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Dragon's First Rule (Dragons of Midnight Book 1) by Silver Milan (20)


With his sat-phone, Jett secretly kept in touch with Flame and Brazen, whom he pulled back from their search of the forest and assigned to keep covert watch on the outer perimeters of the camp. If any Orion attack came, he would be the first to know.

But no hunters came.

He was lulled into a sense of complacency, and the days passed idly for Jett in the Blue Hurricane camp. Blissfully. Those were some of the best days of his life.

He watched from the sidelines as Cliff and the others taught Ariel the ways of the lions, and he learned many things he didn’t know about the shifters. For example, they were instinctively afraid of expanding objects. The best way to spook a young lion—in human or shifter form—was by opening an umbrella near him. Finn theorized it was a genetic memory related to porcupines, a defensive instinct meant to prevent the lion from receiving a face full of quills.

Lion shifters had to learn to control their instincts and to operate from a place of intellect, becoming more than mere animals. Giving in to instincts was a temptation many lions faced, because by doing so they were able to hunt and track with ease; unfortunately, it was also the best way to lose control of their inner beast. Hence, desensitizing Ariel to her instincts was the first step in restoring dominance over her animal.

One lesson involved placing Ariel in the center of a circle of pride members. Around her, those members would open umbrellas in turn, spooking her into running. It took many days, but eventually Ariel—both in human and lion form—was able to sit calmly in the circle even though umbrellas were opening and closing all around her.

Sometimes, Ariel’s training got more physical, and she would wrestle with other lions. Jett often had to bite down on his temper during such training, as he hated anyone touching her. Sometimes they would hurt her, and it was all he could do from charging into the fray and kicking in heads, but his anger usually alleviated when she wounded her opponents right back, often causing twice as much damage.

During some of the more aggressive matches, Jett noticed Cliff studying him closely. The Alpha was testing Jett, no doubt. Looking to see how the dragon king would react. But Jett refused to give Cliff a reason to kick him out of the pride. At least not before Ariel had her beast under control.

Jett occasionally went into the woods with the two prides to observe them in action during one of their nightly hunts. Ariel had begun joining them, and Jett watched in satisfaction as she readily pulled her weight. She was a fast learner, and quickly grasped the dynamics of hunting. There were two groups in any hunt: the beaters and the attackers; the former would flush the game animals to the latter, who waited in ambush. These tactics bore the mark of human intellect, and there was only a small amount of instinct involved. So when Ariel was able to switch between roles with ease, it pleased Jett immensely.

She’s getting the hang of this.

Still, sometimes she reverted. One time Ariel killed a small boar while on the hunt, and she carried it straight back to Jett, dropping the animal at his feet like a cat might gift a mouse to its master. While somewhat cute, it meant instinct had taken over. Even so, overall she was making great progress.

One night after a seriously hot session, Jett cuddled with Ariel as he always did. He twirled her sweet-smelling hair around a finger, and rubbed the strands under his nose. Bit the silky tresses. Nibbled at her ear. Meanwhile, she traced patterns over his forearm tattoos.

“I like it here,” Ariel said. “These people were cold at first, but now that they’ve opened up, they’ve become like family to me. And you. Don’t even get me started on you.”

“I didn’t say anything,” Jett said defensively. He ran a finger up the inside of her thigh.

She shivered underneath him. “You didn’t have to. Your touch, your very presence is… enthralling. I almost wish you could use your compulsion on me. And literally command me to have the greatest orgasm of my life.”

“I don’t need compulsion,” Jett said. “I can command you to have the greatest orgasms of your life by touch alone.”

His finger edged onto her hip, and he steered it across her abdomen, circling it around her belly button.

“It’s a good thing you’ve already satisfied me so many times already tonight,” Ariel said. “Otherwise I’d be eating out of your hand right now. Begging you to take me.”

“Who’s to say I won’t have you begging shortly?” Jett said.

She snuggled into his chest. “Ah, my dragon. My big, big dragon. You’re mine.”

“And you’re mine,” Jett said.

She was quiet for several moments. Jett listened contentedly to her relaxed breathing, and the beating of her precious heart. She had that fluttering sound in her throat that told him she was purring. There was just something about that sound, especially after wild sex, that just calmed the hell out of him. She was… amazing.

He concentrated on everything that was her. The feel of her breath on his chest. The wet, hot press of her side against his ribs. The pleasant weight of her head and arm on his pectorals. Her sensual smell. Her arousing figure. She was the full package, a woman fit for a king. That she was a shifter was only a bonus. Was he really going to give her up for a lonely life spent squatting on a throne, surrounded by sycophants and admirers who pretended to be his friend, hoarding riches whose intrinsic value meant nothing to him compared to the richness that was her?

She seemed to sense where his thoughts were heading, because she asked: “What’s going to happen to you if the dragons ever find out you’ve broken your First Rule?”

“I’ll be stripped of my title and my lands,” Jett said. “Banished.”

He was about to tell her that might be a good thing, but the words seemed to pain her. She closed her eyes, hugged him tight. “I don’t want this to ever end. You. Me. This.”

“It doesn’t have to,” Jett said.

“Doesn’t it?” she said. “I could never ask you to give up your people. Never. And you wouldn’t want to, I’m sure. So eventually you’ll return to your kingdom and leave me here. And we already talked about how I can’t come with you.”

“Maybe I’ll stay, then,” Jett said.

“The Alpha will never let you,” Ariel said. “Cliff did say this was a temporary arrangement.”

“Then we’ll move to the city,” Jett said. “Your beast is almost under control.”

She smiled sadly. “Let’s talk about something else.”

She must have been getting really attached to these lions. Jett had to wonder, would she really choose them over him? Well, he’d just have to make it work, whatever she chose. But for now he’d change the subject like she wanted.

The problem was, he didn’t know what to change it to. So he simply lay back and remained quiet, absorbing everything about her like he had been doing moments before.

“I know we’re using condoms now,” Ariel said. “But I’m wondering… do I have to worry about getting pregnant at some point? You hinted before that if we have a kid, he or she could be a monster?”

“No, not a monster,” Jett said. “If we do have a child, the babe will be a hybrid, neither lion nor dragon, but something in between, with attributes of both. It’s possible he or she won’t have the ability to shift at all, but might have strong affinities to Fire and Earth, priming the child for the witchhood. If our kid can shift, we’ll see features of both of us in the transformation. He might become a lion with dragon wings, for example. Or a wingless dragon with a lion’s mane.”

“I’m not sure if that’s cool as hell or just plain freaky,” Ariel said. “Would he be able to choose between the two?”

“No, it would be one or the other,” Jett said. “Every time.”

“Well, I know I’d love our kid either way,” Ariel said.

“As would I,” Jett said.

“There we go, getting ahead of ourselves again.” Ariel smiled sadly. “I’ve tried not to think too hard about the future. Considering that we don’t know how much longer we’ll have together. I’m just happy for every moment spent with you, because each of those moments is precious to me.”

“They are precious to me as well.” Jett brought her hand up to his face and kissed her open palm. “I treasure those moments more than any hoard of gold, gems, and slaves I’ve ever acquired in my pillaging days.”

She chuckled, snatching her hand away. “I don’t know if that’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard or the tackiest. You and your pillaging days. Whenever you talk like that, you remind me of a sexy pirate. ‘Oh ho me hearties! Lass, you’re a treasure shining brighter than any of the gems I’ve got stored in me holds, looted from the treasuries of kings! None of the wenches can even come close to matching the golden rays thrown by your smile!’”

Jett grinned, though it was forced. He set her hand aside. “You laugh now, but in my youth I was a far different man. Cruel. Merciless. Selfish. You wouldn’t have liked me. Hell, I didn’t like myself. But being forced to run a kingdom… well, it made me grow up fast. Though I hated it at the time, that was probably one of the better decisions my father ever made regarding my upbringing. I wanted to do a good job, and not fail my people. I strove always to do what was best for them, placing their well-being above my own. I learned the true meaning of selflessness. These days, the only time I’m cruel and merciless is to my enemies, while I’m extremely generous to those I care about.”

“I wish all twenty-five year olds could have the wisdom and sheer sagacity that you do,” Ariel said.

“Sagacity?” Jett said. “That’s not a word I hear every day. Where are you learning these big words?” He said it jokingly.

“Obviously I’ve been hanging around you too much!” She punched his shoulder playfully.

“And you forget, I only look twenty-five,” Jett said.

“Fine, I wish everyone who looked twenty-five could be as smart and mature as you,” Ariel told him.

He gazed contemplatively at the ceiling. “Two hundred years. I’ve been awake for two hundred years in total. You definitely wouldn’t have liked me at twenty-five. It’s safe to say that maturity has given me a perspective I never had in my youth, and changed me for the better.”

“As it does most people,” Ariel said. “I’d like to think.”

“Not all,” Jett said. “Some people simply grow bitter with age.”

“Not like you.” Ariel ran a seductive hand down his bare chest. “A fine wine…”

He smiled. “I like to think of myself as a liqueur.”

“Oooh,” Ariel said. She was caressing his hard abs. “Sweet and intoxicating?”

“Exactly.” He nibbled at her ear, and showered kisses down her jawline until he reached her lips. He firmly planted his mouth on hers as he slid one arm underneath her waist, drawing her to him.

Her hand drifted down until it found his hard manhood. It had only been a few minutes, and already he was good to go. He trembled at the way she touched him.

She pulled back from his lips long enough to say: “Where have you been all my life?”

“Are you talking to me, or my dragon?” he asked lightheartedly.

“Both,” she replied, kissing him.

“Well then I’ll answer for both,” he said between the mouth-to-mouth action. “We’ve been waiting for you.”

* * *

The days turned into weeks, and Jett knew the blissful life he had come to know with Ariel would soon come to an end. He felt proud of her for mastering her beast so quickly, and yet also disheartened, because it meant Cliff would soon ask him to leave the camp.

During that time, the lion scouts dispatched into the woods never discovered any sign of the Orions, nor the two members of the White Swords Jett had hiding in the forest. Jett hadn’t told Cliff about the vampire, as he hadn’t seen the need for it.

Cliff was convinced that the Orions had gone and soon dismissed Finn and his pride. Tensions had been growing between the two prides, with the Alphas constantly rubbing shoulders, and Cliff apparently felt it was time for Starry Oak to return to its own territory, especially if there was no threat from the hunters.

Jett wanted to contest the decision, because he knew it meant Cliff would soon dismiss him as well, but decided against it. He was afraid to stoke further tension between himself and the Alpha, which might be grounds for Cliff to send him away earlier. Jett almost revealed what he knew about the Orions and the vampire they potentially hunted, but once again chose to keep the knowledge to himself. Even if Cliff knew, Jett doubted it would’ve changed the Alpha’s decision. Cliff would have believed his pride completely capable of dealing with such a vampire.

Cliff had lifted the order for radio silence so that Finn could get in touch if Starry Oak encountered the Orions. However, the Alpha otherwise maintained the lockdown, so no members of Blue Hurricane could leave: the pride was restricted to the camp and the immediate vicinity, including the hunting grounds.

A few days later, Jett was having a picnic with Ariel. The two were laughing about a particularly clumsy lion named Fever who had almost messed up the hunt that morning by scaring away a deer, when Jett received a fateful text from Cliff. It read simply:

Come see me.

“I’ll be right back,” Jett told Ariel.

“Where are you going?” she asked, half standing with him.

“Cliff wants to talk to me,” Jett replied. He wasn’t able to keep the dread from his voice.

Ariel bit her lip. “You want me to come with you?”

“No,” Jett said. “I think it’s better if I go alone.” He tried to comfort her by making a joke. “Parting is such sweet sorrow.”

“Don’t quote Shakespeare on me,” she said.

“Actually, I gave Shakespeare that line,” Jett said.

She looked at him in shock. But she must have realized he was joking because she crossed her arms and said: “You did not.”

“No.” As he walked away, his smiled faded. Hopefully he’d brightened her mood, at least slightly, because his own had only become darker.

A few minutes later he was seated before Cliff inside the Alpha’s cabin. He had never been invited inside before. Cliff sat on a suede couch beside a large fireplace. There was a lion mural on top of the mantlepiece.

Jett set himself down on a smaller couch across from Cliff.

“You know why I’ve summoned you?” Cliff said.

“You want me to go,” Jett said.

Cliff nodded slowly.

“It’s too soon,” Jett told him.

Cliff raised an eyebrow. “I think you’ll agree, she’s made remarkable progress.”

“But that’s only because I’m here,” Jett insisted.

“You want to take credit for her mastery of her animal?” Cliff said.

“No, but I obviously had a calming influence on her,” Jett said. “Otherwise you wouldn’t have summoned me here those weeks ago.”

Cliff pursed his lips. “Yes, you’re right about that.”

“What happens if she reverts when I go?” Jett said. “And her lioness starts running off to find me, like before?”

“It won’t happen,” Cliff said. “Once a lion reaches Ariel’s level of self-control, there’s no regression. Once you’re gone, the only reason she’ll run off to search for you is if she wills it. She is in control, now. And if she’s not, and continues to transform against her will, then I’ll have to call this little experiment of ours a failure. If she can’t control it when you’re gone, then I’ll be forced to conclude that she’ll never be able to control it without you. I may have to put her down.”

Jett felt as if the ground was sliding out from under him, and he was thankful he was seated, or he might have collapsed. Anger also welled within him, rage that this man would dare suggest such an evil thing about the woman Jett cared about so much.

“I’ll take her away before I allow that,” Jett said softly.

“That’s certainly an option,” Cliff said.

Jett studied the man. He seemed opened to compromise. “She likes it here… maybe we can work out a deal allowing me to stay permanently?”

“You know that’s not possible,” Cliff said. “A dragon has no place in a lion pride. I’ve tolerated you because I want to save her, but you always knew this agreement was temporary. Besides, you’re a king. What possible life could you expect to have among us?”

“The only life I’ve ever wanted all these years,” Jett said. “A life I never knew existed. You have a mate. You know what I’m talking about.”

“You agreed you would respect our autonomy,” Cliff said.

Jett sighed. “And so I did. If you want me to go, I will go.” His honor would prevent him from doing otherwise. But still, the negotiator in him honed from years of statecraft refused to back down. “But if you keep me, I promise I’ll become your man completely. I’ll swear my utmost fealty to you, do whatever it takes.” When Cliff didn’t answer, Jett added: “What if I offered compensation you can’t refuse? You know my kingdom is one of the richest in the world. I could offer money. Troops. Even vampire slaves.”

Cliff’s expression darkened, and Jett heard a low, guttural growl emanating from the man’s throat. Jett realized instantly he had taken the wrong approach: Cliff was too proud to be bribed in such a manner.

“At least let me stay until we can confirm the Orions are gone,” Jett pleaded. “I’m begging of you. Not as a king, not as a dragon, but a fellow man.”

Cliff’s features softened. “I’m sorry. I’ve made up my mind. I agreed to let you stay long enough for Ariel to learn to control her beast. That’s been done. Now you must go. If she wishes to depart with you, that’s her choice. But be wary about ripping her away from the only true family she has right now.”

“And yet you would rip her away from me, the most important member of that family?” Jett said.

“Years from now you’ll thank me for this,” Cliff said. “I’m doing you a favor. Preventing you from making one of the worst mistakes of your life. Throwing away your life, your throne. For what? A mere women.”

“She’s not just any woman,” Jett said quietly.

Cliff didn’t answer.

“I didn’t want to tell you before, but the witches have detected a vampire in these woods,” Jett said. “It’s possible the Orions were hunting it.”

Cliff sniffed. “We can handle a lone vampire.”

“A vampire with strong affinity to the Dark?” Jett asked. “And Death?”

Cliff paused. There was a flicker of fear in those eyes. Only a flicker, then it passed. “You’ve been withholding information from us. Why am I not surprised?”

“There was no need for you to know,” Jett said. “Not while I was here to protect you.”

“Well, we don’t need your protection.” Cliff’s lips curled in disgust as he spoke the latter word. “We’re not a bunch of helpless humans. We’re lions. Warriors.”

Jett shook his head. “This is exactly why I didn’t tell you. I knew you’d be arrogant enough to believe yourselves capable of handling a vampire witch.”

Cliff growled. “Be careful of who you call arrogant, dragon king. Because it’s you who is the most arrogant of us all.”

“Maybe,” Jett said. “But at least I’m not suicidal.”

“We’ve faced worse,” Cliff said.


“Yes.” Cliff lifted his chin and squared his shoulders. “You have until noon. If you aren’t gone by then, I’ll have my lions forcefully remove you.”