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Hey, Whiskey by Kaylee Ryan (36)



“Enough of that,” Jake says as he and Molly join us. He has no idea what he’s interrupting or how fast my heart is beating. I didn’t say it back, he didn’t give me a chance, but I want to. I’ve never said the words, but I want to. I don’t want to regret never telling him like Elaine. I know she knew, as I’m sure Rhett does. He makes me stronger. I look at the three people standing before me, and I know without a doubt they’re my family, they’re my home. It’s a peaceful feeling that washes over me.

“What happened?” Rhett asks, keeping me held tight against his chest.

“Electrical,” Jake says, holding Molly just as tight. “They still have some investigating to do, but they think it started in the kitchen. It reached the laundry room, but nowhere else.”

“That’s good. None of you are hurt, right? The cop said you found it when you got home?”

“Yeah, we’re good. It must have just started when we got here. Saylor called 911, and they got here fast.”

“I was here first,” I tell him. “They pulled in behind me, but I already had them on the line.” I step out of his hold and go to Molly, who lets go of Jake and wraps me in a tight hug. “I’m so sorry,” she whispers.

“We’re all safe, that’s all that matters,” Jake says. “This,” he points to the house, “can be replaced.”

“You guys are coming home with me tonight,” Rhett insists. “We can come back tomorrow and check the damage. Grab some clothes or whatever you need. We have the room, and you know Gramps will be pissed if he finds out you’re staying somewhere else.”

“Thank you,” Jake says sincerely.

“Let’s get you out of the cold,” Rhett says, already reaching for me.

“You folks are good to go for the night. We’re going to be here a while wrapping up the investigation and making sure the fire doesn’t restart. It’s just precaution on our part.”

“Thanks, man.” Jake holds out his hand.

“I’ll get a hold of you tomorrow and let you know the final findings and make arrangements for you to get the report for your insurance company.”

“You all need a ride?” Rhett asks them.

“Nah, we’ll follow you in my truck.”

“I’m going to run inside and get some clothes for me and Molly,” I tell Rhett.

“I’ll come with you,” Molly says.

“So will we,” Rhett says. “Don’t.” He holds up his hand when he sees I’m about to argue. “Thought I lost you, all of you. Not willing to let you out of my sight just yet. Humor me, baby.”

How do I argue with that? The main power is turned off, so we use our cell phones, and I pack a bag for us. “Ready?” I ask back in the living room. Rhett steps next to me, throws the bag over his shoulder, and laces his fingers through mine.

“We’ll meet you guys at the house,” he says, leading me outside. Once we’re in the truck, he reaches over and grabs my hand, bringing it to his lips. “I was scared, Saylor. When I saw all the lights, and my heart dropped to my feet.”

“I’m fine,” I say, laying my hand on his cheek. “Take me home,” I whisper. Jake and Molly pull out behind us. Rhett and I don’t talk during the drive, but he never lets go of my hand.

“That you, son?” Grandpa Rhett calls when we enter the house.

“Yeah, Gramps, I have guests,” he calls back. After taking off our coats and setting down the bag I packed for Molly and me, he puts his hand on the small of my back and leads me to the living room, Jake and Molly following.

“What a nice surprise,” Grandpa Rhett says.

“Their house caught on fire,” Rhett says, sitting in the recliner and pulling me down on his lap. “What are you doing up so late?”

I look over to his grandfather, expecting to see surprise on his face, but all I see is worry. “We’re fine,” I assure him.

“Couldn’t sleep. What happened?” he asks. Jake jumps into the story of how they think the fire started. “You’ll stay here until you can go back, or forever. I have the room,” he says.

“Thank you. We’ll know more tomorrow,” Jake says

“I’m sure you’re exhausted. You can have your usual room.” He looks over at me. “Saylor—”

Rhett cuts him off. “Will be with me.” He leaves no room for argument, not that he was going to get one. His grandfather seems pleased by his declaration.

“All right, kids. Get some rest. I’ll see you all in the morning.”

“We’re going to bed,” Jake says, pulling Molly into him and kissing the top of her head.

“Let me give you some clothes,” I tell Molly. I dig through the bag and pull out some pajamas, yoga pants, and a sweater, and hand them to her. She turns to head up the stairs, and I stop her. “Molly.”


“Thank you for trusting me, for offering me a place to stay, a job, for being my friend. You’ve given me more than you will ever know.”

“That’s what family does, Saylor.” She smiles.

“Ready, babe?” Jake asks.

She holds up the clothes to show him. “Yeah, night, guys,” she says, heading Jake up the opposite stairs from Rhett and me.

Rhett holds his hand out for me, and I take it. Silently, he leads us up to his room. Once inside, he shuts the door. I drop my bag on a chair in the corner of the room. “Come here, baby.” I walk to where he’s standing beside the bed. As soon as I’m close enough, he snakes his arm around my waist and pulls me into his chest. “I was so fucking scared, Saylor. Life without you isn’t something I want to experience.”

“Hold me?” I ask quietly. Tonight has been emotionally draining with the fire, Pete, and Rhett telling me he loves me.

“Always,” he says, kissing my temple and releasing me. “Get changed, you need a shower or anything?”

“No, just you.”

He kisses my temple one more time before releasing me and going to his dresser pulling out a pair of pajama pants. He turns to look at me and shakes his head, wearing a small grin. I’m not ashamed to be busted watching him. It’s my favorite pastime. “You gonna change?” he asks. That spurs me into action. Grabbing my bag, I dig out some flannel pajama pants and one of his T-shirts that he left at the house. “That’s where that went,” he says when I join him in bed.

“You left it.”

“It looks better on you than it does on me,” he says, holding his arms open for me.

I snuggle into his side. “It’s too big.” I chuckle.

“But it’s mine, and you’re in it. It’s perfect. I look good on you.”

We’re both quiet for a while, and my thoughts are spinning. I keep hearing him tell me he loves me over and over in my head.

“Night, baby. I—” I cut him off.

“I’ve never said it. Not really. I told Elaine the day of her funeral, but she was gone. I never told her while she was living. She gave me my life, an opportunity to make something of myself, and I couldn’t bring myself to tell her.”

“I love you, Saylor. Not because I want you to say it back. I love you for who you are, the strong, incredible woman who has turned my life upside down. I love you for what’s in here.” He places his hand over my heart.

“I’d never heard those words, not that I can ever remember, until I moved in with Elaine. I had been there about six months. It was Christmas morning, and I caught her crying by the tree. She missed her husband. I sat with her while she cried, and she told me she loved me, that I brought joy back to her life and gave her a reason. I didn’t tell her back. After that day, she told me all the time, ‘love you kid,’ ‘love you, Say,’ ‘be safe, love you,’ and the list goes on. Not once did I tell her back. I was ‘me too,’ ‘ditto,’ ‘same,’ anything but the words.”

“She knew. She didn’t need the words, and neither do I.”

“I realized something tonight when I was talking to Pete.”

“Oh yeah?” he asks, his voice low as he runs his fingers through my hair.

“My whole life I’ve worried about losing those I get close to. It’s a constant in my life, the worry. Then I met Jake and Molly, and I had no choice but to let them in. They offered their love and support, their friendship, freely, just like Elaine. I’ve never had that with anyone else. Then I met you.” I pause, trying to collect my thoughts. “Tonight I realized that I would rather have five minutes with you than to have never had you at all. You make me stronger, and I’ve never felt the way you make me feel.”

“How do I make you feel?” he whispers.

“Special, wanted, loved… ” I lift up on my elbows, resting my chin on his chest. His eyes never leave mine as he hangs on every word. His whiskey-colored eyes show me exactly how he feels. I see love shining back at me. Promises full of commitment and honor. “I love you, Rhett Baxter,” I say, my voice is strong and clear, not one ounce of hesitation or fear.

“Baby.” He pulls me on top of him and cups my face in his hands. “You make me a better man. You make me stronger. You make me special by letting me near you. I want you in my life, and I promise I’ll love you forever.”

When his lips touch mine, I feel whole. For the first time in my life, I know where I am is where I’m supposed to be. I don’t know what the future holds for us, but I know I’m excited to find out.