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Embrace by Crissy Smith (5)

Chapter Five




Kieran had finished going through the database on Walkers and had switched to the footage of a gas station. Jackson’s contact thought he might have had a visit from the two Walkers they were looking for. Kieran was hoping to match a face from the camera feed to those he’d viewed in the database.

Remy knocked on the door before opening it and strolling inside. Kieran glanced up and glared at him. Then paused the video.

“Where’d you get the key?” Kieran asked.

“I have my sources,” Remy said.

“You stole it,” Kieran guessed. “Damn it, Remy.”

“I wanted to check out the security at this so-called great establishment,” Remy defended. “They could use some work.”

Kieran was certain that Jackson was going to hear about this. Jackson and Remy still had a rocky relationship, which made things difficult for Kieran at times.

“Whatcha doing?” Remy asked, walking over.

“Jackson’s guy might have something. I’m checking some video from a station just outside town. Between here and the Pack,” Kieran said.

“Did you send over the photos?”

Kieran pointed to the extra laptop. “It’s in your email. Check them out.”

“Got coffee?”

“Of course.” Kieran waved him off toward the kitchen. With their schedule, it wasn’t unusual for them to drink coffee most of the day and into the night. He actually preferred working nights since he could hide in the shadows easily, but he knew it was harder for the shifters.

Remy came out of the kitchen area, holding a mug of coffee and eating an apple.

“That was Dakota’s,” Kieran complained.

“I’ll buy her another one.”

There wasn’t much of a response to that. While everyone thought Remy was the responsible partner, Kieran knew the truth. Remy was just as big of a troublemaker as he was. Angel had actually been the one who had kept them in line.

Kieran restarted the video on his laptop. There had been a couple of guys who had entered the gas station, but no one that had stood out to him so far. This really was his best lead and he needed to hit gold.

“You didn’t pick up anything from the scene?” Kieran asked without looking at his partner.

“Just the scent of the teens’ fear. I was hoping that there might be some of the Walkers’ blood or something, but I couldn’t pick it up. I don’t see why these guys even went after the kids. It’s obvious they didn’t pose a threat.”

“Some people are just assholes,” Kieran commented.

“Yeah but their actions announced their presence to the Pack,” Remy said. “That wasn’t smart.”

“Unless they think shifters are beneath them,” Kieran pointed out. It was a common thought of Walkers, like his family. Kieran had never even met a shifter before he’d left home. He knew his father did business with some, but Kieran had always been kept away from his dad’s associates.

Remy growled.

“I’m not saying it’s right,” Kieran assured his partner. “It’s just how some Walkers think.”

“Yeah, well, you might be an asshole, but even you aren’t that much of a bastard,” Remy stated.

Kieran grinned. “I’m glad you think so.”

A knock came at the door and Kieran frowned. He didn’t scent anyone out in the hall. Remy glanced over at him and he shook his head. They moved together to cover the room. Remy stood back with his weapon in his hand as Kieran walked to the door. He didn’t need a gun or any weapon. There wasn’t much that could take him out.

He glanced through the peephole and snorted. He waved Remy off before opening up to Jackson. Jackson grinned in the hallway.

“Jumpy much?” Jackson taunted.

“I didn’t hear the elevator,” Kieran admitted.

“I know,” Jackson replied. He looked past Kieran to Remy. “And I didn’t lift an employee’s key card.”

Remy laughed. “My entrance was much better.”

“Don’t fuck with my employees,” Jackson said.

“Then they should be more careful,” Remy replied.

Jackson glanced at Kieran.

Kieran shrugged.

“I wouldn’t put up with him if he wasn’t your partner,” Jackson griped.

“And his best friend,” Remy added.

Jackson growled as he stepped inside the room. Kieran closed the door behind him. Eventually the two of them were going to have to work things out. Kieran needed them to, anyway. Jackson and Remy would be thrown together more often than not.

“Card,” Jackson demanded, holding his hand out.

Remy slapped the small plastic square into Jackson’s palm. “Sure, I wasn’t going to keep it.”

“Just so you know,” Jackson informed him. “My security caught the swipe. I allowed you to make it to the elevators.”

“Sure,” Remy said.

Jackson’s nostrils flared. Now was not the time for this shit. There was plenty of work to do. If Jackson was going to be there, he could help them.

“Come on, guys,” Kieran said. “We don’t have time for this.”

“Have you found anything on the footage I sent you?” Jackson asked.

“Not yet,” Kieran admitted.

“What can I do to help?” Jackson offered.

“Can you two work together?” Kieran questioned.

Both men nodded. “Go through the pictures with Remy and let him know if you recognize anyone. If there’s someone that you know, we need all information that you have.”

“No one I know would do this,” Jackson stated.

“Because they wouldn’t beat up a bunch of shifter teenagers?” Remy asked.

“No,” Jackson said. “Because if they know me they wouldn’t enter my city without my permission. It has to be a walker who I’ve never dealt with before.”

Remy snorted. “You’re not the king of Las Vegas.”

“As far as the Walker society goes, I am. It’s common knowledge for my people to know that I police this entire city. Plus, both the Coalition and Organization have offices here. That’s one of the reasons most paranormals won’t stay around for long. Too many people looking over their shoulders.”

“So you think whoever attacked the kids is up to trouble?” Remy grew serious. Kieran approved. Even if Remy enjoyed fucking with Jackson, Remy still did his job, and did it well.

“It concerns me,” Jackson stated. “They made a stupid move. They’re either cocky or dangerous. I think it might be both.”

“Let’s see if we can narrow down any of our possibilities,” Remy suggested.

Kieran let them get to work. He had to rewind the video since he hadn’t stopped it when Jackson arrived. As he waited, Kieran rubbed his tired eyes. He hated this part of an investigation. If Kieran had his way, he’d stay on the street and let other people take care of the research.

“I’ve met the first three,” Jackson was saying. “It wouldn’t be them. They know I’d kill them.”

Kieran had to smile, listening to Jackson. Kieran would have never believed when they’d both been starved, beaten, tortured and abused that they’d one day be sitting around a plush suite working alongside one another. It was just too much to think about, so he stopped rewinding the damn footage to rewatch it.

Remy and Jackson were making progress on at least eliminating suspects. Kieran didn’t feel as if he was making any progress at all. That changed, though, when he recognized two men enter the store.

Kieran sucked in a breath.

“What?” Remy asked, glancing over.

“Did you find something?” Jackson jumped up.

“I…” Kieran paused the video. It couldn’t be. No way, oh, God please let his eyes be deceiving him.

“Kieran.” Jackson placed his hand on Kieran’s shoulder.

“Dude, you turned even paler than normal.” Remy leaned over his screen. “Do you know these guys?”

Kieran couldn’t tear his gaze away from the monitor. It had been so long. Still, the two men looked exactly the same. Fuck, they even dressed the same.

“Kieran?” Remy shook him gently. “What the hell is going on? Jackson, do you know them?”

“No,” Jackson said. “I’ve never seen them before.”

Kieran reached out and touched the frozen image. This was one of his worst nightmares. His past colliding with his current life.

The laptop lid snapped shut and Kieran jerked back. He glanced up and both Remy and Jackson were staring at him with twin looks of concern.

“Take a deep breath,” Jackson commanded.

Kieran wasn’t sure if the followed directions, but after a few moments, the dizziness seemed to fade. Jackson’s hand felt hot and tight. Kieran jumped to his feet, pushing away from both the table and his friends.

“Just calm down,” Jackson said. He was holding up his hands toward Kieran. “Whatever, or whoever this is, it’ll be okay.”

Would it? Kieran wanted to ask. He couldn’t get his mouth to work, though.

“Should I call Dakota?” Remy asked.

“No!” Kieran roared.

Jackson and Remy both jumped back.

“I mean no,” he said more calmly. “I’m…”

“Tell us,” Jackson said. “Just get the words out. It’ll feel better once you say the words.”

Kieran shook his head.

“Kieran,” Jackson said sternly. “Who are those men?”

“My cousins. They’re my cousins.”


* * * *


Dakota tracked down the Coalition coyote shifter Luca Perez in the cafeteria. He was a good-looking man, probably in his thirties. He had dark hair and eyes. If Dakota wasn’t absolutely and one hundred percent in love with Kieran, she might have been tempted to flirt with the agent. As it was, she carried over a bottle of water and motioned to the chair across from him.

“Mind if I sit?” she asked.

He lifted his head and smiled. “Of course not. Please.”

“You’re Luca Perez?” she confirmed. “From the Lake Worth Coalition office.”

“I am,” he replied. “And you are?”

“Dakota Reese. I’m the one who found the teenagers yesterday. The ones that you tried to talk to earlier.”

He used a napkin to wipe his mouth before nodding. “I apologize for scaring them. I was only offering my help.”

“It’s okay,” she said. “Are you still willing to help?”

“Of course.” Luca glanced around. There weren’t many people sitting close by as most of the agents were out on patrol. “What do you need?”

“One of the kids is a coyote shifter,” Dakota explained. “He’s never met anyone of his species before.”

“Really? What about his parents?” Luca asked.

“He ran away from a group home with the others. I don’t know his story yet, but he’d like to talk to you. Ask you a few questions.”

“Yes!” Luca exclaimed. “I’ll do whatever I can to help. Why’d they run?”

“I have some people looking in to it,” Dakota replied. She’d already sent Gabe and Dare to dig around and see what they could find out. If something bad was happening at the group home, she’d see the place shut down.

“Good.” Luca nodded. “What about the other two?”

“The coyote shifter is Jeremy. Adam is a wolf shifter and Carmen a bobcat. Adam is kind of their leader and he’ll probably be with Jeremy when he talks to you.”

“That’s fine.” Luca waved his hand. “I actually work with both a wolf and many feline species.”

“Great.” Dakota was happy that she wouldn’t have to convince this agent to talk to the teens. They were going to need all the help they could get. Maybe Luca would even have some recommendations for placing Jeremy.

“Is there some place comfortable where I could talk to them?” Luca asked.

Dakota had to think about the question. She could put them in her office, but that might seem too formal. The rooms in the medical wing would just serve as a reminder of what the teens had been through. There was a lounge that the agents used when they were between double shifts or just needed a break. She could clear that out and let the shifters talk there. “Yeah, I think I can find you the perfect place. Give me about fifteen minutes then come to the second floor.”

“Sounds good,” Luca agreed. “Can I ask you a question before you leave?”

“Sure,” she agreed.

“You’re the shifter that’s dating the Day Walker, right?”

She stared at him across the table. It was common knowledge that she was dating Kieran and of course the rumors about the two of them were spreading quickly around the Organization. It still felt weird that people talked about her personal life, though.

“I didn’t mean to be rude. I was only curious. I’ve never met a Walker before.”

“Few people have,” she replied.

“A couple of years ago, a Walker saved a family from being slaughtered when their car broke down on the side of the road. I’ve tried to find the Walker to thank him. It’s like he just disappeared.”

“And you think it was Kieran?” she asked. “Why?”

“I spoke to his partner, Remy,” Luca admitted. “They were in town hunting the shifter that almost killed that family. From what I’ve managed to put together, Kieran saved them and killed the shifter.”

It was quite possible. “He wouldn’t admit it if you asked. He doesn’t talk about his cases.”

Luca grinned. “That doesn’t surprise me. I’d still like to meet him, if he wouldn’t mind.”

“I’ll tell you what,” Dakota said. “You help me with the kids and I’ll make sure Kieran talks to you.”

“Cool!” Luca nodded. “Although I’d help, anyway.”

“I know. But this way, Kieran will be more willing to talk to a shifter.”

“Oh.” Luca’s smile fell. “Is there a problem? I don’t want to be in the way.”

Oh, yeah, he wouldn’t know about Kieran’s past. “He has a history with shifters.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t know. Just forget about it,” Luca said.

“No,” Dakota responded. “This will be good for him too. Let’s go talk to the kids then we’ll figure out how to get Kieran and you together.”

Luca appeared uncomfortable.

“Really, it’s okay.”

“If you’re sure?”

Dakota was. She tried not to push Kieran when it came to accepting the shifters, but he also had a hatred toward the Coalition. Luca seemed like a pretty good guy and he might be a good contact for Kieran between the Coalition. “Give me fifteen,” she said then took off to get things in order.

Pleased with herself, Dakota hurried to the second floor to kick any agents out of the lounge.

Luckily, there was only two guys and they didn’t mind giving her the room. Dakota wrote a quick note and hung it on the door before shooting Dean a text to bring down Adam and Jeremy. Then she called her lover.

“Everything okay?” Kieran said in greeting.

“Yeah, fine,” she responded. He, on the other hand, didn’t sound okay. “What’s going on?”

“Nothing,” Kieran said quickly. Too quickly.

“Don’t lie to me.”

“Just… I’m trying to figure it out. Can you give me a couple of hours? I’ll tell you everything then.”

“Oh, okay.” Dakota wished she was there with him. It was obvious that he was going through something. “Did you look in your family’s file or something?”

“No.” Kieran lowered his voice. “I just recognized someone. Can I call you back?”

“I guess.” Dakota hated not knowing what was going on with him.

“Dakota,” Kieran said before she could hang up.


“I need you to be careful, very careful. There’s something happening.”

“So tell me what’s going on,” she pleaded.

“I will,” Kieran said. “Just give me some time. Watch your back.”

A chill ran down her spine and she remembered the feeling of being followed earlier. Maybe she should mention it.

“Promise me,” Kieran said.

Yeah, she wasn’t telling Kieran about the dark sedan. He didn’t sound like he could handle any more at the moment. “Promise. I have a few things to do around here before Dare and Gabe get back.”

“Be careful.”

“You, too,” she said. She disconnected the call as she heard approaching steps.

“Hey, Dakota,” Dean said. “I got your text. The boys are ready.”

Jeremy was wringing his hands together. He looked so lost Dakota’s heart went out to him.

“It’s going to be okay,” Dakota said. “I met Luca. He’s a really nice guy.”

“Maybe this is a bad idea,” Jeremy whispered.

Dakota met Adam’s gaze and motioned for him to go into the lounge. “I’ll bring them back up when we’re done,” she promised Dean.

“Okay, see you soon.” Dean nodded before walking back down the hall.

Once alone with Jeremy, she smiled at him. “Just relax and talk to Luca. He was pleased that you even asked.”


“Yeah. I know coyote shifters aren’t that common. He’s probably just as excited to talk to you as you are him.”

“Actually, I am even more so,” Luca said, coming up behind them.

Jeremy jumped.

“Hey, sorry,” Luca said to Jeremy. “I thought you heard me walking. I brought some candy bars and cokes.”

“Th…th…thanks,” Jeremy stammered.

“No problem.” Luca nodded toward the lounge. “Ready?”

“Sure.” Jeremy moved inside.

“Appreciate this,” Dakota whispered.

“Are you coming inside?” Luca asked.

“I think they might talk more freely without me. I’m just going to be down the hall if you need anything,” she said.

“All right,” Luca agreed.

He shut the door behind him and Dakota listened as he introduced himself to Adam and Jeremy. Adam was doing the talking for now, but she hoped that with time Jeremy would take advantage of this opportunity.

Not wanting to eavesdrop, Dakota strolled down toward the spare offices. Her laptop was in her backpack and she needed to check in with her partners. Plus, she hadn’t heard from anyone about the Walkers. There was plenty of work to do as she waited.


* * * *


“You didn’t tell her,” Remy said quietly. He was sprawled out on the living room floor with an empty plate on one side of him and photos on the other.

Kieran didn’t look at him or Jackson, who was working on the couch. Much like Dakota had the previous night, Kieran hadn’t moved from his place at the desk. It had been hours since he’d recognized the two men in the video feed and he still felt numb.

“You’re going to have to tell her,” Jackson commented.

“I know,” Kieran managed to respond. He was still trying to come to terms with what he’d seen. His cousins, Marcel and Elijah Argent, were in town. They’d been the two Walkers who had attacked the wolf shifter kids.

“It’s not your fault,” Remy said for what felt like the hundredth time. “Whatever they’re up to can’t have anything to do with you. You haven’t seen them in over a decade.”

“What if they’re here for me?” Kieran asked. “Then anything they do is because of me.”

“No, it’s not.” Jackson sounded firm.

“Why would they even be here for you in the first place?” Remy questioned. “How would they have found you?”

Kieran waved at the papers strewn around the room. For the first time in his life, he’d told someone about his family. Who he really was. What they’d done to him. Remy had been shocked. Jackson hadn’t said anything and, by the look on his face, Kieran guessed that he’d already known. Kieran didn’t know how he felt about that. “I always knew they’d find me if they really wanted to.”

“It still doesn’t make sense,” Remy pointed out. “If they know where you are, why didn’t they just drive into town and see you? Instead they creep in by walking through Pack territory. They haven’t even tried to contact you.”

“He has a point,” Jackson said.

“Oh, so now you two can agree on something?” Kieran griped.

“We just want you to listen,” Remy argued. “Just listen.”

Kieran stood. The muscles in his neck were tight and his entire body ached. He’d been holding himself in the same position for way too long. Maybe they were right. If he could just think clearly, he could come up with a plan.

He paced to the window and peered out. Below him, hundreds of people were going about their day unconcerned about what might be stalking them. Kieran made certain when he hunted, it was only those who caused harm to others, and he never killed. A few sips and Kieran was good for a couple of days. Marcel and Elijah, at least when Kieran had been around them, hadn’t appreciated human life. Their father was Kieran’s dad’s brother and both of the elder Argents had very specific beliefs on how feeders were treated.

It wasn’t until Kieran had been out of the house that he’d realized the man and woman they all fed off probably hadn’t been there by their choice. Since Kieran had been forbidden from speaking with the couple, he hadn’t tried.

He regretted how much he’d taken for granted under his father’s hand. From the moment he’d been old enough to crave it, Kieran’s attention had gone into trying to gain his father’s favor. Kieran used to dream of a time that his dad would say he loved him or was proud of him. But Kieran had never heard those words.

Kieran sighed. Why was he feeling like that thirteen-year-old boy who had both feared and despised his father? Kieran was too old, too powerful, to allow such foolishness. He lifted his gaze to the horizon. There was a storm coming. Not only could he see the dark clouds rolling in, but he felt the electricity in the air. If he was outside, he might be able to touch it. The storm called to him. Kieran wanted to go out and stand out in the open.

“I’m listening,” he finally said to his two friends.

“You don’t belong to them,” Jackson said. His reflection in the window showed him approaching Kieran slowly. “You’re not the same man they sent away.”

“I want to believe that,” Kieran confessed.

“Believe it,” Jackson ordered. “Who you are now is a man who protects the innocent. You’re an agent, friend and lover. You don’t prey on those who don’t deserve it. You are not a monster—you’re a hero.”

Kieran snorted.

“You got me through the hardest time of my life. I would have died in that hellhole we were held if not for you. You’re my brother,” Jackson continued. “My brother.”

Kieran closed his eyes. The words shouldn’t have affected him so much, but they did. His entire being warmed, just like when he took blood, and he turned to pull Jackson to him.

They hugged. It wasn’t the brief manly embrace they’d exchanged in the past. Instead, Kieran allowed Jackson to hold him up. Not for long. Kieran would be steady again. He just needed this moment.

He didn’t know how long he clung to Jackson. Finally, he managed to straighten and step back. “I won’t let them hurt anyone else,” Kieran vowed. “I’ll kill them first.”

“You won’t be doing it alone,” Remy said. He flanked Jackson before reaching out to grip Kieran’s shoulder. “Just tell us what to do.”

No, Kieran was longer the frightened boy he’d once been. Even though he’d fought against it, somehow, Kieran was part of a family. An unusual one, sure. A mixture of Walkers, shifters and humans. He might not have ever wanted the bonds to another, but they were there.

“If they’re looking for me, I say we let them find me,” Kieran announced. He glanced over at Jackson. “We need a poker game.”

“Poker game?” Jackson repeated with obvious confusion.

Kieran didn’t hide his grin. Jackson loved poker and had been trying to teach Kieran. There was a bi-monthly game between Walkers Jackson wished Kieran would join. Kieran’s impatience seemed to always get the better of him. “Yes.”

“Why?” Jackson pressed.

“Because both Marcel and Elijah have a weakness for gambling. They used to hold games in the back of a rundown human bar. I never attended any, but I remember some of the rumors.”

“Rumors?” Remy asked.

“They didn’t only play for money.”

Remy jerked back. “What does that mean?”

“From what I can remember, every once in a while, they, along with my uncle and father, hosted a high-stakes game. Very high stakes.”

“Which were?” Jackson questioned.

“Life and death,” Kieran whispered. He couldn’t look either of them in the eye as he spoke the next part. “They’d invite a shifter or human and play for that person’s life. If the shifter or human lost, they forfeited their life and a real hunt took place.”

Remy gasped. “Hunt?

“Yeah,” Kieran confirmed. “My family released the loser into a specific location then hunted him down. Like an animal.”

“You never took part in this…hunt?” Remy sounded like he didn’t want to even ask the question.


“Why not?” Remy crossed his arms over his chest.

Damn it, there was no good answer. He wouldn’t lie to Remy, though. “I wasn’t old enough. My family wouldn’t have allowed it. The only reason that I even picked up on the rumors was because I used to eavesdrop on my father when he was in his office.”

“They talked about it?” Remy asked.

“More like bragged,” Kieran replied.

Remy growled before he turned and paced. “I hated your family before today, but now… Everything I’ve found out, I want to rip their throats out.”

Jackson chuckled. “You’re not alone there.”

Kieran shook his head. “We need to know what they want first.”

“Of course.” Remy waved his hand. “But after?”

“After?” Kieran repeated. “After, we’ll have a hunt of our own.”

“And if they just want to bring you home? Or have a message from home?” Jackson inquired. “Can’t hunt them down for that.”

“True,” Kieran conceded. “But they will still have to answer to Damon for attacking members of his Pack.”

Remy nodded.

“But I know my family. If they just wanted to talk to me, they wouldn’t have sent Marcel or Elijah. Those two enjoy getting their hands dirty. I would expect one of my sisters to approach me,” Kieran admitted.

“What should we do first?” Remy asked.

“You need to call the Alpha and let him know what we’ve discovered. The Pack needs to stick close together. They need to be on the lookout, especially the ones that come into the city,” Kieran said. He glanced at Jackson. “They have to be staying somewhere. We need their names and photos sent out to all your contacts. No one has the Strip covered like you.”

“What are you going to do?” Remy questioned.

Kieran strolled back over to the files on his family. “It’s time I found out what dear old dad has been up to while I’ve been gone.”

“I’ll start another pot of coffee,” Remy announced.

Jackson waited until Remy has left the room before leaning over the desk. “And Dakota?”

“I’ll not hide anything from her. Being a shifter would put her in enough danger. But me loving her? They’d go after her without question.”

“I can help you protect her,” Jackson offered.

Kieran barked out a laugh. “She’d gut us both.”

Jackson merely lifted an eyebrow.

“Yeah,” Kieran said. “Do it. Whoever it is had better be good. If she spots them, they’re in for a world of hurt.”

“I have just the guy. Someone who needs a reason to live again.”

“Not Alex,” Kieran said.

Jackson grinned.

“Bad idea,” Kieran warned. “He’s not recovered. You told me that yourself. Hell, he won’t even come back here and he loves this place.”

“He will if I need him. If you do.”

“It’s dangerous.”

“Yes, it is.” Jackson’s agreement was gleeful.

Kiran let Jackson spin away and pull out his phone. He just knew that he was going to get his ass handed to him by Dakota. Somehow, she would figure it out. Still, what other choice did Kieran have? Even as well-trained and strong as Dakota was, she was no match for a Walker.

No, he was doing what was best for her. Whether she liked it or not.





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