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Dr Big by Sienna Swan (11)


I can’t believe this is really happening. For the first time in memory I feel free. It’s a strange sensation, as though walls I never knew existed have come tumbling down. I’m laughing as we soar down the road on Kane’s bike, gripping onto him with a sense of exhilaration, not fear. My heart is pounding, a thrill zipping right through me, but I’m not battling for control as I usually am, far from it. I’m embracing this. I’m embracing everything.

He parks up at his apartment complex and I unclip my helmet. My hair feels wild as it comes spilling down, free of the tight bun I always twist up out of habit.

Kane’s smiling too as he takes my hand and leads me inside. I could skip my way through the foyer, heady with the thought that this might really be it. That I may finally be able to ditch the virgin status that’s been plaguing me for years.

I can’t think of anyone I’d like to give it to more.

He stops by his front door and his smile is replaced by a serious stare.

“Are you sure this is what you want?”

I can’t hold back a giggle. “Hell yes! It’s been a long time coming.”

I push open the door as he turns the key in the lock, and kick off my shoes as soon as we are inside.

His arms are waiting and so is his mouth, passionate kisses that make my heart thrum. Fuck, how I want this man. I didn’t know how fully I wanted him until right this moment, and I feel feral as my fingers work their way down his buttons, pushing his shirt free from his shoulders as he’s tugging my dress up and over my head.

Skin on skin feels divine.

His mouth claims mine with an intensity I’ve never felt before. Maybe I’ve never allowed myself to feel this before, maybe I’ve never wanted to. But I do now.

I want all of this now.

He hitches me up and I wrap my legs around his waist, my hands tangling in his soft blond hair as he walks me through to the bedroom. He fumbles with his belt and kicks off his pants and boxers, stumbling with me in his arms and only regaining his balance at the last moment before we go tumbling. Normally I’d curse, but not today. Today it’s hilarious, his low laugh intoxicating as it mixes with mine.

He drops me from a height onto the bed, and I squeal as I bounce. His body presses to mine in a heartbeat, his fingers making light work of my bra and panties. I’m not nervous. I feel not a single shred of self-consciousness as the delectable Dr. Kane peppers kisses all the way down my body. I tingle as he reaches my belly button, arching my back as he makes his way lower.

He’s tantalizing. Impossibly slow as he teases my inner thigh with his tongue.

Fuck, I don’t think I could be any more ready.

I’m aching for his tongue as it swirls around my clit, and I feel no resistance as he pushes a finger inside. Two. Fuck, they feel so good.

I’m a squirming, moaning wreck as he sucks at me. I cry out as he pushes in a third, but it doesn’t hurt. I take them, and I want more. I want everything.

“Not too bad, hmm?” he growls, and I’m grinning at the ceiling.

“Not too bad, no.”

He replaces his mouth with his thumb and climbs back up the bed for another kiss. My nervous fingers snake down his abs until they find him. He’s huge in my grip, but I’m not about to bolt and run anywhere. Not tonight.

“I’ve been thinking about this,” he whispers. “I’ve been thinking about how good it will be to finally fuck you. I’m glad I’m the man who gets to be the first in that sweet little pussy.”

Dr. Big is a dirty doctor. But I like it.

I like him.

For all his cocky arrogance he was right to be so confident. He solved a puzzle I didn’t know was inside me. He unraveled all my pieces and found a way to put them back together again.

I know now why they call him the best. And I know he’s going to be the best.

“Fuck me,” I breathe and he smiles.

“As the patient demands.”

I am demanding, my fingers gripping him so tight as he fucks me with his. He shifts position so naturally, and my legs spread wide, my ankles hooking his calves as he grinds against me. The length of him presses hard against my fluttery clit and I groan for him, gripping his firm ass and urging him faster.

A moment of panic sweeps me as I feel him position himself, the swollen head of him pressing tight. A grunt and a thrust, and then pressure. Oh fuck, he’s partway in, and I’m not sure if it hurts.

Yes, it definitely fucking hurts, but it’s a good hurt. A hurt that has me bucking my hips for more.

“Do it,” I hiss, and he pushes deeper.

Fuck, it’s a strain.

“You’re so tight,” he grunts and it makes me smile.

“And you’re so fucking big, Dr. Big.”

He presses his forehead to mine, his weight braced on his forearms as his hips thrust. It’s intense, him gaining inches slowly but surely. I grimace just once as he pushes hard, and I feel so full of him, as though he’s pushed his way inside all of me, not just my virgin pussy.

“Fuck,” he groans. “Fuck, Melissa, that’s fucking heaven.”

He’s not wrong. Despite all the discomfort, it feels like he was made to be inside me. I can’t hold back the euphoria, dizzy with the realization that he’s taken the virginity I’ve wanted to be rid of for so long.

I want to stay here forever, impaled by the doctor, but the urge to feel him move is too strong.

“Fuck me,” I urge. “Fuck, Kane, just fuck me. I won’t break.”

“I know you won’t,” he tells me. “I’ve always known you could take me.”

And I do take him.

I take him when he thrusts hard. I take him when he slams inside and eases up for more. I take every shunt of his enormous cock and I love it. I’m delirious as he hits a spot I didn’t know existed. It sends me crazy. He sends me crazy, and I can’t hold back, bucking to take more of him, until his flesh is slapping into mine, our breaths ragged in each other’s faces, beyond words.

I have no words for how good it feels to be fucked by Dr. Big.

I squeak as he flips onto his back and takes me with him. He’s still inside me as I position myself on top. He’s a big bronco to straddle, but my seat is firm, my hips circling instinctively as he brushes his fingers up my ribs.

“You’re in control,” he says, “show me what feels good.”

“I’ll let you know when I know.” I smirk and my lips feel puffy from kisses.

I brace myself on his thighs and rock my hips back, and this, yes, this is what feels good. He’s so fucking deep it aches, but there’s more than that. A feral desire to take more, to grind on him like a bitch on heat, all concerns for my appearance long gone. I tip my head back until my hair tickles my back, moaning as his thumbs roll over my nipples, and I let go. I move how it feels good, and it must be good for him too, because it’s him that bucks up at me, him that curses under his breath as I pick up pace.

I’m going to come with Dr. Kane’s massive dick inside me and I’m going to make him come too.

I can hear it in his breath, feel it in the tension of his body.

“Are you on the…” he begins, but no, I’m not.

“I thought I’d be a perpetual virgin,” I hiss, “so no, I’m not on the pill.”

“Shit,” he groans, “we should…”

But I don’t want to. Now that Dr. Big is inside me there’s no fucking way I’m stopping. Not now, not so close to the edge.

One more roll of my hips and I’m done for. I’ve never come like this, not like a spasming, groaning wreck with my head lolling back. I ride the waves and then I ride his. It’s bliss to feel him lose control inside me. His grunted expletives set my heart on fire, his cum inside me makes me feel hotter than hell.

He pulls me down on top of him as the waves subside, and I feel him pulsing and twitching inside me. I’m smiling as my lips meet his, and his fingers tangle in my messy hair and hold me tight.

“You did it,” he whispers, and I really did. I feel so proud of myself.

You gave me the right course of treatment,” I tell him.

He shrugs. “This case was nothing but a pleasure, I promise you.”

This case.

Of course.

I’m his patient, and this is work.

I don’t know why the realization pounds into me with such violence, but it cuts right through my euphoria.

Kane looks puzzled as I stiffen in his arms, cocking an eyebrow as I raise myself up off of him. Oh fuck, I feel so empty as I dismount.

A slippery ache, my insides throbbing as I collect my frazzled thoughts.

“I should go,” I tell him and he rolls to face me.

“Go? Go where?”

I’m already pulling up my panties and reaching for my bra. “Go like, go home. I’m cured, right?”

My heart is thumping fast, trying to outpace the awkwardness I feel about all this. About this aftermath. Being fucked by my doctor, as his patient, because he’s trying to fix me.

“You don’t need to go home just because you’re…” he begins, but his voice trails off.

“You were great,” I tell him and hate myself even as I’m doing it. I’m powerless to turn off this automatic bitch mode, struggling against the tide as I click back into prissy professional me. “Do you have like a testimonial page for your website or something? I’ll gladly fill one in.”

“And say what exactly? Dr. Big’s dick is the best, would ride again? Five stars?”

I shrug before I tug my dress back on. “If you want.”

“That’s not what I want,” he says, but the panic is back again. I need to be out of here.

“I’ve got things to do,” I tell him.

“You always do,” he snaps. “What is it this time? Cat to feed? Spreadsheet due? Hair to wash?”

I smooth down my dress. “All of the above.”

He sighs as he gets to his feet, that monster cock still at half-mast and glistening with… me, I guess. The thought is strange.

He pulls on his pants and I wish I wasn’t doing this. I wish I was still in his arms, still brave enough for round two.

But there won’t be a round two, not now that I’m cured. This doctor-patient relationship surely ends here? I mean, why wouldn’t it?

I’m sure there will be some other needy pussy to replace mine now that I’m fixed. Probably a queue of them already lining up on his waiting list.

I head for his front door as he follows.

“Melissa…” he begins, but I’m already at the door handle.

“Thank you,” I say again. “Really, you were extraordinary. The best.” I laugh but it sounds fake. “That really was some therapy.”

“Therapy?” he asks and his eyebrow is cocked again. “If that’s what you want to call this.”

I don’t know what I want to call it, so I shrug and say my goodbyes.

It’s only when I reach the sidewalk outside his complex that I realize I haven’t even called a cab.


I’ve fucked up. In more ways than one.

I stare up at the light in his penthouse windows and my heart thumps with the need to go back in there.

But I can’t.

I won’t.

Because this is done.

And I’m cured.

I’m really cured.

I call a cab, and then I call Riley to share my good news.