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His To Keep by Vivian Wood (48)


She woke up in Rhys’ bed the next morning. Not her bed in his house in her own room. In his room, in his bed, his tattooed, muscled arm draped around her. She had never been in his room before, but she could see now it looked a lot like hers. It was bigger, with more floor to ceiling windows and pictures of him and the guys on the walls. Clothes were strewn everywhere and there was a collection of guitars over by the window.

Off to one side, was a massive en suite and on the other, a huge walk-in closet that was sure to contain his droolworthy designer clothes.

She managed to reposition herself gently, so as not to wake him. He was breathing deeply and seemed younger in his sleep, his carefully guarded face open and a small almost smile on his face.

She took her time looking at him, now without the worry of getting caught ogling a man that had been off limits to her. She was wearing a tank top and shorts and she had a vague memory of him helping her out of her dress and giving her a few moments alone to change before he had pulled her into his room and onto his bed with him.

It had been really early this morning when they had finally arrived home and as plied as she had been with wine and lust, it surprised her that she could remember arriving home and everything that had followed.

He had stripped down to his briefs and hadn’t bothered to put anything else on. He smirked as she gasped at seeing his perfect body so close to naked for the first time and had crawled over her, hard muscled body pressing into her in the most delicious way before kissing her nearly senseless again. Then, he had let out a deep breath and had repositioned himself behind her, pulling her against him with her ass pressing into his erection. Big spoon to her little spoon as she squirmed against him. He had whispered simply, “Tomorrow, princess. I promise. Now, go to sleep before I can’t take it anymore and do all the things to you I’ve been dreaming about.”

She remembered drifting off to sleep in his strong arms with the fleeting disbelief that he had said he’d been dreaming about doing things to her.

Now, in the soft morning light pouring into his bedroom, he was still wearing only his briefs, his hard, stunning body on full display to her. Her gaze swept from his sleeping, beautiful face to his tattooed muscular chest and arms, over his defined stomach down to that perfect V between his hipbones and down to… oh my, seemed what they said about morning wood was true.

She let out a small gasp at this realization and felt herself blushing. Luckily, Rhys was asleep, or so she thought. She looked up to his face quickly, only to feel herself blushing ten times harder when she found herself looking into those mesmerizing eyes, sleepy but wide open now, and a smirk on his lips.

“Like what you see, princess?” His voice was still groggy but oh so beautiful.

“Uh, yeah. I do… Very much. I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t be staring while you’re asleep.”

He reached a hand up to her face, brushing her hair from her eyes and tucking it gently behind her ear, fixating her with his piercing eyes.

“It’s okay. I like you looking at me. Like seeing you looking at me more.”

“Even then, it’s rude to stare at a sleeping person.” She averted her gaze and focused on her knee instead.

“Princess, you can stare at me all you want. As long as it’s me you’re staring at like that, I’m happy. Fucking ecstatic, actually.” He cupped her chin so that their eyes met and he held her gaze, still not moving to hide any part of himself.

“It’s okay to be curious. Hell, I’m fucking honored to be the one who gets to indulge your curiosity.” The way he was looking at her, practically naked, eyes hooded and dark with desire, relaxed about his exposed body had to be the single most erotic thing she'd ever seen.

Her breath hitched at his words, but she wasn't feeling shame anymore at being caught. It was amazing how comfortable he made her feel, how at home, how wanted.

He was still looking at her tenderly, waiting for her reply. She had no words as she started tracing the lines of the tattoo on his chest, then the ones on his arm and all the way to his hand. Next, she traced the muscled lines of his stomach down to his hips. His breath hitched and she swore she saw his cock twitch! Could they really do that? She'd read about it, of course, but she hadn't thought it was actually possible. But there, as she traced her hand down his stomach and toward the elastic of his briefs, it did it again!

She gasped, and he let out a low moan.

“I’m really trying to let you do your thing here, princess. But you’re really fucking killing me.”

She was killing him? That seemed impossible, but yet, the evidence was right in front of her. A shiver of excitement ran up her spine and she could feel herself growing damp at his words.

“Fuck,” he breathed as she ran her hands over the outline of his hard cock over his briefs. “I can’t fucking wait to get inside of you.”

He flipped her onto her back and pressed his body to hers, kissing her deeply and tracing the neckline of her tank top as he ran his other hand up and down her thigh.

She moaned as he reached the edge of her shorts and grasped at the fabric before rolling only her shorts over her ass, down her legs and then kicked them off the bed without breaking the kiss.

“Serena,” he said softly. “Look into my eyes for a sec.” She opened her eyes and he drank her in, running one hand up and down her side, leaving goosebumps in his trail.

“I’m trying to go slow here, princess. But you’re going to have to talk to me, okay. If I do anything you’re not comfortable with or worse, if anything hurts, you have to tell me. Okay? Promise me you’ll tell me?”

She looked into his eyes, so wide and honest, and she nodded slowly.

“I need to hear you say it, Serena.”

“I’ll be honest, I promise Rhys. I’ll tell you,” she breathed softly.

“Okay then, princess. Just remember, okay?” He was kissing down her neck, planting soft kisses and nips between his words.

“Has anyone ever gone down on you?”

He looked up at her expectantly, one hand tracing her nipple through her shirt. She shook her head, unable to form words from the sensations he was eliciting in her body.

“Crying fucking shame. I bet you taste fucking divine.” A shiver ran through her body as he said the words. How did he say it so easily? So shamelessly?

“You were okay with what happened last night, though?”

He was still teasing her nipples, planting soft kisses on the exposed skin on her stomach.

She barely managed a nod. Her skin was on fire everywhere he touched her, aching for more. Each stroke on her nipples caused her sex to clench and she was pretty sure that by now, her panties were drenched. She would be embarrassed, if she could bring herself to think that far, but all her thoughts were completely wrapped in what he was making her feel.

His hands slid her panties down and her tank top disappeared over her head. She was now completely naked in front of the most gorgeous man on the planet. Eeek! If this were anyone else, she would be trying to cover up, but the way he was looking at her, his eyes dark with lust, made her feel sexy, desirable and beautiful and all thoughts of covering up flew from her head.

He drank her in with his eyes, growling softly as his fingers stroked her dripping slit.

“God, Serena. You’re so fucking wet.” He brought his glistening fingers to his lips and licked her juices off the tips of his fingers. He closed his eyes and let out a low moan as he tasted her on his hands. “Fucking delicious, princess. So sweet. I want to eat you out, is that okay?”

She knew he was waiting for an answer, but she couldn't seem to find the words he was waiting for. All she could focus on were his fingers that were now playing with her clit, teasing her seam.

He kissed her deeply, hungrily and she could feel his rock hard cock digging into her. She moaned loudly, still unable to form any words.

“Fuck, Serena. I’ve never cum from just sounds before, but if you keep that up, that might change. Breathe, princess… I’m not doing anything until I know you’re okay with it, so you’re going to have to give me an answer here.” His voice was husky, low.

She followed his advice, taking a deep breath to clear her ridiculously, pathetically aroused mind enough to whimper, “Yes, please Rhys! Please!” she begged.

She barely registered that she hadn't showered yet before his mouth was licking slowly but hungrily along her seam. Up and down, sucking in her lips, darting his tongue into her before starting all over again. He let out a low moan again. “So fucking sweet, Serena.” He moaned before taking her sensitive clit in his mouth, sucking lightly, his tongue flicking against her bud.

His tongue had reduced her to a shivering, moaning maniac. She tried to buck her hips against him, unable to contain herself any longer, but his strong hands on her hips kept her in place. He licked and sucked until she saw nothing but stars and fireworks, feeling like she was about to fly away if it wasn't for him anchoring her. Far too soon, the pressure that had been building up inside her released into a ball of light, her mind shattering in every different direction possible as she screamed his name, digging her fingers into his shoulders and tugging at his hair.

He kept licking, until he had gotten every last drop before he crawled up over her body. His briefs were off now. She could feel the tip of his cock against her entrance, positioned perfectly to slide into her. He didn't though, he kissed her hard and she could taste herself on his lips. Somehow, it just aroused her even more. She moaned into his mouth and heard a low sound at the back of his throat.

“You said you’re on birth control. I’m clean. I get tested every month, you want to see the results? Got them on my phone, haven’t been with anyone since my last test.” He looked at her, eyes wide with lust, pupils dilated. Yet, his eyes were shining with honesty and she could see his offer was serious and that he wouldn’t be offended if she asked to see his test.

“No, I believe you, Rhys. I want you inside of me. Now! Please, Rhys.”

He let out a low growl, but didn't say any more and she could feel his hard cock gently pushing harder at her entrance. He slid in slowly, watching her every facial expression, seemingly gauging her every move.

“Fuck, so tight,” he breathed as he edged in, still very slowly. She could feel a tug as his head slipped in and a burst of pain as he pushed against and then broke her hymen. It wasn't as painful as she had expected though and while it was sore, the delicious fullness and pleasure at having him inside her outweighed the discomfort. She clung to him and ran her hands through his hair and down his back.

When he was all the way in, he stopped, letting her get used to the feeling of him inside her. His muscles were taut, eyes blazing with need, but he didn't act on it. He was huge, but she needed to feel him move already.

“Okay there, princess?”

“I’m fine, Rhys. I need to feel you move!” she managed, her voice breathy.

At that, it was as if his resolve broke, and he started moving. Slowly at first, but it was the most incredible feeling she had ever felt. Pleasure filled her body, taking over every inch of her. The entire world had disappeared and all that existed was the feeling of him in her, his body on hers breathing deeply and softly growling and moaning into her ears, kissing her and whispering to her.

He rocked into her with perfect rhythm, with just the right amount of pressure and she could feel the pressure building again. Almost painfully at this point, but she knew he wasn't going to stop. She knew he could, and willed him to release the knot he was building in her. His breathing was ragged now and she could feel his muscles start to shake as he thrust into her more forcefully, but still taking care not to hurt her. He was nearly there, and she was right there with him.

A final thrust and her world was shattering into a million pieces again as the knot that had been building inside her released, and all those things she'd ever heard and read about mind-blowing orgasms came true for her.

He nipped at her bottom lip as his eyes rolled back, muscled shoulders flexing and thighs quivering as he filled her. She felt his orgasm pour into her, cock twitching deep inside of her. And it was the most exquisite thing that she'd ever felt.

He pressed his lips against hers and pulled her into a long, deep kiss. He was still on top of her and in her, but he fixed her with concerned eyes. “You okay, Serena? I’m sorry if lost control at the end there, I-” she silenced him with another kiss.

“I’m okay, Rhys. Really, I don’t remember a time that I’ve been better. That was…” She tried to find the words, but came up empty. She finally reached the only word that came to mind. “Incredible, Rhys. That was incredible.” She cradled his face in her hand. “I’ve never felt that before, never come apart like that. The things you do to me…”

“You’ve never cum before?” he asked incredulously, eyes blazing.

She cut him off before he jumped to conclusions about last night. “Well, there was last night and by myself, but never anything like that.”

He stroked her hair and kissed her again. When they came up for air, his eyes glinted mischievously. “I’ve wanted to do this almost from the first day I met you, you know? The things I’ve thought about doing to you…” He chuckled softly.

“Really? I’ve wanted it, too. But I never thought you did.”

He kissed her gently, tracing her neck and kissing her collarbone. “How could I not want to? You’re the most beautiful, real girl I’ve ever seen,” he murmured in her ear.

“So that’s what you meant in the limo, huh? When you said ‘not like this’? I thought you meant because you didn’t want me like this.” He stared straight into her soul again.

“Yeah, I wanted to tell you. I just didn’t know how to.” Her voice was small, but she could feel him stirring in her again, clearly as excited by the memory of them in that limo as her.

“Fuck, Serena. I wish you’d told me. I’m a fucking asshole for not letting you explain. But I thought if I let you, you’d tell me how what an asshole I was and leave ‘cause it’s not part of the arrangement. You made it so clear from the start that that wouldn’t be okay with you. And I was selfish and I didn’t want you to leave… I’m an asshole. I should’ve put more faith in you.”

“It’s okay, Rhys. It led us to where we are right now. And where we are right now is pretty fucking amazing.”

He grinned down at her. “Truth. You up for another round, or are you too sore?”

“Are you kidding me, I’ve wanted this for weeks, bring on round two!” she squealed as he brought his mouth onto her nipple again and started moving his hips in slow, delicious circles.

Too soon, he was building up that pressure in her again, tying her body up in knots only he could release, but just as she’d known he would, he delivered on all the promises he’d made her body and her muscles clenched around him and she moaned in perfect bliss.