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Dream Ride: Legion of Guardians by Turner, Xyla (11)

Chapter Eleven

Avery West

Shiz was my first.

Holy hell.

My first of a lot of things. Sex, blow jobs, shacking up, which my mom did not or could know about. Shiz was not trying to let me out of his sight for nothing. Taking me to work, picking me up and the whole nine. It was sweet but it also just fell into place. That was only week one, which included not as much sex as I had hoped. He was holding back, and I was the temptress most of the time. Between what I saw on a porno a long time ago and what the ladies were telling me, the man seemed shell-shocked, excited and uneasy at the same time. He also was still not using a condom.

When I shared that with the ladies, they all laughed. Shay said, she wasn’t surprised and everyone else nodded their heads.

“Why?” I asked, when we were at Peppers.

“The man is in claiming mode and he’ll do that anyway he can. He’s been doing it but it’s at another level now. The house, driving you around, any and everything you need. No glove. This is the same man who wouldn’t fuck without a glove but with you, no glove,” she explained.

“You mean, he’s trying to get me pregnant?” I asked with a slight gasp.

It was a feasible idea because he knew I was clean and told me he was, but ain’t said a damn thing about birth control. I hadn’t said anything either, and I did want children. I really wanted them.

“Well, ain’t neither of you balking about going ungloved. So…” Dessy said with a lift of her hand.

She was right. I did want to bring it up so we were both clear, but she was right.

It was Friday night and I hadn’t had sex in three days. The Guardians had a party that I desperately wanted to attend because they said that Vida would be there and Swag, the President from the Norristown chapter had a thing for her. They thought their story would be next and I just wanted to catch a glimpse of the spiraling romance.

“Avery,” Shiz was calling me from downstairs, while I was getting dressed.

“Coming,” I yelled back through the house.

Once I emerged into the kitchen where he was cooking dinner, I frowned at him and he returned the expression.

“Why are you cooking dinner?” I looked at the boiled spaghetti in the drainer with the meat sauce simmering on the stove.

“Why are you dressed like that?” Shiz’s eyes were looking me up and down.

“Going to the Guardians party. I told you about this.” I waved my hand at him.

“I didn’t say I was going,” he replied.

“Well, I am,” I challenged him. “You taking me or not?”

Shiz chose that moment to put his hands over his chest and I mimicked him. Then he raised an eyebrow and I did the same.

“Shit always happens there,” he shared. “Every fucking time and I swear to God, Avery. Somebody touch you, I’m going to fucking jail. I don’t want to go to jail, okay. I just want to be here with you.”

That was oh so sweet, but no.

“Shiz, grow a pair,” I snapped at him. “It’s a biker club, and alcohol is involved. It’ll be fun, plus Kylie is singing. I’ve never heard her and nobody will touch me.”

He shook his head like I did not understand properly.

“I’m telling you baby, it always happens. Every fucking time.” He seemed to be pleading but I was laughing.

“I’ll be with the girls, so come on.” I waved him on as I left the kitchen.

“Find the rest of that top and you got a deal,” he called behind me.

I ignored him, grabbed my leather jacket and stood near the door. When he finally emerged, he shook his head, cornered me near the wall and kissed me hard. I almost said forget going to the party until he pulled away.

“Love that mouth,” he whispered, then licked his lips. “Let’s go.”

When we arrived, everything was in full swing, Kylie was up singing, and the girls were dancing in their groups. There were two additional women with Dessy, Lori and Shay. All three of them yelled when I joined them and introduced me as Shiz’s woman.

That felt really good.

It felt better when the tell pretty one said, “Shiz is hot mami. Good catch. I’m Vida.”

“Nice to meet you Vida. I’ve heard you and Swag have a pending story.”

She rolled her eyes at Lori and said, “No, that chapter is closed. He’s hot and all but I can’t do the smooth talking papi’s like him. Been down that road before.”

My head nodded because I could relate. Hell, most women could.

I’m Phoebe and Goliath, over there, is my husband.” She pointed out a big mammoth of a man.

He wasn’t as big as Bear, but he wasn’t small either.

“Nice to meet you as well,” I replied.

We did some small chat until a Rihanna song came on and I swear all the women stopped and looked at Vida.

“What, no dancing this time?” Lori asked.

Her eyes were big, like she was conflicted, then she made a resolute head shake, stating her answer,


It was only then that a gorgeous black man with a goatee walked up to us and said, “Ladies!”

Then his eyes land on Vida and he holds out his hand and says, “I only want those hips moving around in my hands to this song. This is me being proactive.”

Damn, that was hot.

To my surprise and everybody’s for that matter, Vida took his hand, like they were on Dancing with the Stars and began to dance their way to the middle. Everybody and I mean, everybody had all eyes on them. That woman moved those hips like a weapon of mass destruction. Hell, I wanted to learn how to do that and Swag was no slouch himself. They looked amazing together. Like they belonged. Like they had a story or would have one. The way he moved and commanded her body, was like that of a man who knew what to do with it too.

It was seriously foreplay and I was overheating.

My eyes tore from the couple on the floor as Vida dipped down to touch her toes and rose, ass first jiggling it around his crotch until he had her by the neck with his mouth to her ear. His other hand was on her exposed flat stomach and those fingertips were pressing in and any and everyone knew the man’s dick was hard. Hell, my panties were wet watching them.

I told the ladies I’d be back, and I went looking for Shiz.

He was sitting at the table with Razor and when he saw me coming, he was on his feet. I waved to the guys quickly and stood on my toes and whispered in his ear, “I got an itch.”

His head jerked back with wide eyes and he mouthed, “What?”

“I need you,” I was about to whine.

It must have dawned on him because he grabbed my hand and we were out the doors of the crowded bar before I could bat an eye. He opened the door to the truck and helped me in, then he rounded the vehicles until he was on the driver’s side and he was about to put the key in the ignition.

I yelled, “No, I don’t want to go home.”

“What?” he hissed.

“Just want you now, but I don’t want to go home,” I shared with him.

Shiz looked around, then moved to the center bench and said, “Come here.”

I leaned over and he took my lips in a deep and hard kiss. I didn’t even realize he was tugging my skirt up, while also pulling out his cock. My leg finagled its way over him, so that I could straddle his legs. I felt his hard cock rubbing against my wet folds and then they parted. My breath hitched and Shiz stopped.

Oh hell no.

“Shiz, come on. I need you, please.” I was begging, and I didn’t care. “You’ve denied me for the past few days. I want to be with you like this. I’m a big girl, literally. I can handle it, plus…”

He cut me off by kissing me and pulling me down on top of him, all at one time. My scream was muffled, my bite to his tongue caused blood that I tasted and he kept on kissing me, pain and all. Once I caught on to the rhythm he set, I began to move around and experiment more. His mouth was still on me as he let me take the reins with one hand on my ass guiding it.

Excitement coursed through me and I began to move my hips in every which way to the point where Shiz smacked my ass. This urged me on and between our pants for breath, the wet suction of our blended bodies or my butt slapping his thighs when I landed, it was a hot inferno in that truck.

“Fuck, Avery,” he hissed before smacking my ass again.

I twirled my hips around three times real fast without coming all the way down and Shiz started losing it. Once I disconnect my lips from him, he placed both of his hands on my hips and started to fuck me like a madman. Spreading my ass, so he was pushing deep inside, and causing me to fall apart.

“Shiz, I’m coming,” I cried. “Shizzzz.”

“Me too baby.” He kept ramming up into me like a crazed man.

The car was bouncing, windows were fogged, and the moans and slaps filled the small space.

“Yes, Shiz,” I moaned and that was when his nails broke the skin on my hips and ass causing me to yell out.

He bit down on my shoulder as he released his seed inside of me again.

We stayed that way for about ten minutes with his head buried in my neck and mine in his. Shiz’s hand began to move up and down my back, then he whispered, “How bad did I hurt you?”

Pulling back so he could see my face, I smiled and asked, “Hurt? I feel like I’m in heaven.”

“But...,” he started.

I nipped his bottom lip with my teeth.

“No buts, I feel great.” I kissed him this time. “I’m a big girl. No need to be delicate with me. Hell, I might hurt you.”

He scoffed, then said, “I can handle anything you got, sweetheart.”

“Here,” he reached for the glove compartment, “Clean up and pull…”

He froze with his eyes peering on both sides of the window where the fog hadn’t blinded us.

“Fuck,” he hissed, then commanded with a whisper. “Slide down to the floor and stay there. Do not get up, unless I say so. You hear me.”

My body grew tight with the command and utter urgency of his voice. Quickly nodding and moving to obey him, as he went in the glove compartment, grabbed a gun that gleamed with the limited moonlight and panic officially set in.

“Stay down and lock the doors,” he whispered in harsh tones after putting the gun in the back of his pants then his fingers swiped over the phone.

Shiz slid out the truck, pulled out his gun and I couldn’t see anything after he quietly shut the door.

The next voice I hear is Shiz’s speaking low somewhere close, “Move and you’re dead.”

My heart started pounding as my ears strained to hear and take in everything. There was some shuffling of feet but outside of this, I heard nothing. A door burst open and then I heard several familiar male voices yelling. I rose my head up just a bit to see the back of two peoples head. One was Shiz and the other was someone else but Shiz had his gun pointed at the man’s head.

My stomach sank as I took in the scene. I could recognize Razor, Bronx, and Bear standing near one entrance and Apollo was nowhere to be seen. There were two guys in front of them and they had guns drawn but so did the Guardians. There was a movement to my right and at first, I thought it was Apollo moving in but the guy had a bat and he was about to come up behind Shiz. The problem was Razor and the rest were near Pepper’s back exit and Shiz was closer to the parking lot.

There was no way to warn him so in my acting before I think sort of way, I unlocked and slid the door, so it was ajar and when he got close enough I turned and kicked it open, yelling, “Shiz, behind you.”

I heard the thump when whatever he was holding, hit the ground, but he didn’t go down. So, I hopped out of the car and jumped on his back. My fingers reaching for his eyes, so I could claw at him, which made him scream out. Before I could do anything else, he flipped me over on my back then held me up by my hair.

“Stupid bitch,” he sneered.

Only then was I able to take in the scene. Razor, Bronx, and Bear now were close enough to us with three guys in front of them and on their knees, and Shiz had his gun drawn, but not on the third guy, the one that had me by my hair.

“Let them go or I will kill this bitch,” the man behind me sneered.

“No,” that was Shiz who responded.

“It’d be in your best interest to let her go before you die,” that was Razor, who nodded at Shiz standing there with a blank face and dead eyes.

The man didn’t even look alive. I wanted to cry for him but I don’t know if he would even hear me with where he was at.

“I said,” the guy who was pulling the follicles out of my hair, “to let …”


It was one shot that was too close that I swore I was hit. My body dropped and so did the man next to me. His screams were of agony and mine were of shock.

Twice in a few weeks span, someone that was literally right next to me got shot. This guy wasn’t dead though and that was a plus. His screams, though, as he held on to the arm that was previously holding me, sounded as if he were going into the afterlife.

Apollo came from the east side, helped me up and said, “Let’s get you outta here.”

I stood up but my eyes were still on Shiz who still had that blank look on his face. His gun was down and that’s when I realized, he was the one to shoot.

“Shiz,” I called but he simply blinked and tucked his gun back into the back of his pants.

Apollo kept us moving as my eyes remained on the man who saved my life. We ended at the front entrance of Peppers with the ladies who were right under the fabric awning.

“Uno’s taking y’all home. He’s coming with the van now. Y’all each have details so stay alert.

We’ll be home soon.” He nodded at the recruit that was with us and then returned to his brothers.

Within minutes, Uno was pulling up in a 15-passenger van that had the Guardians logo on the side and we were all ushered inside. I had never seen this before, but it was handy for trips like this. Each of us was dropped off and Uno waited until we closed the door before pulling off. There wasn’t much said in the car because all of us, felt a piece of their heart tear away in present danger.

I stayed up most of the night until I heard the door open. Jumping from my bed, I ran down the stairs and towards the door.

“Shiz?” I called as I continued to move down the foyer and saw a silhouette of his frame.

He didn’t answer me but was looking my way.

“You alright?” I called as I put one foot in front of the other.

There was a grunt and when I was in proximity to him, his hand reached out, grabbed my waist and pushed me against the wall.

No words were spoken but I could tell he needed something. Therefore, I let him take what he needed.

Making quick work of his belt and jeans, his pants dropped. Shiz lifted me so my back was against the wall and he was pressing into me with his seeking cock looking to enter. Once it found its intended location, I slid down with Shiz’s gaze on my neck. He completely filled me up and my mouth was open, yet no words escaped.

My talkative lover said nothing just slid me up and down on his hard cock. Our moans and his base need to release sent him on a steady course that fortunately directly rubbed my clit.

“Shiz!” I moaned. “You feel so good.”

This caused him to bite down on not just on my shoulder but everywhere. The man was marking me, and I didn’t mean one bite. He was angry and hurt but he needed to let go.

“Yes, Shiz,” I encouraged. “That’s it, honey. Right there.”

He started moving faster and I made my own little love mark on his neck.

“Yeess,” I finally said. “Yours.”

That was it.

He came and gripped my body to the point of sweet bruising that I did not mind one bit.

“Fuck,” he murmured as my legs started to come down to the ground.

We stood there for a while before he said, “Let’s go to bed.”

I nodded my head and followed him to the bed. His cum was trickling down my thigh, reminding me about the birth control question but that night didn’t seem like the best time to inquire.

The next morning, Shiz was still in bed. Therefore it was my turn to cook breakfast. Shiz got up a couple hours after me and once we were done eating, Shiz said he wanted to talk. The way he said this did not mean good things but I nodded and made my way to the living room.

We were sitting on the couch facing each other but the look on his face was solemn. It wasn’t quite dead like last night but it was serious.

“You’re scaring me.” I said. “What’s up?”

“When I tell you to do something, I need you to do it. Yesterday, I told you to stay down and you didn’t. Almost got yourself killed. We had it under control. Then you wound up in a mad man’s hands and I swear to fucking Christ I should have killed him. The only reason I didn’t, was because I knew it’d come back to bite me by affecting you. I know you’re used to doing shit on your own but you got a man now. I handle shit like that, so you never have to.”

All I heard was macho, macho, macho man. The song was running through my head because he made no sense.

“Shiz,” I said very politely. “You were about to get hurt. There was nothing else for me to do.”

His eyes flared when he said, “There was something else to do. Like what I told you to do.”

He seemed bent on this so I nodded. He was at a different place so I’d let him be there.

“Do you understand?” he asked.

“Yup.” I nodded.

He was quiet until we went to his shop. I chatted with Addy for a bit and I showed her my drawings. Well, she saw them in my bag, which was open and grabbed them. She gushed out loud at my various works and then called Shiz.

“Boss, you see these?” Addy called but I was shaking my head.

“It’s okay,” I tried to get my book back.

I felt like my drawings were a little too revealing and were not comfortable with Shiz seeing them, even though he’d seen some in the library. They were my black and white collection and did not include any of us or our time together. However, it was too late by the time he came over, Addy had pulled out various pieces and had them displayed on the counter.

“Wow!” His foul mood seemed to disappear. “Babe, these are good.”

“Thanks.” I nodded.

Then he picked up the one that I drew this morning. It was a man and woman making love against the wall. His fingers were pressed into her ass, her hands gripping strands of his hair with her muscular calves wrapped around his waist. The look on her face was the dead giveaway. Not the hair or the size of the woman but the expression on her face. Her eyes were open wide, cheeks flushed with a reddish brush stroke, mouth in the shape of an O. The type of O that would satisfy the thirstiest of mouths, hungriest of souls and filler of entire beings. Her face said what I’d never said and now, both Addy and Shiz were looking at it because it was obvious.

Her face said she was in love.

“I’ll go and uh, clean some tools,” Addy broke the silence and basically made a break for the back exit.

“You know what,” I said with a clap of my hands while gathering my work. “I’m just going to go to Peppers and help Dessy with the inventory.”

“Avery.” Shiz called my name.

“Yeah? I’ma go and I’ll see you later. Okay?” I didn’t let him talk. “Plus, it’s cool and all but we really can’t be around each other all the time. You know. You’ll get sick of me and vice versa. I should hang with the ladies and get the latest gossip, right. I have a tail. Promise not to get into any trouble.”

I was nearly pleading with the man to just let what he saw go and drop it.

“Avery,” he called again.

“Please,” I begged. “I’ll see you at Peppers.”

His head nodded once, and I made haste while gathering my items all over the counter.

“Catch a ride with Pint,” Shiz said. “He’s outside.”

“Yup,” I answered while leaving the building. When I arrived at the empty bar, there was a huddle of women in a corner with serious faces. I recognized them and moved toward that way.

“What’s wrong?” I gasped.

“Oh good, come in here.” Dessy motioned for me to get a chair.

It was Lori, Kylie, Shay, Dessy, Phoebe and Vida that I met last night. All eyes were on Vida.

“What happened?” I asked again.

“Vida, here, is explaining what happened with her and Swag last night.” Shay filled me in. “She just started. Okay, continue.”

“Right,” Vida’s eyes were semi-bugged out.

The strong woman looked spooked.

“So, after the guys all started acting funny and left, I got curious and tried to go to an exit. Swag was there and told one of his guys, Jug, to get me and if shit went down to take me to his place. I tried to protest, cause Mami, I don’t like no man telling me what I will and won’t do. But you’ve met these Guardians.” The ladies laughed. “He was having none of that shit. To make a long story short, I end up back at his place, pacing like a fool. Listen, honey, his place is the shit. I mean, everything is neat, clean, stainless steel this and marble that. It’s a townhouse but it’s the shit. I was envious, and my place is really nice. Anyway, so he gets back around three in the morning, looking all kinds of fucked up. I was ready to give him my spiel when the man, I swear to God, pinned me up against the wall and kissed me like my life depending on it. I can’t explain it, but it was one, heaven, and two, hot as hell. Then he says, “Sleep with me tonight”.” She mimics his deep voice. “Not going to fuck you, but sleep with me. Please”. So, I did, and it was kosher until this morning. I woke up with that man’s goatee in between my thighs and Papi knows what he is doing with that tongue. Three, you hear me. Three orgasms and they were not back to back. He built each one up using nothing but his tongue. Whew.”

Vida started fanning herself and rocking back and forth. Hell, we all were fanning ourselves and rocking with her. Swag was hot as hell. I mean something out of a boxing movie with him as the hero or villain. His hairline was always shaped up and it was clear that he took exquisite care of his body, grooming and self. There was nothing accidental about Swag.

“So, are you going to see him again?” Lori asked with bright eyes.

Vida’s face grew serious, then she said, “I don’t know. I mean it was good and I know whatever he’s packing between those legs would be better but I’m up for a promotion and this is not the time to lose myself in yet another man. No matter how good he looks. This job is important to me.”

We nodded, then Kylie said, “I get that, but if he’s the one he should understand that. I gave up my career to take care of my mom. Met Razor and the man built a studio on the side of the house to ensure that I not only kept doing what I loved but to take my career to another level if I chose to do so. We rent it out now, but that’s my point. A good man will be a partner and not a hindrance.”

Shay nodded, then added, “True. Bronx pays for my tuition for school. Ensured that I applied and everything.”

Lori nodded and said, “Right, Apollo’s the same way. You know this. I’ve told you.”

“Same here,” Dessy chimed in. “Bear can’t stand that I’m here, but he makes it a point to be here with me.”

Vida looked at each of us and I swear dread was written all over her face.

“I-I don’t know. He, uh, could break me, and I know I look really strong and all, but I’m not,” she shared.

I chimed in, “Look, I’m new to this gang and the Guardians. But what I can say with surety is that Guardians protect. They can’t help it, it’s who they are. I’m not saying people won’t be people and men won’t be men. I’m saying, his intentions aren’t to hurt you, even if he does. That has to count for something right? I can’t talk but I would give it a try but know that these ladies here,” I waved my hand around. “If you do fall, we’ll be here to catch you. You’re not on your own.”

“Now, that’s true,” Dessy chimed in.

All heads were nodding and for some reason that also gave me comfort.

Vida calmed down after that as we continued to talk about babies, men, and our jobs. I hated mine but what were the alternatives. No museums were calling me back because I was too chicken to even try. I hated dealing with clients and the insurance company, but I also wasn’t doing anything else. If anything, our conversation urged me to get up and do something. What was the worst that could happen?

* * *

I knew Jug was supposed to be my tail, but I used him as my chauffeur instead, since I couldn’t drive. We went to the mall, I peppered him with a thousand questions about the club, the mission and this notion of having a women’s club. I simply needed to learn how to ride a bike or we could just be a social club with no bikes. However, the actual motorcycle club was cooler since we could all have bikes.

Jug actually smiled the entire time and didn’t really answer any of my questions except to tell me he was a prospect. Which I knew but I guess that was code for he didn’t know shit or he wasn’t saying shit.

The man was a good listener though.

The art store was not my friend, since they called for my money like no other business. It was a part of my plan so that was fine too. I had to get out there and put myself before the organizations that involved what I wanted to do.

I had to do that for me.

No one else.

To show my thanks to Shiz, I made a special dinner after Jug told me he liked roast. along with some red potatoes, and asparagus with red wine and his trusty beer. I wanted to show him my appreciation, finally.

We were still weird, or weary of the other but it was still something. I was afraid to call it, but he’d made these declarations and commitment. Hell, I’d had sex with him. I also didn’t entirely know what that meant for him, me or us. He seemed to know but then earlier in the day, he seemed weird. After he saw that picture, it grew awkward.


Therefore, when a brooding Shiz called to say he wouldn’t be over that night, I packed up his food and put it away. That night turned into three nights which was odd since I didn’t know that I’d grown almost dependent upon him, even if it was to simply be there. He texted, asked how I was doing but he never showed up. He wasn’t taking me to work but had instructed whoever was watching over me, to take me.

Once the week ended, I was at Peppers when I saw the girls in their usual place. After a few hours or so, the guys started coming through including Shiz. To say I was surprised would be an understatement. I was anxious and did not really know the best way to address him. So, when he saw me and his first comment was, “I didn’t know you were coming.”

My instantaneous response was, “What’s it matter to you?”

Well, well.

The ladies drew back in a quiet hush. Shiz drew back in an angry growl.

“Come again?” he replied in a menacing tone.

Instead of answering him, I turned my back on him.

Well, I guess I wasn’t in my right mind because he damn sure wasn’t in his. Shay’s eyes grew huge when she held up her hand and said in a warning tone, “Shiz.”

“Stay out of it, Shay,” he snapped at her. “Avery.”

The man was growling. His every word was a growl. The other women were looking nervous, but I just kept sipping my beer. It didn’t hit me how mad I really was about his absence. His let down.

It hurt, and I was no longer silly.

“Avery,” Shiz growled again.

I slowly turned and answered, “Yes.”

A tight smile was planted on my face. Yet, his was hard and etched with anger.

“What’s with the attitude?” he asked.

“No tude…” I shrugged my shoulders. “Just thought it was odd that I haven’t seen you in days and you show up here telling me what you expect.”

My shoulders went up in another indifferent gesture, then I smiled again.

“Can I help you with something?” I asked.

“Let’s talk outside.” He jerked his head to the side, but I didn’t move.

“No, maybe some other time. I came to chill with the ladies. This week has been an enlightening one and I just want to relax. You know what I mean. Need a break and all,” I shared.

Shiz’s face turned from human to a stone gargoyle in five whole seconds flat. Then he took a step into my space and said in a low voice, “Let’s go.”

“Not now, Shiz. Maybe we can chat via text. That seems to be the best method.” I realized I didn’t really care that I was probably poking the bear.

The ladies, to my surprise, gathered around me but I guess they saw what I didn’t. I saw his fist clenched and the etched granite face he had trained on me, but I knew he’d never harm me. So, I wasn’t scared but I also wasn’t about to move to his drum anymore. I knew how to play the drums. Well, metaphorically, I could. Physically, I’d probably sound like a toddler.

“That was you,” he hissed back.

My eyebrows went up because I didn’t know what he was talking about. Going through my memory bank, I tried to think of what could have been me, but I drew up a blank.

“What?” I asked.

“It was you.” He shared. “You’re the one that painted that picture and refused to discuss it. You brushed me off like we both didn’t know what it was. Like it was a fluke and not worth discussing. Then you’re going to stand here and get a fucking attitude with me for giving you space. You damn near ran out of my shop, so you’re mad because I backed up?”

Shiz was shaking his head and the move was directed towards me. It felt like he was saying, ‘Silly girl, tricks are for kids.’ Then he leans in a little closer to my face and asks with a snarkiness laced in his voice, “Take it you’re ready to talk now, huh?”

That little note had my arms crossing over my chest, then I tilted my nose up and said, “Actually, not really.”

One of his eyebrows rose, then he said, “Well, you know where to find me.”

Then, I swear to you, the man turned and walked away from me. Like, he turned his back on me and went to where the rest of the men were staring at us with curiosity. I couldn’t help but stare at his back as the emblem sewn into his cut grew smaller as he literally walked his ass away from me.

“Girl,” I heard Shay whisper.

“He’s just upset,” Lori chimed in.

Dessy and Kylie were silent, but I was fuming. I might have been wrong, but I also just got publicly dismissed.

Pure anger coursed through my body because I had a good mind to go over there and slap his goddamn face. Or maybe just splash beer in it but for once in my life, I decided to make a calculated decision. The smart one that required planning, follow-through and time.

Pulling some money out my pocket, I threw the bills on the counter and said, “I’ll see y’all later. Can’t relax here.”

They tried to stop me, but I was already out the door, heading towards my detail. Jug was off but Jesse was back on. Once I hopped in, he smiled and said, “Leaving so soon.”

“Yeah, it was crowded in there.” I tried to smile, then buckled my seat belt. “Can we go?”

“Sure thing, sugar.” the redhead, freckled young man said.

Once I said goodnight, put on the deadbolt on both the kitchen and living room, I set about starting my plan.

Something had to change, and it was changing tonight.




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