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Hot Boss: An Office Romance by Charlize Starr (2)


I arrived at MacCauley’s before either Clara or Suzy. It was a bar we were in the habit of going to every time we had a reason to celebrate. I’d told the girls eight, but I got there much before that. I just wanted to get out of the apartment because it reminded me of how I’d been feeling not long ago: broken-hearted and alone.

The night was going to be all about moving on from Evan and celebrating my new job. I’d put on the sexiest cocktail dress I could find in my wardrobe. I did my hair and spent time on my makeup, and by the time I got to the bar, I could feel some of my self-confidence returning. Things weren’t so bad after all, I thought.

I sat at the bar, having ordered a gin and tonic – my usual. My drink arrived and I started drinking it with enthusiasm. With enough alcohol in me, I hoped I wouldn’t even remember what I was sad about the day before. I polished off the first drink and ordered a second. I knew the girls wouldn’t mind that I hadn’t waited for them. I was already on my first sip of the second G&T when I sensed someone sitting down beside me at the counter.

I looked over and nearly did a double take. Was it sheer luck that a hot guy had taken the seat right beside me? I tried not to stare, looking at him from the corner of my eye instead.

He was in a power suit and a fancy tie. His dark hair was brushed back from his forehead fashionably and he had a rugged square jaw. A Rolex glittered on his wrist as he placed his hands on the counter. He was ordering a whiskey, keeping it simple. We were sitting close enough for me to get a whiff of his cologne. Masculine and dreamy. I wondered what his mouth would taste like.

“You like what you see?” He turned to me abruptly, catching me by surprise.

I didn’t think he knew I was looking at him. I could feel my cheeks burning up instantly. “Excuse me?” I stammered, gripping my glass tightly in my hand.

He had the whiskey in his hand as he turned in his seat to face me. “You know what I’m talking about. You were looking at me like you wanted me. I didn’t want to keep you in suspense.” He had a deep voice with a hint of humor in it. He was smiling at me like he was enjoying making me uncomfortable. I couldn’t believe he was being this forward!

“I don’t . . . That’s not what I want. I’m just waiting for my friends to join me,” I replied. I knew I wasn’t exactly making any sense, but he’d caught me off-guard. I wasn’t prepared for a flirty conversation, especially not with a man who looked like him!

His eyes were the deepest green, and he was quickly scanning me up and down. Like he was measuring me for size. “Your friends seem to have stood you up,” he said with a smile and took a sip of his drink.

“I’m just early,” I replied, beginning to feel nervous. I felt like I was making an utter fool of myself, and this man was having fun at my expense.

“Which means you can leave with me now and your friends will never find out,” he declared. By the time his green eyes finally settled on my face, he’d already undressed me. I could feel it under my skin. He had a thick neck and wide shoulders. The hand that gripped the whiskey glass was large.

“I’m not that kind of person,” I told him, arching my eyebrows up in my forehead.

“The kind of person who likes to have fun?” he asked, adding a little chuckle to the end of that. I gritted my teeth, offended that he would think I didn’t know how to have fun.

“I don’t know you. You don’t know me!” I remarked.

“We’re strangers, I know. That’s what makes it more exciting, doesn’t it?” he asked and slowly, he stepped off his stool.

“I just ordered my drinks. My friends will be here any minute,” I replied, but already, I could feel my voice growing weak. How often did it happen that a handsome stranger made me a proposition before he’d even asked me my name? This was the perfect no-strings situation that could occur. It was exactly how I should be spending my night. The longer he stared at me with those startling eyes and that delicious smile, the weaker I felt.

“So, let’s get out of here now. Text them later. I promise that I’m a lot of fun,” he stated confidently and placed his whiskey glass on the counter and held his hand out to me.

I couldn’t believe what he was expecting me to do. I couldn’t believe that I was even considering it! But there were changes I needed to make in my life. The old me wouldn’t have even continued this conversation. The old me would have despised the thought of a one-night stand. But being with Evan had taught me an important lesson: I was a clinger. This handsome stranger was offering me an opportunity to change old patterns.

“I can see you cracking,” he interrupted my thoughts with a knowing smile. I met his eyes and then slowly stepped down from my stool and gave him my hand.

“I live two blocks away,” was all I said to him.

I followed him as he led me out of the bar, weaving me around the tables till we were finally outside.

“Wait! I have to text my friends!” I declared, pulling my hand away from his.

Met someone. One-night stand. I need to do this to get over Evan. XX Aria


We entered my apartment together and he was the one who shut the door behind him. I’d never done this before. I’d never brought a guy home who I didn’t know.

I turned to face him and I caught him looking around my apartment. Was he judging my residence? He had that air about him. With his fancy suit and his Rolex . . . He would be the kind of man who had finer tastes in life. My ordinary studio apartment wasn’t living up to his standards.

“What’s your name?” I asked him and he fixed his green eyes on me again.

“Does it matter?” he said and stepped closer to me.

“I guess it does . . . I’d like to at least know what your name is before we begin anything,” I replied nervously, clasping my hands together. I wasn’t sure what to do.

He smiled. He’d stepped up right in front of me and reached for my face, hooking a finger under my chin. Slowly, he turned my face towards him so I had no choice but to stare into his eyes.

“Trust me. You don’t need to know who I am to feel this.” His voice sizzled as he spoke.

In the next moment, he was kissing me. The kiss started off slow, but very soon, his tongue was in my mouth and my arms were around his neck. I’d never been kissed like this before – not with this hungry ravenous desire. I kissed him back just as wildly, pressing my body to his. His hands traveled down my back until he was cupping my butt.

He pulled his mouth away from me, leaving me breathless. “You shouldn’t have worn this dress tonight,” he murmured. His hot breath fell on my face while his fingers teased the straps of my dress. He was pulling them down my arms. I gasped at the sensation of the silky material traveling down my body.

His eyes glittered and he continued to smile as he drew my dress down, inch by inch, until my strapless bra was revealed to him. He didn’t stop at that. The dress went further down until it was at my knees and then down by my ankles. I was in nothing but my bra and panties and he was still fully dressed. My breath was caught in my throat.

He stepped back to look at me. “Gorgeous,” he grunted, more to himself than to me.

“I’ve never done this before . . . ” I murmured, too shy to meet his eyes. He looked up at me with a renewed fire in his gaze, and I caught what he was thinking. “No . . . I mean, I’ve been with other guys. But only guys I was dating,” I clarified and he smirked.

“You’re that type of girl,” he said in a deep voice and nodded his head. “We can fix that!” he exclaimed and lunged at me, grabbing me by my waist and pulling me to himself.

He was kissing me again, pressing me up against his body. I could feel the warmth of his body through his clothes. His fingers traveled down my front, brushing over my bare belly until he’d found that spot between my legs.

I gasped while he kissed me, his mouth wide open over mine. I could taste the whiskey on his breath. His fingers were making me uncontrollably wet. He was the one who had all the power, and I felt like a puppet in his hands.

I pulled away from him for breath, craning my neck backward. His tongue was on my neck, leaving a blazing wet trail on my skin. His fingers stroked me between my legs and I could feel my pussy throbbing. I knew he could feel it too. My clit swelling up, my juices soaking up my panties. He was doing this to me, and I had no control over myself.

His fingers rubbed and stroked me through my panties and I moaned. I wanted to feel his cock, see it, experience what it would feel like to have him inside me. He was right. It was strangely thrilling to do this with someone I didn’t know – whose name I didn’t know either.

His fingers were seeking out the hottest spot in my core, slowly tugging away at my panties. I knew what he was going to do next. I was gasping for air. I couldn’t wait for that moment when he’d touch me. When I’d feel the roughness of his thick fingers in my folds.

“See? There’s a first time for everything,” he said and slowly he started slipping my panties down my legs. His fingers were on my back, unhooking my bra and my breasts swung into his view. There was nowhere to hide. I was well and truly naked before him. He could see every freckle on my body, the color of my pebbled pink nipples.

His face darkened and he narrowed his eyes at me. “Feeling lucky yet?” he asked with a smirk tugging the corner of his lips.

Those words had an instant effect on me. Suddenly, he’d snapped me out of the trance I’d found myself in. He was the most arrogant man I’d ever met and I was just about to sleep with him!

He reached for my breasts but I quickly stepped away from him. What was I doing? I was about to have sex with a complete stranger. With a man who thought he was doing me a favor by coming home with me! He was so sure of himself, so confident that he was going to make me feel good . . . that I was embarrassed.

“What’s the matter?” he asked, taking a step towards me again. I shook my head.

“You have to leave!” I shouted, raising my voice at him and covering my exposed breasts with my hands.

A smile started spreading across his face.

“You’re just a bundle of surprises, aren’t you?” he said.


I couldn’t look at him anymore. I rushed to pick my clothes off the floor, while he stood some distance away — fully clothed. I was embarrassed and feeling guilty.

“Are you serious?” I heard him say as I slipped on my undergarments.

“Yes, totally serious. This was a mistake. You have to go!” I was determined. He still hadn’t budged. It was like he couldn’t believe that a woman had actually refused to have sex with him.

He was good at this game of seduction. That much I had to hand to him. He was really good! He almost had me convinced that sleeping with him was a good thing. He had the looks, the body, and presumably the money to get what he wanted. This man seemed like someone who wasn’t accustomed to being turned away.

“You’re making a mistake,” he grumbled as I pulled my dress back up.

I knew my hair was a mess and my lipstick must have been all smudged from the vigorous kissing, but I didn’t care anymore. I was relieved I’d caught myself in time. “I was making a mistake by nearly sleeping with you. Now I’m not,” I stated and crossed my arms over my breasts.

He’d seen me naked, he knew how wet my pussy was . . . still was. He knew the most intimate parts of my body and I didn’t even know his name. What was I thinking? Did I really think that I was going to wake up the next morning and be okay with this?

He smirked and rubbed the back of his head with one hand. There was a boyish look on his face when he smiled like that and I could feel myself weakening again. Would it be so wrong to sleep with him? How often did I encounter a sexy guy like him? He was definitely one of a kind, but so wrong for me!

“Suit yourself,” he said and breathed in deeply.

I held my ground, glaring at him down my nose. I was afraid it would be difficult to get rid of him. The truth was that I didn’t know anything about him. He could have been aggressive; he could have been a lunatic . . . But as far as I could see, he wasn’t any of those things. He was just an arrogant rich guy who was used to having his way.

“Can I ask, is this because I didn’t tell you my name?” He was walking to my front door when he stopped in his tracks.

I gulped and shook my head. “Maybe . . . Not really. I just don’t do this kind of thing. Sorry for leading you on. But I just can’t go through with it,” I replied, looking away from him embarrassedly.

“It’s okay. I’ll let you off the hook for wasting my time. Although, if you really listened to your body, you would know that you should have let me fuck you tonight,” he said. Before I could reply to him, he was out of the door.

I was finally alone in my apartment and I could breathe again!

What did he know about my body? How did he know what I needed? I ran to my window and looked down to see him crossing the street. He had thrust his hands into the pockets of his pants. He didn’t look up at me. It was like he’d forgotten me already. That was how insignificant I was to him.

I sank down to the floor, reaching for my purse. I didn’t know what I was feeling. A mixture of emotions. Relief that I’d dodged a bullet. Regret that I’d turned away a night of breathless sex with a hot stranger. The shock that I’d even thought I could go through with it! This was not who I was. I was not a one-night-stand kind of girl. I wasn’t the kind of person who could sleep with a stranger and just forget. I knew there were changes I needed to make in my life, but this wasn’t the way to begin.

My phone was flooded with messages from Clara and Suzy, both of whom seemed to be worried about me. They were still at the bar and I texted them to come over. I’d just about washed my face and removed my smudged makeup when they were knocking on my door.

“What happened? Are you okay?” They hugged me and I put on a smile.

“Yeah, I’m fine. I couldn’t go through with it. I stopped it from happening,” I told them and they followed me to the couch.

“Who was he?” Suzy asked.

“Just a guy I met at the bar when I was waiting for you guys,” I replied, trying not to picture his face. Heaven knows he was handsome! Probably the sexiest man I’d ever kissed. He would have been the hottest guy I ever had sex with if I’d gone through with it.

“And what happened? Why’d you change your mind?” Clara squeezed up beside me on the couch and I hugged her.

“I didn’t want to do it. I knew that if I slept with him, I wouldn’t be able to let him go. I’d regret it in the morning. Plus, he seemed like an arrogant womanizer. He didn’t want anything except sex from me. He refused to tell me his name!” I explained.

“Good riddance, then. I hate guys like that – ones who think all they have to do is sleep with us and we’ll get over it!” Suzy added.

“What do they want, though? Men like that? I find it so hard to believe that they don’t want love . . . that they’re not looking for something too,” I said, thinking about the man and his charming boyish smile. What was he looking for in his life?

“Who knows what they want! They don’t want commitment, that’s for sure. It’s like they’re allergic to it. Forget him, Aria. Be glad that you got rid of him in time,” Clara said and I agreed with her.

I didn’t need good sex to feel good. I had a new job to go to on Monday!





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