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Her Steadfast HERO (Black Dawn Book 1) by Caitlyn O'Leary (3)

Chapter Three

Sarah Kyle. The ash blonde hair with streaks of gold had been a kick in the guts. God just seeing her for five minutes at the airport, and almost five years had been stripped away.

Four years, five months and sixteen days.


Shit, had he been counting?

He hadn’t even realized he remembered the date of their last night together, but he did. April seventeenth.

David shoved out of the shower stall and dried himself off. He braced himself on the sink as he examined his thigh. He grinned. This bruise was the winner. Even beat the one he’d had when he fell off his cousin’s motorcycle.

He yawned, and went to the bed where he had upended his duffel bag, which contained all of his miracle gear. It still amazed him that it had been totally untouched by falling debris in the earthquake. He snagged his shaving kit and went back into the bathroom so he could brush his teeth and shave. Maybe he would feel human enough to get some sleep.

Since there had been two significant aftershocks, David decided to sleep in sweats instead of naked, in case he needed to get out of bed quick. Same reason his gun belt was on the nightstand. He yawned again. He set his phone for four a.m. His stomach growled as he yawned for the third time. Well, his stomach would just have to damn well wait, now wouldn’t it?

He groaned with pleasure as his head hit the pillow. The sheets even smelled good. April seventeenth. It was his last thought as he drifted off to sleep. To dream.

* * *

Four years earlier…

Damn, he was supposed to have four months.

“Face it, Sloane, you’re a hot commodity. They’re always going to move your ass once you have something slightly under control.” Rick loved being right, he’d called it yesterday, and his grin was huge.

“But we don’t know if the case is actually going to be closed like I said it would be,” David protested to his friend and current partner as they walked down the hallway to the exit.

Rick laughed.

“Quit your damn laughing. How were you so sure yesterday? Why are you laughing anyway?” David demanded as he opened the door, and then grimaced at the rain. It was constant at Fort Lewis. Washington State sure was different than Georgia. At Fort Benning it came down in torrents, this was like being under an actual warm shower. Sarah said it was Mount Rainier giving you a hug.

“I’m laughing because you still don’t see yourself clearly. You’re good, Sloane, and the brass knows it. When you say a case is coming together, they know it’s in the bag.”

“Come on, Rick, it’s both of us. You’re my partner.”

Rick snorted. “I’m just along for the ride, and I know it. I’m learning a lot. I don’t mind. It’s David Sloane and his partner what’s his name.”

“That’s not true,” David jumped in.

Rick gave him the side eye.

David sighed.

“David, I was the one who asked to be partnered with you. This last year working with you has been like four normal years on the job. If I have to be in your shadow, it’s a small price to pay. So let me continue oh exalted one. You told them the case was almost cleared, so you’re on to another assignment.”

“It’s not even close to being done,” David protested.

“Yes, it is. We know Allen is our perp. We know who we have to squeeze. This is something I can finish up. Your part is done,” Rick called out as they went to their respective cars.


“I’ll see you tomorrow, Sloane.” David watched as Rick got into his car. He checked his watch. He had an hour before he was supposed to meet Sarah for dinner, and it was now going to be their last date, instead of their fourth.


* * *

She took a sip of her root beer float, and then looked up at him. “David, why did you want to go somewhere else? I thought you loved the burgers at this place.”

“I do. But someplace near the water or downtown Seattle sounded nice.”

“We have to be at work tomorrow,” she reminded him gently. “If we had done that we would have spent all of our time driving. This way we have more time to talk.” Her smile was normally contagious, but he felt time slipping away.

“Hey, what the heck is going on? You haven’t been yourself all night. Do I have lettuce in my teeth? Did something go sideways with your case?” She asked both questions in a soft and caring tone. That was Sarah, soft and caring. It must be why she got into nursing in the first place.

“No and no.”

“Then what? Something is definitely going on.”

“Are you sure this is just our fourth date? You sure have gotten to know me pretty well in a short amount of time.” He watched as she sat back from the table, and folded her hands in her lap, her expression going blank.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean anything bad by that,” she said quietly.

What the hell? He’d somehow managed to step on a landmine. He placed his hand on the table, palm up. “Would you give me your hand, Sarah?” She looked at him with her big gray eyes. She bit her lip, he could see both want and hesitancy in her expression. He decided to help.

“Sarah,” he said in his command voice. She unclasped her hands and for long moments held her hand over his before it finally came to a soft landing, like a butterfly. Just as carefully, he cupped his fingers around it, showing her she had made the right decision. He watched her and saw her shudder.

“You’re right, I’m upset.” She tried to jerk her hand away, but he was ready for it, and his hold was gentle but implacable. “I have my orders to leave in the morning.”

“Oh no,” she said before she could censor herself.

“My feeling exactly. I thought I had at least another month. I actually was counting on four months. This is a complicated case.”

Sarah sighed. “That’s what happens when you’re good at your job.”

“You should know.”

Her head jerked up.

“Weren’t you number one in your class at Beaumont? Don’t they want you to re-up with a promotion so you can get more into the administrative side of things?”

“I talked a lot on our last date, didn’t I?” She laughed.

“I’m trained to interview people. Plus, I plied you with wine.”

“That’s why I’m sticking to ice cream this time,” she said holding up her root beer float. “As for the job, I’m still debating their offer. I love bedside, and it seems to be either or. I wish there was more of a hybrid. But that’s not tonight’s topic.” He watched as her expression turned wistful. “I was really hoping for a chance to get to know you better.”

David rubbed his thumb along the sensitive tissue of her palm.

Ah, little nurse, I wanted that time too. He watched as she looked down at their linked hands. She liked being touched. She’d liked the few kisses they’d shared, but there’d been a sense of hesitation to go along with her desire. That’s why he hadn’t pushed, why he had taken it slow. Damn, he’d been looking forward to finding out the reasons for those barriers, and getting past them.


“What, honey?”

“I’m done with dinner. Would you like to have a nightcap at my place?” Her eyes shyly met his. Such a brave girl.

He twined their fingers together and brought her hand to his lips. Her nipples spiked under her soft red sweater. “I would love to see your home.”

He threw some bills on the table and helped her out of the high booth.

They got outside the restaurant, and when he started towards the parking lot, she stopped him.


“David, are you sure I’m not pushing you into something-”

He pressed his fingertip on her plush lips. His Sarah was always worried that she was making waves.

“I promise you’re not pushing me into anything. And I’ll take that a step further. I won’t be pushing you into anything either.”

“I know that,” she said in a slightly exasperated tone. “If I didn’t you wouldn’t be coming home with me.”

David walked Sarah to her car and opened the door for her. “I’ll follow you,” he promised.


A half hour later, he pulled up beside her in the driveway of her house. It was a pretty blue ranch style with a wealth of rhododendron and azalea bushes flourishing in the front yard. It suited her.

“You kept up.” She grinned at him. She pushed off her hood and looked up at the moonlit sky. The rain had stopped, and now they were blanketed by a beautiful Pacific Northwest night.

“I’m trained to track people, of course, I could keep up,” he said as he pulled the door key from her hands.

“No, you’re trained to protect people,” she corrected. “You’re a protector. I felt it from the first time I saw you in the hallway at the clinic.”

“You remember me from then?” he asked as he opened the door for her. She went to go in, but he held her back. “Let me take a quick look, okay?”

She frowned at him, “Why?”

“Humor me, it’s what I do.”

“My dad was like that.” He heard her say as he went into the house. He made a cursory sweep of the interior and ushered her in.

“Your dad did that, huh?”

“He was a cop in Georgia.” She smiled as she turned on lights, and set her purse on the counter. He watched as she kicked off her heels and dug her toes into the thick carpet.

“You never told me that before,” he said as he watched her stretch her arms. “There’s a lot you haven’t shared.”

“We’ve been talking about our careers and the base gossip. We would have gotten there eventually.” She stopped mid-stretch. “I guess there won’t be time for that now,” she said biting her lip. She twirled and headed toward her kitchen. He followed.

“What can I get you to drink? Usually, you have bourbon, but I don’t have that. I have beer and wine. I think I might have some tequila.” David watched as she stood on tiptoe to open a cupboard above her microwave.

“Anything will be fine.”

“I want to give you options. I invited you over.” She closed the cupboard and turned around to face him. He watched as she bit her lip. She did that whenever she was feeling unsure.

“I’ll have whatever you’re having, honey. Hell, water’s fine by me.”

She gave a relieved laugh. “Okay, I’m done being nervous,” she promised. “Let me give you a tour.”

She slipped by him, and he followed her out of the kitchen into the dining room that opened up into a spacious living room. The centerpiece of the room was a large fireplace made from river rock. On the mantle was a wedding photo, Sarah looked beautiful and so young. The man looked young and handsome in his dress blues.

“That’s Matt.” Sarah lovingly traced the photo with her fingertips. “He died in Iraq.”

“I’m sorry, Sarah.” Dammit, it explained so much. He stroked his hand down her arm, and she turned to him with a sad smile.

“It’s okay, it’s been a long time. I just wish…”

“What, what do you wish?”

“I wish I could have seen what kind of man he would have grown into, you know? Twenty-two is so damn young.” She bit her lip.

Twenty-two seemed like a million years ago.

“How long were you together?”

“A little over three years.” She let him hold her, then she drew back. “Have I ruined the mood?”

“Tell me what you want.”

“For you not to have to leave tomorrow.” She said into his chest. Then she gave a light laugh and pushed away. She took her wedding photo and put it on the bookcase, so it was facing away from the room. “I was giving you a tour. This is the living room. What do you think of the fireplace?”

“It’s gorgeous. You have a lovely home,” David said. He knelt in front of the fireplace to get a fire going.

“Thank you.”

He turned and stood up. Despite her promise not to be nervous, he could still hear hints of hesitation in her voice.

“Are you sure you want me here?”

“I think I do.” She bit her lip, then shook her head the blonde silk of her hair swinging. “No, I know I do.” Her gray eyes pleaded with him to understand. To take control. He gladly obliged.

Reaching up, he trailed his fingers along the fine line of her jaw. “Would it help you to know that I really want to be here and that I value the trust you’ve given me? I promise to do nothing to abuse it.” David watched as tension eased from her features, and she gave him a hesitant smile.

“I know that. If I didn’t trust you, you wouldn’t be in my house.” There was the confident woman he’d seen glimpses of at the clinic. “I just wasn’t expecting to have you here so soon,” she said softly. Now that was the rub. His pretty nurse was used to taking her time. David found he liked that about her. Her eyes brightened. “Would you like a glass of wine?”

“I would love a glass of wine.”

She smiled in relief. “Red or white?”

“Red.” She went to the kitchen, and he turned off the overhead light and left them with just the firelight. He’d ditched his shoes by the time she returned holding two glasses.

“I love sitting in front of the fire at night and reading.” David could picture her curled up on the sofa, her blonde hair caressed by the firelight.

“What do you like to read?” he asked as he got them situated on the sofa. As soon as she snuggled into her position, he inched closer. He was rewarded with that look of shy pleasure that he was coming to know.

“I read a little bit of everything, but do you want me to be honest?” She looked at him through her gold flecked lashes.

He tipped up her chin. “Always. I’ll always want honesty.” She swallowed, and nodded.

“Most of the books on my reader are romances. I suppose that makes me kind of frivolous.”

“I think that makes you human. Who doesn’t want a happily-ever-after?”

“They’re rare. Hell, I should know that better than anyone,” she whispered.

“All the more reason to desire them.” Damn, could he do this? “Sarah,” he began.

“David,” she interrupted him. “I’m not some young virgin looking for a happily-ever-after. I’m a woman who really desires the man sitting on my sofa.”

“That’s good, because I really, really desire you.” He plucked the glass of wine out of her hand and put it on the coaster on the coffee table. Part of him was pissed he was being reassigned so quickly. He would have preferred to slowly come to know her before getting to this point. But as he pulled her into his arms, he acknowledged that was bullshit.

Settling Sarah against his chest, feeling her nipples pebble against him, he was suddenly glad that his hand had been forced, that he didn’t have to wait. Having her close was a gift. Her hands crept upwards until clever fingers worked the top button of his dress shirt loose.

“No,” he said, his hands covering hers.

“But I thought…” her voice trailed away.

“We’ll get there,” he assured her. First, he wanted to make sure she was with him every step of the way. She had been a puzzle all night. Sometimes bold, sometimes shy, always Sarah. Now that he knew about Matt, it all made sense. It was his job to make sure he gathered all those intriguing pieces together and brought her pleasure.

Even before tonight, he’d watched this sweet woman, and noticed certain things. She didn’t readily accept kindness; her first inclination was to assume it was a mistake. She was quick to assume she was at fault for things that could never in a million years be her fault.

Time with Matt would probably have helped her overcome those issues, but it had been cut short. Now he was going to be one more man who wasn’t going to be able to give her the time she deserved. But by God, he was going to make sure that she remembered everything that went on tonight in a positive light.

“Can I take a kiss?” he asked.

“Take? That’s an odd way of putting it.”

David quickly changed positions on the sofa so he was lying full length on his back and she was on top of him.

“You trust me, right?”

“Oh yes,” her breath broke on the words.

“Then tonight I want an opportunity to take you with me. Take you places that you might not have been before. Take you in my arms and make you mine. Would you allow me to do that? I want to start by taking a kiss. May I?” He watched as she bit her lip. God, he wanted to bite her lip.

Easy Sloane, get permission first.

Eyes wide, she nodded.

David eased his fingers under the silk of her chin length hair and lowered her head to his. Her bottom lip was wet, swollen, and irresistible. He sucked the tempting morsel smiling when he heard her whine. He traced that tempting bit of flesh with his tongue and enjoyed how she opened her mouth for him.

Take it slow.

He slid his tongue into the warmth of her mouth, tasting wine and woman, the woman was by far the sweeter flavor. Her tongue shyly stroked against his, bringing every one of his dominant instincts roaring to life.

Take it slow.

Back and forth, he brushed his thumb against the arch of her jaw, then slowly he moved his other hand down her back, and relished the way she arched into his touch. He pushed his hand under the soft red cashmere and found even softer skin. He drew circles before edging upwards to the clasp of her bra. He traced the line of silk, readying her, not surprised when he felt her tension.

“Easy,” he murmured. She breathed in then let it out, melting against him , and he unhooked her bra. Taking his time, he made long, languid sweeps up and down the length of her back. She pushed against his chest.

“Off. I want it off.”

David smiled. The little nurse was ready to be taken. He stood up with her still in his arms. “Which way to your bedroom?”

She pointed to the hallway. “Last door on the left. My bed isn’t made.”

“Honey, we’re just going to mess it up anyway.” He started down the hall.

He liked the way she smiled. She was getting more comfortable.

“Sarah, I didn’t bring anything to protect you. Do you have something?”

She nodded. “I’m a nurse. Are you going to let me down now?” she teased.

“I’m considering it.”

He looked around the room, it was soothing tones of blue. It suited her.

David let her slide down his body, lifting her sweater and bra off her body as he went. Pink. He’d wondered. Now he knew her nipples were pink.

“Now you.”

“No.” She had a lot to learn. “You agreed to be taken.” The hesitation was back, but not in a bad way, he saw curiosity. Good.

They were still too new to one another for her to strip in front of him, so he brought her close for another kiss, which was not a hardship. She wrapped her arms around his neck, but he brought them down to her sides.


“Taken. Your turn will come later. This is my time to please you.” A delightful frown appeared between her eyes, but she put her hands to her sides. Could he get any harder as he saw her hands clench and relax? He traced his fingers from her collar bone to her sternum, over the tips of her breasts, and enjoyed the jerk of response. Then he went further, to the belly button exposed by her low rider jeans. He let his fingers glide across the top of her waistband, watching her tremble.


He unbuttoned the top button, then unzipped, and was rewarded with red silk panties. David pushed his fingers in and under. Damn, she was soft and bare, and his smile turned savage as he probed further to find her wet folds.

Honey. It was the perfect word for her. He pulled his fingers out and brought them to his mouth and sucked them in. “I knew you’d taste like honey.” Her eyes were wide, just a slight bit of gray rimmed black as she panted.

“Can I touch you yet?” Her voice was breathless.

“No.” David bent, and as he helped her step out of her jeans and panties, he took a long lick of her feminine folds and suckled her clit.

“David!” she wailed as she came apart. He grabbed her close and laid her down on the bed.

“Where are the condoms?” he asked as he reached for the bedside drawer.

“Wait, let me,” she scrambled to stop him.

Too late.


He had found Sarah’s little assortment of treasure. He pulled out a small vibrator that couldn’t come close to matching what they would be working with tonight.

“Too bad we don’t have more time,” he said regretfully as he placed it back in the nightstand. He pulled out a condom and stood beside the bed. He made short work of stripping, delighting in how she reached for him, but they were still on his program. “Sarah?” he asked.

“Hmmm?” She was in a fog. “Now, I need you now.”

“And I’m going to take you.” He emphasized the word take. “Hands over your head.”

“No,” she said petulantly. “I want to touch you. I love your chest.”

“Next time.”

“Now.” She pushed out her bottom lip.

It was too much to bear. He swooped down and shackled her wrists. If there were going to be a next time, he would have brought handcuffs. He grabbed her hands in one of his, and pulled them over her head, loving how her breasts were thrust into prominence.

Fuck, this couldn’t be the last time!

Sarah undulated, her breasts shimmering, taking all of his attention. Everything but the present moment flew out of his head. He suckled one piece of pink candy and savored the lusciousness of Sarah. The sweetest of all the flavors. She rolled her torso and begged for her other breast to have attention. He plucked and pinched, and she hissed out the word, “Yes.”

Over and over, he took, waiting for a sign. At last, her legs were wide open, surrounding his hips.

“Keep your hands where I put them, then you get my cock, do you understand?”

She looked at him in confusion. She canted her hips upwards, trying to capture him, tempt him.

He let go of her hands and went to put on the condom. She leveraged her hands against the headboard, and then used her feet to push high against him.

“Dammit, honey, let me get this on.”

She’d tempt a saint. Properly protected, he guided himself into her swollen, wet depths. She damn near strangled him with her need. Had anything ever felt so good?

“Fuck. You’re perfect Honey. Squeeze me tighter.”

He laughed. She was actually blushing. They were as close as two human beings could be, and she was blushing. She was a fucking delight.

“David,” she admonished.

“What? Don’t you want to know that your body is perfect?” He thrust deeper. Harder.

She mumbled something into his chest. He cupped her chin and tilted her head so he could see her.

“What did you say?”

“It’s you.”

He pushed back in, watching her carefully. There, that was the spot. He did it again, and again, rubbing the sweet spot.

“What’s me?” he asked softly. His pretty nurse struggled to keep her hands above her head and answer his question.

“You’re perfect,” she sighed. She was getting close, and he intended to make her fly. He reached his hand between them and found her clit wet and swollen. He circled it as he bent and lapped at one berry tipped nipple. God, which one of them was trembling harder?


He pinched. He sucked. He thrust.

She thrashed, her hair flew across the pillow, her moan long and loud.

God, she was beautiful. Sarah came like a wanton, nothing held back. He’d never had such a pure and authentic lover. As her climax shuddered to completion, dazed gray eyes looked up at him.

“Again.” Her voice was hoarse, but the demand was clear.

He grinned. He hooked his hand under her arm and brought it up and over his neck. Her smile dazzled. She lifted her other arm and clutched him close. They met for a long kiss.

Just kissing her was enough to make him come. Her release had made her more swollen, and pressing in made his head want to explode, but he’d be damned if she wouldn’t come with him. He swept his hand down her back and clutched her ass. She purred and jolted up, slamming their bodies together. He kneaded the lush curves, and she moaned. Wrenching her mouth away from his she gasped, “It’s too much.”

If she could talk, it wasn’t enough. He slowed down, then sped up, ensuring she would never know what to expect. He heard her gasping and grinned.

Ahhh, her nails in his scalp were going to draw blood, and he would happily wear the wounds. As her walls clamped down on his cock, tingles shot down his spine. She was going to kill him, and then she wailed his name, and he shot over the edge, lost in the stormy depths of her gray eyes.




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