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For Hope by Jeannette Winters (9)

Chapter Nine

Jada was glad she had her belongings shipped from Miami to Las Vegas. The hotel was happy to pack for her. Funny what they’ll do when you’re paying them. That meant she could get out of the limo and go right up to her room. She should’ve known better.

As soon as she entered the hotel, cameras started flashing and reporters waved microphones in her face. Everyone wanted to know where she had been and where David was now. If one more person asked her if David was joining her in Las Vegas, she was going to flip on them. It was great to have questions other than talking about designers and where she’d be next, but David was gone, and thinking about him wasn’t going to make this any easier for her.

Jada wasn’t sure how she made it up to her hotel room without breaking down. It proved once again she was capable of hiding her feelings from the world. If any of them genuinely cared, they would give me some space.

At least in Las Vegas there were many celebrities to distract the media. Jada had every intention of making an appearance when and where she was under contract to be. Outside of those commitments, she had no plans to leave her room. She had been in Las Vegas for more shows than she could remember. Although this was an important event, one she could not miss, she wasn’t in the mood for all the glitz and glamour.

If there had been any way possible, Jada would’ve stayed at that B&B for the week, or maybe even a month. There was something about it that rejuvenated her spirit. Usually a few days did the trick and she’d be back to normal. That wasn’t the case this time. She had done a lot of thinking, and Jada realized what her life was missing.

Her father was always straight up and honest with her. And until David came into her life, he’d been the only person who had also done that. Most people said whatever they thought Jada wanted to hear, which meant she no longer trusted them to tell her the truth. It was so difficult being surrounded by fake people. That was why she made sure she covered her burn every single time. If the media ever got wind of it, they would use her childhood tragedy and her scar to sell newspapers and magazines. They would turn her pain into their gain. And my manager would be the first one to sell me out. Nothing that hit the tabloids had been a surprise to her manager, Christof. She had no proof, but she was certain Christof wasn’t as innocent as he made himself out to be.

But when she was in the cabin with David she realized something, not just about herself, but about him as well. He talked about why he’d built the cabin and what it represented. She was positive people looked at David and saw nothing but a controlling, tough SOB. David definitely was both, but he was much more. Like her, she believed David didn’t allow people to see who he really was. And the entire time at the B&B, she’d tried figuring him out.

She had few regrets in her life, but letting David walk out the door without saying goodbye or telling him how much she cared about him was one that weighed heavy on her heart. Jada had contemplated reaching out to him and asking him to meet her in Las Vegas. She had wracked her brain for the right words, and all she could come up with was “let’s talk.” It was going to take a lot more than that to get David to drop everything and come to her. He had made it clear he wouldn’t stay, so she knew he was needed elsewhere. I’m sure I’m not the only damsel in distress. Will he kiss his next damsel?

She couldn’t allow herself to go down that path. Jealousy would only compound the issues she was trying to sort through. Her father had said David cared about her. When David looked at her, held her, she’d believed that. But hearing it from her father was not enough. Jada needed those words to come from David, and she wasn’t sure if he was capable of saying them. I know because I’m not sure I can either.

It wasn’t the feelings as much as the words. The only person she had ever told she loved was her father, but that was entirely different than how she felt about David. She wasn’t sure this was love, but there were no other words that described what she felt. These new feelings scared her. There were more powerful than anything she’d experienced. She had no idea if David felt even half of what she did for him, but she knew she could not go through life without finding out.

Jada wasn’t a risk-taker, but this was one she had to take. Risking her heart for someone who might not believe he could love her back was a huge gamble. Perhaps her biggest revelation these last few days had been her shift in priorities. She’d never contemplated anything usurping modeling in her life, so her confusion was warranted.

I’d rather lose my career than lose David.

There was a lot for them to discuss, but Las Vegas was not the place to have the conversation. Maybe I can ask him to meet me at his cabin. She knew David was comfortable there; he let his guard down. Well, except for visits from unexpected men. He was beginning to consume her mind, and it certainly wasn’t helped by the attention his private life had received when thrown into the spotlight. He didn’t have to tell her how much he hated that; it had been written all over his face with each camera click. It would be more of the same if he were in Las Vegas with her.

There was nothing she could do but focus on the show taking place in a few hours. As soon as it was over, she would head back to the hotel room and find a way to reach David. There’s no way I’m letting another day go by without telling him the truth. She hoped David was ready to hear it. She hoped her heart wouldn’t break when he turned away . . . again.

David had thought it would be easy to snag a ticket for the show, sit back, and watch Jada do her thing. He should’ve realized it would be sold out. For most people that meant they were shit out of luck. But security usually consisted of veterans, and brothers-in-arms always had each other’s backs. David might not have a ticket to enter, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t allowed inside.

This event wasn’t the first runway show he’d attended, but at the other two he’d been focused on the crowd, scanning for potential danger. This time his eyes never left the runway. Each model came out, did their thing, and disappeared again behind the curtain. The models wore nothing close to what a normal person would wear in public. There was nothing comfortable or practical about any of it, but the spectators seemed in awe.

I could never do this every day. None of it interested him. Until Jada made her appearance. He heard murmuring in the crowd as Jada made her way down the runway. She looked magnificent. Her gown flowed like layers of satin, and when she spun around, it ballooned to reveal her long, beautiful, sexy legs. As his eyes roamed higher, David hoped Jada would see him, but her eyes stared off into the distance. She stopped at the end and waited long enough for the cameras to capture the moment before she turned and glided up the runway, disappearing behind the curtain.

Hanging around this show wasn’t his thing. He checked with the guys who’d let him in, confirming the show was going to last another half hour. David wanted to see more of her, but this was not where he wanted to do it. He was about to call in another favor and find out what room she was staying in.

David knew Jada was going to need time to change, so he stopped off at the bar to have a cold beer before heading to her room. It also would provide time for his body to calm down. He had no idea why he had such strong physical reaction every time he saw Jada. That runway had plenty of beautiful women, but not one of them caught his attention but her. She has something special. He didn’t look at her as perfection. Although from what he had seen, she definitely fit that bill. It was something more, and it was driving him crazy because he couldn’t grasp what it was. But that was why he was here. He needed to figure it out, and it had to be done face to face.

Even if Paul hadn’t asked him to find Jada, David knew nothing would keep him from her. Nothing except maybe Jada. He knew she wouldn’t slam the door in his face. It had been obvious she was distraught when he’d left, but Jada might not want a replay of that pain, and things between them hadn’t changed. If she’d spent the last few days thinking about him, then he was positive she’d also reflected on their differences and not just their attraction.

He had concluded their different lifestyles made it impossible for any relationship to work. David needed to stay out of the limelight to be the most effective in his line of work, and Jada’s career would tank if she did. There’s only so much compromise a relationship can handle. I’m not even relationship material. Jada needs someone who can thrive with her, not smother her.

Even knowing that, David wouldn’t leave without seeing her. If all they did was discuss how they’d handle the tabloids, he’d at least resolved one of their issues.

One beer had turned into two, but he refused to order a third. He had a clear head, and that’s the way he wanted to keep it. Besides, it was time to go upstairs and meet with Jada. There was no need to prolong the inevitable.

David knocked on her door, but there was no answer. He’d thought Jada would go straight to her room, however she was there on business. He had no idea what took place after a show ended. The last two he’d attended hadn’t been her normal. Not only did she have the pressures of her own performance, but with him and his men hovering around, he was positive she had done things differently than in the past.

As David knocked on her door a second time, he heard her voice call out, “David. What are you doing here?”

Paul had not notified Jada that he was coming to meet with her. Whether that was because Paul wasn’t sure David would follow through, or he wasn’t sure what his daughter’s reaction would be, Jada was surprised.

“We never finished our conversation the other day.” Never started it either.

Jada walked up to him, and he stepped aside so she could unlock the door. She stepped inside, and he waited for an invitation to join her. This visit was not one of his protection details. He didn’t want to take control from her, not this time.

When Jada turned and faced him again, he could see the initial shock had worn off. “Then I guess you should come in because these hallways have eyes and ears.”

Once he was inside, David said, “I guess you saw that article.”

Jada shook her head. “I’ve heard about it. That was enough for me. I’m sorry they keep linking your name to mine. Give it a little time, David, and it will be old news.”

Although David didn’t want his name blasted all over the place, he didn’t expect her to be quite so dismissive of it all. “I’m not concerned with what people say about me.”

Jada looked puzzled as she asked, “If you’re not here about the article, then why are you here?”

Was it possible she hadn’t been thinking about him? It appeared that way in her words and tone. David was trained to look deeper. Whether it was because he wanted to see it or if it was truly there, her eyes said she’d missed him. If he wanted her to trust him, he’d have to give her a reason to.

“I can’t stop thinking about you.”

“David, I’m not in danger any longer. You don’t have to worry.”

Jada seemed to have an answer for everything, but she jumped to conclusions. David should come right out and say it, but he couldn’t. It wasn’t his style. How could he give her what she wanted, what she needed, and still be true to who he was? If words were not the answer, then maybe actions were. He needed another taste; one hadn’t been enough. I might regret this, but I can’t not touch her. Taste her.

David locked the door behind him, walked up to Jada, and slipped a hand onto her hip to pull her closer to him. Jada didn’t resist as his lips claimed hers. Although he instantly wanted more, he forced himself to keep his kiss gentle and tender. He didn’t want to take. He wanted Jada to give to him freely.

Jada’s hands came up and rested against his chest. Her mouth opened, offering an opportunity to explore her more deeply. David let his tongue trace her lips before he stopped and pulled away. He had his answer. Jada wanted him as much as he wanted her. But if he continued, they would find themselves in the bed making sweet love and never discussing the things they needed to.

“Jada, I could taste your sweetness forever and never get tired of it. But we still need to talk.” He felt her tense and she tried to step back, but he held her firmly against him. “After we talk we can finish this.” David leaned over and planted a kiss on her neck. He felt a shiver run through her. Before this night is over, I will have your toes curling.

Jada smiled, took his hand, and led him to the couch where they could sit. He was tempted to take the seat across from her because it was difficult not to pull her back into his arms. But they were two grown-ass adults who should be able to have a conversation without ripping off each other’s clothes. Not a long conversation.

David sat beside her, but Jada wasn’t letting go of his hand. If anything she was holding so tight it was as though she feared he’d pull away. Not this time.

She had every right to doubt, and it was up to him to change her mind. He wished he had Josh’s suave way with women or Gabe’s humor. Both would come in handy. It wasn’t as though David didn’t have a way with the ladies himself. It just wasn’t in talking.

Thankfully, Jada broke the silence. “What is it you want to talk about?”

Several things ran through his mind, but first of all, he needed to gauge her emotionally. He’d dumped a lot of crap on her and left her alone to process it. In the words of Gabe, I’m a total asshole. It was the one thing they seemed to agree upon. It was time to make up for that mistake.

David looked at her with as much compassion as he could. “How are you doing? I mean how are you really doing?”

Jada shrugged. “I’m trying not to think about it.”

I know that feeling. If David analyzed every scenario, every battle, and every life or death situation he’d been in, he would never be able to move forward. But that wasn’t the case for Jada. David would not allow what could have happened haunt her and hinder her future.

“I think it would do us both some good to talk about it.” David knew if he put this all on her she would shut down. The only way to get her to talk was to make her believe he needed to as well. Damn, this is going to suck.

Jada asked softly, “Do you mean you’ve lost sleep over it too?”

David had lost a lot of sleep from the moment Rafe told him he was assigned to watch her. At first, it was because he was angry and was trying to think of how to get the hell out of it. And then once they met, he couldn’t sleep without thinking he would do anything in the world to keep her safe. “It’s natural.” He wouldn’t lie to her, so he had to choose his words wisely when he answered her questions.

“I know it’s over. Dennis is in jail somewhere awaiting trial. I cannot stop thinking about the women he hurt. And the ones that he . . . he . . .”

David let go of her hand, scooped her into his arms, and sat her on his lap so he could hold her close to him. One hand gently stroked her back as he said, “He did some horrible things, Jada. And he’s going to pay for those crimes.” If I had my way, it would be very slow and fucking painful.

“I want to be there,” Jada said, her voice shaking as she fought for control.

David wasn’t sure what she was talking about. “Where?”

Jada looked him square in the eye, and he could see the strength that lay within her. “I want to be there when he goes to trial.”

David didn’t expect that and had no idea why she would want to put herself through that. It wasn’t going to be pretty. He had intentionally left the most gruesome details out when he spoke to Jada. If she went to the trial, she’d be lucky if she only lost a few nights’ sleep after that. He needed to discourage her from moving in that direction. Jada was stubborn, and it wasn’t going to be as easy as telling her no or that it wasn’t possible.

Once again, he’d have to use himself as an example. “Let me talk from personal experience.”

Jada looked as though she wanted to say something, but all she did was nod and wait.

“Although I have been on countless missions, I don’t sit with my comrades to hear about theirs.”

“You cannot compare the two.”

“You’re right. They’re different, but the reasoning is the same. We all have to carry our own burden, our own demons. If we start collecting them from others, they will break us. Going to listen to what that asshole did will not help you heal. All it will do is bring . . . sorrow into your life.”

“But I want to be there for those women and the families who lost their loved ones.”

He reached up, touched Jada’s cheek, and said, “You agreed to let me follow you around. You have helped the families and the women. If you hadn’t, Peckham might have continued on for years without being apprehended. So you have done your part. I have done my part. We both need to leave the rest to the legal system.”

Her eyes searched his as though she was looking for the truth. Thankfully he had spoken it. Unexpectedly, Jada leaned over and kissed him briefly before saying, “I’m sorry, David. I never knew how hard this was for you too. You’re right, neither of us should go.” She kissed him again, more gently than the first.

Although he liked the direction this was going physically, David didn’t want Jada or anyone else to view him as insensitive. And this is why I don’t talk or share my feelings. He couldn’t set her straight, because he’d finally achieved his goal. Jada seemed at peace, and he wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize that. Even if she thinks she’s doing it for me.

With that conversation out of the way, there was another one he wanted to explore. And it doesn’t involve much talking.

Jada leaned in closer to him as though she had the same idea as David. “Was there something else you wanted to discuss?” Jada asked seductively.

David wasn’t going to rush this. He wasn’t sure what the future held for them, but right now he’d show her what she meant to him. Moving slowly, David placed his lips on hers so delicately that Jada moaned into his mouth. Just wait, sweetheart. I’m going to have you panting.

David traced her lips with his tongue, knowing damn well it was sweet torture on them both. “Open for me, Jada. I want to taste that delicious mouth.”

She did as he asked, and as soon as his tongue entered her mouth, he knew he was a consumed man. David reached out and pulled her closer to him. He could feel her body warming through her thin dress. One I need to get off you. As his hands glided over her, Jada gripped his T-shirt and tugged as though she was trying to rip it off him.

David didn’t mind her being aggressive. In fact, he loved it. He stopped kissing her long enough to pull his shirt over his head and toss it on the floor. Instantly her delicate hands were roaming over his bare chest and igniting him. Going slow was quickly vanishing.

David needed to feel her as well, but there was no slipping his hands into that dress. It fit like a glove. He tried finding a way to slip it off, but it had no give. He whispered, “Sweetheart, I want to touch you but—”

Jada placed a finger across his lips then got off his lap. He watched as Jada reached to her right side, and he heard the familiar sound of a zipper. When she turned back toward him, she wiggled, then her dress dropped to the floor.

Perfection. Jada’s skin looked like satin, drawing him to her. He couldn’t stop looking at her. She was naked except for a white thong. “You’re beautiful.” He couldn’t pull his eyes away. “I know you hear that all the time.”

Softly, Jada answered, “Not the way you say it.”

Was it David’s imagination or was Jada blushing?

Jada reached up and pulled the clips from her hair, letting her auburn locks fall loosely around her shoulders. One batch of curls had fallen across her chest, and a taut nipple poked between the strands. David reached out and brushed it away, replacing it with his hand. As he cupped her breast, Jada closed her eyes and arched toward him.

Jada, do you know what you’re doing to me? It’s been so long. And I’ve never wanted anyone like I want you.

He wanted to take her into his mouth, but Jada’s hands had started exploring on their own. Her hands were cool against his hot flesh. Her touch was gentle as it moved from his shoulders across his chest. But when he moaned, her gentle touch turned tiger as her fingernails raked down his abs, only stopping when they encountered the waistband of his jeans.

“I think you’re overdressed.” Her voice was ragged as she licked her lips. David didn’t need to be told twice. He stood and stripped off his remaining clothes. Jada looked at him with the same hunger as he’d looked at her.

She reached out to touch him again, this time wrapping her slender fingers around his hard cock. “Sweetheart, what are you trying to do to me?”

Her eyes had darkened with need, and she licked her lips again, this time slow and seductively. “If you don’t know, I’m not doing it right.”

“You know what you’re doing, but if you don’t stop, I won’t be able to hold back.”

Jada continued to stroke him. “Good.”

“Damn, Jada. You’re driving me crazy.” He brushed her hand away and picked her up into his arms, crushing her bare breasts against his naked chest. “I want to touch you. Taste you. Make you scream my name.”

David carried her to the bed and, before laying her down, met her eyes one more time. “Are you sure about this, Jada?” She raised her hand, touched his cheek, and nodded. Laying her gently on her back, he propped himself on his elbows as not to crush her with his weight.

“God, Jada, I could look at you for hours and never grow tired of it.”

“Just look?” Jada teased.

“Absolutely not,” David said before claiming her lips. Slowly at first, he traced her lips with his tongue, teasing and encouraging her to open for him. She played coy, but he felt her tremble beneath him. As he deepened his kisses, Jada nibbled his bottom lip then slipped the tip of her tongue past his lips. Yeah, show me what you like.

He rested his weight on one side so he could explore her with a free hand. His hand ran up her thigh, over her hips, and lingered on the string of her thong. He twisted it between his fingers and tugged until it snapped. Then he went to the other hip and did the same. She moaned into his mouth and arched her back as his hand slipped between her legs. He loved knowing he could drive her crazy with such a simple touch and kiss. But he wasn’t going to stop until she begged him for release. And then begged him for another. I want to make you forget everything but my name, Jada.

His mouth left hers and trailed kisses down her neck to her collarbone. Grinding his hips and hard cock against her, showing her what effect she was having on him, he continued his descent. David finally stopped at her breast and replaced his hand with his mouth. Taking her nipple gently into his mouth, he sucked and nibbled it.

She clung to his shoulders, pulling him closer to her as she pleaded for more. “David. I need . . . more.”

He ignored her pleas and only when he thought she couldn’t take any more, he moved his attention to her other breast, repeating the process. Her breast fit perfectly in his hand, and her nipples stood erect as he flicked them with his tongue and nipped them gently with his teeth.

He trailed his kisses lower, first her ribcage then her flat stomach. There was no way in hell he’d be a selfish lover with her. Get ready, sweet thing, I am going to rock your world. “Open, sweetheart. I want to taste you.” David ran his finger through her wet folds. Stopping at her pink pearl, he applied a small amount of pressure as he gently drew tiny circles. When he could feel her on the brink of climaxing, he stopped the pressure then repeated the process until Jada was writhing and moaning beneath his touch.

Jada shivered as he licked her inside thigh. “David, please.”

“Here?” He rubbed his finger over her hot center.

Breathlessly she answered, “Yes.”

He made love to her with his mouth. His tongue darted in her then back up to flick her swollen pink clit.

“David,” she cried out and clawed at his shoulders as he continued his assault on her sensitive swollen nub. His tongue teased her, licking and circling it again and again until her hips were rocking toward him to take more of her into his mouth. Oh yeah. Open up to me like that.

Her moans increased and grew louder as he increased the rhythm.

“David, I can’t—”

Her body trembled. Moving, he slid a finger inside her as he sucked her clit. Her cries of pleasure echoed through the still night. “Oh God. David. It’s too much. I’ve never felt like this before.”

That’s what he wanted. To take her where she’d never been before. To make you mine.

Jada was so close, and he knew it wouldn’t take much more to send her over the edge. He inserted a second finger and stroked her intensely on the inside as well as the outside. Her body tensed, and he felt her clench around his fingers as her body shook with her release. The waves continued, and she moaned calling out his name again and again.

David left her only long enough to grab a condom from his jeans and sheath himself. When he returned, he lay on top of her, his cock resting between her legs.

She was ready for him, and he needed to be inside her. He held his cock at her entrance and stroked her folds gently. Only when she opened her eyes and looked at him would he enter her. David wanted to see the look in her eyes as their bodies joined for the first time. Never before had he wanted to look into a woman’s eyes during sex, but this wasn’t just sex. This was something much more, and everything about it was different. I want you to always remember this. God knows I’m never going to forget it.

“Sweetheart, I can’t hold back any longer,” David said, his voice almost a growl.

Jada opened wider, offering him all she had. She moaned and rocked against him, enticing him for more. As he entered, he fought the urge not to plunge deep into her. He ached to feel her wrapped around him, but he wanted her to enjoy this as much as he was.

Once his cock was inside, and Jada adjusted to him, he began moving slowly before he withdrew and then thrust deeper into her. “God, Jada, you feel . . . amazing.”

She moaned, and her hands pulled at him, begging for more. David wanted to give her all of him. He reached a hand between them, his thumb finding her clit as he thrust into her again. Her body hadn’t recovered from the first wave before he was bringing her yet another. Each time he entered her more deeply than the time before while paying such sweet attention to her clit. Jada moaned even louder and tossed wildly beneath him. He brought her to the edge again and again.

“Yes, sweetheart. Give me all you have.”

David increased his momentum, barely able to contain his own climax, and when he thought she couldn’t take anymore, he felt her body tighten around him.

Jada’s cries were muffled by his own as the room echoed the sounds of their pleasure.

“Oh, Jada.” His body went rigid as he felt himself explode deep within her. Oh, God. When the wave of the climax ended, he collapsed on her, her arms wrapped around him.

Lying on the bed, both panting, David rolled over, taking Jada with him. He was drained, and he couldn’t open his eyes as their sweat-covered bodies entwined, and their breathing struggled to slow. It took a few moments, but eventually, they found themselves able to lie quietly, holding each other, neither of them wanting to let go.

Jada’s fingers slowly made their way up his chest, and her hand rested on his cheek. “Now that was one hell of a conversation.”

Her statement reminded David that they actually never talked about how they felt about each other. Maybe we don’t have to. Maybe this is enough for now.

David rolled her over, so he lay on top of her once again. Looking into her beautiful eyes, he knew this was where he wanted to be. It’s where he wished he could stay. But they both knew that was impossible. We’ll deal with that tomorrow.

He gave Jada a dashing smile and said, “I’m sure there are certain things I should reiterate in that conversation.” He gave her neck a little nip and said, “I’ll start here.”

A combination of a moan and a giggle escaped Jada as her arms came around his neck, bringing him closer to her once again. And this is gonna be a long conversation. Or three.




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