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Dirty Bastard by Jessica Clare (4)

Chapter 4


Feels a little weird bringin’ Lexi back to my trailer in a limo. Feels even weirder to bring her inside, because I know the place is a mess. There’s dirty clothing on the floor, dishes in the sink, and nothin’ but beer in the fridge. I scratch at my beard as she looks around my place, amusement on her pretty features.

“Wasn’t expecting company,” I admit to her, moving to the couch to swipe an old shirt off of the arm.

“No shit.” She chuckles and sets her bag down on a corner of the couch, still looking around. Her gaze stops on the painting on my wall. “That is the ugliest thing I have ever seen.”

“Isn’t it?” I’m kind of proud of it. “Ivy made us go to an art gallery opening because she sold the building and I saw that and it was so hideous I had to have it. Made me laugh.”

“I can see why.” She tilts her head, studying the picture. “I can’t tell if it’s a man jerking off in a field or if it’s a milkmaid with an invisible cow.”

“Me either, honestly. But Ivy’s client was so thrilled that I was glad to make her day. Unfortunately, that means she bought more of his art and keeps pushing it at me every time I go in.”

Lexi chuckles and glances back at me, arching a brow. “How much did it cost?”

“Couple grand.” More like thirty, but money don’t mean much to me nowadays. “You like it? I know where I can get a similar one.”

“I love it. It’s so hideous and weird.”

My kind of girl. She gets my sense of humor. “The rest of the place is pretty mundane, I’m afraid. No erotic milkmaid art in the bedroom or anything. I don’t spend much time here unless I’m sleeping.”

“What, you mean to tell me this isn’t a hopping bachelor pad? With a chick magnet like this?” She points at the bright pink-and-yellow painting. “I’m shocked.”

“I’m not much for picking up random women.” In fact, she might be the first woman I’ve ever brought back to my place. I’m not a love-’em-and-leave-’em guy like Gage and Seth. I need to get to know a girl before my dick joins the party. Just a pretty pair of tits or a nice ass will get my attention, but I have to know there’s something in the brain, too.

And Lexi’s brain is damn fucking sexy. Her ass is pretty kickin’, too, from what I saw in the plain black getup she wore earlier today. Still a little shocked that this amazing creature changed her mind and decided to come home with me tonight. Had to stop myself from mauling her in the limo, because my driver was watching a little too much for my taste.

But right now, watching Lexi wander around my living room, looking at my stuff? Just reminds me why she came over, and my cock is achingly hard in my pants. I’m still thinking about that kiss. Her hands on my face. Her legs pressing down on my lap. Thanks to the humidity, her stick-straight hair has softened into loose waves that brush over her slender, pale shoulders. Unlike Nat, Lexi was vigilant with her sunblock, and her skin still looks as touchable as ever. She glances over her shoulder at me, a teasing smile on her face.

“Can I see the bedroom?”

I gesture at it, indicating she can go first. “Fair warning, it’s not much cleaner.”

She smirks. “You’re a guy. A certain amount of slobbishness is expected.” But Lexi strolls forward, arms crossed over her chest, and moves down my trailer, ignoring the creak of the floor. I kind of wish for once that I’d listened to Ivy’s nagging about how I should buy a real house and not live in one of the shitty trailers we’ve all been living in for what feels like forever. Some part of me appreciates the weirdness of it—buncha billionaires living in shit-ass trailers on scrubby land. But I never thought about bringing a chick back to my place until now. Boone got this tricked-out mansion because he wanted Ivy to have a nice place. At the time, I laughed at him.

Now I get it.

I move two steps behind Lexi as she enters my room. There’s more laundry here, a game console and stacks of games piled up on my dresser. My laptop’s on one corner of my unmade bed, and I’m relieved that my sheets were recently changed thanks to the maid that sweeps through our trailers and straightens our shit on a regular basis. “Thoughts?”

“It’s interesting,” she says after a moment. “Are you sure you’re only twenty-three? I don’t see any bongs or beer cans in here. No used condoms on the floor.”

I snort. “I’m younger than you. Doesn’t mean I’m a pothead or a drunk. I like beer, but not in bed. Don’t like the smell of weed. And no ladies come back here.”

“Except me.”

“Except you,” I agree. “But you’re not like most.”

She gives me a curious look. “You got a secret Wednesday Addams fetish?”

I clutch at my chest. “How did you know?”

Lexi grins and then sits down on the edge of my bed, bouncing on it to hear the squeak of the springs. The mattress is older and creaks alarmingly when she does. “This is definitely not the bed of a ladies’ man, no.”

“You think the spring sounds are a bit too much ambiance?”

“Definitely. I prefer a nice wall-banging headboard myself.”

That paints a shockingly visceral image in my mind. Of Lexi, her hands pressed up against a heavy wooden headboard, her mouth open with need as I slam into her, so hard we shake the bed together. And then I picture her doing that with someone else and feel like breaking something. I want to ask her if she bangs a lot of headboards—so I can know who to punch—but I know that’s too possessive of a question for tonight. She’s still not mine. Not yet. Tonight is just a hookup. I need more than just a promise of sex to bring her back to me again.

It’s a challenge I look forward to, though.

I move toward the bed and she gazes up at me, the playful look leaving her eyes. The hungry look returns, and I wonder if she’s thinking about the heated kisses we shared in the limo like I am? I hope I didn’t give her too much time to change her mind.

I want to make her mine.

She crosses her legs slowly and tilts her head back, watching me. Her mouth is still full and pink from our kisses earlier. “I’m on the pill, before you ask. And clean. I haven’t had sex in at least two years, and I’m sure I can pull up my doctor’s last test on me if you need verification.”

“That’s very . . .”

“Arousal dampening?” She grins and swings her foot back and forth. “Now you see why I haven’t had sex in two years.”

“I can use a condom.” I’m not put off by her blunt talk at all. It’s the opposite, actually, because now all I can think about is sinking into Lexi without a condom, feeling the hot, wet clench of her around my cock. Jesus.

She grimaces. “So this is where it gets weird. I have a latex allergy and I’m going to break out in rather unsightly hives if you so much as touch a condom. Which is why I get tested so vigorously. Do you have your last test results?”

“I, uh . . .” I scratch my head. “I honestly don’t know.”

“Most doctors have patient portals you can access and pull lab results.” She pats the edge of the bed next to her. “Go on. I’ll wait.”

This is definitely the weirdest conversation I’ve had with a woman. But I sit down anyhow, and pull up my email. I’m sure I’ve gotten emails from my doctor in the past, and I’m also pretty sure I’ve never paid a bit of attention to them. I flip through my inbox, looking for something that involves patient portals or doctor records or whatever. As I do, Lexi slides one leg over my knee and moves closer to me. Her arms go around my free arm, and she leans in closer, pressing her breasts to my arm.

I’m going to break out in a sweat if this continues.

She touches my earlobe with one fingertip, tracing it. “Any luck?”

My cock’s so hard it’s like she’s touching it instead of my ear. “Gotta be here somewhere.” A latex allergy. Jesus Christ. I’ve never heard of such a thing. But she’s practically encouraging me to bareback her, and I can’t pass that up. Lexi’s hot as hell, and with this in the package? I’m a goner. It’s getting difficult to concentrate on my email, but I find something that looks like it might be on the right track and type in a password. And type it in again. And again, because I keep fat-fingering it while she’s caressing my goddamn earlobe.

Not that I want her to stop.

“Almost there?” she practically purrs.

If she meant “coming in my pants,” I wouldn’t be surprised. I’m “almost there,” too. But I finally manage to log in to my doctor’s website and pull up my records. “Here,” I tell her, shoving the phone in her hands. I know I’m clean. She can figure it out from there. I push her back on the bed as she stares at my phone screen, scrolling through, and pull off her shoes. She arches one gorgeous leg so I can do so, but doesn’t otherwise get up.

I toss them aside and then tug on her leggings, pressing my mouth to her skin as I bare it. Goddamn, but her legs are amazing. Sleek and taut, I swear there’s not a bit of jiggle on them. They’re very pale, just like the rest of her, but I don’t mind that. It’s just part of her weird charm. She’s gorgeous, though, and I want to put my mouth between her legs and taste her, but when I push her dress up, all I see is swimsuit.

“Hell,” I mutter.

She chuckles and rubs her foot along the inside of my thigh. “Did you forget we went swimming earlier today?”

I vaguely remember her stripping down to a plain black suit and getting in the water. Vaguely. “I guess I was just hoping I could close my eyes and you’d be naked under me.”

Lexi slides backward and sits up in a fluid motion, then crosses her legs under her, tucking them close in a way I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t be able to repeat. “We could take turns undressing for each other. You go first.”

I lean in, trying to kiss her, but she only leans away again. With a frustrated groan, I flop down on the bed. “You’re cruel to a man, Lexi.”

“You like my cruelty. It turns you on.”

She ain’t wrong. With a rueful chuckle, I get to my feet and give her the world’s unsexiest—and quickest—striptease. My grubby sneakers go flying at the same time that my swim trunks do, and then off goes my trucker cap when I rip off my shirt. Total strip time: less than ten seconds.

Lexi’s eyes widen in surprise, and her laugh dies in her throat as she studies me. “Well, the rest of you certainly isn’t underage,” she murmurs, gaze locked on my cock.

“I’m twenty-three, not thirteen,” I tell her, moving back toward the bed. Takes all that I have not to strut, though. I know I’ve got a nice-size cock. My chest might be a little hairy compared to some of those too-smooth Hollywood types, but it ain’t nothing to scare a girl. I’m just like all of the Price brothers: tall, tanned, and unshaven. “Any problems with the merchandise?”

“No,” she says, and her voice has dropped to a husky note. “I’m quite the happy shopper.” She unfurls her long legs and hops to the floor in a fluid movement. “My turn, then.”

She gives my chest a little push, knocking me to sit back down on the bed. Lexi moves forward with a graceful step, and then lifts her dress over her head. Her hair falls along her shoulders in tousled waves, and now she’s in nothing but her plain black one-piece. Despite the fact that it looks nothing like Gina’s fancy little red bikini, she looks incredible. The neck is square, which means I get just the barest hint of tits, and the hips are cut high, which means her legs seem like they go on forever. More impressive than that is the way she holds herself. She puts her arms over her head and does this little stretch that looks elegant and like a huge fucking tease all at once. Makes my cock hard just to see it.

Well, harder. I’ve been hard since we walked through the door. Hell, since we kissed in the limo.

She does another little elegant bend, and I remember something she told me earlier. “You said you teach yoga?”

“Oh yeah.” She’s got the sultry purr in her voice again. As I wait for her to finish undressing, she lifts one bent leg and then grabs her foot. Slowly, she extends her leg upward until it’s straight and practically over her head, leaving her pussy tight and practically revealed to my salivating gaze.

“Jesus. I think I love you.”

She gives the most delightful little cackle and then just as gracefully lowers her leg and puts her hands on the straps of her swimsuit. With a bouncy little teasing turn, she shimmies it off and then turns to face me again.

Naked, Lexi’s even more glorious than I thought. I mean, she’s already ensconced as the center of my fap fantasies, but this just brings things to another level. Her breasts are small but high, the most perfect, pert little mounds I’ve ever seen. Her waist is slim, and her hips curve outward to the most gorgeous thighs. Even more spectacular than that is the dark little strip of hair that covers her pussy, just enough to hide her from my gaze.


My mouth goes dry at the sight of her. “Don’t suppose I could get you to turn for me?”

“Since you asked nicely,” she murmurs, and does just that. Now I get an unfettered view of her backside, and holy shit, it is the most perfect ass I’ve ever seen. Rounded and plump and perfect, it curves like the most perfect bubble atop those sculpted thighs. I can’t wait to taste her.

Hell, I don’t want to wait any longer. I get to my feet while she’s doing those sexy little stretches and move behind her, grabbing her by the hips and rubbing my cock against that perfect backside.

She gasps and turns in my arms to face me. That’s fine, because that means I can kiss her. I pull her against me and claim her mouth with my own, devouring her with hot, hungry kisses. She moans into me, and her breasts press against my bare chest. I feel her skin all along my own, sexy and soft, and my cock feels like a brick I’m so damn hard.

Lexi gives the sexiest little sigh and then she’s pushing me toward the bed, her hands on my chest. I don’t need to be told twice. Without letting go of her, I haul our twined bodies backward, and we bounce onto the bed. She laughs as I roll her underneath me, and then hooks both of her legs around my waist, capturing me against her.

“Think I’m the luckiest man on earth,” I tell her, pressing my mouth against her jaw and moving down to her neck. She arches against me, wrapping her arms around my neck and encouraging me. I’m not stopping there, though. I need to taste her everywhere. I slide lower, cupping one of those perky little tits and teasing the tip of it with my fingers.

“You are,” she agrees, breathless. “Consider yourself blessed with my pussy.”

“And tits,” I say, licking the tip of one. “Can’t forget the tits.”

“Mmm, I think they need a bit more encouragement before they feel blessed.” She arches her back, pushing against my hand.

“That so?” I nuzzle the tip of one. “O great and glorious titties, let me bestow you with my ever-abundant thanks.” As I speak, I tease one nipple with my fingers and nip at the other.

She wriggles and arches underneath me, panting. “Save the abundance for later.”

Naughty thing. I love her wicked, weird sense of humor. I nip at her breast again, this time a little harder. “Hush and let me work on my devotionals.”

“Hushing,” she says, breathless. She can’t stop moving underneath me, her body flexing and undulating as if her movements can somehow encourage mine. Doing a pretty damn good job of it, too. I caress and tease her breasts, using my mouth and hands and even my beard, until she’s writhing underneath me and making soft little cries. Fuck, I love how noisy and restless she is. It’s like she can’t contain herself. Makes me crazy with need for her.

But I love the playful vibe we have going, and I want to continue it. I flick her nipples with my thumbs and then begin to slowly skate down her body, kissing the valley between her breasts and moving ever downward. “O great and powerful pussy, bless me with thy juicy taste.”

She laughs, wiggling underneath me again. “You’re officially the worst. Or the best. I can’t decide.”

“The best in all the worst ways, baby.” Man, I’m already living for that laugh. I continue to kiss down the slope of her belly. I deliberately scrape my beard along her skin, because she shivers each time I do, and her little breathless moans grow louder. It feels like eternity until I kiss my way to that little patch of hair over her pussy and press the first (of what I intend to be many) kisses there. “Hello there, promised land.”

“Don’t mind me saying so, but you’re weird,” Lexi tells me. Her voice has gone all lush and soft on me, and when I caress the inside of her thigh, she opens up like a flower, ready for my touch. God, she’s beautiful. I’m the luckiest son of a bitch alive that I get to have her in my bed tonight.

Of course, tonight is just the beginning, I’m thinking. I always thought it was a little strange that Boone said Ivy was his the moment he saw her. Clay’s always only wanted one woman, ever. Never thought that made sense . . . until now. With Lexi clutching at my hair as I nuzzle her sweet pussy, it makes total sense to me.

This is the woman I was born to be with. We’re perfectly in sync, both in mind and body. I ain’t never felt this way about anyone. It doesn’t matter to me that I just met Lexi, or that she lives three hours away, or that she’s five years older than me.

She’s mine.

And tonight, I’m going to show her. With that thought in mind, I use my thumbs to part her slick flesh and bury my face between her thighs.

She cries out, her hands tightening in my hair. Gone are the teasing laughs and the inane commentary. She’s panting and breathless now, her heels digging into my mattress as she squirms underneath me. “Knox. Knox. Oh god. Your mouth.”

I lift my head, just because I know it’ll drive her crazy. “You want it somewhere else, Sexy Lexi?”

“Don’t call me that,” she mutters, and then hooks one leg over my shoulder and digs that heel into my back. “And quit talking and get back down there.”

“Yes, ma’am.” I lean in and drag my tongue over her folds, enjoying her muffled shriek of response. She’s definitely sensitive here. “You like getting your pussy eaten out, baby?”

“Never . . . had . . . it . . . before,” she gasps.

Never? Well, shit. I’m about to blow her damn mind. With a pleased grin, I get back to work. I drag my tongue over her delicious little cunt, back and forth until she’s lost in the moment again. It’s clear she likes it best when I move toward her clit, so I deliberately avoid that, choosing to tease the slick opening to her core with my finger and skating my tongue along her sensitive skin. I save her clit for last, and just barely brush over it when I do.

She makes a sound of protest and her hands flex against my skin. She pushes me higher when I try to go low, lifting her hips as if she can guide me.

Goddamn, but she’s fun to tease. I let my mouth move where she wants it and nibble on her clit with my lips. Her low, tortured moan tells me I’m on the right track, so I continue doing that. I lick and suck and tease her clit, then slide a finger deep into the hot well of her cunt, pumping her as I do.

Cool, calm, detached Lexi claws at me like a wild woman. I fucking love this. I keep the rhythm up despite her constant movements, propelling her toward an orgasm. I need to see her come. Want it more than anything. I need to know that I can make her lose all control. That I’m making this as good for her as it’s gonna be for me.

So I keep nudging her forward, pushing her even when she’s whimpering and her hips rise off the bed. I keep my mouth right where she needs it and thrust into her with my fingers. She’s hot and slick and her cunt grips my fingers like a vise each time I do. Almost there. Come on, Lexi. Show me how beautiful you are when you come.

She pushes at my face, trying to move me away from where I’ve encamped between her thighs. I ignore her hands, though, because I can tell from the full-body shiver that quakes through her that she’s close. “Oh! Knox!”

I groan and grind my hips into the mattress, because just the way she says my name makes me want to lose it myself.

But then she chokes back a little gasp and her body jerks, and she floods my beard with her wet release. Goddamn, that’s sexy. I keep licking and working her, determined to wring out every little reaction, and she quakes underneath me, shivering and gasping until she pushes me away again.

This time, I let her. I sit up, my cock aching like it’s never ached before, and the taste of her on my lips. “That was beautiful,” I tell her. To my surprise, she blushes, her cheeks as bright red as the rest of her.

“That beard is unfair,” she pants. “And so is that tongue. And that mouth.”

“You’re welcome,” I drawl, secretly pleased I got her to react like this. It’s like she gets more and more perfect with every passing moment. I can’t stop touching her, either. I know I should probably give her a few to catch her breath and steady herself, but fuck that. I slide a hand up and down her leg, caressing, just because I need to touch her. One day and I’m already addicted. “So you’ve never done that before, huh?”

“Did I say that?” her voice is casual, but her nose and cheeks are bright red, which tells me she’s still embarrassed. “Clearly I was full of shit.”

“Clearly.” I don’t believe her for a second. Let her spin whatever narrative she wants. I suspect the truth. Don’t know what kind of fucking jerks a pretty thing like her has been dating that they wouldn’t love that pussy like I did, but that’s fine. Just means that she’s mine and no one else’s.

I prowl forward on the bed, ready to show her that just because I’m a few years younger, it doesn’t mean she should dismiss me. I don’t care that she’s older. All I care about is that she’s her. I love the way she laughs, the way she talks, the way she has no time for other people’s bullshit . . . and most of all, the way she responds in bed. I need to make her come so hard tonight that she won’t protest when I ask to see her again. Or when I invite her to move in. Or when I tell her she’s gonna be my wife.

I see now why Clay and Boone move fast. It just makes sense. You want to lock your girl down so you can have her at your side always. It’s only been hours and I already feel intensely possessive of Lexi. She’s mine to protect and keep safe.

Of course, I need to keep all that shit to myself right now. Don’t wanna scare her. I move over her, bracing my larger body on my elbows so I don’t crush her, and give her a kiss. Her lips are soft under mine, her eyes dazed. Love the way she looks up at me, as if she’s both surprised and impressed by what I just did to her.

Little does she know this is just the beginning. I plan on making her crazy with lust for the next sixty years or so. Course, all I say is, “You taste good.”

“Thank you. It’s my own special recipe.” But her nose is cherry red. So cute.

I nip her nose with a little kiss and then move to her cheeks, her jaw. “Wouldn’t mind another taste of that home cookin’—”

She puts a hand over my mouth. “You’re taking the metaphor a bit too far, even for me.”

I chuckle, because more than anything, I love making her laugh. I get the feeling she ain’t often impressed by much and laughs even less, so the fact that I can make her smile makes me feel like a goddamn king. I tease her nipple with my thumb, watching her reaction to see if she’s ready for more, or if she needs more time.

But Lexi only sighs and slides closer to me, running her hand down my pectorals and tugging at my chest hair. “Maybe you should stop talking before worse comes out of your mouth.”

“If you want a kiss, all you gotta do is say so,” I murmur, and lean in and give her just that. Her mouth hungrily meets mine, and as I taste her, I decide I’ve waited long enough to make her mine. I slide my hand between her thighs and she spreads them for me again, moaning when I tease her folds, making sure she’s still wet enough to take my cock.

I shouldn’t have worried, of course. She’s still slick as hell, and arches her hips up against my hand when I touch her. She’s as eager for more as I am.

I settle my body between her open thighs, our mouths locked together in a continuous kiss. Using my hand, I drag my cock back and forth through her wet folds, making sure it’s good and lubed up. She moans and follows my movements with tiny raises of her hips, until I can’t stand it any longer. I want to be inside her. I fit the head of my cock at the entrance to her core.

And pause, because going bare inside a woman screams against everything I’ve ever known. It ain’t right. Ain’t polite. A condom’s always used. Always. I hesitate and break the kiss. “You did say you’re on the pill, right?”

She nods and wraps her arms around my neck, pulling me in closer.

“Just checking.” If she ain’t concerned, I guess I ain’t, either. Certainly isn’t like I don’t want to be inside her, feeling everything. Want that more than anything.

I capture her mouth again, and thrust into her. She stiffens under me with a gasp, and her legs clench around my hips. “Oh, Knox,” she breathes against my mouth. “You feel so big.”

“Flatterer,” I grit out. Can’t be teasing, not right now. Not when her cunt’s clenching me so tight it feels like she’s wrapped her fist around my cock. Being inside her bare means I feel everything, every ripple that courses through her body, every shiver, every gasp she makes.

Feels fucking amazing.

She gives a little cry and squeezes her thighs around my hips again. “Move,” she pants. “Please move. I’m dying here.”

“Can’t have that.” I lock my hand on her shoulder and pump forward again. Her little grunting cry of pleasure matches mine, and I move once more, starting a rhythm. As I rock into her, I watch her reactions to see how she’s responding. Am I pleasuring her? Is she still with me? Faking it?

I think I’ll fucking let the floor swallow me up if she fakes it on me.

But Lexi shifts restlessly under me, her hips rising to meet mine and create more force between each thrust. Her lean, delicious body is growing as sweaty as mine is, and the little noises she emits as we come together aren’t the sexiest, but I love them because they tell me she’s so with me that she doesn’t even care what sounds she’s making. Good. I love the dig of her nails into my skin, the clench of her thighs at my hips, and the jiggle of her tits as she arches her body to meet my thrusts.

I’m close to coming, but she has a look of intense concentration on her face as I pump into her, and she feels so good I know I won’t last long. But she closes her eyes and a little line appears between her brows, and her mouth parts. “Harder, Knox. Need. Harder.”

She’s not gonna fake, then. She’s gonna demand until she gets what she wants. Damn, I love this woman.

I do as she asks, biting down on the inside of my cheek so I can have a contrasting sensation of pain instead of just the heaven that’s her cunt. It allows me to keep going, to thrust harder. I grab the back of her knee and press her thigh forward, allowing me to push deeper into her with every meeting of our bodies.

And just like in my daydreams, she grabs my wooden headboard and braces herself, her head thrown back with ecstasy. Fuck, that’s so sexy that it’s killing my control. I ram into her harder, my balls slapping against her skin with every rough thrust, and each time we come together the entire bed shakes. Doesn’t matter. My entire world is focused on giving it to her as hard as she needs, because I want to see her come again. Come on, Lexi, I silently encourage. Give it to me.

Then, I feel it. There’s a deep body shudder that seems to move through her and her heels dig into my ass as her entire body tightens underneath me. Her cunt seems to grip me even tighter, and her mouth opens in a silent cry. Ah, fuck, she looks perfect. I pump into her harder, wanting to push her over the edge. Needing her release.

She slams a fist down on my arm and screams, and then I feel it all through her body: the quivers that move through her pussy as I fuck her, the flex of her body under mine. She’s coming hard, and I’m right behind her, my hands tense on her thighs as I thrust wildly into her with my own orgasm. I’ve been fighting the tightness in my sac, determined to hold out, but once she releases, I give myself permission to go over, too. With a low growl in my throat, I come.

I’ve never let go like that. Feels like I’m emptying my entire body into her wet, inviting pussy. I come so hard I’m seeing black at the edges of my vision, but I don’t care.

It feels incredible.

She feels incredible. More than that—she feels perfect.




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