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His Best Friend's Little Sister by Vivian Wood (58)


Remy had never felt quite so pampered in her life. She stood on a step stool, clutching an armful of her tulle skirt in one hand and a glass of champagne in the other.

Larkin knelt at her feet, doing up the straps of Remy’s pale blue heels.

She’d been waxed and coiffed and made up, her blond hair flowing down her back in soft waves and her huge blue eyes rimmed with dark kohl.

Shelby tossed back her own glass of champagne. “Drink up, it will steady your nerves.”

Remy blushed.

“It seems silly, being nervous. I mean, I have wanted this for as long as I can remember,” she said.

“Except those few years when you wanted Sawyer to drop dead,” Shelby pointed out.

Remy pulled a face. “Yeah, except those.”

“You’re going to be okay,” her mother said from her seat across the room, sitting in a rocking chair with Shiloh in her lap. “River women don’t run when they’re scared. They only get more tenacious.”

Remy smiled.

“It’s just a big moment, a lot of pressure.”

Shelby grabbed the champagne bottle from the ice bucket and refilled her own glass. “Come on. Don’t make my drink alone. You can be festive for one day, Rem.”

“Actually…” Remy said, going red. “I kind of… can’t?”

Her mother sat up at attention. “Remy River! Don’t tell me that you managed to get knocked up again before your wedding!”

Remy wrinkled her nose. “A little?”

Larkin swooped in and grabbed the glass of champagne from Remy’s hand. “No such thing as a little bit pregnant.”

“Y’all can’t tell anyone. I was waiting till tonight to tell Sawyer.”

Shelby cackled. “Withholding vital information before the wedding, eh?”

“It’s supposed to be a nice surprise for him!” Remy said, starting to feel a little offended.

“Don’t worry about it,” Larkin said, downing Remy’s champagne. “Sawyer’s gonna be happy.”

“He’d better be,” Remy said. “Pretty sure I didn’t exactly get preggers on my own.”

“Remy!” her mother said, sounding scandalized.

“Oh, it’s funny,” Shelby said, waving a hand. “How far along do you think you are?”

“About six weeks, maybe.”

“Goodness,” Larkin said. “Good thing you’re having the wedding today. A few more weeks, and you won’t be able to fit in this skintight lace bodice thing.”

Larkin waved to indicate Remy’s dress.

“That’s true enough,” Remy sighed.

Someone knocked on the door and called that it was time.

Remy glanced around at her mother and sisters, biting her lip.

“It’s really… real,” she said.

“Oh, Remy, don’t you tear up now!” her mother said, rising to come over and give Remy a hug. “You’ll ruin your makeup.”

“Yeah, save that for the ceremony,” Shelby joked.

“Are you going ahead with Shiloh?” Remy asked her mother.

“Yep. I’ll wake him up on the way.”

Remy took a deep breath, summoning her courage.

It was time to make the most important vows of her entire life. To join herself with Sawyer, forever.

Where the whole day had felt slow, like time was dragging as she waited for the ceremony to begin, now everything seemed to speed up. She walked down the stairs, Shelby in front of her and Larkin behind.

She heard the music, a pretty song she loved. She stepped outside and walked down the steps. The white walkway was laid out before her.

Her heart started to pound wildly in her chest. Her father was there for support, offering her an elbow. She took it, giving him a grateful look.

The Romans sat on one side of her path, the Rivers on the other. Everyone rose as she approached, some people even applauding.

It was everything Remy could do to focus on not tripping on her dress. Her palms began to sweat, she could feel her knees shaking almost as badly as her hands.

And then… she looked up and saw Sawyer and Shiloh. Sawyer standing tall and proud, Shiloh sitting on the steps at Sawyer’s feet.

Her two men, the loves of her life, waiting there for her.

She forgot to be nervous. Forgot all the people watching. Forgot everything except the fact that she was going to get to stand with Sawyer.

She floated through the ceremony. The second she climbed the steps, Sawyer reached out and offered her his hand.

She took it, unable to hold back a shy grin.

It was funny, how new and strange this all felt, even though she and Sawyer had been through so much.

Shiloh immediately wormed his way to sit between them, and Sawyer had to gently move their son off the puffy tulle skirt.

The pastor started talking, but Remy hardly heard a word of it. She and Sawyer’d decided on simple, traditional vows. She managed to say, “I do” at the right time, which was a relief.

She even got the ring on his finger, feeling almost proud of herself.

Sawyer held her hand tight, promised to love, honor, and cherish her. He got the ring from Shiloh and slipped it on her finger.

The look on Sawyer’s face, the promises in his eyes

Only then did she feel her eyes start to well up, her heart overflowing with all the love and emotion of the moment.

And then, moments later, the pastor declared them husband and wife. Sawyer’s slid an arm around her, and pulled her close.

They kissed, hot and passionate, as everyone applauded and catcalled. Remy’s face went pink, but there was nothing anyone could say to her now

After all, she was Mrs. Sawyer Roman now. She could kiss him all she liked!

They turned, Sawyer scooping up Shiloh, and proceeded down the aisle as everyone clapped and cheered.

The reception area was set up right behind the bunk house, a big wood dance floor, a band, plus a bar and a buffet line. The proximity made it easy for Remy and Sawyer to glide right into their first dance.

The first notes of “At Last” began to sound. Sawyer passed Shiloh off to Remy’s father, then swept Remy up in his arms.

She stared up at Sawyer, finding herself a little awestruck.

“How are you feeling, Mrs. Roman?” Sawyer asked, his voice low and rough.

Remy grinned. “Pretty damned lucky.”

Sawyer laughed.

“Funny, I feel just the same.”

Remy slid her arms around his neck as they swayed to the music. She knew there would be a toast coming in just a few minutes, so she wanted to savor these few minutes alone with Sawyer.

“Sawyer,” she said slowly. “I need to tell you something.”

He cocked a brow. “It’s too late to back out now, darlin’. That knot is good and tied.”

Remy cracked up.

“No, not that.”

“Are you going to whisper dirty things in my ear, then?” he asked.


“You gonna remind me which of your girl cousins is which? They all look alike,” he said, his eyes shining with humor.

“I can’t drink tonight,” she said, cutting to the point.

Sawyer’s brow creased. “You worried you’ll get too drunk and miss out on something?”


She watched his face closely, waiting for him to get it. It took him a minute, but then

“Fuck, Remy,” he uttered, his steps slowing. “Are you saying you’re…”

He trailed off, eyes gone stormy.

“I am. Six weeks,” she said.

He was quiet, stopping the dance altogether. For a second, Remy’s heart squeezed tight with anxiety.

“Should I not have told you tonight?” she whispered.

Sawyer wrapped his arms around her, hugging her hard and picking her up off the ground. She squeaked, laughing. The second he set her down, he kissed her, long and hard and sweet.

When he pulled back, he had the biggest grin on his face.

“I’m going to get to see it this time!” he said, clearly over the moon.

Remy’s brows arched; she was surprised that he was so excited about that particular facet of her news.

“Yes, you will. I’m glad you’re not upset.”

“Upset?” Sawyer asked. “I’m doing everything I can not to shout it to the rooftops right now! I can’t believe I’m going to be a dad again.”

“It’s going to be hard,” Remy warned him, but she couldn’t keep the smile from her lips.

“Bring it on,” Sawyer said.

“You’re really stuck with us now, you know.”

Sawyer pulled her closer, kissed her lips. “Thank god.”

Then he stepped back, just as the song ended. He held Remy’s hand, raising them both high.

“My wife, ladies and gentlemen!” Sawyer crowed.

“About time!” someone from the crowd shouted.

Remy grinned. The reception swept on, hundreds of people to see and many things to do.

But all through the afternoon and into the evening, she couldn’t stop thinking the same thing.

I must be just about the luckiest girl that Catahoula’s ever seen.

Hand in hand with her husband, Shiloh on her hip, Remy knew that to be the god’s honest truth.

The End