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In the Spotlight (New York City Book 0) by Ally Decker (8)




HOLY SHIT, what the hell? Greg tried to calm his breathing, and he was working hard to contain the whirlwind inside him. Whatever he'd expected, it wasn't this.

He didn't want to move, didn't want to take his hands off of Sylvia. He closed his eyes, anchoring himself in their connection, something that was honest and weirdly fragile. Something that had nothing to do with the charade they were supposed to play.

It took him a while to realize the car wasn't moving anymore, but then he ignored it. It didn't matter. He wasn't ready to leave, wasn't ready to let Sylvia get out and walk away from him. And from the way her fingers tightened in his grip, she wasn't in any hurry, either.

Greg leaned in for another kiss, this time slower, but deeper, hungrier for more of that pull he felt between them. He grazed her lower lip with his teeth, then sucked it into his mouth to run his tongue over delicate flesh.

Sylvia ran her nails behind his ear, making him tighten his hold on her. His cock was getting harder, and the need to get as close as possible surprised him with its intensity.

There was something about her that spoke to Greg. Not only now, but ever since she had smiled at him in that back alley, pale-faced and a bit embarrassed, but still charming. There was something that pulled him in, made him want more—more time with her, more smiles from her, and now—more of her taste.

When they broke apart this time, she ran her tongue over her lower lip and lifted her gaze to meet his. Her eyes were brighter in the dim light of the car than Greg had ever seen them, and he smiled, letting go of her hip so that he could run his thumb over her cheek and the line of her jaw.

Sylvia smiled back and leaned slightly into his touch.

"Do you want to come upstairs?" she whispered, and he nodded before she even finished the question.

"Yes," he whispered back, to make sure there was no doubt, and then kissed her softly before pulling back and glancing at Jack, who stared diligently into his phone and ignored them completely. "This is our last stop for the day," Greg said louder, catching Jack's attention. "Go home and get some shut eye."

If Sylvia didn't want for him to stay the night, he could always get a taxi.

After they said their good nights, he and Sylvia watched Jack drive away before looking at each other. Even in heels, she was still small enough that her shoulder fit under his arm when Greg tugged her closer.

"Come on," she said and pulled him by their joined hands.

They didn't say anything more as they entered the building and walked up the stairs.

At her door, she fumbled with her keys as he brushed his nose against her temple and cheek, inhaling the mix of scents that he realized he could already recognize—the scent of her shampoo, her perfume, her.

When she finally pushed the door open and they got inside, she turned the lights on and they left their jackets and shoes by the door. Greg watched her walk to a little kitchenette barefoot and in her little black dress, and something shifted inside of him, like pieces rearranging in a new way. He suddenly couldn't stand so much space between them, so he followed her, plastering himself to her back as she reached to the glass cabinet above her head.

She sighed, melting against him and dropping her arms down, and he pressed closer, trapping her between his body and the counter. He gripped her hip again with one hand, moving the other to her stomach and splaying his fingers wide. His pinkie landed over the line of her panties under her dress, and he brushed his finger back and forth. She leaned further against him, tilting her head back to rest against his shoulder.

One of her hands covered his on her stomach, and she ran her nails lightly over his forearm. Greg tightened his grip on her hip as he fought the shiver down his spine. His hard cock was pressing against the small of her back now, and for a second, he imagined dragging her dress up and fucking her here, against the counter.

"I guess you're not thirsty after all," she whispered, and he chuckled into her hair.

"Not for anything you could find in a bottle."

She nodded and then pushed back a little to wiggle out of the confines of his embrace.

"Come on then." She caught his hand and pulled him forward, leading him down the small hallway to her bedroom. All Greg could think of now was getting her naked.

She turned to him as he closed the door, and then they were kissing again. Her hands were in his hair, keeping his head close as if she wanted to make sure he wouldn't pull away.

As if.

He circled his arms around her waist, moving one hand lower to run his fingers over the curve of her ass. Sylvia moaned into the kiss and he smiled. He wanted to get more sounds like that out of her tonight. He moved his fingers up and down a few times before flattening his hand, cupping one of her buttocks.

As they broke off their kiss to catch their breaths, Greg tilted his head so he could leave a line of kisses along her neck, and Sylvia's grip tightened in his hair as he licked the dip of skin right next to her collarbone. She moved one of her hands to tease his earlobe with her fingertips, as if she already knew it was his sensitive spot.

Greg turned her around again and reached for the zipper of her dress. When he pulled it open all the way, he inhaled sharply at the expanse of skin right in front of him—to touch, and kiss, and taste. He wanted to map out every inch of her back, every curve and every line, but his erection was getting more persistent.

He slowly pushed the sleeves of the dress down, his mouth following the path of the fabric along her shoulders. When the dress fell onto the floor, Greg leaned in to lick the line of her spine from between her shoulder blades up, ending high at the nape of her neck, where he bit her lightly—not enough to leave any mark.

Not yet, if he was lucky.

Sylvia shivered under his touch, her breath coming faster. She turned back to face him and reached out to unbutton his shirt. He used that opportunity to look at her, in her black, strapless bra and black panties, perfect curves of her body right in front of him. He couldn't keep his hands still on her hips. His thumbs rubbed circles right above her hipbones, and he had to fight not to shove her down onto the bed.

But as soon as the last button of his shirt was free, that was it. He pushed Sylvia to lie down and didn't take his eyes off of her as he quickly undressed the rest of the way. She lay there on top of the dark red cover, watching him with a heated look. When he took off his pants and underwear, she arched up to unhook her bra before tossing it off the bed. A moment later, the only piece of clothing between them was her panties.

Greg leaned over Sylvia, only letting their skin brush as he rested his elbows on both sides of her head. Their lips met again in a kiss that soon left them both fighting for breath. He couldn't wait to be inside her. She scooted further up on the bed to rest her head on the pillow and he followed her, but he forgone her mouth this time. He nuzzled at her throat and moved lower, slowly covering her in light kisses as he brushed one of his hands over her stomach, fingertips dipping under her panties from time to time, making her arch into his touch.

Yes. He loved how responsive she was.

She moaned loudly when he flicked his tongue over her nipple a few times before sucking at the tip. She tugged at his hair, and it sent shots of heat down his body, making his cock even harder.

"Fuck, Greg," she breathed out above him.

"I've got you." He resumed his trip down her body, kissing down her stomach and licking into her navel. Then he ran his tongue right over the line of her panties, feeling her shiver in response. He grinned up at her. She was watching him, her eyes dark with dilated pupils, and her skin flushed under his touch.

Finally, he hooked his fingers into her panties and slowly pushed them down her legs before throwing them away.

She was completely naked now.

Greg looked up and down her body—all the places his lips had been and the ones he hadn't made it to yet—and he swallowed down a groan of pleasure. He nudged her shin so that he could rest his knee between her legs, but she rolled over onto her side and reached to the drawer of her nightstand. She turned onto her back again a few seconds later, handing him a condom between her fingers.

The second he took it from her, she opened her legs wider, and he could kneel between them easily. Her eyes were fixed on his cock and Greg had to bite down on his lips to stall a sudden rush of heat inside him. He rolled the condom on and then reached out to run his thumb over her folds, slipping between them to find her clit. She arched up, inhaling sharply, and he grinned, rubbing harder. She was wet under his fingers, and when he moved them lower to her entrance, he had no problems slipping one inside her.

"Come on," she urged him breathlessly, before letting out a moan as he curled his finger up.

He breathed in sharply, her words making him impossibly harder, but he slipped in another finger, moving in and out as he watched her bright eyes going darker as she moaned, tightening her muscles around his fingers.

Greg swore as the sensation seemed to travel all the way to his cock.

"Want you." Sylvia's hands clasped his shoulders hard as she spoke, and he couldn't wait any longer. He pulled his fingers out and looked up again to watch her as he pushed his cock into her slowly.

Her body was hot and slick and as he moved further inside, the pleasure rolled over him in waves. He leaned over her to catch her lips in a kiss as he went as deep as he was going to get. Sylvia hooked her legs up over his hips, pulling him closer against her, and they quickly fell into a rhythm, moving in counterpoint as they sped up, chasing their orgasms together.

As he shifted to the side, she gasped at the change of angle, and Greg kissed her, swallowing every sound she made. He wanted to drive her crazy, wanted her to come apart under him. He reached down between their bodies to find her clit again. He rubbed it in small circles, fast and hard, and she shouted into his mouth, clutching his shoulders almost painfully. She came with her thighs trembling, her legs falling to the side, and he let go of her to balance himself as he pushed into her again and again until he came inside her before her tremors subsided for good.

Greg rested his head next to hers, and he let himself catch his breath as her fingertips ran back and forth behind his ear, sending the smallest of shivers down his spine, dragging out his afterglow.

He didn't feel like moving ever again.