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Indigo Lake by Jodi Thomas (26)


WHEN DAN PULLED UP at the truck stop for gas, Blade went inside to buy the coffees. His only deputy was moving slower than usual, but a wounded special agent with the ATF was still worth more than a dozen volunteers.

He had Lauren and Tim answering phones and doing research. Dice Fuller had called to say he had a favor to do for a few friends, and then he’d be in to help.

Dan had little hope Tim and Lauren would discover anything by talking to folks and checking names on the internet. And he had a feeling Dice would be investigating Pearly by noon. She was batting her eyes at the old cowboy so often, Dan was starting to believe she might be having a stroke.

Lauren did tell Dan that there was no record of anyone except the Collins family owning the Bar W, so the story about the first Collins killing off the owners and stealing the land didn’t hold water. She did say there was no record of what happened to D.R. Collins’s older brother. He could be under a bridge somewhere, homeless, or who knows, his bones might be in the box canyon Lucas and Charley were talking about.

Dan made a mental note to ask Dice about the canyon. If any of the cowhands knew about such a place, it would be him.

Lucas said his father had mentioned the legend years ago. Lucas claimed his dad never saw any entrance to a small canyon, so whoever blocked it up must have done a great job.

Reid lived in the house where the map was drawn on the back of a painting. Surely he’d seen it. If so and he’d found it, what was he using it for? What new business would bring in more money than cattle?

Pieces, Dan thought, and none fit together.

As he pumped gas, he dialed his wife. If he didn’t talk to her soon, she’d know something was wrong.

A mumbled hello whispered through the phone. That low sexy voice he’d fallen in love with the moment she’d said hello.

“Morning, Sleeping Beauty.” He grinned, imagining what she looked like. “Sorry I woke you up so early, but I’ve got a full day and didn’t know if I’d get a chance to call later.”

“You didn’t call last night,” she said, still sounding more asleep than awake. “Songs were running in my head all night. All about loving you.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t call, but you can play them for me when you get back. I worked so late, I fell asleep at my desk.” He didn’t want to tell her all that was happening, but he couldn’t lie to her. She was in Nashville working on her dream. She didn’t need to worry about him.

“What’s going on in the fast-moving metropolis of Crossroads?”

“The usual. Death threats. Shootings behind the county offices. Dead bodies popping up every few days. A jail break. Oh, and Pearly’s started dating Dice Fuller.”

“What?” Brandi came full awake. “Pearly’s dating someone!”

He smiled to himself. He’d told the truth, but the only part she’d believed was the gossip. “You’ve met the old guy. Dice Fuller cowboys for the Bar W. Last Christmas he drove the wagon that took us around town caroling. I should say he used to work for the Bar W. They’ve been shutting down cattle operations on the ranch. Fired all the cowhands. Having a mess of trouble out there.”

“I don’t care about some ranch.” She giggled. “Tell me about Pearly. The last guy she dated had dementia and left the restaurant without her, and the one before that said he had trust issues on the first date and wanted her credit card number. Are you sure she’s trying it again?”

Dan relaxed. Brandi wasn’t going to ask about anything else. “Well, she showed up with makeup on a few days ago. Scared me so bad I almost dropped my coffee cup. She had thick eyebrows, said they were the ‘in’ thing, but I swear hers blackened half her forehead.”

Brandi laughed. “She is dating. Did she paint her nails?”

Dan just smiled. “I didn’t look. You know I only have eyes for you.”

“I know, but look. If she left one painted black and all the others red, that means something, but I’m not sure what. Maybe it says, ‘I’m ready for a midnight ride, cowboy.’”

“I miss you,” Dan whispered. “I’d be totally unaware of what’s going on in the world if it wasn’t for you. By the way, what do your nails look like?”

“I miss you, too. I’ll be home in a few days and I want to hear all about everything that’s happened.” She laughed. “Oh, by the way, I’m planning to have every other nail painted black.”

“Go back to sleep, pretty lady. I have to get to work.”

“I know you do but, Dan, I want you to know that whatever happens with this music career of mine, you are my happy-ever-after ending.”

“Sounds like a song.”

“It might just become one. Have a good day, honey.”

He held the cell tightly for a few seconds. A part of him could never let go of her, even on the phone.

Hamilton walked up with two large take-out cups. “You know when you said we were going for coffee, I thought maybe a café or coffee shop.”

“We don’t have time for that. We’ve got back roads to cover. You up for the ride?”

“Sure. No pain.”