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Heartbreak For Hire by Tabatha Vargo, Melissa Andrea (30)






CHUBBY WOMEN SUCKED DICK like they were starving. At least that was what my friend Daniel told me. He was a complete asshole, but he was hilarious about it.

All jokes aside, though. He’d once dated a heavy girl, and I’d never seen him so content. He said the sex was incredible because plump girls were more willing to satisfy. He said their low self-esteem made them grateful for anything they could get.

Basically, from what he was saying, overweight women were low-maintenance fucks.

Always giving.

Never worried about receiving, which sounded like the ideal situation for a guy like me.

It was fucked up to even consider a woman that way, but I craved the simplicity of that kind of arrangement.

My usual hunting game exhausted me. Lately, the women I’ve found were hard to please and egotistical as fuck. Since I myself tended to be a bit on the self-centered side, it never played out well. Two selfish people trying to enjoy a night of sex was a bad state—one where neither walked away completely satisfied.

I couldn’t remember the last time I left a woman’s bed impressed. A night of being treated like a chunky girl’s tasty treat was exactly what I needed, and something about Lilly Sheffield told me once I went fat, I’d never go back.

She had good blowjob lips—thick and cushioned, begging to be probed—and while I wasn’t really into chunky girls, even I had to admit her ass was sweet and round. She looked capable of handling a hard fuck, and I was ready and willing to test that theory out.

She wasn’t technically available, and what I was doing was fucked up, but Devin Michaels deserved it. I never thought I would see the day when he gave a damn about a woman, but once I saw the lovestruck look in his eyes, I knew it was time to pounce. And so, years after high school, I was finally getting my revenge.

It didn’t matter how much time had passed; the hurt of walking into my girlfriend’s bedroom and seeing her being fucked into oblivion still burned in my chest. I was stupid in love, and I let the devastation of seeing Devin fuck my girl ruin everything I had worked for.

One of my biggest regrets was that I didn’t go in and beat the life from him, but it was as if the moment had sucked all my fight and energy away from me. The dizzying, blinding pain I felt from the heartbreak was crippling, so instead of fighting, I left them alone without even interrupting them.

I shut her bedroom door as her screams of ecstasy echoed through my mind and took the stairs one at a time to the first floor. Even after I was in my car and on the way back to my house, I could still hear the sounds of them fucking—his body slamming into hers—and the filthy words he was saying to her were etched so deeply in my memory it made my brain ache.

Devin and I weren’t friends then. Hell, we didn’t even go to the same school, but he had unknowingly destroyed my life, and it was time I got payback. Just thinking of the football career I threw away and the deep depression I fell into was enough to take away the guilt of fucking him over.

I hadn’t meant to become his friend over the years. I only got close to him so I could seek out my revenge. Still, friends or not, I needed to do this for my sanity—to even the playing field—and to remind myself never to fall for a woman ever again.

“You smell good,” I whispered in Lilly’s ear.

It wasn’t a lie.

She did smell amazing—sugary and delicious—ripe and ready for the picking.

“Thank you,” she replied.

“Vanilla and cherries, that’s what you smell like.” I moved closer, running my lips across the shell of her ear.

I smiled when I felt her shiver in my arms, and my smile grew exponentially when I noticed Devin standing across the room watching us.

I’d seen the way he looked at her. I knew what a man in love looked like. Just the thought of my ex had made me look that way before she fucked me over.

Hurt flashed through his expression, and even though I knew it was wrong, satisfaction struck me deep. So deep I almost purred with pleasure.

How does it feel, motherfucker?

I pulled Lilly closer, her soft and full body moving with mine as we danced in a room full of overprivileged pricks and pampered princesses. People with money never bothered me because they were my peers. My family had more money than God, and I was just another rich boy gone bad with my family’s money to keep me afloat and my family name to keep me out of jail.

It wasn’t long until I felt Devin at my back. Tension flowed from him in waves, making my spine stiffen and my smile grow so wide my face began to hurt.

The song we were dancing to was coming to an end, and when the last ripples of the melody floated through the space around us, I turned and beamed at Devin’s angry expression.

His eyes were bloodshot with fury. His hands gripped tightly in fists at his sides as if he was aching for a fight. His cheeks flushed red with the hate of heartbreak and devastation. A feeling I remembered like yesterday.


Let him feel exactly what I once felt.

He pulled me by my collar, and I continued to smile. He was doing exactly what I had hoped he would, which was make a scene. I wiped at my cheek and chuckled when he practically hissed in my face.

“What the hell, Matt?” His eyes darkened as the fury inside him festered and boiled.

The shit was about to hit the fan. He was playing right into my game, and I was loving every second.

I pulled away and plastered an even bigger grin on my face.

“Dev! What’s up, bro?” I asked cheerfully, playing the friend card right to the end.

His eyes moved from mine to Lilly’s. Again, devastation swam across his expression.

“Can I talk to you for a minute?” he asked, tugging on my arm, his vise grip digging into my muscle.

I pulled my arm from his grasp and turned back toward Lilly. Discomfort stiffened her expression, but I didn’t care. I was a selfish prick, and this entire situation was for me.

Lifting her hand, I pressed a soft kiss to her fingers and grinned at her. “I’ll be right back, sweetheart.” I threw in for extra measure.

A pretty blush covered her cheeks, and the heat of Devin’s stare baked the side of my face.

I chuckled carelessly while he dragged me across the room away from where Lilly could hear us.

“You’d better start talking,” he growled.

He knew that I knew they were together. I first saw them together at a gas station and ended up talking them into going to a party with me. He didn’t know it then, but I fed her strong drinks all night, and when she needed a ride home, I was more than happy to give her one.

It was that night when I saw his love for her, and at that moment, my plan for revenge had been hatched.

I pulled my arm from his grasp. If he kept grabbing me, he would have hell to pay. I would only take so much before I snapped on him because I had years of rage on my side. Meanwhile, he only had a few minutes.

“What the hell’s your problem, Devin?” I asked.

I knew exactly what his problem was, but I was having too much fun watching him sweat.

“Why are you here with Lilly? Better yet, why are you even here at all?” he asked.

“I was invited,” I answered honestly. “I’m her date.”

His face turned so red it looked purple, and I knew I’d struck a nerve.


“The hell you are!” he roared. “You stay away from her. I’m serious, Matt. You stay the hell away from her.”

His yelling drew the attention of the entire room our way. I leaned in close, ready to rip his heart out the way he ripped mine out years ago. I had all but rehearsed the words I would say to strike the final blow, and the excitement at finally being able to say them was making me giddy.

“Look, man, you blew it. Get over it. Just stand back and watch the master work.”

His jaw clenched, and I knew I had him. I wanted him to hit me. I wanted him to make a scene and show his ass. I knew women, and I knew that by exploding in front of everyone she knew, he would push Lilly right into my arms.

I didn’t want to keep her, but I wouldn’t rest until I’d fucked her senseless.

His nostrils flared with his heated breath as he tried to control his rage.

“You need to go,” he said calmly. “You need to leave now.”

It was hilarious watching him try to control his wrath. Everyone who knew Devin knew he had a mean streak a mile wide, but I wasn’t scared of him. I had never been. If anything, I was trying to use his anger against him. I wanted him to snap. I wanted the people around us to see how unhinged he was.

“Oh, come on, Devin,” I said with a smirk. “Don’t act like you weren’t trying to get in her pants. I know you, dude. We’re shaped by the same mold. Of all people, don’t even try to play me. I know the way the game is played.” I chuckled.

I was blowing smoke. Honestly, nothing I said was making any sense, but I was pressing any and all his buttons. Still, he wasn’t cracking, which meant I had to pull out the big guns if I wanted him to blow.

“You know … fat girls have low self-esteem,” I whispered so only he could hear me. “Lilly’s a pretty girl, so if I play my cards right, I could be in that tonight.”

I laughed.

And then it happened.

A deep fissure worked its way down him, and he cracked. I could practically see the fracture in his eyes—the pieces breaking away—and the anger flowed out freely.

He was fast, and I didn’t see it coming, but I felt like my head exploded when he punched me. I hadn’t expected him to hit me so hard, and I was sure I blacked out for a minute because when I opened my eyes, I was on the ground and Devin was screaming at me.

He was held back as he barked at me like a rabid dog, spittle flying from his tight lips. My eyes moved around the room, and I watched as expressions filled with disgust at his terrible behavior. I was winning, and he didn’t even know it.

Reaching up, I ran the back of my hand across my nose and wiped at the blood leaking from my nostril. “You broke my damn nose!” I sputtered out for good measure.

“I’ll break more than your nose when I get close to you again, you son of a bitch!” he growled.

I smiled inside, fucking loving what a scene he was making at Lilly’s birthday party. It wouldn’t be long until he was gone, and she was nursing me back to health. I’d be fucking her tonight, no doubt about that. And every time I entered her sweet, plump body, I would think about him and how badly it would hurt him when he found out.

And he would.

If I had to hire a plane to write it in the sky, he would know I fucked the woman he cared about.

Someone attempted to help me up, but the room was still spinning, and I fell back, taking whoever it was down with me. I lay there, blinking away the haze with my face throbbing like a son of a bitch.

With everything going on, I hadn’t even realized I was lying in someone’s arms. Wiping at my bloody nose again, I blinked to gain full consciousness. When I looked up, I was face to face with the best set of tits I had ever seen, which was saying a lot since Lilly had one hell of a rack on her.

I swallowed hard and closed my eyes for a moment. Her body cradled me, her warmth seeping into me, somehow soothing the ache in my face. It was shocking how wonderful it felt to be close to this stranger. It had been years since I had let a woman embrace me this way, and I could only assume it was because I had almost been knocked unconscious.

When I opened my eyes again, my face was curtained by soft scarlet waves as her hair fell all around me.

Red—the color of lust and seduction. The color of sex.

I could practically smell the sweat of two hot bodies just looking through the sinful shade. It was all I saw when I looked at her. Sex surrounded me as she held me in her arms, and for a moment, I forgot that Devin had possibly broken my nose.

I forgot I was lying on Mrs. Sheffield’s floor with people who knew me, and my family as well, staring with sorrow in their eyes. All I saw were those damn misty green eyes—Irish shorelines—next to a sea of unmanageable red hair.

I closed my eyes once more and breathed her in. The soft smell of lavender swirled around me as she leaned closer. Her warm body pressed against me, and my pants tightened. It had been years since I reacted so quickly to a woman over so little. Not since high school when I was too worried about college scouts to notice the cheerleaders with the short skirts.

“Are you okay?” Her voice was deep and husky. Not what I expected from a girl with fair skin and freckles.

She peered down at me with hazel orbs. Her brows pressed down in worry and her lips pursed tight in distress. It was then I felt how tense her body was. While I was feeling like I was melting into her lavender warmth, she was anxious and uncomfortable being so close to me.

I cleared my throat. Even though I knew it would make her even more uncomfortable, I turned my head and brazenly stared at the cleavage peeking over the top of her spaghetti-strapped dress.

“Never been better.” I grinned, leaning in to nuzzle her.

I was definitely out of it.

Devin had packed one hell of a punch.

Her breath stopped, and for seconds, all I could hear was the frantic beating of her heart. It took her a minute to react, but one minute, I was lying in her arms, surrounded by the soft swells of her lush body, and the next, she was using her thighs to shake me off her like a bucking bronco.

“You’re an asshole,” she said, pushing away from me to stand.

Her legs opened as she stood, and I got a peek of purple and black lace panties before she adjusted her dress.

“You look like hot sex.” It was not what I wanted to say, but it was close enough.

I blinked away the blur of being punched in the nose and shook my head a bit to clear it.

“I look like what?” she asked, a horrorstruck expression transforming her face.

Before I could repeat myself, she held her hand up to stop me.

“Don’t answer that. You’re disgusting.” She scowled down at me. “I can’t believe I was actually worried about you.”

She ran a finger under the thin strap of her dress, pulling it back onto her shoulder.

She was taller than most girls I fucked, and her body was billowing with curves. Lilly was attractive, but I was looking forward to fucking her more for the devastation it would cause Devin. But this girl—the redheaded viper—I wanted her bite and venom like I wanted my next breath.

I ached to climb inside her and feel the wrath plastered all over her face.

I had never had a woman call me disgusting before. I had never been looked at with such contempt by the opposite sex, and for some sick unknown reason, it was doing it for me. I was turned on beyond belief, even with my face throbbing.

“You should be worried about me, considering what you’ve done to me.” The room swam around me when I finally made it to my feet.

“I didn’t do anything to you,” she said, appalled.

“Well, I certainly didn’t do this to myself,” I said, motioning to the crotch of my pants and the tent sticking out.

I was hard as a fucking brick wall, and the pressure of my jeans pressing against my rock-hard dick was almost as painful as my face.

Her eyes grew large, and her skin paled. My balls reacted, my cock jerking at the attention when her eyes dipped and moved over my body. The shocked expression on her face made me chuckle.

“What’s wrong, Little Red? Never seen a big, bad wolf before?”

Little Red.

That was what I would call her.

She made me feel predatory. Like a wolf waiting to taste her flesh. It was the perfect name for her.

This wasn’t the first time I saw her. I had seen her before, and I knew she was Lilly’s friend, but apparently, I had been so caught up in my revenge scheme that I hadn’t noticed how fucking sexy she was.

She didn’t respond.

Instead, she turned and left me standing in the middle of the room with a bloody nose, a hard-on, and one hell of a challenge.







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