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Diesel (Hellbound Lovers MC, #7) by Crimson Syn (11)


After being transported back to a precinct and having been interrogated and prodded by several agents, I finally broke down and called Charlie. He told me everything had been resolved and that Gabriela had made a call. Whatever she did made them release us within the hour. As soon as we got out Gunner and Knox were waiting for us out front.

Knox smirked. “Took you long enough.”

I rolled my eyes. “A lot of help you were.”

“Well if you wouldn’t have run the fuck off,” Gunner stated angrily. He was pissed off and he had every right to be. “You do that to us again and I will fuck you up myself.”

I smirked and Knox threw me his cell phone. “Call Wolf man, he’s fucking pissed.”

I sighed and took a moment to call Wolf. After receiving the third degree he gave me a rough, get your ass back now, order. I shook my head as I hung up with him, knowing I had a lot of explaining to do when I got back.

I handed the phone back to Knox. “You need to head back. Ryan Simon’s got information on La Cruz. Looks like he’s got an obsession that just might be his downfall.”

Knox tilted his head in curiosity and I simply shrugged. “Women. Always a weakness,” I whispered the last part and stared at Gabriela who was leaning on my bike.

She smiled at me and I walked away from the two fools who were yelling that I better get my ass home quickly. I hopped on my bike and taking my girl, I ignored their asses. At least for tonight I did.

A half hour later, we were sitting in the buffet restaurant of the Renaissance Hotel. I wasn’t hungry, but Gabriela had pretty much piled an army sized portion of food on her plate before sitting down.

“How did you get us out so fast?” I narrowed my eyes on her.

“I have my connections.” she said teasingly.

“What connections?”

She shrugged and stuffed herself with more food. I would have smiled, she looked so damn cute, but I was still curious about a few things.

“Okay then answer me this, how did my brothers get wind of our location?”

She raised a shoulder, completely unconcerned. “I have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about.”

I leaned in. “Bullshit! You told on me didn’t you?”

She looked at me then, and licked her lips. “Do you have any idea how sexy you are right now?”

I smirked. Our adrenaline was still flowing and there was only one way to satisfy it. But I was going to get my answers first.

“Don’t change the subject on me. Answer me first and I’ll give you anything you want.”

“You show me yours and I’ll definitely show you mine,” she winked.

I growled and watched as her eyes glazed over. “Fuck Gabriela,” I groaned and reached down to my crotch, trying to readjust myself to no avail.

She leaned back in her seat and stared back at me, those pretty green eyes assessing me. She set her fork and knife down for a moment. “Does Tony Cristiano ring a bell for you?”

I thought for a second and I remembered Chastity mentioning that Gabriela’s father was a decorated officer and held high ranks in the force. When I researched Gabriela, I read that through her father she had risen in the ranks, but her efforts proved she was a hell of a shot and a hell of an officer. I looked up at Gabriela and she raised an eyebrow.

“He was announced Chief of Police last year.”

“So, you’re Dad’s the Anthony Cristiano? Chief of police for the LAPD?”

She nodded as she shoved another spoonful of rice into her mouth.

“And you weren’t going to tell me this?” I asked watching her eat.

“It wasn’t relevant.”

“How is your father being the current Chief of Police not relevant?”

“I don’t like using him as a safeguard, but this time we needed him. I thought you knew.”

“His name suddenly registered.” I said matter-of-factly.

Her mouth fell open in mock shock. “I thought you said you had, what was it, done your research on me?”

“Oh, I did do my research. I just got caught up researching other parts of you instead. And I still have a lot more to find out about Gabriela Cristiano. I’m going to have to do a thorough investigation.”

Her eyes met mine and she smiled naughtily. “Oh yeah?”

“Oh, believe me Detective, there’s sooo much more investigating I need to do.” I smirked.

She smiled at me and put another spoonful of rice into her mouth. “He wants to meet you by the way?”

“Oh, he does, does he?” I leaned back crossing my arms over my chest. “I wonder why?”

“Well I did tell him I was in love with you. I think that might have prompted it. He’s probably looking at your background as we speak.”

I leaned forward and pulled the plate away from her. “Hey!” She grabbed for it and I grabbed her hand.

“Is that what you told him?”

“Whaat?” She whined petulantly as she tried reaching for the plate, but I kept it away.

I scraped my chair back and pulling her up I switched places with her, propping her on my lap. I gently cupped her cheek and ran my thumb along her bottom lip. She had a tiny white rice grain stuck to her bottom lip and I reached up and traced the same path with my tongue. She groaned and shifted on my lap. “You love me?” She whispered against my lips.

I smiled. “I love you.” I whispered back.

She gripped the lapels of my jacket. “Take me up to the room. Now.” She commanded and leapt off my lap, practically running out of the restaurant.

“I thought you were hungry!” I yelled out after her.

She turned to me, a mischievous look in her eyes. “I am.” Her eyes travelled down my length and landed on the bulge straining against my pants.

She laughed and continued on her way. I dropped thirty dollars on the table and made my way towards her. She was holding the door to the elevator as I approached her.

“Hurry up now, Agent. I don’t think I can wait any longer.” I strode over to her and picked her up slamming her against the side of the elevator. The doors closed and I punched in the number for the tenth floor.

She groaned. “So far up.”

I kissed her neck and pressed my hips against hers. She whimpered and sighed as my hands dove into her shirt, pulling on her nipples and biting her neck.

“Diesel.” She breathed.

I smiled. “That’s right, baby. I’m your Diesel.”

“I need you so much, Diesel.”

I looked at her then and she placed a hand on my chest. “I need you, Diesel. I didn’t know how much until now.”

I hadn’t felt this overwhelming feeling, ever. I loved Isabel, I know that, but it was a new and innocent love with her. She had been my high school sweetheart and she was young and virginal. It was the sweet type of love you read in fairy tales.

But with Gabriela, it was an overwhelming desire to protect her, to be needed by her, to make her mine in every way. It wasn’t an innocent love, it was real and raw, laced with lust and passion and we both hungered for it.

She hung onto me and pressed her forehead to mine. “I love you Jack Diesel, Jack Roma, or whatever the fuck you want to call yourself.” She lifted her head and her eyes met mine. “I just love you.”

My mouth met hers in an ardent kiss. It said everything, how much she wanted me, how much I craved for her. Her mouth, her body, her soul was mine for the taking. And I was going to cherish every little bit of her that she gave to me.