live Music and Ladies’ Night’. The parking lot was overflowing. This had to be the place. Forget pizza, Stephanie had said they offered free food too. Not seeing a single open space, I watched a truck pull off and park in the grass between the club and a dark building. Following them, I winced as my tires bounced over a curb, scraping the bottom of my car. I hadn’t realized there was a cement lip around the lot. It was too late now. I braced for the bump as my rear tires had to climb over the barrier. Seeing the couple from the truck already walking back toward the club, I shoved open my door and hurried to follow.




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