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Dangerous Beauty (O'Connor Brothers Book 4) by Rhonda Brewer (13)

Chapter 13

Emily stared at the door long after Keith closed it. She didn’t move from her position on the bed. Not because he told her to stay there, but because she didn’t want to. This was his bed, and his scent was everywhere. Besides, she wasn’t sure if her legs would work since he’d just given her the most intense orgasm she’d ever experienced.

The last thing she expected when she left the hospital was to be laying in Keith’s bed. Not that she didn’t think about it since she met the man, but he was way out of her league. He’d told her she was beautiful and sexy, but she chalked it up to being caught up in the heat of the moment.

Emily rolled onto her stomach and rested her cheek on her folded fingers. Was this just a wham-bam thing, or was this the start of something? When Keith wrapped her in his arms after they arrived home, everything she’d been trying hard to keep inside overflowed. Yes, that included the growing feelings for him. It was probably why she’d been so bold in telling him what she wanted.

The click of the door had her heart pounding. She closed her eyes waiting for him to give her the, ‘that was awesome now can you leave’ speech. It seemed like forever before she felt the bed dip next to her and she felt a damp cloth being pressed into her hand.

“I thought you might want to clean up, but then again maybe you want to go to the bathroom.” Keith pushed back a lock of her hair and smiled.

“I would like to visit the bathroom, but you said I wasn’t permitted to move off the bed.” She forced a grin so he couldn’t see the fear.

“So, this is the first time since we met that you’re actually going to do what I tell you?” Keith laughed.

“Well, why break a perfect defiance record.” Emily hopped off the bed and skipped to the bathroom. She turned and stuck her tongue out as she closed the door.

“Keep that tongue in your mouth, Princess.” She heard him shout just before the door closed.

Emily leaned her back against the door and sighed. She was starting to love when he called her princess. Not because she believed she really was one, but because when he said it, she felt like it was with affection.

When she finally got the nerve to come back out of the bathroom, Keith was propped up against the headboard. He had the comforter pulled over his legs, and he was staring off into space. She should probably make it easy on him and say goodnight. She didn’t want to go to the other room, but she didn’t want things to be awkward either.

Emily started to pick up her clothes, but before she could put them on she felt a strong hand grab her around the waist and toss her on top of the bed.

“What the hell?” Emily grumbled.

“My question exactly. What the hell are you doing, Em?” Keith pulled her shirt from her grasp and tossed it on the floor.

“I was going to make things easy for you, and just go to the other room,” Emily admitted as she avoided his eyes.

“Is that what you want?” Emily’s gaze snapped up to meet his.

“Is it what you want?” Emily asked.

“I asked first.” He grinned.

“A gentleman always lets the lady go first.” Emily retorted.

“I’m letting you go first. You can answer the question first.” Keith ran his hand across her belly and grasped onto her hip.

“I want you.” Emily snaked her arms around his neck and pulled him closer.

“Emily,” Keith groaned when she threaded her fingers through his hair. “I need to know if you just want tonight, or do you want more?”

Emily stared at the man hovering over her. She knew the answer to his question, but telling him was going to be the hardest thing she’d ever done. Admitting she wanted more with him left her open to his rejection. That would completely break her since she’d never wanted a man as much as she wanted Keith O’Connor.

“What is it, Princess?” He’d apparently seen her internal struggle, and she closed her eyes.

Just freaking tell him and let the chips fall where they may.

“I don’t just want tonight.” She blurted out but kept her eyes closed. She really didn’t want to see the expression on his face.

“Open your eyes, Emily,” Keith said, but she didn’t.

“Nope.” Emily squeezed them tighter. “Gonna live in my little fantasy world where you don’t laugh and tell me I’m crazy.”

He chuckled, and she opened one eye to peek at him. It wasn’t there. The expression she expected. The one where his face was filled with horror because she wanted more. What she saw had her opening both eyes and staring into his smiling eyes.

“I like your fantasy world,” Keith whispered and brushed his lips against hers.

“It is pretty impressive.” Emily sighed as he kissed his way down to her chin.

“Just so you know, I want more than tonight.” Keith stopped kissing her and pulled his head back. He cupped her cheek and glided his thumb across her lip.

“But,” Emily could see there was a ‘but’ by the way he studied her face.

“What makes you think there’s a but?” Keith smiled.

“That little twitch in your jaw when you clench your teeth.” Emily ran her finger along his strong jaw line.

“Okay, it’s just… I don’t want to lose focus on the job. I was hired to keep you safe, and mixing my job with feelings can only lead to something going wrong.” Keith looked genuinely torn.

“So, who are you going to put on my protection detail?” Emily assumed he would pursue their relationship and get one of the other guys to be her security.

“I’m it. It’s not that I don’t trust my team, but I need to be the one to protect you against whatever could be out there to harm you.” Keith had started rubbing his hand up and down her arm.

“That’s not good.” Emily groaned.

“I know, but I’d never forgive myself if I lost my focus and something happened to you.” Keith threaded his fingers with hers and squeezed gently.

For a few minutes, Emily stared at where their hands were joined. He’d rolled onto his back and pulled her into his side. It was warm, and she felt at peace. Her head rested on his chest, and she could hear the steady rhythm of his heartbeat.

“Your compound is pretty secure, right?” Emily knew it was because when she’d moved to his house, it was as if she was entering Fort Knox.

“Yes, it is,” Keith replied.

“So, how about when we’re inside the compound, which by the way is a stupid thing to call your home, we can be together, but when we’re outside you’re strictly my security?” Emily closed her eyes and waited for his answer.

When he didn’t respond after a few minutes, she tilted her head back to look at him. He was staring at the ceiling, and there was that twitch in his jaw.

“What are you doing?” Emily asked.


“That’s dangerous.” Emily deadpanned.

Keith rolled her over and pinned her hands above her head. He narrowed his eyes as he stared down at her. When she started to giggle, he smiled. Then his expression turned serious.

“Emily, your suggestion would work, but only if outside the compound, by the way, it’s not a stupid name, you do what I tell you to do.” Keith looked deep into her eyes, and she could tell he was seeing her doubts and fears.

“I don’t really do well with orders.” Emily gave him a weak smile.

“I’ve noticed.” Keith chuckled.

“All I can promise is I’ll do my best to listen. I know it’s for my own safety, even though I don’t think I’m in any danger.” Emily tried to pull her hands free.

“That’s probably as good as I’m going to get from you, isn’t it?” Keith held her hands tighter and rolled his large body over hers. “Let's do an experiment.” He wiggled his eyebrows.

“Jesus, I don’t know if I like the sound of that.” Emily groaned.

“I want you to keep your hands above your head while I ravish you.” Keith’s smile was the sexiest she’d ever seen it.

“And if I move them?” Emily asked.

“Then I know if you can’t listen in my bed, you won’t outside.” He spread her legs with his knee and knelt between them.

“Go for it.” Emily gripped the comforter above her head. If keeping her hands off him while he did wicked things to her was the only way to keep him doing those things. She’d hold on for dear life, but when his lips first wrapped around her nipple, Emily cursed. This was going to be the hardest and most amazing thing she ever did in her life.

Emily rolled over on the bed and stretched. Her body was deliciously sore. Keith had made it do things she never thought it could. His stamina and recovery time was something she’d never experienced before. After the third time, she’d fallen asleep with his arms wrapped tightly around her. Since she’d managed, just barely, to keep her hands above her head while he kissed, sucked and touched her, he’d agreed they could try things her way.

Emily realized she was alone in the bed when she rolled over to snuggled into the human heater. She scanned the room and glanced towards the bathroom door. It was open, but she could smell Keith’s body wash. He’d apparently showered and left her to sleep. She jumped out of bed and pulled on his T-shirt. Once she had all her discarded clothes in her hands, she headed to the other room to shower and dress. She wanted to get to the hospital as soon as possible.

He was standing at the counter with a cup in one hand, and his other hand tucked down in his jeans pocket. The white T-shirt stretched across his broad chest, and it looked as if the sleeves were going to rip when he lifted the cup to his lips. Those lips. She could still feel them when she closed her eyes.

“Sleepwalking, Princess,” Keith chuckled, and she snapped her eyes open.

“No, just making sure I didn’t dream last night.” She propped her shoulder against the doorjamb.

Keith raised his eyebrow and slowly lowered his cup to the counter. As he stalked towards her, her heart started to race.

“If you think you were dreaming, then I must’ve done something wrong.” He grabbed her hips and pulled her against him.

“Nothing I can think of.” Emily rubbed the palm of her hands over his chest, and his pectoral muscles flexed.

“Did you want to eat before we go to the hospital?” Keith kissed her forehead.

“I could eat the leg off the Lamb of God right now.” Emily laughed.

“I don’t have any lamb of God at the moment, but I do have eggs and ham.” Keith brushed his lips across hers.

“Mmmm… That sounds good, but your lips taste better.” Emily sighed.

“Too bad we’ve got to get out of here as soon as you eat.” Keith pulled back and pushed her hair from her face. “Just keep that thought in mind for when we get back here.”

Emily was putting her plate in the sink when the doorbell chimed. Keith popped up from his chair and sauntered to the entrance. Emily followed him thinking it was probably one of the guys or his family. Her heart sunk when the door opened to a beautiful strawberry blonde who threw herself into Keith’s arms. The worst thing was, he seemed happy to see her.

“Superman.” The woman screeched.

“Lois Lane.” Keith chuckled as he pulled the woman into his arms.

Emily’s breakfast suddenly felt like it was going to come up in her throat, and she did her best to keep it down.

“I’ve missed you so much.” The woman cooed, and Emily’s body trembled.

“I’ve missed you too.” Keith kissed the woman’s cheek, and that was all Emily needed.

“Hey, I’m going to run over to the gym and see if one of the guys can take me to see mom. It’ll give you two some time alone. You know, to catch up.” Emily grabbed her coat off the hook and pushed by the woman.

“Emily,” Keith roared.

“It’s fine.” Emily didn’t turn as she started walking faster. “You two catch up.”

Before she got a chance to get to the end of the driveway someone grabbed her arm. Emily turned, but it wasn’t Keith that stopped her. It was the woman. Now that Emily looked at her she really wanted to throw up. The woman had a flawless complexion and the most beautiful blue eyes.

“I didn’t get a chance to introduce myself.” The woman smiled as she glanced back at Keith. “I’m Pam.” She held out her hand, and it took Emily everything she had not to slap the woman’s hand away.

“Nice to meet you, I’m Emily,” Emily really wanted to choke on those words.

“I know. My mom told me all about you.” Pam smiled. Emily glanced over her shoulder. Keith glared at her with his arms folded over his chest.

“Your mom?” Emily tore her gaze from Keith and back to the woman.

“Yes, Cora’s my mom.” It took a second for it to register, but when it did Emily wanted the ground to open up and swallow her.

“Cora’s your mom, so that makes you Keith’s….” Emily groaned and covered her face with her hands.

“Cousin,” Pam finished.

Emily looked up at the woman expecting to see her laughing at the way Emily had behaved, but she wasn’t.

“I’m sorry for being so rude. It’s just…. I thought….” Emily sighed.

“No problem at all. I’d probably have punched me in the nose.” Pam chuckled.

“Pam, can I talk to Emily alone for a moment?” Keith’s voice was the way she’d heard it the first time she met him.

“Keith, don’t go getting bent out of shape.” Pam turned towards her cousin and put her fists on her hips. “I’d be pissed too if I thought some woman was coming to the house and jumping in my man’s arms.”

“Pam, go inside. Make yourself a tea.” Keith didn’t pay any attention to her as he stalked towards Emily.

“Bossy as ever,” Pam grumbled as she turned and gave Emily a sympathetic smile.

The next thing Emily knew, Keith had her face cupped in his hands and was kissing her mouth harder than she’d ever been kissed by anyone. Including him.

“What the hell?” Emily pulled back and pressed her fingers to her lips.

“Just so you know, you’re the one and the only woman who has been inside my house or my bed. I haven’t been a monk, but I keep my sex life out of Hopedale. At least until you.” Keith still had her face between his hands.

“Okay.” Emily managed to squeak out.

“I’ve heard the rumors about my younger brothers, and though most of them are probably true, that’s them. Not me. I don’t jump from bed to bed or woman to woman. I haven’t been in a long term relationship in a while, but when I am, I’m entirely devoted to that woman.” Keith brushed his thumb across her lip. “Understand?”

Emily nodded and smiled. She’d never been the jealous type. The fact she felt physically sick from seeing Keith with his arms around another woman concerned her. Even if it was his cousin.

“Now come inside, and we’ll have a quick chat with Pam before we head to the hospital. Okay?” Keith searched her eyes, and she smiled.

“Okay, and I’m sorry.” Emily rested her hands on his hips. “I’m really not the jealous type.”

“It’s okay, but you should know, I am.” Keith squinted his eyes and then smiled.

“Ugh, great.” Emily exaggerated a sigh and rolled her eyes.

Pam was funny and reminded Emily of Keith’s other cousin Kristy. Of course, when Emily took a better look at the woman, the family resemblance was there. The blue eyes and dimples seemed to be an O’Connor trademark.

Keith had asked Pam if she was back in Hopedale for good, but his cousin didn’t really answer the question. She just said she’d see how it goes. Keith had given her a raised eyebrow, but Pam didn’t seem to notice.

An hour later they were pulling into the parking lot of the hospital. Keith cursed everyone who’d ever parked in the lot, especially when a man almost rammed into the side of the jeep. Keith shoved the vehicle into park and was about to jump out, but Emily grabbed his jacket and pointed to an empty spot.

She’d received a text from her sister to let her know that her mother was awake and asking for her. Emily hurried through the hallway to get to the room. She couldn’t wait to see her mom actually awake and talking.

Just before she pushed open the door to enter she heard the raised voices of her parents. It sounded as if they were arguing, but it was odd because her father never raised his voice to her mother.

“I said no, Lynn. She doesn’t need to know anything about it.” Her father snapped.

“Nel, he said he wanted her. He knows the very thing we’ve kept hidden all this time. Sweetheart, she needs to be told, and we’ll deal with the fallout later.” Her mother pleaded.

“Lynn, please don’t. She’ll hate me.” Her dad sounded scared. “We’ve kept it from everyone this long. This ass isn’t going to ruin it all with threats.”

“What if he gets to her?” her mom’s voice was muffled.

“What are you doing?” Keith whispered next to her.

“Shhh,” Emily put her finger to her lips and continued to eavesdrop. Something in the pit of her stomach told her, the ‘she’, they were referring to, was her.

“What if he takes her? Nel, it’s time. She needs to be prepared.” Emily could hear the crack in her mother’s voice.

“He’s not going to get anywhere near her. I’ve taken care of that. That O’Connor boy will keep her safe.”  They were talking about her.

Emily stepped back and stared at the door as if when it opened her world would be blown to pieces.

“What are they talking about, Em?” Keith must have heard them as well.

“I don’t know.” Emily barely heard her own voice.

With everything she had, and knowing Keith was there next to her, Emily took a deep breath and pushed open the door. Both her parent’s heads snapped towards her.

“Emily,” Her mother covered her mouth with her hands and tears poured down her cheeks.

“Mom,” Emily couldn’t stop the emotions. She ran to her mother and got swallowed up in her mom’s embrace. “I’ve missed you so much.”

“Me too, baby.” Her mother always referred to Emily and her siblings as babies. It didn’t matter how old they got.

“How are you feeling?” Emily pulled back and looked into her mother’s face. She was still very pale, and her cheeks were sunk in.

“I’ll survive.” She smiled weakly.

Her father hadn’t said a word. He stared out through the window, and Emily knew it was wrong, but she had to know what the hell they were keeping from her.

“I heard you talking just before I came in the room.” Emily blurted out and glanced back at Keith. He was next to the door with his hands shoved into his pocket.

Her father still didn’t move, but her mother’s eyes widened for a moment. When her mom glanced towards her dad, Emily walked around the bed and obstructed her mother’s view.

“Mom, what is it I need to know?” Emily met her mother’s eyes.

“It doesn’t concern you, Emily.” Her father’s voice interrupted. “I don’t know why you would think we were talking about you.”

“Do you have another O’Connor boy looking after someone, Dad. Stop the bullshit.” Emily grasped her father’s arm and forced him to turn and look at her.

“Watch your mouth young lady.” He said sternly, but she could see the tremble in his jaw. “It’s nothing you need to concern yourself with.”

“Really, Dad. Really? Then tell me why I would hate you if I knew.” Emily wanted him to know exactly how much she’d heard.

“Nel, maybe we should….” Her mother obviously wanted her to know, but he cut her off.

“I said, no. I’ll take care of it, and Emily doesn’t need to be concerned about it. Now, that is the end of this discussion.” He turned on his heel and stomped out of the room.

Emily stared at the door for a moment. This had to be bad. Her father had never walked away from a disagreement in his life. Especially, when he thought he was right.

Her gaze moved to Keith. He looked as confused as she felt, but he nodded his head towards her mother. Whatever was going on, her mother had the answers.

“So, who’s this handsome young man?” Her mother motioned towards Keith.

“This is Keith O’Connor.” Emily didn’t really know how to introduce him after what happened between them. “He’s ….”

“Your husband hired me as security for Emily, but we’ve become good friends,” Keith said.

“O’Connor?” Emily’s mom stared at him for a moment. “You’re not related to Kurt O’Connor and Cora Nightengale, are you?”

“My uncle and aunt.” Keith smiled.

“Then you’re one of Sean and Kathleen’s boys.” Her mother seemed very excited about meeting Keith.

“Yes, mam.” Keith nodded.

“Well come over here and let me get a good look at you.” Her mother held out her hand towards Keith. He slowly walked to the side of the bed and glanced at Emily.

“There are those eyes. Your whole family has those beautiful blue eyes. You know your aunt is the reason I’m married to Nelson.” Her mother took Keith’s hand and squeezed it.

“Really?” Keith chuckled.

“I’m sure you know about her little gift.”

“Yes, I’m very aware of it.” Keith laughed.

“Emily, his aunt can meet a person and tell them who they are meant to be with. She’s simply amazing.” Her mother didn’t take her eyes off Keith.

“I’ve heard the stories.” Emily watched Keith shift from one foot to the other.

“I’m feeling a little tired.” Her mother closed her eyes, but Emily didn’t miss the tear that ran down her cheek.

“You sleep, mom.” Emily leaned over and kissed her mother’s cheek. “I’ll see you later.”

Emily couldn’t upset her mother by hounding her about what they were keeping from her. She closed the door quietly so she wouldn’t wake her mom and turned to Keith.

“I need to find my father.” Emily snapped.

“I don’t know if it’s a good idea for you to be talking to him in that mood.” Keith took her hand, and she pulled it from him.

“We’re not in your house.” Emily knew that it was kind of bitchy to be taking her frustration out on Keith, but at the moment her father wasn’t in view.

“You’re father has gone home to change.” Keith stepped back and showed her his phone. Of course, he texted Keith.

“Fuck.” Emily stamped her foot and realized how it must have looked to anyone nearby.

“Really? That was a very princess move.” Keith chuckled but quickly stopped when she narrowed her eyes.

“He’s going to talk to me and tell me what the hell is going on.” Emily stomped by the large man standing next to the door. It was strange she hadn’t seen him when they arrived, but Keith seemed to know him.

“Good luck with that.” Emily heard the man say to Keith. She spun around and glared him.

“Thanks, Shadow. Nothing I can’t handle.” Keith fist bumped the man.

So he thought he could handle her. That pissed her off more than her father running off to avoid telling her the truth.

“We’ll go home, and you can get in touch with your dad later.” Keith pushed the button on the elevator.

“Oh, he’s going to talk to me later even if I’ve got to tie him down.” Emily walked onto the elevator.

Keith didn’t say another word. Probably because she was being a complete bitch, but this big secret being revealed by someone who wasn’t supposed to know scared her to death. What was so bad that it had her parents fighting, and how did it all involve her? The fluttering in her stomach told her that whatever it was, her world was about to be turned upside down.




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