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Falling for the Beast: A modern fairytale romance by Angela Blake (8)

The Dance


Madame Florinda definitely outdid herself this time. Using several dresses from her collection and some raw materials brought over to the manor she came up with what could be the sexiest formal dress I had ever seen. It was gold and yellow with her distinctive low neckline but it also sported a large slit by the sides that fully exposed my legs. The dress was backless too and sleeveless on one side. The other side was frilled and covered in beautiful flowers made from white, gold and red fabric.

She then topped it all off with a thin tiara layered with glittering stones, which I could only assume were genuine diamonds, and a large sapphire pendant that would draw anyone’s eyes to my breasts. To make sure my legs would be noticed despite my petite height and build she made me wear glass-like high heels that were four inches high. They were quite uncomfortable at first but with some practice I got the hang of wearing such fancy items.

It was roughly seven in the evening when Lumiere called me and reported that the hall was ready.

Still a little nervous I carefully walked out of the room. Out in the hallways, for the first time since I arrived, I saw the numerous maids lined up to greet me. They all gave me a smile and pointed to the next hallway until I eventually found myself at upper floor entrance to the grand hall.

As I made my way in I heard music playing. Someone was playing live on a piano. Lumiere urged me to go ahead and enter the hall and descend down the stairs and so I did. It was then that I noticed Adam was already down the steps, waiting for me.

He’s even more handsome than I previously thought. Adam had his long hair combed and tied in a ponytail and he wore a very Victorian-era, blue long-sleeve coat with yellow markings and lapels. Underneath he wore a white dress shirt, white trousers and a blue pair of boots.

With a big smile on his wolf-like face he climbed a few steps up and then reached for my hand. I took it and carefully walked down as the music began to play louder. Off to the side of the hall I saw a large dining table was set. Behind it were a grand piano and its player, accompanied by a small orchestra.

He escorted me nice and slowly to the center of the dance floor and instinctively I placed a hand on his shoulder. He placed one hand on my waist and we locked our other hands together as we slowly swayed to the music.

“Thank you,” he told me. “I thought it might be too early to ask you out for a dance like this but I couldn’t help it. I wanted a reason to look at you even for just a second longer.”

I blushed and looked up at with wide puppy eyes, “N-no, thank you. I appreciate this, truly. I feel more beautiful than I probably am wearing this dress.”

Adam shook his head and caressed my face with a finger just as we swayed to and fro, “You’re absolutely gorgeous even when you’ve got no makeup on. You’re beautiful even when you’ve got nothing on.”

Oh fuck… him just saying that turned me on and I felt a sudden pang of lust rush through my body. When I looked up at him again I couldn’t help but notice the way his lips moved, the way his hand held on to my waist and how close our bodies were to each other. I was getting a little too turned on just from being around him.

“You look great yourself,” I sputtered out just to break the silence between us. I bit down on my lip when I realized how dumb my reply was but it only made him smile even more.

“You look really hot when you do that,” he said.

I looked at him in confusion, “When I do what?”

“When you bite your lip and look at me,” he explained. “Maybe I’ve seen too much porn but damn it’s so sexy to see you do that.”

A giggle escaped my lips and I fought the urge to just smack him with a playful punch to the chest. I just rolled my eyes instead and said, “Hmm, maybe you do. I wonder what kind of porn does a man such as Adam Rousseau watch to get himself off?”

“Some rough stuff,” he admitted so bluntly I was caught off-guard. “A little choking, some slaps here and there, some hair yanking and really fast pounding. I get off on being a little dominant in the bedroom.”

“Well, you’re never going to do that with me,” I told him straight. “Well, maybe not for now. We’ll cross that bridge when the time comes. Right now, I’m still a virgin young girl dancing with you in a big-ass mansion and in front of a hundred people.”

“You’re dancing in front of a hundred people that serve me,” he was quick to point out. “That means the only people that actually matter in this room are you and me.”

I looked at him with dismay, “Come on, people like Lumiere, Cogsworth and Mrs. Potts matter.”

“That’s not what I meant,” he tried to clarify. “They do matter but I’m just…”

I could see he was seething at the teeth and he was beginning to lose his temper. Maybe this was the kind of arrogant, hot-tempered man that ended up insulting Marjolaine Durand’s mother. I was about to refute his claim when he realized his error and fixed it.

“I-I’m sorry,” he then said. “I don’t want to ruin our dance with my ego.”

Now I smiled and responded, “Good. Learn to shut your mouth sometimes. The less you say, the fewer mistakes you make.”

Adam acknowledged that and sarcastically said, “I will heed your words, o wise one.”

“Oh, now you’re just fucking with me,” I rolled my eyes.

He shook his head and chuckled, “No, I mean it. I think you’re right.”

Before I could come up with some smart and snarky response to that he grabbed me tightly and whirled me on the dance floor. In the moments that followed he and I did our best to not embarrass ourselves in front of our private audience. I had some skill in dancing but that was only because I took classes back in high school. I was never the club-going girl and this was very new territory for me.

He held my hand and guided me as we swept across the dance floor. To my surprise our moves were perfectly synchronized with the beat of the music. We continued on, whirling and twirling whenever we could, and the orchestra got louder as we found our footing.

Adam gripped me with pure strength but he also had this surprising agility and dexterity about him. He was like a large, muscled panther that could glide in silence. It crushed me from the inside-out to see him move towards me, his muscles rippling underneath his coat and his body swaying in beat with mine.

Then the music slowed down and we attuned our dance to the shift in tempo. Adam, on cue, pulled me closer and I rested my head on his chest as we simply tapped left and right in a very slow, very intimate dance. The lights dimmed but even then I knew everyone’s eyes were on us. At this point, however, I no longer gave a damn. I was right where I wanted to be.

Soon enough – or perhaps too soon, for our liking – the music died down and the lights came back on. Our little to-and-fro was over and he escorted me to the dining table. Fortunately, it wasn’t as long as I had feared. It was good enough to seat eight people and I was more than delighted to see Lumiere, Cogsworth, Mrs. Potts, Plumette, Chip and Cadenza, the piano maestro, join us.

Even with such a filled table and the fact that Adam and I sat on the opposite ends we could all still hear each other. The musicians began to play soft background music and this helped ease the tension between Adam and his servants. While I could not be sure I assumed that this was the first time in a long time that he dined with them.

During our meal Adam kept his gaze on me but I found it amusing and sincerely heart-melting to see him laugh and joke around with the others. With the time I’ve spent so far with these servants they all seemed to really fear and respect their master but I could see there was a thread that bound them all together. Perhaps they were all very close years ago?

I wouldn’t know the truth of that right now but I did get to spend some time chatting away with Adam about his stock firm and his early triumphs, Mrs. Potts about how well Chip is doing in school, Lumiere, Plumette and Cogsworth about how the manor had changed and improved over the years and I even got to speak with Cadenza about his musical career.

When dinner was over Lumiere and Mrs. Potts got to work to supervise the maids in cleaning after us. I was a little tipsy from the wine we had but fortunately enough Adam had the grace to escort me back to my room.

“You might want to take off your high-heels first,” he advised me as we got up from the dining table. “I don’t want you getting dizzy and tripping over yourself while going down the stairs.”

I giggled, for no reason at all, and lazily undid the straps of my high-heels. I kicked the shoes off but they didn’t get too far. I think Plumette picked them for me and then handed them over to Lumiere. I couldn’t really be so sure.

As we walked I figured I was walking in a straight line but it should have been improbable given how the alcohol was getting to my head. I gripped onto Adam’s arms and steadied myself as best as I could. Even then I felt my head sway – or maybe it was my whole body, who knows – until we reached the door to my room.

“T-this is me,” I said as I tapped the bedroom door.

He nodded and put his hand on the bedroom door, “Let me escort you in. You look like you could tumble and sleep on the floor.”

I laughed but I couldn’t explain to him why. In my head I was laughing because he was obviously just trying to get me to invite him in somehow so we could have sex. He was like being this really big vampire just begging for an invitation to come in and suck my blood.

I then paused and figured I would let a vampire come in if it was handsome as Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt in that Interview with the Vampire movie. Yet I then reconsidered because Adam was indeed as handsome as either of those two stars. Maybe he was even more handsome with his big, buff body and his long hair.

“Hmm, do you promise to keep your hands and lips to yourself?” I asked but now in the sultriest voice I could muster. As I asked him I even traced my finger in circles on my cleavage, hoping to get his eyes down.

Adam chuckled and then leaned in closer to me, “Absolutely not.”

I was about to retort and try to keep this tongue-play going but he had other plans in mind. Instead, Adam leaned in closer and pressed his lips against mine, instantly burying me in a heavy kiss. The pressure was enormous, the intensity nerve-wracking and the influence undeniable. Before long I was kissing back and all my walls crumbled in seconds thereafter.

My head swirled as our kiss went from strong and passionate to torrid and non-stop. Our tongues lashed and danced as our hands roamed across our bodies. Before I knew it his hand was pulling my dress straps down and my tits bounced as they were exposed. He grabbed one firmly and gave a squeeze. His grip was so tight it made me moan out loud and I broke away from our kiss to raise my face and let him devour my neck. He did so quickly, ravishing my skin with his lips and tongue from my lips, down my neck and to my nipples.

The door to my bedroom opened although I had no idea how or when. Adam pushed me back inside and kicked the door shut. The lights were off but I guess that was what I needed to push through with whatever was about to unfold.

In a quick succession he had my clothes off and he placed me gently on the bed. I was naked as the day of my birth but fortunately with the lights off I could live with my shame… well, unless he had some kind of evil dark vision that let him see me in the shadows. Okay, now I was being ridiculous. I didn’t need these thoughts plaguing my head when there was a big, handsome man taking his clothes off and stroking his cock in my new bedroom.

With the darkness enveloping us both he wasted no time to ravage my form with everything he had. His hands roamed across every inch of me and his mouth and tongue slithered and adored me. I could feel his massive cock bang against my flesh here and there. Occasionally he would shove it deep into my mouth only to slide it back out and have me stroke it with my hands.

I whimpered and moaned as he relished my body and soon my pussy was soaking wet, anxious and hungry. For the first time in my life I felt a pang in my gut and my legs coiled and kicked as I struggled with the sensation of lust that overwhelmed my mind. All I wanted was for him to be inside me.

But then I felt his tongue descend down all the way between my legs and I jolted as soon as I felt his lathery whip smack against the lips of my womanhood. He was gentle, knowing my veil had not been broken, but he slid his tongue through the folds still. At times he would occasionally add pressure and give my clit a heavy suckling and this drove me insane. I nearly passed out more than once as he made me cum merely from his foreplay.

Of course foreplay wasn’t all he had in mind now and soon enough he spread my legs and grabbed both of my hands. With one hand he raised my arms above my head and held them there tightly. His other hand was used to guide his cock towards the opening of my flesh.

“You are so delicious, Bella Verdandi,” he then whispered into my ear. “Tell me truly: do you want this?”

Shakily I nodded my head. I then realized he couldn’t see me in the dark and then said, “Y-yes, I do.”

He wasn’t done toying with me though and asked, “You do… what?”

“I-I…” I was so nervous and shy the words shattered as they left my lips. My tongue twisted and my eyes darted to and fro hoping to find some sort of answer.

“Say it,” he told me.

Now I knew why he made sure to keep the lights off. It wasn’t just to make me comfortable. It was also to make me rely more on my words than on mere nods or whimpers. If I wasn’t drunk I would have said something snarky to compliment him but instead I just uttered, “I want you to fuck me.”

With the magic words uttered Adam thrust his rod in and in that instant I felt my entire world explode into a million pieces. As soon as his cock rammed against the veil of my virginity I felt pain surge through every inch of me. It was so intense I didn’t notice my jaw had dropped and I was moaning not in pain, surprisingly, but in ecstatic pleasure.

“F-f-fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!” the words just shot out through my lips like heavy rain.

And so he did. He penetrated through and I felt the enormous girth of his cock rip through my pussy walls, widening my flesh as he tunneled his way through. The pain and pleasure swirled around in my head and I felt even more intoxicated than I should be.

His first thrust didn’t get him too far but he then slid his cock out a bit and then thrust again and then again and then again. He did this repeatedly and my pussy moistened and warmed up to his assault. Soon enough he was sliding in and out of my flesh with speed and ease. All I could do was feel my body heave and rock back and forth to his rhythm.

Adam got in deeper with each push and I felt my body stretch. When he began to pound into me so hastily like a jackhammer I couldn’t help but squirt another orgasm right while he was fucking me. That exhausted me beyond all recognition but he kept me awake just long enough to turn me around and make me stay on all fours. He pushed my face down to the bed and raised my ass up in the air. Before I realized it he had his hands on my hips and began to fuck me doggystyle.

In this position he had all the power and I felt every inch of his cock as it burrowed into me. Yet despite the size of his tool I didn’t feel pain. No – instead, I felt incredible ecstasy gushing out from every corner of my mind and body. I was moaning and begging for him to keep going. I knew he fulfilled my request because I felt his body slam against my ass with each thrust he made.

I felt him peak and spill inside of me. To show his appreciation he gave me a kiss on the cheek.

“W-wow,” was all I could say when we were finally done. Well, I knew I was done and ready to sleep but when I reached for his cock I was shocked to discover it was still hard and ready to go.

“Wow indeed,” was all he said as he then pulled me in under the bed sheets and spooned me with a hug. It was probably the sweetest gesture any man had ever done for me, even though Adam did spill his cum into my mouth just a few minutes prior.

“Thank you,” I then said weakly. I was sleepy and while I did hear him say something in response my mind had already drifted. A few moments more and I had fallen asleep.




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