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Dirty Lies by Emma Hart (2)


Jessie Law reaches back and grasps my forearm firmly, shoving my arm away from her like I’m fire and she’s gasoline. “I mind you touching me,” she replies. “What’s takin’ so long?” she yells to the bartender.

“Chill out, Jessie,” I murmur, moving closer to her and meeting the bartender’s eyes. “Can you hurry with that, babe?”

She nods and within two seconds, a cocktail glass full of perfectly red-pink liquid is placed in front of us.


“And a bottle of Budweiser, thanks,” I demand before she says the price. “Put it on my tab.”

“I can pay for my own drink,” Jessie argues, her eyes sparking with defiance.

“Sure you can, but that don’t mean you’re gonna.”

“It means I will.” She riffles in her purse and slams a ten into my chest. “Thank you, Aidan, but no thank you.”

I take the crisp bill from her hand and crumple it up, crooking my finger in the collar of her dress. She gapes at me in disbelief as I pull the fabric from her body and drop the balled-up note down it. “Where are your manners, Jessica Law?”

“The same place as my real name clearly is,” she grinds out, her jaw tight. “Shoved so far up your ass it’s blowing your head up.”

My lips curve into a smirk despite my best efforts, and I move closer to her, bringing my hand back to rest on her hip. “Oh, that’s right. It’s Jessie, isn’t it?”

“Aidan Burke, you were throwing basketballs at me before you had chest hair. You know my damn name. Now, if you don’t mind”—she pushes me away and retrieves the ten-dollar bill from her very impressive cleavage—“this is yours. Thank you, but no thank you.” She shoves the note down my shirt, grabbing her glass.

I laugh and, careful to avoid her drink, wrap my arm around her waist, making sure that my fingertips brush across her tight little ass. “You’re thankin’ me real early, baby. I haven’t even kissed you yet. Doesn’t the thankin’ come after the best orgasm you’re ever gonna have?”

Her tits brush my chest as she inhales sharply. She reaches up, and despite her suspiciously flushed cheeks, rests her hand against my chest and leans back. Her eyes find mine, defiance in them. “When I’ve had it, I’ll be sure to call and let you know.”

The black dress she’s wearing is unforgiving—for both her body and my restraint. Her bright red hair, swept over her shoulder, stands out against both the dark fabric and her lightly tanned skin. And it matches her lips.

Her lips.

Fuck. So many things could be done with those lips. . . .

She spins, but I keep my hold on her, grinning, her frustration only amusing me more and more. Goddamn, she’s always been so easy to wind up. Even when we were in middle school she had a fuse that could light her up and make her burn brighter than fireworks on New Year’s Eve.

I lower my mouth to her ear, taking my time as she stands deathly still in my hold. “I’ll expect your thanks by midnight then, should I?”

She turns her face to mine. “In your dreams, asshole.”

One last shove has my arm falling from her and her stalking away from me. My eyes drop immediately to her ass, because, holy fuck. That dress, her skin—whatever it is, it fits her like a fucking glove, and I’d give just about anything to have my hands curved around that sweet ass while she rides me.

I rub my hand down my face. Shit on me—and for years I’ve ripped the shit out of Tate for being a pussy-hungry manwhore, when here I am, lusting over a girl who’s hated me for at least ten years. Maybe a few more. Definitely a few more.

But damn.

Jessie Law—the free spirit. She’s the girl who never had a single fuck to give, and if she did, she never handed them out like many of the other girls in school did. She did her thing, haters be fucking damned. And now . . .

Shit, now. With her red hair and the flower tattoos melding together into a sleeve that slinks down her arm to just beneath her elbow, she’s still the girl that never gave a fuck. . . . Except now she’s all grown up.

I lift the beer to my lips and watch her, talking with Leila. She’s already thrown several guys off her ass tonight before any of us have had a chance, and my baby sister’s eyes are scouring this place like she’s part of our security detail.

Jessie drinks her drink quickly, dropping the empty glass on a table before Leila sweeps her into the mass of writhing bodies on the dance floor. My lips curve up yet again as she disappears into the darkness, hidden despite the strobe lighting that streaks across the crowd every few seconds.

“You look like you’ve found your entertainment for the night,” Kye shouts into my ear.

I grin. “Remember Jessie Law?”

He frowns when I look at him. “Light brown hair, this tall, attitude that shit on half the school with her lack of fucks?”

My grin widens. “That’s her. You had a crush on her, right?”

“When we were nine and I liked half our grade.”

“Awesome.” I finish my beer. “Don’t crush on her anymore. She’s mine tonight.”

He doesn’t have a chance to reply before I slink away from the bar, through the bodies, and remove at least four pairs of inappropriate hands from me.

I could take any of these girls into my arms right now and we’d be in the back of a cab within five minutes. They’d blush and giggle and rub against me willingly. Easy. Simple.


There’s something about the thrill of the chase—of chasing the girl who says no even when her body says yes. There’s just . . . something. It’s exciting and unexpected. It’s so fucking refreshing.

It’s darker on the dance floor. Although, plenty of people seem to recognize me. I look around for a way to escape the hands moving to me and see Tate. His expression is frustrated, and that’s something I thought I’d never see—him pissed off at endless female attention.

Of course, he met Ella. And she’s been everything he needs and more since she walked into our hotel in South Carolina in August.

“Shit,” Tate shouts. “Was it this bad before?”

I grin. A giant, shit-eating, smug-as-fuck grin.

“Manwhore,” he laughs, shoving me toward the girls before wrapping an arm around Ella’s shoulders. She looks back and smiles at him, her eyes lighting up, her hand coming to his and her fingers threading through his.

Conner is next, grabbing Sofie and turning her toward him. She laughs, the loud giggle bursting through the music as her body slams into his. He winks at me, his own grin as shit-eating as mine was just moments ago. Jessie stands awkwardly, Leila and Chelsey nowhere to be seen, and I push past the two sets of hands reaching for me to get closer to her.

“Touch me and I’m gonna have your balls for breakfast tomorrow,” she says.

I laugh, placing my hands on her hips and pulling her back into me. Her ass curves into my pelvis, the closeness making my cock twitch. “Jessie, baby, you had them the minute you got your cosmo before I got my beer.” I pull her ten dollars from my T-shirt and tuck it into her cleavage once more, letting the back of my hand hover at the V-neck of her dress. “And this still belongs to you.”

“And I can still buy my own drinks,” she shouts, leaning back into me.

“Sure.” I spin her, and she gasps when the front of her body collides with mine. I slip my hand up her back into her hair, gently easing her face against mine. “But, baby, we can do a fuck ton of things. Doesn’t mean we should.”

“Like you dancing with me right now?”

“Exactly.” I smile, bringing her closer to me and dropping my mouth to her jaw. She tenses when I brush my lips along the soft curve of her chin, but she can’t fight the shudder that racks her body at the contact. I smile as she does her best to ignore her reaction and stay as stiff as a rock as I glide my lips up to her ear. “I shouldn’t be dancing with you, but I am.”

“You’re directly contradicting yourself,” she breathes, her fingers twitching at my sides.

“I shouldn’t be attracted to you but I am,” I continue. “Mostly because I know you haven’t forgiven me for that black eye in seventh grade.”

“Damn right I haven’t.” She practically yells it. “What the hell are you doing, Aidan?”

The booming song switches to “It’s You” by Syn Cole, and I bring her closer, tightening my grip on her lithe body. “A little birdie told me earlier tonight you were fucked over not long ago,” I say into her ear. “And I happen to know just the guy to help you get over that bullshit.”

“And let me guess,” Jessie says dryly. “It’s you.”

“How did you know?” My smile grows against her neck as she moves her hips with mine, as her hands climb their way up my back.



She grasps my shirt and turns us, pulling me backward across the dance floor and toward the darkness of the tables surrounding it. A couple is making out at the table she guides us to, but she gives the guy a swift kick and jabs her finger toward the dance floor.

They leave without a fight, and she pulls me down as she fills the spot on the curved seat that they just emptied. The music is a little quieter here, the sound muffled a bit. Despite that, Jessie grabs my chin and forces me to look into her gorgeous eyes.

“What the hell makes you think I’ll leave here with you tonight, Aidan Burke?” She curls her fingers across my collar, her lips pursing in a way so tempting that I want to meet them with my own and see if she tastes as spicy and irresistible as she acts. “What the hell makes you think you’re anywhere near my league?”

“Damn,” I laugh softly. I slide across the leather seat, hit full force by her unrelenting confidence. “Jessie, baby,” I say into her ear, curving my fingers around the back of her neck. “I don’t think you’re gonna leave with me. I know you are. You’re gonna leave with me, and I’m gonna give you the night of your fuckin’ life.”

“You’re real arrogant.”

“You mistake my confidence,” I murmur, trailing a hand up her curved side until my thumb brushes the underside of her breast. A tremor runs through her, and my lips twitch, sliding my hand back down and hooking her leg over mine. “Two different things. I’m real confident that I could take you back and kiss my way across your body until you’re begging for me to slide my cock inside you and fuck you until you’re screamin’ instead of beggin’.”

“Still arrogant,” she breathes, her hands slipping down to my waist.

“No—arrogance is sayin’ I’m gonna flip you onto your knees and fuck you until you pass out.” I lean toward her. “Confidence is knowin’ I’ll have you beggin’ and screamin’ for me.”

She trails her fingers around my waist and up to the collar of my shirt. “Give me one good reason why I should let you put your confidence on me.”

“You’ve got a score to settle,” I say into her ear, moving her hair away. “You’re here to get laid because you’re done wallowing in your own bullshit over your ex. Don’t take this for more than what it is, sunshine. It’s a fuck, pure and simple. We’re only connected by the fact that you hold big-ass childhood grudges against me. Don’t think you’ve gotta call me tomorrow or that I’m gonna call you.”

Jessie takes a deep breath, her fingers twitching at my neck. Her nails scrape against my skin in the gentlest way and I resist the urge to grab her wrists and pin them above her head and fuck her right here, right now, in this cheap leather booth.

“Fine,” she breathes. “One fuck, Aidan Burke. No frills. No rumors. Nothing public. Just you and me, and one night of the mind-blowing sex you’re promising me.”

“Sounds like an offer I can’t refuse,” I reply, guiding her mouth toward mine.

She puts two fingers over my lips. “And this doesn’t mean I forgive you for seventh grade. It just means that I’m on the rebound. And a little, little bit drunk.”

Shit, that was cute. “A little, little bit drunk? As opposed to just a little?”

“Shut up.” She rolls her eyes and lets go of me, getting up. “I’m going to the bathroom. Give me five minutes?”

“You got it, baby.”

I get another beer and lean against the wall by the restroom. Jessie either got lost on her way here or she’s climbed out the window to get away from me.

“Hey,” I grab the attention of a blond chick whose skirt is barely brushing the tops of her thighs.

“Hey.” She smiles flirtatiously, pausing as recognition washes over her face. Unsurprisingly, she puts a hand on her hip and pushes her chest out. “Can I help you?”

I can think of several ways she could help me. And none of them involve her being in that dress.

“Yeah. Is there a girl in there with red hair? Flower tattoos on her arm?”

Blondie’s smile drops. “Yeah. Why? She your assistant or somethin’?”

I smirk. “No, but I’m hirin’.”

“Well, how about this.” She steps forward and runs her finger down my arm. “I give you my number, and when you’re ready to interview, you can call me.”

“Or how about you come back here this time next week and if I’m standing right here, you’ll know you got the job.” My lips tug up even more.

Agreeing to call a girl.

Fuck. That.

That’s an amateur move.

“Well played,” she whispers in my ear before stalking past me, making sure her tits brush my arm. Her hard, fake tits.

I prefer real.

The bathroom door opens and I look up straight into the eyes of . . . my little sister. Leila takes a deep breath and holds her hand up at me, touching two fingers to her temples. Her ponytail swings as she shakes her head. “Aw, hell no. I am not going to think about the fact that I just helped one of my best friends out of Spanx so she can fuck my brother.”

She opens her eyes, and I scratch the corner of my mouth, fighting my smile. She shakes her head some more, muttering “No, no, fuck no” to herself, and walks past me. I laugh as the bathroom door opens again. This time it’s actually—finally—Jessie walking through it.

She stops when she sees me. “What are you doing?”

“Waitin’ for you, sunshine. What’s it look like?”

“No need to be an asshole about it.”

“Didn’t you know?” I quirk an eyebrow. “Asshole is my middle name.”

She hooks a finger through one of my belt loops and tugs me behind her. “I figured that out when I was twelve. Let’s go before I regret this decision in the morning.”

I glance down at her hand and grasp her wrist, directing her to the bar. I lean right forward, grabbing the attention of the bartender again, and ask for two shots of Jack Daniel’s on my tab. They’re placed in front of me almost immediately, and I hand one to Jessie. “Regret this, not me.”

I throw my shot back and watch as she does the same, swallowing the harsh whiskey without so much as a flinch or a twitch. This girl just gets hotter and hotter.

She grabs my belt loop again, fire in her eyes. “I’m still pretending I like you. We should leave before that wears off.”

I laugh, throwing my arm over her shoulder and guiding her toward the exit. “Shame. I feel like a good, hard hate-fuck with you would be far more fun.”

“You want a hate-fuck?” she muses. “A hate-rebound-fuck. That sounds like a recipe for disaster.”

“No. It sounds like a recipe for the mind-blowin’ night I’m gonna give you.”

Mind-blowin’ is hardly synonymous with a hate-fuck.”

I tug open the door on a black SUV, tightening my grip on her and making her stop. “Then you’ve never had a proper hate-fuck, have ya?” She opens her mouth to argue, but I help her climb into the backseat before a word leaves her mouth. Those heels are at least four inches, and I would feel personally responsible if she fell and hurt herself.

Plus I get a killer view of her ass as she bends over.

I take a gamble and my palm connects with her right ass cheek, the temptation too much. She squeals and scoots into the SUV quickly, leaving me laughing as I jump in after her. Her dress has ridden up her thighs slightly, and as the door is closed behind me, I slide across the leather seat toward her and ease my hand between her legs, curving my fingers around her thigh.

Jessie takes a deep breath in, turning her face toward me the smallest amount. Hesitation comes off her in waves, and I take her chin in my finger and thumb, guiding it upward until her eyes meet mine. “Your house or my hotel?”


“You think I’m gonna take you back to my mom’s?”

She opens her mouth then closes it again. “Ah.”

“Ah.” I smile, gently stroking my thumb across her thigh. “So? Where to? Because you don’t look so sure about either.”

“I’m not,” she admits softly. “But hey, I’m already gonna get shit tomorrow because I left with you, so I may as well earn a damn good reply. That and I’m technically out for a rebound fuck.”

“So you’re using me,” I murmur, moving closer and touching my lips to her jaw.

“Only as much as you are me,” she breathes as I kiss my way around the curve of her jaw to the corner of her mouth. I linger there for a moment, waiting for her to make the move, because I’m an asshole, but not that much of an asshole. “Hotel,” she whispers, her breath hitching. “Definitely the hotel.”

“Hotel,” I say loudly, reaching to knock on the partition. “The usual.” One loud rap and the car buzzes as the engine comes to life.

“The usual?”

“The usual,” I repeat.

Jessie’s face turns to mine, her brows drawn together and her lips barely a breath from mine.

And, sweet shit, I’ve been fucking waiting for this all night.

I kiss her, our lips molding together as I slip my hand around the back of her neck and her hair twines around my fingers and she grasps the collar of my shirt tightly. Her leg muscles tense as my mouth moves over hers.

She tastes like fucking cosmos. Sweet but tangy, sharp but fruity. Just like her. And it’s so fucking delicious that I pull her farther into me so I can feel more, taste more, of her.

She curves her body into me, one leg lifting and her heel brushing against my calf. I take my hand from between her legs and grab her hip, maneuvering her on top of me. Her knees fall to either side of my hips and she gasps as her center pushes against my already hard cock, straining against my jeans.

The slight part of her lips gives me the opening I need to flick my tongue against hers. I do it, tentatively, waiting for her to respond, handing her control I know won’t last.

When she’s on top of me this way, her pussy against my cock with only two pathetic layers of fabric between us, my own control is severely waning.

I wrap my arm around her as she wraps her hand around my neck and grasps my hair and kisses me, tiny moans leaving her mouth. If I could flip her onto her back and get the driver out of the car and fuck her right here on the backseat, I would. I would lift that sinfully tight dress, tug her panties away by whatever means necessary, and bury myself inside her before she could utter my name.

“Sir? We’re here.”

The driver cuts through the kiss, and I rub some lipstick from the side of Jessie’s mouth before pushing her up and off me. Her harsh breaths cut through the air, and I tug on a lock of her hair before I adjust my pants.

“Thank you,” I say, reaching for the door and knowing it’ll be charged to the band’s account. I glance at Jessie. “You good?”

She glares me at—a look full of frustration and so much desire that it burns into me. “Move. Now.”

I laugh as I get out of the car and swing her out with me. She squeals as I set her on her feet, but I wrap my arm around her waist and guide her toward the hotel. A porter dressed in a suit opens a side door and tips his hat, so we avoid the revolving door.

“Thank you, sir,” I say, nodding at him and pulling Jessie through into the lobby. She smiles at the porter, echoing my thanks. Damn, she’s polite when she’s talking to someone other than me.

We walk across the lobby toward the elevator and I reach forward to push the Up button. Jessie shivers in my hold, inching toward me a little closer. I pull her closer and smile into the top of her head, my cock still straining against my jeans.

Next time, I’ve gotta wear boxers.

The elevator doors ping open and an older couple walks out. The gentleman nods his head in my direction with a knowing smile, the old dog, and I return it out of courtesy, gently pushing Jessie into the elevator.

I reach forward and hit the button for the tenth floor, where my room is, and watch as the doors close slowly.

“This is awkward,” Jessie whispers the second they shut.

I step forward, swinging around and tugging her between me and the wall of the elevator. She half-laughs, half-shrieks as her back collides with the wall, flattening her hand against my chest. “Aidan—”

I shut her off with a simple kiss that quickly turns heated and desperate. Her hand on my chest moves around my neck and grips my hair and mine slides down her body and squeezes her ass. I pin her against the wall, desperate to lift that damn dress and have my cock connect with her fully, letting her writhe and moan beneath me as I slip into her and let her grip my arms and back as I move relentlessly.

She gasps as the doors open and I tug her backward out of the elevator and into the hallway. She giggles, her laugh reflecting her tipsy state. Luckily for her, that last shot has slightly messed with me, too, so I grab her hands and tug her around the corner and down the hall to my room. She throws her head back and laughs, her bright hair falling around her shoulders, bringing out the colors in her tattoos as she moves.

I take the hotel card from my wallet and slide it into the slot on the door, tugging it out as soon as the light blinks green. Yanking the handle down, I shove the door open and Jessie strolls into the room. How the fuck she’s still walking in those heels I’ll never know, but damn, I like watching.

I close the door and flick the switch for the standing lamp. She’s there in the middle of the room, her red hair flowing over one shoulder, opposite her tattoos. They’re standing out, bright and compelling against the bronzed tone of her skin. Every pink, red, blue, and white hue—they’re stunning.

“What are you looking at?” Her voice is a whisper, her eyes focused on me as she asks.

I cross the room to her, tearing my shirt over my head and letting it fall to the floor. “You.”


“You,” I clarify, walking toward her slowly.

“Me?” she repeats again, swallowing as the dim light casts shadows over her face.

“Yeah. You’re a hell of a lot hotter than I remember.”

“Oh, for the love of God.” She bats at the hand I move toward her. “Don’t think you have to try and be nice to me, Aidan. The only nice I expect from you is the previously promised orgasm.”

I laugh, dodging her attempt to shove me away and tugging her lithe body against mine. A sharp breath leaves her as our bodies collide, and I hook my thumb beneath her chin and pull her face upward so our eyes meet. “I don’t ever remember promisin’ you a nice orgasm.”

“Keep talking and I’ll leave and do the job myself.”

An image of her on her back pleasuring herself makes my cock throb hard. The bolt of desire that accompanies it has me spinning her around and throwing her on the bed. She laughs as she bounces off the soft surface, but the smile dies when I lean over her.

Her chest heaves, and she leans up onto her elbows, pushing herself up the bed. With my arms still on either side of her, I move forward, crawling along over her. Her tongue flicks out over her lips, leaving them glistening with wetness.

I hold myself up with one arm, my hand flattened just above her head, and reach down to her legs. She tries to bring them together, but I curve my fingers around the inside of her thigh. She stills, her left leg falling open as I push her right one down.

“This. It’s coming off,” I whisper huskily, grasping the bottom of her dress and sitting back on my heels. I tug it up her body, not gently, until it bunches under her breasts. The hint of bright red lace, the exact color of her hair, peeks out from beneath the soft cotton, and I push the dress up higher, cupping her breasts as I do. Her eyelids flutter closed as I trail my thumbs along the line of the cups, and she lifts her arms over her head so I can remove it fully.

Once the dress is up and over her head, I throw it to the floor and grasp her still-together wrists with one hand. Her eyes snap open, her lips parting, her chest heaving, her knees bending. My lips curve into a small smirk at the shocked desire filling her gorgeous dark eyes.

It lasts all of two seconds before she wriggles one hand free, reaches between us, and pops open the button on my pants.

“I’m all about equality,” she whispers.

The smirk returns, and I release her other hand to tug my pants down. Slipping back down the bed, I stand and kick them off and to the side. My eyes ghost over her body, encased in nothing but red lace and high heels.

This might be my dick talking, but I should have fucked her years ago.

I grasp her ankles and slide her across the soft sheets until her center hits my erection. My cock pushes against her pussy hard as I pull her into a sitting position and kiss her again. Fucking finally.

Jessie’s nails dig into my arms as she tilts her head back to take the force of my kiss, but she doesn’t fight, she doesn’t tell me to slow down. She kisses me back just as forcefully and with as much need as I do her, and fuck me if it doesn’t make me impatient.

I lay her back down, still kissing her, and grab her panties. Pulling them down as far as I can without moving, I break the kiss and move back to take them off entirely. They fall to the floor with her dress, and she grabs my waist and pulls me back to her.

I lean over her, guiding her legs around my waist. Her ankles lock behind my back as our tongues battle with each other and I reach a hand between us—between her legs. My fingers glide over her smooth mound and tease her wet clit. A tiny moan leaves her mouth as I push them down farther and inside her, curving the tips just slightly as I shift to the side.

She arches her back, throwing her head back, eyes closed. She looks fucking gorgeous, lying here in front of me, mouth open in the pleasure I’m giving her. Her legs are moving though, her feet seemingly fighting with themselves. . . .

“No.” I grab her calf, making her open her eyes and look at me. With my fingers still inside her and my thumb pressing down on her clit, I say, “No, baby. You go out wearing fuck-me shoes, you’re sure as hell gonna get fucked in them. They stay on.”

She nods, but her eyelids close again, and the nod is so weak and her following gasp so loud, I withdraw my fingers and shove down my pants.

Fuck the foreplay. I’m harder than I’ve been in a long time, and she’s sure as shit wetter than she’s probably ever been in her life. Time to fuck her—and good, too.

I reach down to grab my wallet from the pocket of my jeans and pull a condom out of it. I tear the foil packet apart and grab the slippery rubber to roll it over my throbbing cock. Easing her legs open with one hand, I grab my hard cock with the other and guide it toward her, teasing the tip along her opening.

“Jesus,” she breathes. “You think I have the patience for this shit, Aidan? If you’re gonna fuck me in these shoes, do it, or I’m taking the bastards off, because they’re killing me.”

I push into her and slap her ass at the same time.

“Shit!” The word leaves her sharply. “You—”

“Think about that, baby,” I growl into her ear, pushing deeper into her. “I’m the one with the power here.”

Jessie grabs my back, nails scratching my skin. “You goddamn fucking asshole,” she finishes, dropping her head back.

I rub my hand over the spot I just smacked, easing myself out of her. “Like that, did you?”

“I hated it.”

“A hate-fuck. Excellent.”

With that, I slam into her harshly and she moans wordlessly. Her muscles clench around me as I move, each thrust as powerful as the last. She feels unreal around me—and if I didn’t have her nails digging into my back like she’s desperately trying and failing to get a grip, I’d need to pinch myself it’s so damn good.

She’s writhing beneath me, her legs getting tighter and tighter around my hips. Shit—the lace from her bra is scratching my chest, and it’s the oddest turn-on I’ve ever experienced. I curl my fingers around the back of her neck and draw her mouth to mine, kissing her moan out of her, swallowing the high-pitched whimper of pleasure she releases as my tongue swipes against hers.

She tastes so fucking sweet, sounds so good, feels so incredible—and if this isn’t the beer talking, I just found my new favorite fuck buddy.

Jessie tilts her hips up and presses herself into me, sliding one of her hands up into my hair. The tug she gives it is harsh and my thrust matches it, because, fuck me—I can’t get far enough into her. I’m buried inside her every time, completely hugged by her tight pussy, but it just isn’t enough.

She breaks the kiss and inhales sharply, turning her face so far away from me that the only indication I have of her pleasure is the clamping of her muscles around my cock, the sharp scratch of her nails in my shoulder blade, and the long moan she exhales into my ear when she can breathe again.

Fuck. Pleasure’s racing through me, my heart pounding double-time as my orgasm approaches its peak, desperate for release. It’s a burning throb, the total delightful agony of the buildup finally coming to an end, but I fight it, I hold it.

I promised her the best orgasm of her life, and I’ll be fucked if I’m gonna go before she does.

I palm her ass with my hand and move my mouth to her ear. “Come on, Jessie. You hate me, remember? Scream for me and tell me just how much you hate me. Tell me just how much you hate that I’m the one fucking you right now and making you feel this way. Tell me just how much you wish I weren’t the one to give you the best sex of your life.”

“You . . . arrogant . . . bastard. . . . Oh!”

“Don’t fight it. Scream, Jessie.” I hover my mouth over hers. “Scream like you hate me.”

I slap her ass again, bury myself to the hilt, hips notching impossibly far, unable to keep my orgasm in any longer.

And she does.

She fucking screams for me.

As my pleasure ripples through me in twitching muscles and a rushing pulse and sharp breaths, she screams and groans my name, holding my body against hers so tightly I can barely breathe.

We ride it out, me still moving inside her, her still spasming around me.

We ride it out until she’s a limp, half-asleep body on the bed, and I pull out of her, cover her with the sheets, and grab my clothes.




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