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Falling for Mr Maybe by Jenny Gardiner (12)

Chapter Thirteen

The last time a man had his mouth on Georgie’s pussy was back in college. And suddenly she couldn’t for the life of her understand how she’d expected to go her whole life without a guy doing that to her again. Had she been stuck with Danny for the rest of her life, damn, she would have missed out… because that was something Danny refused to do. No way, no how.

He sure did her a huge favor by cutting bait and running. The only problem was she would now have to find someone else to do this on a semiregular basis. Despite how reliable her pocket rocket was, it could never achieve that level of nirvana. Nothing like a warm tongue to make everything okay. And if she was going to have even the slightest reservation about a shameless one-night stand, her experience with Spencer erased any such thoughts. His talented mouth alone was worth the price of admission.

Spencer reached for his pants, which were draped over the edge of the sofa. He quickly grabbed his wallet and pulled out a condom. Damn, for her, being prepared meant always carrying a Tide To Go stick in her purse. But for guys, well, they always had that emergency condom at the ready. Just went to show her how her sex life had declined—nowadays she only concerned herself with being ready to manage unexpected food stains.

He tore the wrapper with his teeth and quickly sheathed himself with the rubber, deftly rolling it onto his impressive cock as he slid up her body until his dick rested against her still-slick pussy lips. When he gave her a look that was plainly asking for permission, she answered by pulling his body toward her, pressing his glorious, tight surfer’s ass with her hands. He dipped his hips slightly until the head of his cock spread the entrance to her body and ever so slowly, he pressed into her wetness as they both groaned loudly.

Once he’d seated his cock all the way in, he held still, pelvis to pelvis, and Georgie relished the feel of their sweaty bodies pressed together, the beat of his heart against her breasts. Soon Spencer slowly pulled out, then thrust more quickly, picking up the pace of his strokes. Georgie didn’t want to let him slip out, so she wrapped her legs around his hips, bucking her own, meeting him thrust for thrust. He dipped his head down to one breast and caught the nipple in his mouth and sucked hard. Georgie moaned, then reached down between them and rubbed herself, desperate to climb back up to where she was moments ago when his mouth was on her.

Spencer’s teeth clamped on her nipple, and Georgie felt it deep in her pelvis, kicking sensations into overdrive as a wave of spasms overtook her. Spencer drove his swollen cock deep into her once, twice, a third time before holding himself against her as her pussy contracted and the wave of an orgasm surged through her body and stars sparkled behind her closed eyelids.

They held tight to each other for several minutes as they rode out those last glimmering moments of climax. Georgie was worried she’d be hit with a bad case of buyer’s remorse, but instead, she felt nothing but a warm, glowing pleasure.

Spencer tucked her head under his chin. “Damn,” he said, and she could sense the warm rumbling of his voice against her ear. “I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt, that thing is not petrified.”

They burst out laughing before drifting off to an unexpected sleep on her living room sofa.


Spencer woke again sometime around five in the morning. They’d both drifted off to sleep, only to wake up and make love again two more times before finally falling into a deep sleep. At some point during all that, they’d made it back to her bedroom, where he was comfortably nestled beneath a fluffy, feathered duvet. But now was the time he knew he needed to slip out. As much fun as they’d had, he was not one to stick around till daylight. That would imply there was something more to be expected of him, and there wasn’t. He quickly slipped out from beneath the covers and tiptoed backward out the bedroom door and down the hall to the living room. He slipped on his pants, shoes, and shirt and gathered up the rest of his belongings before quietly leaving, taking care to be sure he locked the door handle on his way out.


Georgie thought she’d died and gone to heaven when Spencer woke her somewhere around two in the morning with his hard-on pressed against her back. They barely spoke a word as he turned her on her stomach and mounted her from behind, lifting her hips slightly with his hands and spreading her legs with his before sliding his cock into her warmth. There was something so intimate and arousing about being taken like that. Seconds later, he slipped his hand around and pressed his fingers into her slick center, her body pulsating until she came around his cock, with him quickly following.

Georgie had drifted off to sleep after the last time, thinking that perhaps in the morning she’d show him the quilt she’d been making, unbeknownst to him. She’d made a joke about it, how she hadn’t known if she’d ever see him again and now here they were, suddenly on much more intimate terms than she could have ever imagined.

So, her disappointment was palpable when she woke to find him gone, no note, no nothing. Hardly a trace of him having been there. Were it not for the used condoms in her trash can, she might have believed she’d imagined the whole thing.

And curse her for having thought it was anything more than it was: a one-night stand. But it rankled her; how could anyone be so physically and emotionally close to someone, practically attached, and then up and walk away as if you’d simply shaken hands after a business meeting?

She closed her eyes and thought about how it felt with his tongue stroking along her wet center, and she shuddered as she remembered the pleasure he gave her. Or when she was on top, straddling him, while he suckled her breasts as she gyrated her hips and lifted and pressed down again and again on his hard cock till finally they both came hard, their bodies quivering with pleasure.

Spencer was right: she’d never had sex like that with Danny. With Danny, it was one and done, you’re in, you’re out. Wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am. He didn’t try to please her; he simply wanted to get off himself.

So maybe it was a one-off with Spencer, and they’d never get naked again. But at least now Georgie knew there was something more out there, something better than her pocket rocket, and something way, way better than that loser Danny Leonard.