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Declan by Trista Ann Michaels (10)

Chapter Ten


Jillian studied the Ipad with Declan’s vitals. She wasn’t his surgeon, but she could still look. For the moment, he was still sleeping peacefully and she lowered the Ipad so she could see his face. She tilted her head and studied his long lashes. Had she noticed those before?

She knew she’d noticed the lips. He had amazing lips and the stubble covering his jaw just made him look even more handsome. She loved stubble on a guy, especially Declan.

The door to his room opened and she quickly turned to face whoever came in. Sam peeked around the door and asked, “Is it okay to come in?”

“Of course,” she replied softly and waved her hand. “Come in.”

He looked to the chair in the corner and nodded his head toward a sleeping Shawn. “He stayed here all night, I see.”

Jillian smiled as she looked over at the sleeping teen. “Yeah. He wanted to be here when he woke up.”

“Has he woke up, yet?” Sam asked.

Jillian shook her head. “Not yet, but that’s nothing to worry about. He’s on pain meds, plus the anesthesia.”

Sam nodded solemnly. “He’s going to be okay, though?”

Jillian smiled softly at the old man’s concern. “Yes. He’s going to be fine. He’ll need physical therapy for his hand, but other than that, he should make a full recovery.”

Sam let out a relieved breath. “That’s good. I heard Father Carrington did this.”

Jillian frowned. “Father Carrington? Are you sure?”

Sam gave another nod. “Yes. Paul told me. He said something about a split personality and a woman named Chloe. None of it made any sense to me, though. Can a woman have a man’s personality and then pass herself off as a man?”

“Psychology isn’t something I know a lot about, but I remember in school going over a couple of cases that were like that. The mind can do amazing things. If she truly believed she was a man, then yes, I believe she could pass herself off as one. Trans genders do it all the time.”

“Yeah, but those you can usually spot. Not always, but…I would’ve never guessed Father Carrington was a woman.”

Jillian set the Ipad down as she tried to think back to all the times she’d spoken to the priest. There was never anything that stood out as overtly feminine, but there was the time at the hospital where she thought at least some of his whiskers were actually makeup.

“And how did a woman get the upper hand on Declan?” Sam asked.

Jillian sighed. “He was stabbed in the back, so my guess is she caught him by surprise. Then he must’ve turned and used his arm to block another attack, but because of the wounds to his back, he was weak.”

Sam shook his head sadly.

“What are you shaking your head about, Sam?” Declan asked.

Jillian spun around and touched his shoulder. “Hey, you. How are you feeling?”

Sam walked over and nudged Shawn, letting him know Declan was awake.

“Groggy and sore as hell.”

Shawn rushed over and stood by the bed. “Declan.”

Declan reached up with his left hand and touched Shawn’s arm. “Are you wearing scrubs?”

His eyes slowly lowered then reopened. He was struggling to stay awake.

“Yeah. Dr. Drance let me watch the surgery.” Shawn smiled wide. “It was awesome.”

Declan frowned in confusion. “You were in the operating room?”

“No,” Jillian replied. “We were in the observation lounge, which was above you.”

He looked up at her sleepily. “I remember seeing you there.” He lifted his right arm and stared at his hand. “I still can’t feel my fingers.”

“There was damage to your Ulnar nerve. They repaired it, but it’s going to take a while to get the feeling and mobility back. And it may not ever come back to one hundred percent.”

Declan lowered his arm and closed his eyes tiredly.

Jillian put her hand on his shoulder. “I know it’s your dominant hand, but with physical therapy, there is a chance you can beat this.”

“Or learn to shoot left handed,” Sam offered.

Declan snorted softly. “Too much to think about right now.”

Jillian brushed his dark hair back from his brow. “Get some sleep. We can talk more when you’re feeling better.”


* * * *

“Man this house is awesome,” Shawn said as he came into the kitchen and grabbed a soda from the fridge. “Why haven’t we been staying here this whole time?”

Declan set the physical therapy instructions on the island counter and looked over at Shawn. They were staying at Daniel’s house in the garden district. Something Daniel had insisted on. It would be a much better place for Declan to recover and do physical therapy than the club. “Don’t get too used to it. We’re only staying here until the case is finished up.”

“Aren’t you off the case now? You know, worker’s comp or something like that?” Shawn asked.

“I still have to be debriefed and help close up any loose ends.”

“Man,” Shawn said sadly. “That’s so weird about Father Carrington.”

“Yeah,” Declan said tiredly.

He’d been thinking a lot about Chloe since getting out of the hospital. At least some of the information in her file at the club had been true and he’d been able to piece together most of her past. She’d disappeared at the age of seventeen, after the murder of her father and uncle. She was the primary suspect, but they’d never found her and the case had gone cold. There had also been several medical files. Broken bones, lacerations, but no one had thought to report it. Apparently her father or uncle one was very good at talking their way out of things and if Chloe had never contradicted them…Declan felt so bad for her and the abuse she must have suffered for years. It was no wonder she’d created a male character in her head to protect her.

The profilers believed the priest aspect had come from Chloe feeling dirty. Maybe it was the male personality’s attempt at cleansing. Declan wasn’t sure he agreed, but he wasn’t a psychologist, so his opinion didn’t really factor in. It didn’t matter at this point anyway. Chloe was now at peace.

Declan rested his elbow on the table and began touching his thumb to the tip of each finger on this right hand. It tingled constantly and burned. Jillian said that would lesson with time, but for now it was annoying as hell. His hand was also weak, and he’d broken several coffee cups because he would forget and try to pick it up with his right hand, only to drop it. The cup would shatter on the floor, spilling hot coffee everywhere.

Shooting a gun wasn’t even an option, and Declan wasn’t sure it ever would be. Maybe he was just feeling sorry for himself at the moment. He watched his fingers shake, and he dropped his hand in frustration.

“Dr. Drance said it wouldn’t happen overnight, Declan,” Shawn reasoned.

Declan dropped his head and squeezed his temples between the thumb and forefinger of his left hand. “I know.”

“It’s only been a few days since the surgery.”

“I know,” he said as he nodded his head in agreement.

Shawn was right. It would just take time.

“Hello?” Jillian called as she came in through the back door.

Declan’s morning instantly brightened at the sight of her beautiful smile. She was dressed in scrubs, her hair pulled to the side in a braid. She was either getting off or would be heading in after. Declan hoped she was getting off so she would stay longer.

“Morning Dr. Drance,” Shawn said with a smile.

“Call me Jillian, Shawn,” she said as she gave the boy a hug.

Shawn hugged her back then took the bag she handed him. “What’s this?” he asked as he peeked inside.


“From Café’ Du Monde?” he asked excitedly as he grabbed a plate from the cabinet.

“Is there anywhere else?” she asked as she smiled at Declan.

“You just had breakfast,” Declan teased. “How can you possibly eat again? Oh, wait. Never mind. I already know the answer. You’re a human garbage disposal.”

Shawn grinned as he pulled the beignets from the bag.

“He’s a growing boy,” Jillian said smiling. “Just be sure and at least save me one.”

“I will, but none for him.” Shawn pointed at Declan. “He’s been in a crabby mood this morning.”

She pinned Declan with a firm look. “And why has he been crabby?”

“I don’t know what the boy is talking about,” Declan replied reasonably. “I’ve been nothing but my charming self.”

Shawn snorted. “He’s working on the physical therapy and getting frustrated.”

Jillian studied him for a moment then walked over. “Let me see.”

Declan shook his head. “It’s fine, Jill – “

“Let me see,” she said more firmly.

Declan’s lips thinned, but he raised his hand and began to go through the motions starting with his first finger. He was the Dom, or at least should be. He wasn’t used to being bossed around by the opposite sex. Jillian had a Dom side to her that despite his being extremely alpha, he sometimes enjoyed seeing. Sometimes.

By the time he got to his pinky, his fingers were shaking, and he sighed in frustration.

Jillian put her hands over his. “You’re going too fast. Slow down and don’t lean on your elbow. Hold your hand out.” She let go of his hands and held her arm out, bent at the elbow. “Like this.”

Declan did as she said and it was easier. His fingers still shook, but not nearly as bad.

“It’s going to take time. Just don’t get frustrated and give up,” she said softly.

Declan nodded, unable to take his eyes off her. God, she was damn adorable. She was the last thing he’d thought of before passing out after he’d been stabbed and the first thing he’d thought of once he’d woken up. He’d seen her by the bed and his heart had skipped a beat. At the time he’d blamed it on the meds, but it still skipped every time he saw her walk through the door. Did that mean something? Or was he making more out of it than it really was?

Shawn set two beignets on the counter and grinned. “Your treat for being a good boy and doing as the doctor ordered.”

“Don’t you have school?” Declan asked.

Shawn chuckled and grabbed his backpack. Declan enjoyed the teasing side to Shawn, which had been coming out more now that he’d gotten to know him and Sam better.

“No practice today,” Shawn said. “So I’m going by the club after school to help Sam get the buffet ready for tonight.”

Declan nodded. “Dinner’s at seven”

“I’ll be here,” Shawn called as he headed out the door.

When he looked at Jillian, she was staring at him and smiling. “What?”

“You two are cute together.”

Declan snickered and then laughed. “He keeps me on my toes.”

“He’s a good kid.”

“Yeah, despite his crappy childhood.”

“Just like you,” she said.

Shawn opened the kitchen door allowing a man Declan recognized to step inside. “I saw him pull in. He says he works with you.”

Declan nodded and pushed away from the kitchen island. “He does. Hello, Frank.”

The older man stepped forward and took the hand Declan held out, shaking it. “Good to see you’re up and about.”

“Frank, this is my foster son, Shawn, who you met outside.”

Frank nodded as Shawn raised his hand to wave. “Nice to meet you. I’ve got school so…” He started to back out the door and stopped. “Oh. Dr. Drance, could you be here for dinner tonight? I’ve got something I want to talk to you and Declan about.”

Jillian looked surprised for a second and then nodded. “Sure. I’ll be here.”

“Great.” Shawn smiled as he backed out the door. “See you guys later.”

Frank glanced at Declan with surprise. “A foster son?”

“Long story,” Declan said with a slight grin as he turned to Jillian. “And this is Jillian Drance. My doctor. Jillian this is Frank Moore. He’s one of the instructors at Quantico.”

Frank held out his hand and Jillian took it. “Nice to meet you, Dr. Drance.”

She smiled. “Nice to meet you. Quantico is where they train the agents, correct?”

“Yes.” Frank nodded. “I hope I’m not interrupting anything. I just wanted to come by and talk with Declan about something.”

Jillian nodded and grabbed the purse she’d set on the counter. “I’ll leave you guys to it.” She gave Declan a firm look as she walked past. “Do that therapy.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Declan said with a nod and a wink.

Jillian shook her head as she walked out the door.

Frank crossed his arms and stared at Declan impressed. “Since when do doctors make house calls?”

“She’s more a friend than my doctor. She’s just comes by to check on me.”

“Friend, huh? And what the hell is with this house? Another friend?”

Declan grinned and ushered Frank to the small table in the bay window of the kitchen. It overlooked the massive pool in the backyard.

“Yes, the house belongs to Daniel Delacroix, the man I worked with to bring down the local drug cartel.”

“I remember that case,” Frank said with a nod as he sat in the one of the cushioned chairs.

“I’ve got beignets and coffee if you want some,” Declan said before sitting down.

Frank shook his head. “Thanks, but no. The doctors want me to cut back on coffee.”

“Yeah, I should probably do the same. Anyway, Daniel said I could stay here while I recover.”

“Nice place to recover,” Frank said as he glanced out the window toward the pool and waterfall.

“Yeah, it’s a bit much for me, but better than the room at the club, I suppose. You said you wanted to talk with me about something.”

“I do.” Frank leaned his elbows on the table and clasped his hands in front of him. “And I think you’re going to like it.”


* * * *

“So…” Deanne said as she walked up to the nurse’s station counter and handed Jillian a cup of coffee.

Jillian smiled as she took the cup. “How is it you always know when I need coffee?”

“Because I’m your best friend and P.A. extraordinaire.”

Jillian snickered at Deanne’s broad smile.

“But you didn’t let me finish my question.”

“Oh.” Jillian set her cup down and turned her full attention to her friend. “Please continue.”

Deanne gave a nod. “Thank you. Did you talk to him?”

“I saw him this morning,” Jillian said. “He’s struggling a bit with his therapy. Impatient, but otherwise fine.”

Deanne dipped her head and stared through her lashes. “That’s not what I meant. Did you say the word?”

Jillian scrunched her nose. “Shawn was there so no, I didn’t say the word.”

Deanne grinned. “Chicken.”

“I’m not chicken,” Jillian argued. “Just cautious. Shawn asked if I would come back by later tonight and have dinner with them and I said I would, so I’m cutting out early.”

Deanne leaned one elbow on the counter. “Shawn asked you?”

“Yeah, he said he had something he wanted to talk with me and Declan about.”

“What about after Shawn left for school?” Deanne asked.

“Some F.B.I. guy that Declan knows showed up to talk to him about something.” Jillian shrugged. “So I left to give them some privacy.”

“Okay,” Deanne said with a shove to Jillian’s shoulder. “So tonight after dinner you’ll call him master and the two of you will fall into bed together.”

Jillian shook her head and lifted her cup of coffee. “He’s still recovering.”

“You could do the bulk of the work.”

Jillian almost chocked on her coffee. “You’re awful. Do you know that?”

Deanne laughed. “But I’m also right.”

“Is this crazy?” Jillian asked as she glanced around to make sure no one was listening to them. “I mean…he doesn’t live here. Once he’s better and the case is closed, he’ll head back to Washington.”

“Will he?” Deanne asked. “Can he not transfer here? F.B.I. is federal, right?”

“Yeah, but I don’t know enough about it to know if federal means he could live anywhere. I don’t want to fall in love with him only for him to leave.”

Deanne took the folder the nurse held out to her and slapped Jillian on the shoulder with it. “That’s why they make U-Haul.”

Jillian scoffed. “Oh, so you would be willing to move to Washington?”

“Jillian,” Deanne said. “You are my best friend. My sister. Where you go, I go. If you love him and going with him to Washington would make you happy, I would be right there with you. You know that. I don’t have a boyfriend so there’s nothing holding me here.”

Jillian touched her friend’s arm. Deanne had such trouble finding men. She always picked the wrong ones and now, after so many bad choices, she chose not to date at all.

“One of these days the right one is going to come along and knock your socks off.”

Deanne snorted. “The doms at the club knock my socks off and that’s all I need right now. You’ve found a good one in Declan, I think. Fight for him. You deserve it.”

Jillian nodded as Deanne opened the file. “Mr. Horn’s blood work. It’s good news. You got all the cancer.” She closed it back and passed it to Jillian. “Wanna tell him?”

She took the file and smiled. “You gotta come with me, cause you know Mr. Horn is gonna wanna dance.”

Deanne laughed and walked with Jillian to the elevators. “I just love friendly old men. They’re so cute.”


* * * *

Jillian walked into the back door of the house and inhaled the scent of orange chicken. She spotted Declan by the stove, awkwardly stirring what was in the skillet with his left hand.

As she walked in quietly, she took a moment to admire his wide back, trim waist, and firm behind. He wore a t-shirt and a pair of sweats. Looking down, she realized his feet were bare, and she smiled.

“Are you cooking?” she asked.

He glanced at her over his shoulder at first surprised then smiled. “Hey, I didn’t even hear you come in, and yes, I’m cooking. Or at least attempting to.”

She strolled over to the skillet and stared at the chicken and vegetables covered in an orange sauce.

“It’s almost done, so I hope you’re hungry.”

“Starving actually. I had a surgery earlier, so I missed lunch.”

“If you’ll drain the rice, I’ll put this into a bowl. Shawn sent me a text. He should be here any minute.”

Jillian grabbed the pot with rice and drained the water into the sink. Declan passed her a bowl to put it in and they both set everything on the table.

“If you’ll tell me where the plates are, I can grab them,” she offered.

Declan pointed to a cabinet by the stove. “In that one, I think. I’m still learning this place.”

“It’s a big place to learn. Did the owner live here by himself?”

“He did, although Daniel threw a lot of parties. Or he used to. The parties may settle down now that he’s in love. You know how it is when a woman comes along.”

He winked, and Jillian snorted softly. “We’re such kill joys.”

Shawn burst through the kitchen door slightly out of breath. “Smells good.”

“Just in time,” Declan said as Shawn dropped his backpack on the island. “How was school?”

“Aced my English lit exam,” Shawn said proudly as he took a seat at the small kitchen table.

“As expected,” Declan said with a smile. “Good job.”

“You helped me.”

“Yeah, but I didn’t have to help you much.”

Jillian patted Shawn on the shoulder as she walked past. “Good job, Shawn.”

“Thank you.”

Jillian sat in the chair next to him. “So what was it you wanted to talk to Declan and me about?”

“I was thinking about college,” he replied as he scooped rice onto his plate then passed the bowl to Jillian.

Declan glanced up with a frown. “I will accept nothing other than I am still going to college.”

Shawn grinned. “Well, duh.”

Jillian smiled as she passed Declan the bowl. He reached for it with his right hand then winced as he almost dropped it on the table. Jillian jumped up and grabbed it.

“Jillian,” he said firmly. “I reached for it with my right out of habit. I need to start thinking before I grab stuff, but I can do this.” He held out his left hand and sent her a pointed look.

“I’m sorry. You’re right,” she said as she set the bowl in this left hand.

She sat down and turned her attention back to Shawn as he scooped orange chicken and vegetables onto his plate.

“So what were you thinking about college?” she asked, and also wondering what any of it had to do with her.

Shawn passed her the chicken. “That night you took me to the observation thing to watch Declan’s surgery was amazing. What they did was so cool. I want to do that.”

Jillian stopped her spool hallway between the bowl and her plate. “You want to be a doctor?”

“I want to be a surgeon,” he said firmly.

Jillian set the bowl down and smiled. “Shawn that’s great!”

“I know pre-med and football might be tough, but I’ve done tough. I can do this.”

“Of course you can,” Declan said with a nod as he took the bowl from Jillian, this time with his left hand. “And I’ll be there to help any way I can.”

“I know you will,” Shawn said with a smile.

“The first couple of years of college are mostly what I call junk classes. English, math, history. You’ll get into the medical stuff around your third year, so by then you should have everything well in hand,” Jillian said.

“When do I get into the surgery stuff?”

“During your internship,” Jillian replied. “Which would be around your fourth to sixth year depending on how fast you go through the program. My advice would be to not rush. The better your grades, the better hospital you can get into for your internship. When you get there, then you can specialize if you want. Such as Cardiac surgeon, Orthopedic, Pediatric.”

“What’s your specialty?” Shawn asked.

“Trauma. One of the attending physicians suggested it during my residency because I can think really fast on my feet and worked very well under pressure.” Shawn nodded and Jillian reached out to pat his arm. “You’ve got plenty of time to think about that and you may even change your mind several times. During your internship you’ll have the opportunity to try out different specialties and see what fits.”

“Cool.” Shawn smiled around his bite. “I’m excited. It’s cool to finally know what I want to do.”

“I think that’s the most excited I’ve seen you since they offered you a scholarship,” Declan said as he stirred his food with his fork.

“Things have been so much better for me since you and Sam took me in. No more stress. No more hiding from a drunk. I feel like I can do anything, now.”

Jillian smiled at Shawn. It was so good what Sam and Declan had done for this boy. It put Declan in a whole new light for her. He was compassionate and genuinely cared for Shawn and wanted what was best for him. How many single men would’ve done this?

She took a bite of her stir-fry and smiled as she chewed. “This is really good.”

“Declan doesn’t like it when you brag about him, but he can cook,” Shawn said as he shoveled a spoonful into his mouth.

“Self taught, too,” he said with a grin.

Jillian returned his smile, not doubting that for a minute.

“What did that guy want who came by earlier?” Shawn asked.

“He wanted to talk with me about a job offer.”

Shawn frowned. “So we’ll be moving?”

Declan shook his head. “Not right away. You’ll finish school here then spend the summer in Washington just like we talked about.”

Shawn looked relieved. “I’ve never been to Washington.”

“You’ll like it,” Jillian said. “Lots of stuff to explore.”

“So the job is in Washington?” Shawn asked.

Jillian put another bite of food in her mouth, but she suddenly felt incredibly ill. It was beginning to sound to her like whatever they might or might not have would only be temporary.

Declan didn’t answer right away, so Jillian looked up to find him staring at her.

“It’s actually at Quantico,” he said, still staring at Jillian.

“Quantico?” Shawn asked. “Like that television show?”

Declan looked back at Shawn and chuckled. “That’s a little over dramatized, but yeah. I would be instructing new agents there. It’s a good offer. More money and I don’t have to worry about not being able to fire a gun.”

“You may still fire a gun,” Jillian said.

“Maybe,” Declan replied with a shrug. “But to be honest, I’m not sure I want to go back to that.”

“So you’re thinking about taking it?” she asked.

He nodded. “Thinking about it.” He tilted his head and smiled. “It would be safer.”

Jillian smiled slightly before turning her attention back to her food. Was that comment meant for her?

Once dinner was finished they cleared the table. Jillian noticed Declan lean tiredly on the counter. He looked a bit pale, so she walked over and put the back of her hand against his forehead.

“Do I look sick?” he asked, slightly amused.

“You look tired and pale,” she replied. “But you don’t feel warm.”

He drew in a deep breath and put his hand on his side where the largest incision was. They’d gotten to his lung through his ribs by spreading the last two. She had no doubt he was still incredibly sore. She looked at the long incision on his arm where they’d repaired his ulnar nerve. It looked slightly red and puffy.

“You’ve been overdoing it,” she said as she gave him a frustrated look.

He nodded. “Probably, but I have a hard time sitting still.”

“Shawn would you take care of the dishes? I’m going to get him in the shower and then bed.”

“Yeah, sure,” Shawn said as he stared at Declan with a worried expression.

“He’ll be fine,” Jillian assured him. “He just needs his butt busted for being bad.”

Shawn chuckled, but Declan frowned. “Wait. What?”

“Shower,” she ordered as she pushed him down the hall toward the master bedroom.

In the bathroom, she turned on the water and stuck her hand under the stream to check the temperature. Once it was where she wanted it, she stepped back and turned to Declan, who leaned his hip on the counter.

“Are you going to help me undress, too?” Declan asked.

Jillian crossed her arms. “Do you need help?”

“I might,” Declan said in a deep voice that sent goosebumps over her flesh.

She fought a smile as she stepped closer and grabbed the tail of his shirt. She doubted he had the energy for sex, but that didn’t stop him from teasing her. “Lift your arms,” she said.

He did and winced. She pulled his shirt over his head then dropped it to the floor as she studied his incisions. The one by his ribs looked good.

“Turn and let me see your back,” she said.

Declan pushed away from the counter and she studied the ones on his back. The one halfway down they’d made larger in order to get to his kidney and repair it. The stitches had been removed, so it would be okay to get them wet. They all looked good, except for his arm. She might even call him in a prescription for that one just to be safe.

“I need my pants off,” he said.

She peered around his shoulder and caught him watching her through the mirror. He still looked pale, but he had that adorable mischievous look in his eyes that never failed to make her shiver in desire.

She grabbed the waistband of his sweats and pulled them down his legs. His boxers came next. As they pooled around his ankles, he leaned on the counter and stepped out of them. Jillian couldn’t help herself and rubbed her palm over his firm behind.

“I suppose now is probably not the best time to say that word,” she murmured.

Declan snorted and turned to face her. “You would when I feel like shit.”

Jillian giggled, but kept her hand on the side of his hip.

“You know,” he said as he tipped her chin up with his finger. “I might need someone to wash me.”

“I would be more than happy to wash you…master.”

Declan growled. “Damn.”

Jillian laughed and dropped her forehead to his chest. “It would be so wrong to start something now. You’re leaving in May.”

He tipped her head back, forcing her to look at him. “As I lay on the floor of that room, bleeding and cold, I knew Shawn would be okay. He would have Sam and Daniel. But you…it killed me to know I might never see you again.”

Jillian swallowed the lump that suddenly formed in her throat.

“We have until May and I want to take every minute of that time to convince you to come with me.”

“Come with you?” she whispered.

“Don’t answer me now. Just agree to give me until May.”

“I agree,” she whispered.

He leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her lips. “A promise for more later. Now,” he said with a sigh as he dropped his hand. “Let’s take that shower.”






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