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Dark Operative: The Dawn of Love (The Children Of The Gods Paranormal Romance Series Book 19) by I. T. Lucas (58)


Two days later.

“My scalp itches.” Turner scratched at the fuzz growing on his head. “Maybe I should shave it off.”

His hair growing back was just one of the perks of the transition. All of them were good, but none came without some kind of discomfort or another.

“I think you look sexy bald. Besides, what will Alice think when you go back to work? How would you explain suddenly having hair?” Bridget motioned for him to keep on walking.

His doctor-prescribed physical therapy included walking the keep’s underground corridors three times a day and lifting small weights.

“Hair implants.” Turner hadn’t had hair since his mid-twenties, it would be fun to once again run a comb through a healthy mane of hair.

“You’ll also have to find a way to explain your youthful appearance and where your wrinkles have gone. Not to mention the inch and half in height you’ve gained.”

“I can help with that.” Andrew stepped out from Kian’s office and joined them on their stroll.

Earlier that morning it had been Kian, who’d taken the opportunity to offer Turner a full-time job in the clan’s organization.

After all that Kian had done for him, it wasn’t easy to turn the guy down, and he promised to think about it, even though he knew the answer was going to be a no.

His independence, not to mention the impressive income he was making, was too dear to him to give up, even in exchange for immortality.

It would have been a different story if Kian had demanded it as a condition for Victor’s induction, then he would have had no choice but to agree, but Kian had missed his opportunity.

“How?” Bridget asked.

Andrew stuffed his hands into his pockets. “You can use the same story I did. I told people at work that my fiancée gifted me with a week-long spa treatment.”

Victor cast Andrew a sidelong glance. “That might explain the smooth skin. But what about the height you gained?”

Andrew smirked. “Spine manipulation. I told them some bullshit about the vertebrae in my lower back having been compressed and the chiropractic treatment that fixed that.”

“And they believed it?”

“What else could it have been? Platform shoes? It’s not like they can guess what really happened to me. It’s not in their frame of reference. They wouldn’t have believed me even if I told it to them straight.”


Andrew stopped next to the elevator bay. “I’ll leave you to your stroll. My daughter is waiting for her daddy.” He clapped Victor gently on the back. “Get well soon, old man.”

Victor chuckled. “I’m not old. I’m ageless.”

Andrew‘s laugh was cut off as the elevator doors closed.

“That’s right.” Bridget threaded her arm through his and kept walking. “Like your mate.”

“About that. Are you going to tell me how old you are now?”

Bridget laughed. “Not a chance.”

“You’re being silly.”

“I know how much you love a mystery. I need to have a few secrets to keep you interested.”

He stopped and pulled her into his arms. “Always. I’ll never tire of your company, even if we get to live for thousands of years.” He took her mouth in a hungry kiss.

Bridget pushed on his chest. “Easy, tiger. You need to get better first.”

“I’m better already. If you don’t want me to do the three-legged walk, you have to take me to your bed, woman.”

She laughed. “Soon. Patience, my love.”

Julian was there when they got back to the clinic.

“What are you doing here?” Bridget asked. “It’s late. Go home.”

“That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. You should move back into your old apartment. I know that you want to be close to the clinic, and that Victor’s place is too far away, but living down here is depressing. There are no windows in here, and the patient rooms are small. You’ll be more comfortable in a normal apartment.”

That wasn’t conducive to Turner’s plans for seducing his mate.

Julian glanced at him and smiled. “Don’t worry, I won’t be cramping your style. I asked Ingrid to assign me a new place. There is no shortage of apartments now. A lot of people have moved to the village already.”

Bridget stretched up to kiss her son’s cheek. “You’re the best, Julian. Thank you.”

He waved a hand. “Don’t mention it. And I’ll gladly go to Turner’s place and pack your stuff.”

“Thank you. But I can do a quick run tomorrow and get a few things.”

For some reason, Bridget’s words caused an uncomfortable feeling in Turner’s gut. The idea of her being further than a few feet away from him disturbed him.

“Let Julian do it. I don’t want you to go.”

“It's really not a problem, Mom. I won’t touch your underwear drawer, scout’s honor.”

Bridget laughed. She’d been doing it a lot since he’d come out of the coma, which made him realize how much she’d worried about him and how heavily it had weighed on her.

“I don’t care about that. I just didn’t want to trouble you. But it seems Victor is not ready to let me go yet, so I guess I’ll have to accept your offer.”

“Awesome.” Julian grinned. “You can go up to your old place now if you want. I’ll just grab a few things and go to my new apartment. It’s right next to Robert and Sharon’s.”

He hugged Bridget and clapped Turner on the back. “I’m going up now. By the time you get there, I’ll be gone. The door is open.”

“Your son is a good man,” Turner said once Julian was gone. “You’ve done a great job with him.”

Bridget took his hand and led him to his room. “Thank you. That’s a compliment any mother would love to hear. But I’m afraid that my contribution had little to do with how Julian turned out. He was born amazing.”

“Aha, but he was born that way because he has an amazing mother. I hope that one day I’ll have the privilege of having a child with you.”

Bridget sighed wistfully. “Fates willing.”