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Dead of Winter (Aspen Falls Novel) by Melissa Pearl, Anna Cruise (35)


Tuesday, March 20th


Rosie hummed while she frosted the cake. She’d gone for lavender in both look and flavor. The pale purple swirls were coming together beautifully. It was only her second attempt at a cake, but she was determined to surprise Louanne with something nice for her birthday.

The woman had been fussing over her ever since she left the hospital, and it was time for Rosie to give a little something back.

Rosie had moved in with Louanne for the first couple of weeks until she could get out of bed without wincing. She’d only returned to her little apartment the week before, and she loved having her own space again.

Blaine was helping her repaint and clear out furniture. Every day the place looked a little brighter and more spacious. It was becoming home and she loved it.

Standing back from the cake, she licked her finger and studied it from every angle. It needed something more, and she was just about ready to Google how to make white rose petals when the back door creaked.

She glanced up and grinned as Blaine appeared in the doorway.

“Hey, beautiful.” He shrugged out of his jacket and hung it on the hook.

“How was your shift?”

She grinned when his arms snaked around her from behind and he softly nuzzled her neck. “Not as good as the end of my shift.”

With a little giggle, she spun in his arms and let him taste the frosting on her lips.

“Yum,” he murmured when she pulled away.

“It’s a cake for Louanne’s birthday tomorrow.”

“She’s going to love it.”

“I hope so.” Rosie spun back to study the cake, pleased that Blaine didn’t release his hold on her. Having Officer Hartford as a boyfriend was nothing but a pleasure, and she couldn’t get enough of him.

His arms were made to hold her, and she relished every second of their time together.

“Have you eaten yet?” He put his finger in the frosting bowl to taste another morsel.

“No, I was waiting for you. Julio left us some sweet corn chowder and fresh bread rolls. Sound okay?”

“Sounds perfect.” Blaine moved to the other end of the kitchen to dish them some food.

Rosie stepped over to join him and they were soon sitting on either side of the wide kitchen counter, sharing a meal.

“So, how was your shift?”

“Very uneventful.”

“Ah, my favorite kind.” Rosie winked and giggled.

“New rookie starting next week.”

“You nervous about that?”

“Yeah. And I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one.”

Her expression was grim. “I’m sure this one will be nothing like the last.”

“Hey, did I tell you that Monroe is officially being charged with a whole bunch of stuff? Turns out the guy’s been running drugs for years, using his position in the department to shut down his competition and expand his empire. He’d planted dirty cops all over the place.”

Rosie cringed.

“I know.” Blaine took another mouthful of soup.

“I hope they put him away for a good long time.”

“Oh, they will. There’s not a defense lawyer out there who can save the guy from this one. He’s going down, like all the way. Matt too.”

“Can’t believe Monroe used his own son.”

“I can’t believe we didn’t see it.”

Rosie stopped eating to rest her hand over Blaine’s. “It’s hard to pick up that kind of thing when you don’t expect to see it. You know what I mean?”

“Yeah.” Blaine sighed. “Higgs still feels like an idiot, though.”

“It’s not his fault.”

“That’s what I keep telling him.”

They fell into a comfortable silence and finished eating. It wasn’t until their spoons were resting in the bowls that Blaine asked her the one question she was hoping to avoid.

“So, have you called your parents yet?”

Her nose wrinkled and she stood to clear her plate.

“Rosie,” he reprimanded. “You have to call them sometime.”

“I know, but I’m still trying to work out what to say. They’ll freak out when I tell them I was shot because I was trying to make amends for dating a complete asshole who was willing to sell me.”

Blaine snickered and moved to the sink. “You don’t have to tell them any of that. Just say that you have a job you love, a strikingly handsome boyfriend, and that you’re feeling pretty damn happy.”

She giggled as he rested his hands on her hips and lightly kissed her. “Well, that’s all true,” she admitted.

“You could tell them you’re living in Aspen Falls. They’d love that.”

She draped her arms around his neck and rose to her tiptoes. “That is also true.”

“And you can tell them that your dazzlingly handsome boyfriend is doing his best to give you a reason to stay…every chance he gets.”

His tongue skimmed hers, warming her to her core and sending spikes of pleasure right down to her toes. His large hands splayed across her back, drawing them together in a tight hold that couldn’t be broken.

Her thoughts jumped upstairs to her tiny apartment and the warm bed they’d heat to boiling if he stayed the night. The idea made her squeeze his shoulders and deepen the kiss a little further.

He let out a little moan of desire, which made her smile.

Resting her forehead against his, she giggled like a love-struck teenager and didn’t even care.

Being with Blaine was like being in love for the first time. He was everything she’d never had before and everything she never wanted to let go.

“As long as you’re in Aspen Falls, that’s where I’m staying,” she said softly. “I’ll go wherever you go.”

Her words meant the world to him. She could tell by the sparkle in his beautiful brown eyes.

“I love you, Rosie Sweet.”

It was the first time she’d heard him say it, and she forgot how to breathe for a moment. Blinking at her tears, she finally managed to croak, “I love you too.”

He grinned and lifted her off her feet. Wrapping her legs around his waist, they continued to make out in the kitchen, Louanne’s lavender cake put on hold until the fire within them could be sated.

The End

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