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Daring to Fall (Hidden Falls) by T. J. Kline (23)

What the hell is she doing now?

He watched Emma escort the crowd through the sanctuary. There was a reason her father had put an end to this tour nonsense. It stressed the animals and, while it was a ridiculously small source of income, it pandered to the idea that the sanctuary was more of a zoo or park than a legitimate rescue facility. Not to mention that it drove the insurance rates sky high, chipping away at any income it brought in.

His gaze fell on the wolf lying in the midst of the trees within the large enclosure. He was surprised she’d turned Cana out instead of hiding him inside one of the indoor kennels. But Emma had always had a soft spot for the beast, which made her weak. And stupid.

He’d have been able to snatch the animal yesterday if it hadn’t been for that son of a bitch fireman showing up unexpectedly. But he’d made sure Emma knew he was there, leaving her a little warning. A calling card, if you will.

He slid the binoculars to his eyes again, scanning the enclosure entrance. In preparation for her little party, she’d added extra locks on the cages but he knew Emma. She might have added them to the front entrances, but she hadn’t added them to the back ones. Later tonight, he’d sneak down and find out for sure. Even if she did, he doubted it was anything that would pose much of a deterrent to stealing the wolf back.

The news article had worked exactly the way he’d planned. And, now that he and his brother had been able to stir the town against Emma, forcing them to ask themselves about her ability to run Sierra Tracks, there’d been some grumbling that if Emma was forced out, that the entire facility should be shut down but both he and his brother had pointed out that Conrad had run it for years without any incidents, and that the two of them could do the same, which had been his intention all along.

Now, he just had to get his hands on that wolf again and stage another animal attack. It would be the final straw for the people in Hidden Falls. They were scared and they needed someone they could trust. Right now, that would be him and his brother.


Emma skimmed the article again. Jake’s interview made his intentions clear. He was bound and determined to undermine any allies she might have left in Hidden Falls, to turn everyone in town against her, even if most of his accusations were completely false. It hurt that both he and his brother had turned on her but she wasn’t about to let the rumors stop her from running the sanctuary. Nor did it actually prove he was the person sabotaging her. She had seen Jake with the animals, knew how much the sanctuary meant to him. He might not agree with her methods but she had a hard time believing he’d go as far as abusing any of the animals, letting them loose or trying to destroy the facility entirely.

She crossed her arms over her chest. “Jake is a disgruntled employee. It shouldn’t come as any surprise that he’d talk shit but that doesn’t mean he’s the guy we’re looking for.”

“Don’t fool yourself, Emma,” Ben warned. “If Charlie Whats-his-name isn’t the guy we’re looking for, it’s Jake.”

She rolled her eyes at him. “Why would it be Jake? He was working here when this mess started. He’s worked here for five years. I might not be able to work with him, but my father did and he trusted him.”

“That means absolutely nothing.” Ben looked to his brother for support in his argument. “What are you waiting for? You need to drag him in for questioning.”

“I don’t think it was Jake,” Sadie offered. “Why would he try to shut down the place he talked about running with Emma?”

“What?” Sadie’s comment had Andrew’s full attention.

Emma sighed. “Apparently, my father had mentioned to Jake that he wanted the two of us to run the facility together,” she explained. “I’m not sure I believe it since Dad had always talked about the two of us running it together but—”

“Actually, Emma,” Sadie hemmed, twisting her mouth to one side. “Jake was supposed to run the place alone. Something about how Jake’s vision was closer to your father’s but Conrad never got the opportunity to change his will.” She shot Emma an apologetic glance.

“I’m assuming this is coming from Jake?” Andrew pressed.

“Maybe. Well, actually, Brandon was the one who told me about it but I think Jake told him.”

“I know Jake. I don’t like the guy and how judgmental he is but he would never do something to jeopardize the animals.”

Ben scowled and pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing heavily. Sadie pinched her lips together, trying to not look uncomfortable with the argument.

“The man threw a rock at your truck, Emma. I think it’s safe to not make any assumptions about what he might do.”

Andrew inhaled slowly and rose to his feet. “Okay, you,” he said, pointing at his brother, “need to calm your tits. Emma’s right.”

“You don’t know that,” Ben growled.

“First off, Jake was here, working. Why would he spray-paint a wall he’d likely be the one to clean? As a matter of fact, he was working every time something happened. He was here, with witnesses when you picked up that kitten.”

“Who would have had more opportunity to get Cana and say it was your father’s request. No one would suspect him,” Ben pointed out.

“No, everyone would suspect him. Which is another reason I don’t think it was him.”

“Jake is pissed right now. He had no idea I even wanted him gone, let alone, that I’d actually fire him. If my father ever insinuated that Jake and I could run the place together, it would be even more reason for his anger. He might be disappointed, or feeling betrayed but I don’t think he’s angry enough to go against his own values, killing two calves in the process, to make me look bad.”

Emma saw the flash of worry in Ben’s eyes. She’d better be right, because if she wasn’t, she’d just left herself open for almost anything.


The next week was eerily calm, like the sky just before a lightning storm. Currents crackled through the air, lighting sparks wherever she went. Emma had tried to avoid heading into town at all, letting Sadie take the business credit card to purchase any necessary items for the sanctuary while Ben made sure her cupboards and refrigerator were well stocked. After her refusal to return to his family’s ranch, he’d insisted on returning to her place to stay, sleeping in one of the guest rooms and maintaining their agreement to be just friends. It was driving her nuts.

She peeked into her kitchen, praying that it was clear and she could grab her coffee before heading out to the nursery for Kit.

“Morning, Emma.”

Her pulse immediately began to race, nervous excitement twisting through her veins at the rich, husky sound of Ben’s voice. He held a steaming cup of coffee out to her. This was something she could get used to.

Damn it! No, she couldn’t get used to this because she didn’t want a relationship. At least that was what she was trying to tell herself. But with Ben in the house, what should have been entertaining was turning into an exercise in avoidance. Because if she didn’t stay clear of Ben, she was going to realize she was falling for this guy, hard and fast. Even worse, he’d realize it.

“You okay?” Her gaze jumped back up to meet his, the dark pools filled with concern. “I thought I lost you for a second there.”

“No. Um, thanks.” She slid the mug from his fingers, careful not to touch him. Ben moved back to the stove where she could see half of her refrigerator contents spread over the nearby counter. “What’s with the mess?”

“I told you before I could make a mean omelet. I figured I might as well put my money where my mouth is.”

Oh, I have a far better place for you to put your mouth.

Emma tried to stem her wanton desires but not quickly enough and felt her cheeks heat with the mere thought of kissing Ben again. It felt like it had been forever, even if it had only been a few days. The first three days after the tour had been torturous enough since she’d barely seen him. But now, with him having two days off, being forced to share the intimate space of her house last night, had been even harder. He looked too comfortable, too much a part of her life, and it frightened her.

But she also couldn’t help the feeling that she wanted it. For the first time, letting the chance of having it slip away frightened her even more.

“I . . . uh . . . I have to go move Kit into the enclosure so it might be a while before I can get back inside.”

“You want help?”

He had no idea what helping might entail, no clue what she might ask him to do, but it didn’t seem to matter to him. He was willing to step up in any way for her. Just as he had been for the past few weeks since he’d first arrived at her door with Kit. It struck her suddenly, like a divine message.

Ben wasn’t trying to rescue her, he wanted to help her save herself, and he’d been trying, in the only way he knew how to prove that. Whether it was showing up to volunteer or staying here to protect her ranch from an outside threat.

“Ben, I . . .” Emma wasn’t sure what to even say, how to tell him what she wanted. Her tongue snuck out, moistening her lower lip and she heard his soft groan. His eyes shifted, turning hungry and even darker. Emma’s breath caught in her lungs.

She reached out and grasped the front of his shirt, dragging him closer and winding her arm around his neck. She pulled him down to her and sealed their mouths. Like a man dying of thirst, he drank from her, taking all she would give and she wanted to give him everything.

Ben wrapped his free arm around her back and held her close, their bodies fusing in spite of their clothing. She melted into him, the explosive heat surging through her. He slid the coffee cup onto the counter and tightened his other arm around her waist, pulling her even closer.

“God, Emma,” he growled as his lips trailed over her jaw to the side of her neck. “I thought that you—”

“Shh, don’t ask questions,” she begged. “Just . . .” She couldn’t say more, couldn’t tell him what she wanted because even she wasn’t clear.

She wanted Ben. Not just for a fun night, not just until this fire between them burned out. She no longer cared about the danger of her job. He understood it better than anyone and was willing to not only support her but dig in and get his hands dirty. For the first time, she’d found someone who not only understood her passion but fueled the desire in her, sought it out.

“Love me, Ben.” He drew back, his eyes wide with shock. “Don’t say anything,” she said, her cheeks flaming with embarrassment. This wasn’t who she was, this needy woman begging, but Ben made her want, and yearn and need more than she ever had before.

“Are you sure you want to throw out the rule book?” He looked down at her, his gaze questioning. “You said—”

“I know what I said.” She ran a hand over the back of his head and smiled up at him. “What can I say? You wore me down.”

He returned her smile with his own, looking sinfully sexy and absurdly cocky. “Took long enough.”

“Really?” She arched a brow and laughed quietly.

Ben shrugged and nuzzled her neck again. “But you are one stubborn Scot.” The magic of his lips drove away any comeback she might have considered. Goose bumps broke out over her skin, making her shiver against him, her fingers clenching in the front of his t-shirt. “I should probably let you take care of Kit, right?”

For the first time, she wasn’t looking forward to the work she had planned for her day. In reality, it was that she wasn’t looking forward to leaving the sanctuary of Ben’s embrace. Now that she’d finally decided what she wanted, she didn’t want to wait any longer to have it. He chuckled, the sound vibrating his chest against hers, warming her.

“I’ll tell you what. Let’s go get whatever it is you need finished this morning done, then we’ll come back in and I’ll cook for you.”

As if the thought of Ben standing in front of her stove wasn’t attractive enough, her mind took the opportunity to picture him there naked. Emma knew that letting her imagination run wild was a bad idea but couldn’t seem to help herself. It was more than enough to make her look forward to getting her work done faster.

“This might take a while,” she warned.

His gaze skimmed over her, scorching every inch of her with the heated passion she could read there. “Emma, it will be worth every bit of my appetite when we get back.”

She had no doubts that food was not what he was thinking about.


Watching the bobcat kitten playing in his new home gave Ben an odd sense of satisfaction. As Kit stalked the bug crawling on the ground while the larger bobcat cast him a bored glance from the shade made his heart swell. He no longer minded the scratches he’d received dragging Kit from the tree. He was optimistic that Emma was right and Kit would be hunting live prey before long, thanks to his new housemate and the lessons he was sure to impart.

“You’re sure they’re going to be okay in here together?”

Emma leaned into him as they watched from outside the enclosure. “I wouldn’t turn him out if I wasn’t. Davis has taken him under his wing, which surprised me a bit at first with him being another male.”

“We males can be nurturing too, you know.”

She looked up at him, her eyes bright with humor. “Did I offend your delicate ego? I’m so sorry.”

“You don’t sound—” His cell phone buzzed and he rolled his eyes. “Hang on. Hello?”

“Ben, it’s Ryan. Angie told me to call you to see if you could make it in today.”

“What’s up?” It had to be big if Angie was calling in.

“I’m not supposed to say why.” The probie lowered his voice. “But we’re eloping. I asked her to marry me and she said yes.” Ryan sounded almost giddy with excitement.

“What?” Ben didn’t mean to sound so surprised but married? Angie? She was the last person he’d ever expected to do something like this.

“So? Can you come in and cover her shift?”

“Are you sure you want to do this?”

“What?” Ryan sounded incredulous. “Why wouldn’t I be? Angie’s the best.”

Ben caught himself from laughing at the guy’s exuberance. It wasn’t his place to judge. Angie had already ripped him a new one once. “You just surprised me,” he covered as best he could. “I can head in now. Tell Angie I’m happy for you both, okay?”

“Thanks Ben. We both owe you.”

Ben hung up, feeling slightly awed at the change in Angie but thrilled for her all the same. She’d finally found someone who made her want to settle down. He glanced at Emma, taking in her sweet smile, the tender concern in her eyes.


“Not exactly, but I have to go in to the station.” It killed him to think about what he wanted to do to Emma, to do with Emma, after they got back to the house. She’d finally let down those walls that he’d thought would never fall and now he had to leave.

Disappointment clouded her eyes. “Oh. I hope everything is okay?”

“It’s Angie. And, trust me, if I didn’t owe her, I would absolutely stay here but—”

“I get it. Duty calls.”

“She covered for me when I stayed here.” Someday he was going to have to explain the weird history he and Angie had but he was in too much of a hurry to give her all the details now. “Apparently, she’s decided to elope with one of our probies.” Ben shrugged. “I can’t leave the station shorthanded.”

She dipped her chin and looked at him through her lashes, making him want to forget owing Angie and carry Emma back to the house. “Go. You don’t need to stay here. I told you that before.”

“I know what you said, Emma, but—”

“Seriously. Go.” She waved a hand at him. “Everything has been quiet for the past three days. Everyone is over it.”

Ben didn’t share Emma’s confidence. It had been quiet but it didn’t feel over to him. He had that twisted feeling in his gut, the one that usually came just before a big fire call. The one that usually led to him facing the fire and risking his life anyway.




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