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Far From the Usual by Avril Ashton (8)

Chapter 8

Their luck turned when they got to the Windham estate. Cam didn’t think he could hold his temper in check to deal with Arden’s father. He followed her into the palatial mansion and up to her room where she pointed out the suitcases she’d already packed.

Her father wasn’t home, though his wife was. The woman dogged their every step, as if they’d be lifting the fucking silver. Arden ignored her, so he did the same, making two trips to the truck, two heavy as shit suitcases in each hand.

They probably spent half an hour there and then he took her over to her friend’s house. All the way over there the question burned the tip of his tongue, but he held back. He couldn’t approach her with something as heavy as what he had in mind without some major back-up.

He listened as she gushed about her plans to open her own party planning business, smiling at the way her face glowed and her eyes brightened. He wanted to always see her like that, happy and carefree. Full of life. He wanted to dedicate his life to making it happen, but he’d have to change some things about himself in order to do that.

Things he’d been rebelling against for almost his entire adult life. The notion wasn’t as daunting as he thought it would be. Arden wasn’t your typical rich kid, he’d known that, and he felt secure in the steps he was about to take, steps to ensure their future and the happiness of the woman he’d loved for, it seemed, ever.

He dropped her off at Indy’s house, kissing her goodbye after they made plans to go out to dinner. Their public coming out. Her eyes sparkled when she said that and he couldn’t help grinning. She didn’t care about the criticism and he called himself the luckiest man because of that.

He sat in his truck after she’d disappeared into the house and dialed the number to Steele Real Estate. Arden would most likely be standing right next to Indy, but something told him he could count on Indy to keep this secret.

“Steele Homes, this is Indy Steele.”

“Ms. Steele, this is Cam Mercer and I’d prefer you keep this conversation between us two.”

“Uh…” She paused. “What can I do for you?”

“I need you to find me a home.”

* * *

His cell phone rang off the hook all day, his brother calling. Cam ignored it. He had no interest in what his twin had to say. He knew what the argument would be, what Clark and his mother thought, but his being with Arden had nothing to do with past wrongs.

No matter how cold and callous they were.

He couldn’t and wouldn’t do that to Arden.

After delegating the work in the shop to the two college students he had working part time, he went with Indy to check out some houses. She didn’t ask him his plans beyond finding the house and he didn’t volunteer information. They saw three homes, all perfectly acceptable, but none blowing him away until they saw house number four.

Immediately he could picture himself and Arden making a life there, loving and growing together.

The house was ranch-style with wood floors, vaulted ceilings and huge windows. Marble counter tops, first-rate appliances and wide open spaces. Three bedroom, three and a half baths, plus the swimming pool out back. The kitchen was huge and he saw himself in there, cooking with and for Arden, teaching her, too.

He was sold.

There was a chance this was moving too fast for Arden, he realized that, but he’d wait for however long it took for her to agree to move in with him. To build a life with him.

That evening as he sat in the truck waiting for her, he practiced his speech. He’d tell her he loved her, thank her for not turning tail and running after the fiasco with his mother, and bring up the house.

“Hey.” She slid into the passenger seat, wearing a slinky gold top, legs clad in dark, skin-hugging jeans, and black heels. Her hair was pulled back and secured at her nape. Plain gold earrings sparkled in her ears.

“Hey.” His cock lengthened and throbbed and he pulled her into his arms, sliding his tongue into her mouth, moaning at the sweep of hers around him. She teased him, and Cam smiled against her lips. A few more flicks of his tongue and he pulled away, adjusting his erection before starting the vehicle.


He glanced over as she licked her lips, head back on the headrest.

“Where are you taking me, anyway?”

“I was thinking we’d go to Mama Dee’s.” He pulled away from the curb. “I really like the chicken fried steak they do over there.”

She chuckled. “Okay.”

Of course, the instant the two of them set foot in the place, the entire town would know.

“I spoke to my dad.”

He glanced at her. Her tone was subdued, her stare straight ahead.

“How did that go?”

She shrugged. “He was angry, called me juvenile and irresponsible. Nothing I haven’t heard before.”

But he could tell how much her father’s words wounded her. She’d deny missing her father’s affection, but he knew she did. How could Dennis Windham not see how amazing a woman his daughter was?

“Did you tell him about us?” He couldn’t blame her if she didn’t.

“I did and then he proceeded to disown me for attempting to ruin him.” She barked a dry laugh. “I disowned him right back for being a cold hypocrite.”

“I’m sorry.” That bastard. How could he treat his own flesh and blood like that? Like a fucking stranger?

“Yeah, me too.” She sighed. “But he didn’t really surprise me, you know? I expected all that from him.”

“He’s your fucking father,” Cam spat. “I don’t get how he can be so goddamn clueless about who you really are. You’re strong and vibrant and loyal. You have the biggest heart, how can he not see that?” What was wrong with him that he couldn’t see that?

“It’s enough for me that you know who I am.” She touched his shoulder in the simplest gesture that wrecked his equilibrium and had him swallowing, fighting to breathe.

“I know who you are and I accept all of you.” His voice turned raspy, jagged. “Even the parts that don’t cook.”

She burst out laughing, squeezing him slightly then releasing, and the mood lightened. He vowed to do his best to always make her smile, always chase the shadows from her gorgeous eyes.

They finally arrived at the restaurant and he parked then helped her out the vehicle, clasping her hand tightly in his as they entered the establishment. All voices ceased, heads swung their way. Arden stiffed and he squeezed her hand, offering his comfort and his support.

“Mr. Mercer. Ms. Windham, this way please. Your table is ready.”

They followed the maître d through the restaurant and took their seats. He felt like they were under a microscope, all eyes on them curious and judging. They gave their orders and he took Arden’s cold palm in his once they were alone.

She met his gaze with solemn eyes.

“Are you okay? Do you want to leave?”

She shook her head. “I’m fine, just…it just sank in.”

He brought her hand to his lips, kissed her knuckles. “I have a surprise I think will cheer you up.” Her eyes brightened. “But you’ll have to wait until dinner is over.”

“Damn tease.”

He winked. “It’s my pleasure to tease you.” He flicked the tip of his tongue over the pad of a finger and she squirmed in her seat.


“Who me? I never behave.” He nipped the inside of her wrist, and her pulse sped up.

“People are staring,” she whispered.

“What do you think they’ll do if I drape you over this table and go down on you?” The thought had him harder than iron. He pressed the heel of his free hand over his bulge. Discreetly.

Arden’s eyes widened and she licked her lips. “Who knows? They’d probably form a circle and take notes.”

That he’d love to see. They bantered and teased until their food arrived then dug in. Arden ordered chicken, but ate off his plate, hogging his chicken fried steak. He returned the favor, eating her risotto. The stares from earlier weren’t as intense, everyone went back to their business after a while and he breathed easier.

Arden didn’t appear to care one-way or the other. Her brown skin glowed under the restaurants lighting. Her eyes clear and sparkling. He took a sip of iced tea and regarded her over the rim of his glass. She was herself again, whatever weighed her down was off her shoulders and the woman he loved looked alive again.

Free again.

He felt the same and she was the reason. For the first in a long time, he felt at ease and at peace.

“I’m stuffed.” She sat back in her chair. “That was damn good.”

“Um, that was my dinner you confiscated for yourself.”

She waved his words away. “Get over it.”

He laughed as their waiter came over. “Will you be having dessert?”

“Princess?” He raised an eyebrow.

She shook her head. “I don’t think I can manage to swallow another bite.”

“No dessert then.” Cam wiped his mouth with his napkin. “We’ll take the check.”

Arden got to her feet. “I need to use the ladies’ room.”

He stood as well. “Meet me at the truck when you’re ready.”

She walked off with a nod and he eyed the sensual sway of her hips for a second before tearing his gaze away. He paid the bill and exited the restaurant, making his way to the truck. Anticipation swamped him suddenly.

What if Arden didn’t like the house?

Just buy another one, idiot. He fumbled in his pocket for his keys.

“You motherfucker!”

He turned his head, right into Clark’s fist. Cam crashed into the side of his truck, head spinning. Clark grabbed him by his collar, yanked him upright and punched him in the face again.

Pain blinded him and he grunted, grabbing his brother by the throat.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” He swung, fist barely connecting with Clark’s jaw. Warm liquid trickled down Cam’s face. Fucker probably broke his nose or some shit.

“You’re fucking Arden!” Clark swung and this time, Cam ducked and landed one in his gut.

“Ooomf.” Clark staggered, but quickly righted himself.

“I’m not fucking Arden.” Cam grunted. “We’re in a relationship. Something you know nothing about.”

Hatred flashed red-hot in his brother’s eyes. “You bastard! How could you?” Chest heaving, Clark spat on the ground. “Is this your way of paying me back? I stole your fiancée so you steal Arden?”

Cam narrowed his eyes. “Get over yourself, brother. This has nothing to do with you and Lori.”

“It has everything to do with Lori and I.”

Clark advanced on him and Cam tensed, fists clenched.

“You’ve always hated that I got your fiancée into bed. That I had her when she wore your ring on her finger.” Clark shook his head. “You said you’d make me pay, I never thought you’d still go through with it after all this time.”

Fuck. A small crowd had gathered. Cam glanced around, but he didn’t see Arden, thank God.

“Contrary to what you might think, Clark, I don’t spend my time thinking about you and ways to hurt you.”

“But you saw me and Arden going through some problems and you decided to get in on that, right?”

“Oh, for fuck’s sake.” Cam pinched his nose bridge in an attempt to staunch the bleeding. “You got with her probably to get close to her father and his money, then you cheat on her and dump her. Is that what you mean by some problems?”

“You know nothing about what we had. Nothing!”

Spit flew as Clark yelled at him. His brother looked less than the privileged image he loved to portray, and Cam thought if Clark was in his right mind at the moment, his brother would be horrified.

“I know you didn’t treat her like she deserved to be treated,” he said softly. “I know she was never happy with you. I know I’ve loved her for six months and I waited patiently for you to fuck up before I made my move. You didn’t disappoint me, Clark. You fucked up royally.”

Clark swung and Cam grabbed his arm, twisting it behind his back. His brother cried out, knees buckling.

“This was never about you or Lori,” Cam told him. “I got over that shit years ago, I was a kid and she was a kid, unable to see through your bullshit. I love Arden, more than anything I ever felt for Lori. I loved her and I watched her with you. If she loved you, if you loved her, I wouldn’t have done anything. I would’ve moved on, but she didn’t and you sure as fuck didn’t.”

“I love her.” Clark’s voice broke, and Cam thrust him away with a scowl.

“You don’t know what love is, Clark. Arden is amazing. She’s gorgeous and funny and vibrant. Her heart is big, bigger than her bank account, but I bet you never saw past her daddy’s money.”

Surprise flashed in his brother’s eyes before he recovered. “Fuck you, you don’t know anything.”

“I’ll tell you what I know,” Cam said. “I know I loved Arden six months ago, I’m in love with her today, and I’ll be in love with her six months from now and beyond. Nothing else matters to me. Not your childish antics or your hurt pride. It’s all about her. She’s all I see.”

“Some speech.”

Cam spun around. Arden stood behind him, arms folded, gaze shuttered.


She stepped around him and addressed Clark. “You look like shit.”

His brother jerked, tugging on the front of his shirt.

Arden sighed. “Now you know who I’ve been sleeping with. Feel better?”

“How could you?” Genuine hurt filled Clark’s eyes. “He’s just using you to get back at me for stealing his fiancée, can’t you see that?”

Cam’s heart plummeted, but he held his tongue. He owed Arden an explanation, but it wouldn’t be here in public.

“What I see, Clark, is a jealous kid who’s lost his latest toy. His latest infatuation.” Arden scoffed. “Never mind that you threw it away yourself. The minute someone else shows interest you’re back, acting all caring and shit. Doesn’t work for me, Clark.”

“He’s using you, Arden.”

“He loves me, something you never did.” She paused. “And I love him.”

Cam gasped. She loved him. His heart soared and he moved closer to her. Afraid to touch, afraid to breathe.

“Yes,” she threw over her shoulder. “I love you. Now stay there. I’m not done yet.” She turned back to Clark. “You need to give up this twisted idea you have in your head about us. What I want, what I need, I have now. Your brother loves me.”

Cam wanted to hug her close, breathe her in. Just hold her tight. His body shook with the intense need to gather the woman he loved in his arms. Keep her safe from the world.

“I love your brother,” she went on. “Time to move on, don’t you think?”

“I cared about you.” Clark went to her, grabbed her hands and Cam rushed at him.

“Chill out, Mr. Mercer.”

Cam froze at her tone, but he kept his eyes on Clark.

“You didn’t care about me, Clark.” Arden smiled sadly. “You just cared about my father’s money and getting him to invest in your projects.” She sighed. “Go home, Clark. Cam and I are together, we love each other. Deal with it.”

She turned away and smiled at Cam for the first time. Big and wide, the warmth of that smile washed over him like sunshine.

“Time for my surprise, right, Mr. Mercer?” She held out a hand and he took it.

“Yes.” He led her to the truck and helped her in, before getting into the vehicle and driving off as his brother stared after them.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about Clark and Lori.” He spared her a glance.

“Why didn’t you?”

He shrugged. “I didn’t want you to think like he did, that it was all about revenge. That never factored in.”

“Huh. What did factor in?”

“You.” He answered honestly, emotion filling his tone. “I wanted you from the first time I saw you. I watched you like a man obsessed for such a long time. You were all I saw, all that I needed.”

“Good to know. One day you’ll tell me what happened.”

He nodded. “Yes.”

“And I reserve the right to punish you for that omission.”

Cam bit back a smile. “Will I like it?”

“Of course.” She leaned over, resting her head on his shoulder. “But right now I’m ready for my surprise.”