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His Naughty Waitress (Insta-Love on the Run Book 4) by Bella Love-Wins (8)

Chapter 9


I’m beginning to think I made a mistake coming out tonight. I’m enjoying myself way too much, and I hate endings before they begin.

I’m usually so good at sinful nights with no remorse the next morning. Yet I’ve barely known Carter for twelve hours, and I’m already going to miss him, wherever he plans to go. There’s no explanation for why I feel this way. We fucked in a dingy workplace men’s room. I sucked his dick. That’s all. So why is it that my head is telling me to listen to this useless unknown feeling hardwired to my heart. My chest tightens as though we’ve been seeing each other for years. Why the hell is this happening to me?

I look up at him. Something inside me is screaming for me to tell him I’ll take him back to his lodge and put as much distance as possible between us. I’m the one who’ll be left feeling emotionally ruined if I stay. Carter doesn’t strike me as someone who’ll be hurting for my company, or pining for me or any woman, for that matter.

He kisses me as I try to find the words to explain this to him. God, his cologne smells amazing. I’m already aroused, but the scent takes my need up a notch, and soon, my leg is sliding up his calf. I decide right then that I’ll tell him all about how bad an idea it is for me to sleep with him—after I sleep with him.

Carter places his arms around my waist, pulling me in tight against his firm, chiseled, smoldering hot chest. He’s hard in other places too. I become acutely aware that all it will take is a slight tilt of my hips for his cock to reach my folds. Thank goodness I’ve got my panties on, or I might yield to the image searing into my brain, where he takes me hard and with no protection. I’m grateful for my fantasies, but real sex with protection is far more enjoyable than raw, racy, unprotected pretend sex in my head. This is why I’m relieved when he stretches his arm off the bed and pulls out a few condoms from the pocket of his slacks.

Just as I start to think he’ll roll one on in a hurry, Carter puts the condoms on the night table. He parts my legs and cups my pussy with his hand. I’m so desperate to be touched, I grind on his fingers. Something about what I’m up to makes him smile, and he moves down the bed. Just seeing him kneel between my legs makes me want to buck my hips. So much so, that when he ducks his head down and flattens his hot tongue on my clit, I know I won’t last.

And I don’t.

His tongue dips into my center. He licks me right up to my clit and down again, but the second time, when he reaches my sensitive bud, he drives two fingers into my pussy at the same time. I wrap my legs around his head, writhing as he feasts on me. Soon, my ass lifts off the bed, and I clamp my legs around his head, convulsing as he makes me come hard. I’m still tilting my hips up when he grabs a condom, rolls it on, and wraps my weak shaky legs around his waist.

Positioning his cock between my legs, he breaches my folds, pressing hard heat at my opening until he penetrates my slit. I cry out from the sweet sensation, bucking my hips as he moves in and out of me, extending my last orgasm, and sending me to another. I hold on to his muscular biceps for control, but that is one thing I don’t have with Carter. The way my body reacts to him, it’s like throwing gasoline on a flame. It burns as his hands slide up my body. My skin craves more of him as he tweaks my nipples and kneads my breasts. And when his hands return to my waist and he fucks me hard, I have no more resistance, and I whimper out his name as he delivers me to another orgasm.

He placed my legs over his shoulders and sinks inside of me harder than the last few times. Every thrust hits my G-spot. This rolling orgasm drives me insane, but it’s also too addictive. I want more. I want to get that heady feeling as though I came and I’m coming all at the same time, like it won’t ever end and I’ll be up in the clouds forever.

Carter places his hands at my shoulder as he drives into me. He’s so deep inside, yet I roll my hips and can fit him further still. I’ve never felt my body hit this level of pleasure before, and then his body tenses. We ascend higher, crashing over the edge as we come together. My heavy, panting breaths are the only things that stop me from begging him to start all over again. That would be greedy. He lowers onto me, breathing heavily. I wrap my arms around his broad chest and close my eyes, exhausted.

Carter groans as my hand reaches up to his face, grazing the stubble on his cheeks.

“There’s something about you, Missy,” he whispers, covering my hand to hold it in one spot on the side of his face. “It’s like we’ve known each other for… I don’t know, for a long time.”

“We have,” I tell him.

“Sorry, what?” he asks, looking all sorts of confused.

I relate the story that Rosa-Beth shared earlier tonight, and his eyes light up with recognition. Then I add, “I don’t remember any of this. I was really young, but my sister reminded me of how weird I was back then.”

“I do remember,” he says, smiling. “That was really you?”

I nod. “So she says.”

“Your name should have triggered the memory, though. I’m pretty good with names.”

“True, but Dad never called me by my pet name. You’d probably remember me as ‘Melissa’.”

Carter shot up in the bed, turning to look more closely at my face. “Holy fuck…I do remember you…vividly. Melissa George.”

“That’s me. I hope you aren’t too upset that I’ve got no frigging clue about any of this…but it does explain why we…well, you know. Why we’re here.”

“It does.” He’s still staring at me strangely.

“What?” I ask. “Did I like, kiss you or call you my boyfriend back then, or something equally childish? Because you’re kind of weirding me out right now.”

“No, no. But I think our fathers had some kind of falling out. I remember coming up to the lodge and wondering why your father never brought you over anymore. I asked my Dad once, and he said not in a million years. I’ve got no idea why…but, it makes sense now. When I saw you at the diner, you were so familiar.”

I laugh. “Yes. We sure made up for lost time in a hurry. Too bad we won’t have much more time to catch up.”

“What if I hang around for a while? You know, to figure out whether this is just a walk down memory lane, or something else.”

“And by ‘this’, what exactly do you mean?”

He rolls onto his back and pulls me on top of him. “What I mean, Melissa… is I have this urge right now…to throw you over my shoulder and take you back to New York with me. How crazy does that sound to you?”

“The part about going all caveman on me, or the part about New York?”

He smiles. “Both,” he says, running his hands up my arms. His lips press kisses up from my collarbone to my neck, and he whispers, “Be with me, Melissa. New York. Up at the lodge. At your place. Take your pick.”

I smile.

I was sort of hoping for the same thing.

“Well, as Rosa-Beth won’t be home for a few days, how about my place until New Year’s Eve, and after that, we see how things happen?”

“I don’t care where,” he tells me. “I’m just not ready to let you go.”

Neither am I.