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Forever Wicked (Castle of Dark Dreams) by Nina Bangs (19)


Mistral didn’t give Ganymede a chance to speak first. “If I stay, you have to free Amaya.”

Ganymede winced. Not the best way to handle the Big Boss. Demands didn’t work with Bourne. Ganymede waited for the lightning strike.

Expressionless, Bourne stared at Mistral. The silence dragged on long enough for Mistral to look a little tense. Ganymede relaxed. If the Big Boss intended to rain down death and destruction, he would have already done it. No long pauses to consider things.

“Here’s what I’ll do. You can have a supervised visit with Amaya once a day.” Bourne shrugged. “It’s my best offer.”

Ganymede was impressed. Bourne wasn’t into negotiating. “I’d take it, Mistral.” He could feel the other troublemaker’s frustration.

“Fine. Once a day.” He looked at Ganymede. “I’ll be outside the dungeon at six tonight.”

“Sure.” Ganymede wasn’t looking forward to sitting around listening to Mistral and Amaya curse the Big Boss and bemoan their fates, but he’d do it this once.

“Now that that’s settled, let’s get down to my plan. I want to make sure everything is clear.”

“We don’t get any say in this?” Ganymede had to ask. Bourne would expect it.

Bourne shrugged. “I’m open to suggestions.”

Mistral snorted.

Bourne didn’t even look at him. “You already have the big picture. Zendig always had a huge ego. It’s his weakness. Say things to puncture his pride or threaten his rule on Effix, and his anger might cancel his common sense. If he gets mad enough and believes the only way to kill me is by coming here in person, he’ll abandon the caution of millennia.

Mistral yawned. “Yeah, yeah, you’ve already told us that. What if he doesn’t take the bait?”

“I’ll improvise.”

“Because that always works so well.” Mistral was in full sarcasm mode. “So assuming he falls for it, what then?”

“Then I’ll destroy him. I’ll have the details worked out by the time he gets here.”

Bourne’s cold eyes gave away nothing. Still… Ganymede sensed something behind that flat stare, something that spoke of all kinds of emotions. Well, he had some emotions, too. Right now, he was building up some resentment against their fearless leader. Not only had Bourne hijacked his idea, but he sounded as though he planned to kill Zendig himself. Were the rest of them just supposed to stand around and be freaking cheerleaders? He took a deep breath. Calm down.

“Have you chosen Team Bourne yet?” Ganymede figured he’d be on it. Bourne had never gotten the memo about him not being a team player.

“Of course. Zendig’s people already know you’re the enemy, Ganymede. They’ll assume Sparkle is against them because of her association with you. I’m adding Eric and Brynn to your team. They’re not troublemakers, so Zendig’s spies won’t have much information about them.”

Ganymede noticed Mistral’s relieved expression. Just wait, shifter, your turn will come. It came sooner than expected.

Mistral’s only warning was Bourne’s speculative glance. “I still need someone to pretend to be me inside that cage.”

Well, that didn’t take long. Ganymede figured this was the real reason for Bourne’s visit.

Mistral didn’t even blink. “Wouldn’t work. I can become anything, but not a specific anything. I can be a rock, but not a particular rock.” He met Bourne’s gaze and held it.

Bourne nodded. “Guess I’m stuck being me. Not my first choice. Anyway, I’ll email photos of Zendig’s three spies who are presently enjoying the Castle’s hospitality in suite 214. We’ll have cameras on them at all times. I’ll tell you where to congregate so they can overhear you.”

“No prepared script?” Ganymede didn’t care if Bourne liked his snark or not.

“Make it up as you go along. You’re good at that. Just be sure it’s something that’ll infuriate Zendig.” Bourne stood then stretched. “Pass the information on to Sparkle. I didn’t have a chance to speak with her.”

For the first time, Ganymede noticed how tired Bourne looked. He was so used to thinking of the Big Boss as indestructible that it was tough to realize exhaustion could drag him down just like the rest of them. “Maybe you should go get some sleep.”

Bourne straightened. “I’m fine.”

“You’re not a god. You still need to eat and sleep. A few hours of down time won’t make or break your plan.”

Bourne turned for the door. “I said I’m fine.” He left, closing the door behind him.

“Stubborn idiot.” Ganymede turned to Mistral. “Did you lie to him?”

“Absolutely.” Mistral met his gaze. “You think I’m crazy? Why would I sit in a cage waiting for the daddy of us all to end me?”

“You know, it’s not always about you. I could understand Amaya not wanting to help. She’s not a troublemaker. But you’re one of us. Zendig took away your choices. You can’t tell me you don’t want payback. Stand with us.” If Zendig showed up with a large enough force, they’d need every troublemaker to fight him.

Mistral laughed. “Please don’t play the loyalty card. I take care of me. And fighting Zendig doesn’t sound like a winning strategy for continued health and happiness.”

Loyalty? Togetherness? Was that what Ganymede was preaching? He was in free fall off the troublemaker bandwagon. No time to worry about that now, though. Ganymede rose to wander over to the two plants resting near the canopied bed. He smiled.

“What?” Mistral got up and came to stand beside him.

“Nothing.” At least nothing that Sparkle would want him sharing with Mistral. Jessica and Sweetie Pie were from the Castle’s greenhouse of mutant wonders. They fed on sexual energy. He leaned closer. “Looking a little droopy there, ladies.” Sparkle must have a lot of faith in her plans for Mistral and Amaya to stick them here.

Mistral eyed the two plants. “Those aren’t from your greenhouse, are they?”

Ganymede turned to leave. “Who knows? You’ll have to ask Sparkle. But just in case, I’d keep fingers and toes clear of them.”

He left Mistral warily circling the two plants. Serves you right, you selfish bastard. Someone who wouldn’t stand with his fellow troublemakers deserved to worry about losing body parts. Closing the door behind him, Ganymede went in search of Sparkle.

He used the winding stone steps down to the great hall instead of the elevator that would drop him off in the hotel lobby. It gave him a few minutes to think about what he could say to drive Zendig crazy.

When he reached the great hall, he paused to glance around. Guests and visitors wandered the room. His gaze lingered on the massive table resting on the dais in front of the fireplace. His thoughts returned to Sparkle. Naked. On that table. Yes, they’d definitely have to finish what they’d started all those centuries ago on a different table. But how to make it happen?

Ganymede’s attention shifted to a hooded figure wearing gloves headed toward the stairs leading down to the vampire level that also housed the dungeon. Ah, fortune smiled on him for a change. No one but a vampire would be wearing so many layers during a summer day in Galveston. He picked up his pace until he strode beside Eric.

“Not headed home?” He followed the vampire down the narrow stairs that ended in darkness. Great atmosphere. Sparkle kept it cool and damp down here. Ganymede could almost taste the foreboding. By the time fantasy customers reached the dungeon, they were ready to believe every tale of horror Sparkle fed them about the place.

“I figured we’d have to meet later to make plans. No use for me to drive home in the sun when I’ll just have to turn around and head back again. Bourne said I could crash in one of the vampire rooms down here until sunset.”

“Makes sense. I’m headed to the dungeon to fill Sparkle in on Bourne’s idea.” Not that Ganymede was certain Zendig would believe the cage story. But then Bourne knew him better than Ganymede did. “Hey, I have a favor to ask.”

“Sure.” Eric unlocked the door across from the dungeon. “Come in. Make it fast because I’m having trouble staying awake right now.”

Ganymede stepped into the room behind Eric. He paused while the vampire turned on the lights. A courtesy to Ganymede because Eric sure didn’t need them. No windows, but the place looked just like the other guest rooms—stone walls, canopied bed, and furniture in keeping with the ancient feel of the Castle. He sat on the nearest chair. “This won’t take long.”

After listening to Ganymede outline his idea for a fantasy involving a table and lots of hot lovemaking, Eric shook his head. “You don’t need me for that one. It’s pretty straightforward. Big table, naked, sex. I have an idea, though. Sparkle told me a while ago about a fantasy she’d always wanted to live. Want to give it a try?”

Ganymede had never experienced one of Eric’s fantasies, but he knew others who had. And the raves never stopped. Eric was the best. You simply laid down, closed your eyes, and then you were someone else in a different life. A life so real you absolutely believed everything that happened was true.

“Let’s hear it.” He leaned forward as Eric explained how they would make Sparkle’s fantasy come true.

Sparkle was tired of Amaya’s whining. She almost wished the kitsune had stayed a fox. If she still wasn’t determined to hook Amaya up with Mistral, Sparkle would be out of here right now. “Look, I’m doing the best I can.” And it was damn good. Amaya the Ungrateful had a soft bed, a night table and lamp, a comfy chair along with a TV, an e-reader loaded with books, and a small fridge packed with drinks and food. Snacks were piled on top of the fridge. “Be thankful you have your own bathroom.”

The last residents of the dungeon had taught Sparkle the value of a bathroom. It was a pain having to run next door to bang on a vampire’s door when you had to go. She had called in a contractor to install one shortly after that event. The door was camouflaged to look like part of the stone wall.

“You can’t cage a fox.” Amaya returned to her favorite complaint. “We’re meant to run free. Besides, I didn’t ask to come here. This is cruel and unusual punishment. Who will I talk to?”

I’ll show you cruel and unusual punishment. Sparkle eyed the iron maiden. She sighed. No, if she wanted to return to her troublemaker roots, she’d have to be sneaky and manipulative. “I bet Mistral will visit you.”

Amaya perked up. “You think so?”

“Of course.” Now Sparkle had to deliver on her promise.

Mede saved her from having to think about it right then by throwing open the door and striding into the dungeon. He seemed to fill the room and shoved everything else from her mind. He wore a look of sly triumph that reminded her of the good old days, the ones when they’d sat beside the fire at night planning how to terrorize humanity.

He glanced at Amaya. “Hey, glad to see you’ve shed the fox for a while.”

Amaya glared at him. “Barbarian. You carried me to this dismal place of punishment like a sack of grain.”

Mede glanced around. “Dismal place of punishment? Looks pretty nice to me. And I carry my sacks of grain flung over my shoulder. Maybe next time I’ll try that position. See how you like the view hanging down my back.”

Sparkle thought a view of his spectacular butt wouldn’t be a bad way to travel.

He walked over to the fridge, opened the door, and rooted around inside. He grabbed a soda, then closed the door. “Will you be ready to leave soon?” Mede aimed the question at Sparkle.

“Yes. I’m done here.” She couldn’t help a stab of disappointment. They used to hook sweet names to the end of comments to each other. Mede hadn’t given her a honey bucket or sweet candy lady since he’d stormed from the Castle. Just one measly sweetheart.

Mede nodded before turning his attention back to Amaya. “Maybe my news will snap you out of your bad temper. Mistral asked the Big Boss to free you.”

“Really?” Amaya smiled.

Sparkle’s fingers itched for her makeup and hair products. With a few beauty enhancements, Amaya would make a brilliant helpless-maiden-languishing-in-prison. Then she thought of the snapping fox. Okay, so maybe they’d have to work on the helpless look.

“Believe it. Bourne wouldn’t let you go, but he said Mistral could visit you once a day. He’ll be here at six. Oh, and he was planning to leave the Castle, but he decided to stay.” He pointed at Amaya. “For you. So don’t claim no one cares.”

Amaya glowed.

Mede turned to Sparkle. He grinned. “You’re welcome.”

Sparkle whispered, “Time to leave while she’s thinking about Mistral.” She hurried to the door. Mede took a few swigs of soda before setting the can down. Then he reached around to swing the door open for her. It made the ominous creaking and groaning sounds visitors would expect from a dungeon door. The planners of the Castle had thought of everything.

Once outside in the dark hallway, Sparkle flung herself at Mede. “Thank you, thank you. Now she’ll be primed for Mistral’s visit. My plan can go forward.” Sparkle wrapped her arms around him and hugged.

Mede reacted to her spontaneity by crowding her against the wall then tipping her head up to meet his gaze. “Touching has consequences, sexy lady.” He pushed her hair aside to kiss the sensitive skin behind her ear.

Sexy lady. Finally. He had called her by one of his pet names. The warm pressure of his lips wrung a gasp from her. She tightened her grip on him, trying to drag him closer when closer wasn’t possible unless she stripped him naked right here. Sparkle considered the possibility.

He massaged the back of her neck as she nibbled a path along the side of his throat until she reached the spot where his pulse beat strong beneath her lips. She flicked her tongue across it and felt him shudder.

“The darkness weakens my control. This is a place for vampires. They have very little control.” He abandoned her neck to slide his hands beneath her top and splay his palms across her bare back.

“Then we can be vampires for the time we’re here.” She followed up her statement by nipping the side of his neck even as she forced her hands between their bodies to push his T-shirt up so she could touch the hard ridges of his stomach.

He sucked in his breath and dropped his hands from her. “This isn’t a good place.”

“Of course it is.” Don’t stop touching me.

“Anyone could come down those stairs.”

Now she was getting mad. “Since when did we care about anyone? Hello, remember the freaking table?”

He froze in place.

There it was. The giant striped elephant with pink toenails in the room. They had started to care about everyone. Her anger built. Damn it, they couldn’t lose who they were. “Let’s go wild, be totally selfish and just worry about us for this moment.”

She knew the instant he relaxed, heard his soft chuckle as he wrapped his arms around her and lowered his lips to hers.

“You’re right. Let’s do wicked things in the dark.”

Sparkle felt his lips forming the words against her mouth. Relieved, she returned the pressure, reveling in the familiar feel, the familiar taste of him. This was all she really wanted, had ever wanted.

He traced her lower lip with his tongue while she wriggled her hands higher until they reached his chest. With an impatient sound he put enough space between them so he could shove the top of her dress and bra down, baring her breasts to his hands and mouth.

Sparkle shivered as the cool air touched her heated body. She abandoned his chest so she could stroke his face and then guide his mouth to hers again. Mede met her hunger with his own. She closed her eyes, allowing her other senses to wash over her—the warmth of his mouth, the exquisite sensation of his thumb rubbing across her nipple until pain and pleasure mixed, the scent of aroused male.

This was not going to be a slow, delicious seduction. Sparkle could already feel herself slipping away, spiraling into the funnel cloud that would end with a screaming finish. It was the very real possibility of discovery, the danger that someone would come down those stairs before the “moment” that heightened the excitement, making her heart pound and her breathing quicken.

Sparkle fought the pull. Something she had to do first. Reaching down, she fumbled with his zipper. Damn. She was the sexual chaos bringer. You’d think she would at least be able to manage a smooth zipper pull. At last he sprang free. She clasped him, felt him swell in her hand.

His whisper filled the darkness. “Vampires have amazing control compared to me. You shame me, woman.” He didn’t sound ashamed.

“Control is overrated.” Sparkle didn’t care if Holgarth along with an army of giggling demons marched down that stairs. She raked her nails lightly along the length of his cock and then rubbed her thumb back and forth, back and forth across the head.

He gasped as he abandoned her breasts to reach beneath her dress and pull down her panties. She stepped out of them.

“Sorry.” He paused for breath. “Going to pretend I did all the other stuff—teased your nipples, nipped them before drawing them into—”

“Nipples. Got it.” She moaned as he gripped her bottom and squeezed. “Checked them off my list.”

“Right. Now check off where I kissed a path over your stomach and then spread your legs so I could use the tip of my tongue to tease—”

“Don’t know if I want to cross that off just yet. It sounds sort of yummy and—”

He gave her no more time to consider its yumminess before bracing her against the wall and then lifting her onto his cock. She only had a moment to note the cold stone at her back, the press of his bare chest against her breasts, and the breathless moment of anticipation as he nudged her open. Then he drove into her.

Sparkle grabbed his shoulders, using them to anchor herself as she bore down on his cock. Yes! Deeper, deeper. If she could corkscrew herself onto him she would. She bit her lip so she wouldn’t scream as he withdrew only to push into her again and again and again.

She sobbed as she sank her nails into his shoulders. “Now.

Mede rose to the occasion with one last mighty surge. She whimpered, mouthing useless promises to whatever gods were listening if they would only let this feeling go on forever. Then all thought ceased and only one sense mattered. The one that carried her into that funnel cloud and flung her up and up and up. When she reached the top and saw the universe, she shouted for him to join her.

And he did.

A lifetime later, his voice brought her floating back to Earth. No more funnel cloud, no more stargazing. Only the sound of someone coming down the stairs.

With a muttered curse, Sparkle dressed faster than she thought humanly possible. Her bra wasn’t completely hooked, she didn’t have time to pull on her panties, and where were her damn shoes anyway?

A figure stood silhouetted in the faint light at the bottom of the stairs. It peered into the darkness and then spoke in Ky’s voice.

“Sparkle? Ganymede? Are you there?”

“Mmmph.” Mede yanked his shirt over his head just as Ky hurried toward them.

“I was afraid I’d never find you.” Ky’s voice trembled.

Sparkle tried to pull her mind back to the present. A trembling voice was not a good thing. “What’s the matter?”

Ky drew in a deep breath then blurted, “Father’s found me.”