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Down We'll Come, Baby by Carrie Aarons (40)



The certificates arrive three weeks after Dorian’s birth.

“What is this?” Theo walks into the cottage, the mail he just fetched in his hand.

He places the stack on the counter. There are a bunch of cards congratulating us on the birth of our daughter, a forwarded magazine from our house in Chatham, an Amazon package of nipple shields that I ordered, and a legal-sized sealed manila envelope.

Casually I look on, pretending to open one of the cards while Theo uses his thumb to slit open the legal envelope. With a curious grunt, he takes out the papers within.

“Business filing? Huh?”

I drop my act, because I’m just too excited. “I set up an LLC for our business! Surprise!”

Theo wears an expression of confusion. “What business?”

I would only do this if I knew he’d be on board, but I might have underestimated the shock that my husband would experience. “Okay, babe, please don’t be upset … but I know we can do this. I know this is your passion, and we can do whatever we want with this business. House builds, design, furniture creation. I knew the moment that I saw the nursery you created for Dorian that a family business was the right thing. This is what we’re meant to do. So … I filed for a business license, and now it’s here.”

“You created an LLC for us without asking me?” He still looks flabbergasted.

My shoulders shrug. “You bought an enormous parcel of land on Nantucket without telling me. I guess we’re even.”

Theo takes one look at me with those mysterious gray eyes … and bursts into laughter. Rolling waves of chuckles, ones that bend him over at the waist and make him hang onto the counter.

When he straightens back up and wipes his eyes, he’s smiling. “God, I love you. How could we ever doubt that we’re made for each other? Going behind the others back to do something that we know is good for them.”

“We’re a match made in white lies heaven.” I walk into his arms.

Theo’s brawn holds me tight as he sweeps kisses over my forehead. “So, what are we calling this business?”

Staying in his embrace, but scootching over to grab the paperwork on the kitchen counter, I read it to him.

“Well, I wanted to keep the letter W out of anything. I think we’ve had enough trouble when it comes to W names and businesses. But I also wanted it to belong to our family. So, this is what I picked.

The name of our company is written across the top: DesignIT Homes.

“Our three initials?” Theo looks up from the papers, mystified.

I nod. “Do you like it? I thought it was catchy but incorporated us.”

“I love it. And also why they pay you the big bucks, boss lady.”

I slap his chest with the business filings. “That’s right. However, boss man is going to need to network his butt off to get us our first client, or there won’t be any bucks.”

He rubs his chin. “Let me see what I can do. But … don’t I get at least a couple more days of paternity leave?”

To say he’s obsessed with Dorian would be an understatement. Even when I get up in the middle of the night to breastfeed her, he wants to get up too, just to stare at our precious miracle.

And watching her snooze on his muscled pecs was even better than I’d fantasized about. A girl could be both impossibly horny for her husband and completely exhausted from a newborn all at the same time.

We’re both sleep-deprived, constantly hungry, our house is a mess and we haven’t cooked for ourselves in weeks … but it’s the best thing that has ever happened to us. I’m soaking in every moment.

After the delivery, and my first checkup with Dr. Katz two weeks after having Dorian, she broke the news that it probably wasn’t possible for me to get pregnant again. And if I really wanted to, I should think long and hard about it, as the preeclampsia would probably be worse in a second pregnancy.

Theo and I had been having conversations but hadn’t made a decision. Honestly, the news of more infertility surprisingly didn’t have that much effect on me. I’d faced the fact before that I wasn’t going to be able to have children. But by some grace of the universe, I had a daughter. And one tiny angel was more than good enough for me if that was all we were going to be blessed with.

“Hey! We actually already have our first project!” Theo lifts me up, twirls me around, and sets me back down on our feet.

“Oh, really? Well, if we can sign clients this fast, we’ll be millionaires in a week.”

Theo shoots a sarcastic eyebrow at me. “Coming from the woman who is already a millionaire, I’ll take that as a good endorsement. No, but really. We have our first clients. Us.”

It takes me a minute to realize what he’s just said. “I thought the permits weren’t going to be done for another month?”

He shakes his head. “Signed, sealed and delivered, it’s ours. We can start blueprints, ground breaking, the works. So, tell me what you want your dream house to look like, Mrs. Walsh.”

I rub my hands together, and then step into his embrace and plant a big, wet kiss on his lips.

“Oh, I have so many ideas, Mr. Walsh.”