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Eric's Inferno: A Rescue Four Novel by Tiffany Patterson (18)

Chapter Eighteen


“You heard about the rookie, right?” Don clapped me on the shoulder as he entered the kitchen.

“Yup,” I responded, taking a sip of the coffee I held in my hand.

“So you’re back to drinking the regular stuff like the rest of us, huh?” he asked, pouring a cup from the coffee pot on the counter.

I tipped my mug up to him. “For now.”

“Oh well, another one bites the dust,” he tutted, taking a sip and sitting down at the table.

I waved my head from side-to-side a little. “The job isn’t for everybody.”

“Yeah, kinda figured he didn’t have it in him.”

I made a noise that indicated I agreed. The rookie who was slacking over the last few months finally called it quits. The captain alerted me of the news as soon as I arrived for my shift, calling me up to his office. He also gave me some news about my prospects for becoming a lieutenant. It’s been a month and a half since my exam. I got my essay scores back two weeks after the exam, officially telling me that I passed both parts of the exam. Three weeks later I interviewed at the department headquarters with Captain Waverly, two other captains, and the fire chief himself even sat in on the interview for about thirty minutes. It’s been a waiting game in the weeks since then.

“Where’s Carter and Corey?” The captain’s booming voice pierced the air of the kitchen, cutting off my thoughts.

“Out back, Cap.”

“Go call ’em for me, Don.”

A few of the other guys sauntered into the kitchen, obviously called by the captain as well. Don returned a minute later, Corey and Carter on his back.

“I brought you all in here because I have some important announcements to make. I’m sure you’ve heard by now, there’s been a shakeup here at the station. Michael Zaveri, also known around here are Rookie Number Two, has turned in his resignation. Effective immediately.”

So that was his name.

Not only had his rookie status hampered our ability to get to know him, but the guy was just quiet, and not quiet in the same way I was. He was almost eerie in how standoffish he was. I shrugged my eyebrows, tossing it out as nothing more than his not being cut out for the job. Probably knew it early on, too, but stuck with it to save face. A lot of people weren’t cut out for this job, and the first year fighting fires always exposed the real firefighters from the phonies, if the Academy didn’t get them first.

“We heard, Captain,” Don interjected, sounding as if it was no big deal.

“I’m sure you all have.” Captain looked around at all of us in there. “There’re some other shake-ups that are taking place. Rescue Four’s been without a captain and the sufficient number of lieutenants for some time now. As your captain for the last five months, I can say it has been an honor and a privilege, and I look forward to many more years at Rescue Four. But a captain can’t do it alone. We need others to step up and take charge when we’re unable to. I’m well aware of the tragedy that befell one of our previous lieutenants.” He paused, and the air got thick around us; each one of us remembering our fallen lieutenant. The sound of the bagpipes that played at his funeral stuck out most in my memory. “And out of respect, the department waited to fill the position. In addition to just being their usual slow selves.” We all chuckled at the fire department’s notoriously slow turnaround times. “But that wait is over,” he continued. “The department has assigned two new lieutenants to Rescue Four. Some of you already know our Eric Kim here took the lieutenant’s exam. Passed it with flying colors and sailed through the interview process. And though it’s still unofficial while we wait for the paperwork, Harvard is one of our newest lieutenants.”

I was nearly knocked over when Carter and Don’s strong hands clapped me on the back in congratulations. Corey pushed both of them out of the way, yanking my hand for a handshake, and briefly wrapping his free arm around me. “No one deserves this more than you,” he said in my ear before pulling back.

I became surrounded by the guys as they congratulated me and told me how they always looked to me as their lieutenant anyway.

“But it’s nice to get the pay bump to accompany the responsibility,” Don joked, making us all laugh.

They took a few more minutes joking about how this called for a new hazing process. That idea was nixed when I quickly reminded them all that I knew all the nooks and crannies of this station as well as where all their own personal dirt was buried. No one spoke of trying me after that. New lieutenant or not, I wasn’t new to this job, this station, or these men.

“Hey, Cap, you said Harvard was one of two new lieutenants. Who’s the second?” Carter asked once it quieted down a little.

“’Bout time you paused kissing Harvard’s ass to ask about your other lieutenant.” He waited while the roar of laughter died down. The captain was gaining the respect of the men, and he’s even loosened up a bit around us. “Your new lieutenant …” He trailed off and he took a glance back over his shoulder, as a large form appeared in the doorway of the kitchen.

“Aw hell no!” Corey called out.

“This is bullshit!” Don yelled at the same time.

Their cries were accompanied by a few other grumblings from the other guys in the room.

“What’s this, a family affair?” Don asked me.

I lifted my brows at him, just as surprised at this turn of events as anyone else.

“You’re dating his sister, and now you both are our lieutenants,” Don continued.

“Watch your damn mouth about my sister.” Sean mean mugged Don as he fully entered the kitchen, dropping his duffel bag in front of him. “Hello, fellas,” he greeted, a shit-eating grin plastered on his face.

“Rescue Four, your second new lieutenant is Lieutenant Sean Moore, formerly of Rescue Two.”

Sean’s reception was much less enthusiastic than the one I was given just a few minutes prior. A few of the guys who knew Sean from previous calls gave him a head nod, but the rest of us just stared at him. To his credit, he stared us down right back, not blinking or averting his gaze. Every new guy got their hazing, and this was just the beginning for Sean, but he didn’t seem too worried about it, and neither was I. Over the last few months Sean and I developed a friendly rapport. He was protective of his sister at first, naturally, but something changed after the anniversary of his parents’ death. I suspect Angela told him about my going to her at the cemetery, but he never mentioned it. Either way, I wasn’t surprised that he got the lieutenant job. He waited longer than I did, having taken the test the previous year. Also, coming from another rescue station, I figured he’d have an easier time adjusting.

I looked over at Sean as Don approached him. “Just know, you’re not playing in the minor leagues anymore. This ain’t Rescue Two,” Don growled, bumping his shoulder and departing the kitchen. Instead of taking offense, Sean laughed. More of the guys followed Don out until it was just the captain, Sean, and I.

“Good luck,” Captain Waverly chuckled, patting a firm hand on Sean’s shoulder, before leaving as well. He was leaving it up to us to figure it out. At any station, the captain is like the parent of squabbling teenagers. And like any already stressed out parent of teens should know, unless there’s bloodshed, you let the siblings figure it out amongst themselves. It makes their bond that much stronger. The captain would let us haze Sean as needed and either he’d step up or step out. As long as things didn’t go too far, Captain would leave us to our devices.

“Welcome to Rescue Four,” I finally said, approaching Sean. “Hope you brought your helmet.”

“I brought that and so much more,” he retorted.

I nodded. “Good. You’ll need it.” I started to walk out at the same time the alarm sounded. Sean would get his first baptism by fire with Rescue Four early. We both hustled to retrieve our gear and hopped in the rig, the thrill I always got when jumping in the driver’s seat of the rig, overcoming me, as we pulled off.

God, I love this shit.




God, I love her, I thought, a hint of a smile gracing my face. To most people in the crowd would likely guess the smile had more to do with where I was standing than the woman who was looking on from the audience. They’d be wrong. Sure, I was proud as hell to be dressed in my navy blue dress uniform, standing on stage while the Chief of the Fire Department made a speech. Soon he would begin the pinning ceremony, giving myself, Sean, and a number of other guys our official lieutenant pins, followed by those receiving their captain pins. But as I stood under the hot lights of the stage, listening to a speech that was rather uninteresting, my gaze kept going to the tawny eyes that reminded me of an angel. She sat in the audience, eyes planted on me, and full of pride. Goosebumps skittered up my skin, when her lips parted, her smile bursting on her lips.

It wasn’t until I saw her clapping that I blinked, noticing the rest of the audience began applauding as well. I turned back to the chief and realized he was beginning the pinning process.

 About time. My eagerness was beginning to get to me; the ring box I held in my pocket began feeling heavier by the moment. I twisted my hands into fists at my side, silently urging him to hurry up. I looked to my right and caught Sean’s eye. He gave me a hint of a smile before turning out into the audience, his lips spreading wider when he put eyes on his son, who sat next to Angela. He already knew my plans for after the ceremony, as I went to him to inform him of my intentions. I wasn’t one to ask permission, but as Angela’s closest family member and someone I now worked with, I thought it’d be good to let him know where I stood.

I glanced toward my left and finally saw that the chief had reached the guy next to me. I was next.

“On behalf of the Williamsport Fire Department and the City of Williamsport, congratulations on successfully meeting the requirements for the role of lieutenant. Rescue Four is lucky to have such strong leadership.” He lowered his voice on that last part. He removed the badge sitting on the left side of my chest and replaced it with the official lieutenant badge.

I felt my Adam’s apple bob up and down when I swallowed, my vision blurring just for a second. Instead of letting my emotions overrule me—which I’d never live down—I looked out into the audience to see my Angela shedding tears for me. My entire body filled with warmth, my chest swelling with everything I felt. I willed myself to wait patiently until the ceremony was over to go to her. It was difficult, but somehow I made it.

“Congratulations! I’m so proud of you!” Angela giggled and yelped at the same time her arms went around my neck.

I nuzzled my face into the crook of her neck, inhaling to fill up my lungs with her scent.

“How does it feel, Lieutenant Kim?” she pulled back, asking.

I stared down at the woman in my arms, felt the pats on my back from the guys and people around me, and said, “Feels pretty damn good. But it’s going to get better before the day’s over,” I responded cryptically. Angela gave me a confused look, but even as her mouth opened preparing to ask what I meant, I placed my hands on her face, pulling her to me, cutting her question off. The usual buzzing that often sounded off in my ears whenever we kissed started, and I savored it, diving into her and not caring who was around.

“Get a room. There are children here!” I vaguely heard, but only when Angela pulled away, laughing did the kiss finally end.

“Sorry, Sean and little guy,” she said to her brother and nephew.

“Aunt Angie, we want cake!” Little Jeremiah yelped, excitedly.

“Okay, okay. It’s time to head out anyway.”

We were headed over to Charlie’s to celebrate with the rest of Rescue Four and more family and friends. While I insisted Angela didn’t need to cook for all of us, she was just insistent that she wanted to.

“I’m sorry your parents didn’t make it to the ceremony,” she stated, grasping my hand that rested on the center console in my car. I squeezed her hand back, bringing it to my lips while keeping my eyes on the road.

“Everyone that I needed there, was.” I invited my parents, of course. They both told me they’d try to make it. While we had made strides in the last few months, my parents both still had a difficult time accepting my career. I figured they’d come around eventually.

“Look what the motherfucking cat dragged in. Donnie, it looks like we got ourselves a lieutenant!” Corey called out as soon as we entered Charlie’s.

“Not just one. Two fucking lieutenants,” Don returned, noticing Sean entered behind Angela and I. The guys around the bar went up in a roar of laughter and congratulations, pushing Sean and me toward the center of the bar. I unbuttoned the jacket of my uniform. I was growing hot in the stifling uniform, especially with so many people patting me on the back and pulling me in for an embrace. Regretfully, I lost Angela in the sea of people who gathered around for Sean and I. His old colleagues from Rescue Two showed up, and save for the normal jibing, Rescue Four got along with them. We all talked trash, but in the end, we all held an immense amount of respect for one another.

I turned and waved to one member of another station, who called my name from across the room. I began heading in the direction my name had been called, while also searching for Angela since she wasn’t behind the bar when my pathway was cut off by a petite figure. I lowered my gaze, and the side of my lips turned up upon seeing the smiling face of my mother. My father stood next to her, looking just a jovial.

“Sorry we’re late, son,” my mother began, almost bashfully, which was so unlike her. “We tried to make it to the ceremony, but I got caught up at work and then had to finish making the ginger cookies.” She held up a large tin she had in her hand.

“At least you made it.” I leaned down and pressed a kiss to her warm cheek before pulling the tin from her, allowing her to wrap her arms around my neck for a quick squeeze. Next, it was my father’s turn.

“We’re so proud of you, adeul.”

Adeul. “Son” in Korean. The last time he said that exact phrase to me was the day I graduated college. I blinked a couple of times, clearing my throat.

“Thank you. It means a lot that you’re here. I’m going to put these on the food table, and then introduce you to the guys.”

My mother smiled. “We’d like that.”

I nodded and headed off in the direction of the food table, which is where I found the woman I’ve been looking for. She was rearranging the dishes on the table, as more food was being brought out.

“I can’t believe you cooked all this,” I said over her shoulder, pulling her into my arms from behind, once I placed the tin down.

“It’s not a lot. I ordered the sandwiches, kabobs, and pigs in a blanket. I just made the chocolate chip cookies, yellow cake with chocolate frosting, and the cheesecake tarts … oh, and the chocolate lava cake that’ll be brought out later.” She clapped as she spun around in my arms.

“That’s it?” I asked sarcastically. The woman loved cooking and entertaining. I couldn’t believe she did all of this. And the fact that we just ended the holiday season where it seemed like she spent every day making some dessert or dish for her employees, neighbors, or for me to bring to the station.

She slapped me on the shoulder. “Don’t make fun. I show my love with food.”

I placed a kiss on the tip of her nose. “I’m not making fun. I’ve got another way you can show your love.” My head dipped.

“Oh yeah?”

“Let me show you,” I answered just before our mouths touch. I had to summon the strength to reel myself in when every cell in my body ignited from that kiss. I wanted nothing more than to take her upstairs to the apartment above the bar, strip her naked, and hear her yell out my name. That was the only way I wanted this day to end. Instead, I pulled back, silently promising myself that would take place later.

“I love you, Angel.” I said it so many times over the last few months that it just rolled off of my tongue, but I meant it more and more each day.

“I love you, too, Lieutenant Kim.”

My heart actually skipped a beat when she used my new title. Though I wanted to wait a little longer to do this, I trusted my instincts and decided that moment was the right time to do what I’ve been waiting to do all day.

I took a step back, one hand falling from her waist to reach into my right pocket.

“How much do you love me?” I asked.

A bark of laughter exploded from my mouth when she said, “Enough to shut down my bar on one of the busiest days of the week to accommodate your friends and family for your celebration party. If it were just for Sean, he would’ve had to wait until a Monday night. But don’t tell him I said that,” she whispered the last part.

“Your secret’s safe with me.”

“I know it is,” a sincere note hit her voice as she stared up at me.

“What if I told you I loved you enough to spend the rest of my life with you and make you the mother of my children?”

“You tell me that at least once a day.”

“True.” I nodded. “But what if this time I told you with a ring?” I asked at the same time I sank down to one knee, opening the small black box, exposing the Valencia one karat diamond ring.

Angela’s jaw dropped, and her eyelids rose, surprise and shock written all over her beautiful face. I put this moment off long enough, not wanting to propose on Christmas or New Year's or anything cliché like that. Instead, I wanted to do it on a day I knew I’d remember forever, and what better day than when I got promoted?

“Angela Marie Moore, my Angel, will you marry me?” Simple and sweet. I didn’t use a bunch of flowery words to convey what I felt. Didn’t need to. Action always appealed to me more than words. The black tears from her mascara streaming down Angela’s face told me she knew exactly how I felt. The room around us seemed to go silent, but I wasn’t focused on anyone but the beauty in front of me.

“Y-yess,” she cried, bending down low to wrap her arms around me.

I stood, so she didn’t have to bend too low. She pulled me in so tight, I struggled to pull back to be able to put the ring on her finger. Another round of applause sounded around the room when Angela held up her hand, now with the ring on it, waving it around for the crowd to see.

“That’s how you do it!”

“Look at that ring!”

“Congrats, Harvard!”

Amongst the shouts and cheers, I recognized Don, Corey, and Carter’s voices. Captain Waverly had made his way over to us, first pulling Angela in for a brief hug and word of congratulations before squeezing me by the shoulder to show his affection. Next came my parents, my father welcoming Angela into the family, followed by my mother. Despite the rather rocky way they started off, my mother and Angela had developed a decent relationship over the last few months. Even with all the different people around tugging at us, I kept a firm grip on Angela’s hand, refusing to surrender her to anyone. I figured we’d have to keep up this public appearance for at least another two hours before I could get her behind closed doors, and do things that would have half the people in this room blushing. I sighed, as I discreetly adjusted myself in my pants, my cock swelling a little at just the thoughts of what I’d planned for that evening.

“What was that sigh about?” Angela whispered in my ear.

“There’s too many minutes between now and when I get to have you naked underneath me.” My Angel grinned and tipped her head. I decided to press on, whispering in her ear all the ways I planned on having her that night.

“Hey, cut that shit out,” Sean’s gruff voice interrupted the shortly-lived alone moment we were having.

“You really should get your own woman,” I told him, pulling Angela’s back into my chest.

“I’ll think about that,” he answered sarcastically. “Look, I just wanted to say congratulations to you two and welcome to the family, Harvard.”

I raised my hand, taking the hand that he proffered. We gave each other one shoulder hug before Angela moved into his embrace, wrapping her arms around his neck.

“Thanks, Sean! I love you sooo much!”

Jeremiah wedged his little body in between the two of them, first hugging Angela, before coming over to me. He and I had gained a relationship over the last few months as well. Being around him had made me excited to have my own kids one day.