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Her Majesty’s Scoundrels by Christy Carlyle, Laura Landon, Anthea Lawson, Rebecca Paula, Lana Williams (26)

Chapter Thirteen

The chasm of silence that stretched between them seemed so vast Edward wasn’t sure it could be breached. The expression on Alyssa’s face was indescribable. It ran the gamut from incredulity, to disbelief, to shock, to revulsion, and finally to horror.

“I know you can’t mean Ernesta murdered anyone, but—”

“That’s exactly what I mean.” Edward stepped to the sideboard and filled a glass with liquor. He took a swallow, then turned to face Alyssa. She had lowered herself to a chair close to where she’d been standing. As if his words had weakened her legs and she’d had to find the nearest place to collapse.

Edward took another sip of the liquor in his glass, then walked to the lifeless fireplace and stared into the cold ashes.

He’d never intended to tell anyone what Ernesta had done, but it suddenly seemed important that Alyssa know. What he felt for her had developed into something more serious than anything he thought he would ever feel for another woman. He couldn’t allow their feelings for each other to continue without telling her everything.

Honesty between them was essential. There was always the possibility of a scandal, and he wanted her to know the risks she took by becoming involved with him.

She’d just suffered through a scandal involving herself and the murder of her husband all of Society thought she’d committed. How could he expect her to suffer through another scandal? Especially one she wasn’t aware of.

“This isn’t easy,” he said without facing her.

“If it helps,” she answered. “You may be assured that I won’t repeat anything you tell me.”

He smiled. He knew his family’s scandal was safe with her. If he didn’t think it would be, he wouldn’t consider telling her.

He took a deep breath, then slowly related Ernesta’s demented acts. He spoke past the painful weight that lodged in his chest to explain that Ernesta had poisoned his first wife, Rebecca. That she’d murdered the doctor treating Rebecca because he’d discovered what she was doing. That she’d continued with her plan to poison his son Gideon, because she wanted her own Benjamin to be the next Duke of Townsend.

He left nothing out. He included everything that Ernesta had done, including kidnapping Benjamin’s baby daughter, and her final act of killing the accomplice in her crime. That she’d attempted to kill Winnie, her own daughter, so no one would be left to testify against her.

Edward’s glass was empty when he finished. He set it on the mantel and gripped the marble edge. He hung his head between his outstretched arms and closed his eyes. He’d never felt less a duke. Never been so humbled as when forced to admit how completely duped he’d been. When forced to admit what a fool he’d been to love a woman so vile and evil.

He stood with his back to Alyssa for several long, agonizing minutes. He struggled to find the courage to release her from any commitment to him. Struggled to offer her the opportunity to excuse herself from any obligation she thought she owed him. Struggled to find the determination to tell her that he expected nothing from her, especially her loyalty, or her devotion. But the thought of letting her go was suddenly more difficult than anything he’d ever had to do.

“I will go now,” he said, knowing everything had changed between them. How could it not. “When you are ready to leave, I’ll have Bierly—”


Edward hesitated, not wanting to see the look of horror on Alyssa’s face. Not wanting her disgust to be the last expression he would remember when he left her. But he’d never been a coward. He would not be one now.

He turned, expecting Alyssa to be standing with her hand on the door, ready to leave. Instead, she stood close enough to touch him.

Their gazes met, and she wrapped her arms around his waist.

“How you’ve suffered,” she said, holding on to him, comforting him as no one had ever comforted him.

For the first time since Rebecca had died, there was someone willing to share his burden. Someone who was willing to understand the hell he and his family had gone through. Someone who offered to stand with him so he didn’t have to face his nightmares alone.

“How have you survived knowing what Ernesta had done?”

Edward held Alyssa closer. “There were times when I didn’t think I could. My heart died when I discovered the kind of woman I’d married, the way she’d put my children at mortal risk. I went through the motions of pretending I was alive, but inside I was dead. And then I met you.”

He tipped her chin upward and looked into her eyes. “That night I saw you at the top of the stairs, challenging the ton to do their worst, my heart stirred for the first time since I’d discovered what kind of woman I’d married. I’d come to the ball because I wanted to introduce Gideon to Society. He’d been locked away most of his life, and hadn’t been allowed to take his rightful place. He would be the Duke of Townsend one day and I had to do my duty to him. But I dreaded every moment. I was filled with terror that our scandal would be revealed. Until you showed me that it was possible to face Society and survive.

“I knew the courage it took for you to face the ton. And I thought that if this delicate-looking female is brave enough to take on all of Society, how could I think to cower? Surely I could match a portion of her strength.”

Their gazes locked. Edward cupped her cheek in his palm. “You were the bravest person I’d ever seen. I think I fell in love with you that very instant.”

Edward lowered his head and pressed his lips to hers.

A new and enduring connection overtook them. For the first time, Edward knew what it was. He hadn’t expected to ever feel anything for any woman again. He didn’t think he’d ever risk loving anyone again. But Alyssa wasn’t just anyone. She was someone special.

He deepened his kiss. He wanted her to know how important she had become to him. How much he admired her. And with the depth of the kiss she returned, she was telling him that he was as important to her as she was to him.

Their kiss wasn’t the kiss of uncontrolled passion, but an exchange that represented a comfortable union that fit to make two halves whole.

Edward lifted his head and looked at Alyssa. He kissed her once more, then gathered her to him.

She pressed her cheek against his chest and clung to him. He loved having her here. Loved having her in his arms.

He loved her.

Alyssa sat on the sofa, as close to Edward as her skirts would allow. They held hands like two innocents, when what she really wanted was for Edward to hold her in his arms. Or what she wanted even more was for Edward to take her to his bed.

She should have been embarrassed by such a thought, but she wasn’t. She loved Edward. Loved him with all her heart. And she couldn’t risk losing him.

“There’s more you need to tell me,” she said, looking into his eyes.


“Yes, more. And it involves Joshua Winslow. Why is he here? How was he injured?”

A smile formed on Edward’s face and he tapped her nose with his finger. “You are much too perceptive, my lady. You are supposed to think only of balls and fashion and social events.”

“Oh, how boring. Who is Joshua Winslow and what happened to him?”

“Very well,” Edward said, the expression on his face turning serious. “But this is highly confidential.”

“Are you worried I will repeat what you’re about to tell me?”

Edward shook his head. “If I were, I wouldn’t tell you.”

“Thank you, Edward.”

Edward reached for her hand again and squeezed her fingers. “Joshua Winslow is an agent for Her Majesty.”

“He’s an agent?” Alyssa couldn’t hide her shock.

“Yes. The house on Conner Street that your husband was interested in purchasing is being used to hide smuggled goods from France. Winslow was sent to investigate, but was unfortunate enough to walk in on their operation. He was captured, shot and beaten, then left for dead.”

“Oh, my.”

“Yes. I didn’t think he would survive, but somehow he did.”

“That’s why Kendrick was killed, wasn’t it?”

“Yes. Somehow he discovered what was going on and it cost him his life.”

“Who is behind the smuggling ring?”

“We don’t know.”

“But you have an idea, don’t you?”

“Yes, I have an idea. But I don’t have proof, and until I do, we can’t arrest him.”

“When will you have proof?”

“When the next smuggled shipment arrives.”

“When will that be?”

“Tomorrow night.”

Alyssa had barely been able to survive the day, and now that it was nearing evening, she found it more impossible to contain her nervousness.

Edward had promised that he would let her know the minute everything was over. He’d promised that he would tell her what they’d discovered. And he’d promised that he would be safe.

That was the promise she was most fearful he wouldn’t be able to keep.

She paced the library from one side to the other, checking the window that led to the street outside with each pass. The handkerchief in her hand was nearly shredded from the twisting torture it had endured. And her stomach was tied in knots. But she told herself it would soon be over. That soon Edward would come to tell her everything was all right.

She paced the room once more then stopped at the rap on the front door. She breathed an unbelievable sigh of relief, then turned to wait for her butler to announce Edward.

“My lady. You have a guest. Mr. Byron Elsberry.”

Alyssa’s breath caught.

“Are you receiving?”


Her butler stepped back and a man she’d never met entered the room. There was a serious expression on his face, and Alyssa knew at once that something was wrong.

“Lady Lindleigh. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Byron Elsberry, an acquaintance of the Duke of Townsend. I am the solicitor in charge of the sale of a certain property on Conner Street.”

It was taking too long for the man to get to the point of his visit. She simply wanted to know why he was here. “Yes? Has something happened?”

“I’m afraid something has.”


“The Duke of Townsend has been injured. Quite severely, I’m afraid.”

Alyssa’s hand went to her mouth to stifle the cry that threatened to escape.

“He has asked to see you.”

“Of course. Of course.”

Alyssa led the way from the room. A footman placed a cloak around her shoulders and she numbly went with Mr. Elsberry to the waiting carriage. The speed at which the carriage rolled through the streets of London told her how badly Edward must be injured.

Alyssa clasped her hands in her lap and prayed that Edward would survive. She wasn’t sure she could survive without him.