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Infatuated (Ocean Beach Book 1) by Lea Hart (3)



Lisa sat inside the mess and sipped her coffee as she waited for the call to connect on Facetime. She’d missed her chat with her best friend yesterday and was in dire need of a little bestie time.

Hearing the call connect, she leaned forward and clapped her hands when Courtney’s face came into view. “I miss you so much.”

“I miss you more. Come home immediately and quit putting me through the torture of worrying about you.”


“I hate that answer.”

“I know.” Looking around, she made sure no one was close and connected her headset. “I have something to tell you.”

“Considering you’re in the middle of a civil war, I’m hoping it involves some intrigue or high stakes shenanigans.”

“No, nothing like that.” Smiling, she ran her hand over the edge of her computer. “I had a date last night.”

“A date? How’s that even possible on a military base.”

“Remember that SEAL I was telling you about that’s always yelling and giving me grief?”

“Devil boy?”

“Yes.” Looking from side to side again, she made sure no one had arrived. “I asked him out on a date after he and his fire team pulled me out of a tenuous situation.”

“How tenuous?”

“That’s not the important part; focus.”

Courtney shook her head. “It kind of is, but I’ll let it go.”

“Thank you. Now, are you ready to hear about the date?”

“I can’t believe you finally broke down and did something about the crush. What happened, did you fight, kiss, or roll around and have very naughty sex?”

Leaning on her elbow, she let out a sigh. “We made out, ate cookies, and talked for a while. It was fun.”

“Fun is a really boring word and makes me think of bowling, canasta, and arranging one’s socks.” She picked up a paperclip and tapped it against her desk. “On a scale of one to ten, where would you rate devil boy and this alleged date?”

“A solid six.”

“That’s not very exciting; no wonder you used the word, fun.”

“Don’t get me wrong; his sex appeal is a twenty, his courage and overall badassness, a freaking twenty-five. His controlling, overprotectiveness and need to tell me what to do, a minus thirty.”

“And kissing, how’s he at that?”

“Ten, definitely a ten.”

“I suppose that’ll do for a little fling in the middle of Yemen.”

“It’s definitely better than fighting.”

Courtney leaned forward and frowned. “What are you leaving out?”

“Nothing. Ends up he’s based in Coronado, not in Virginia like I thought, and said something about getting together when we were both in town.”

“That sounds encouraging since he’s a good kisser.”

“I suppose; he actually said some very sweet things last night, if I’m being honest.”


Looking out the open door of the hangar, she played with her earing. “I don’t really see myself getting involved with a SEAL, especially one that likes to tell me what to do.”

“So just bone him and say thank you as you walk out the door.”

Throwing her head back, she let out a laugh. “For a children’s librarian, you sure come up with some creative phrases.”

“I may spend my day with the under ten set, but I make sure to spend my evenings with men who know their way around the bedroom. Give me a gentleman by day and pervert by night, and I’ll be very happy.”


“I saw your mom and Carissa yesterday at the OB Noodle House, and your sister told me she got the job with the wedding planner.”

“God, she’s wanted that for months. That’s great news.”

“So, what are you going to do about devil boy and his wily ways?”


“Who is that handsome blondie boy behind you?”

Turning, she saw Caid hovering over her shoulder. “What are you doing?”

“Admiring the beautiful woman on your screen.”

Putting her hands over it, she shook her head. “No way, Caid. This is my best friend, and I’ll not allow you to do that flirty thing.”

“Move your hands,” Courtney said. “I want to see what he has in his bag of tricks.”

“No,” Lisa replied. “He’s a bad man and is always talking about his conquests.”

“Unhook your headphones; I want to hear what he’s saying.”

“Fine, but I know we’ll regret this.” Pulling out the jack, she then looked up at Caid. “Give it your best shot because you’ll only get one.”

“I never need more than one, babe.” He leaned over Lisa’s shoulder and waved. “Good morning, beautiful.”

“It’s afternoon in San Diego.”

“Get your calendar out because I want you to put my name on your dance card next month. I’m coming home and think we should have a drink.”

Courtney leaned back and let out a laugh. “Desperate much?”

“Not at all. You’re fucking gorgeous, and I’m putting my name in the hat for a chance at a bit of time together.”

Courtney tapped her finger against her mouth and then smiled. “Step back so I can see what I’m dealing with.”

Caid looked down at Lisa and lifted his shoulders. “Is she serious?”

“Of course, why would a woman consider a man before she knows what’s she getting?”

Straightening his T-shirt, he stepped back and held out his arms. “One hundred percent grade-A American male.”

“You’re cute; I’ll think about it and let you know.”

Caid snorted and then stepped forward. “I’m a man who never gives up, so get ready ‘cause I’ll be coming for you.”

“You have to find me first,” Courtney replied with a laugh.

Lisa pushed Caid away and flapped her hand. “Go away; I need to finish my conversation.”

Stepping forward, Caid waved to Courtney and winked. “Get your mind right, babe, because once I find you, I don’t plan on letting you go for a good long while.”

“I suggest an appointment with a therapist before you come looking ‘cause I’ve got no use for crazy men.”

Caid slapped his hand against his heart and groaned. “I think I’m in love.”

“Go do it someplace else because I need to talk to Court without your mooning.”

“Fine, I’ll catch you ladies later.”

Lisa watched him walk away and shook her head. “Is insanity required when joining the Teams?”

“No, but testosterone is, and it’s pretty much the same thing,” Courtney replied.

“Amen, sister.” Twirling a piece of hair, she looked up. “Where were we?”

“I forgot.”

“Hi, honey, who are you talking to?” Ace asked as he strolled up.

“My best friend.”

“Let me see him,” Courtney said loudly.

“I didn’t think this was going to be a party.”

Caid slid into the seat next to Lisa and put his arm over her shoulder. “Hi, I’m Ace.”

“You’re a lot better looking than Lisa described and don’t seem to have any horns.”

Lisa dropped her head to the table and bumped it a couple of times. “Stop talking, Court.”

Ace lifted her up and kissed her head. “Horns?”

“A slight exaggeration,” Lisa replied.

“She called you devil boy and told me you made her cry. As her best friend, I forbid you ever to upset her again. Since you two were making out last night, I’d like you to do that instead of yelling and whatever nonsense you’ve got going on.”

Covering her face, Lisa rested her head on the table. “Goodbye, Courtney. I love you and will kill you when I get home.”

“Okay,” she replied as she blew a kiss and ended the call.

“Devil boy?”

Lifting her head slowly, she pushed her hair out of her eyes. “You have been mean to me for the last month.”

“I was frustrated and angry that you were in danger and I’m sorry.” Cupping her face, he bent down and kissed her. “Maybe the next time you call me that, it’ll be because of the dirty things I did to you in bed.”

Feeling her face heat, she pushed him away. “Don’t talk about that in front of God and everyone. I’ll lose my street cred as an intrepid, fearless journalist.”

“Pretty sure the two can co-exist.”

Waving her hand, she moved away and stood. “I need more coffee.”

“Let’s get some chow and then we can eat together.”

“As long as you don’t talk about sex in the middle of the mess, I’ll agree.”

Jax walked up and looked between them. “Why are we talking about sex when I have zero chance of getting any?”

Groaning, she walked away and wondered if it was time to start eating in her barracks.




Ace slung his arm over Lisa’s shoulder and drank his coffee and prayed she was staying on base. The thought of her venturing out had his gut churning worse than it ever had and he didn’t see it ending until her ass was on a plane home. “So, what’s on the agenda today?”


“Here on base?”

“No, I thought I’d run into town and sit in Starbucks and enjoy a double mocha macchiato with extra whip.”


“I know you’re fishing, so you can try and talk me out of whatever I have planned.”

“You have a very suspicious nature.”

“Sort of works with my chosen profession.” Moving away from his arm, she turned and raised an eyebrow. “Honesty is important and a lot easier to deal with than passive aggressive nonsense.”

Crossing his arms, he frowned. “Fine, but you asked for it.”

“Just spit it out.”

“I want you to stay on base, so I can have one day where I don’t have to worry.”

She put her hand on his arm and wrinkled her nose. “I can’t decide if I should enjoy your concern or be totally annoyed.”

“You should enjoy it since it means someone cares if you stay in one piece.”

“I suppose you’re right, but it’s a little weird, Ace. We really don’t know one another, and you’re acting like a boyfriend, which is weird.”

Taking her hand between his, he shrugged. “Believe me; I get that and know it doesn’t make any sense.” He lifted her hand to his mouth and kissed it. “Can’t seem to control it, though, so let’s just assume it’s not going away.”

“Lucky me,” she replied while rolling her eyes.

“You do that eye rolling thing a lot; have you seen a doctor about it?”

“I have, and it was suggested that if I avoided people who made idiotic and ridiculous statements, it would probably go away.”


Leaning against his shoulder, she let out a sigh. “And what are you doing today to right the world’s wrongs?”

“We have an op tonight, so I’ll be off base.”

“Any chance you can tell me what and who it involves?”

“We both know that’s not possible.”

“What if I offered you your choice of sexual favors?”

“I thought you didn’t want to talk about sex in the mess.”

“I’m allowed if it helps me get a lead on a story.”

Letting out a laugh, he lifted her chin. “Sorry, that’s not going to happen.”

“I figured, but thought I’d give it a shot.”

“But go ahead and ply me with as many as you’d like, just in case one of them works and I’m having a weak moment.”

She leaned up and pressed her mouth to his and smiled. “Maybe later.”

“Better than an outright no.” Taking her mouth, he tasted the coffee on her tongue and dove in, cupping her head. Kissing her like his life depended on it, he feasted on her plump lips and instantly had a situation in his pants that was damn uncomfortable.

Hearing his phone ring, he reluctantly tore his mouth away and sucked in a breath. “You’re dangerous, woman.”

“You started it.”

“I guess I did.” He shook his head, then picked it up, reading the message. “TOC wants us in the team room.”

Scooting back, she smoothed out her hair and nodded. “Good thing because if you were here for a minute longer, then we’d likely be the talk of the base.”

Adjusting himself, he let out a rough laugh. “Still might be.”

Looking down, she covered her mouth and stifled a laugh.

“This is all your fault.”

Holding up her hands, she scooted away. “That’s a hell of a big thing to be responsible for.”

“Not helping,” he replied as he stood. “I’ll buzz you when I get back and see which sexual favor you want to start with.”

“You better plan on feeding me first because I expect a proper date before any sexual favors will be offered.”

“Fair enough.” Bending down, he kissed her head. “You were right; kissing is a hell of a lot more fun than fighting.”

“As long as you keep that in mind, we’ll be fine.”

“Oh, we’re going to be a lot more than fine.”

“Doesn’t sound horrible, so I accept your fine and raise you a fanfuckingtastic.” Squeezing his hand, she nodded. “Stay safe, Ace.”

“Always.” Walking backward, he waved and then turned around, striding toward the door. Caid stood just outside, and he slapped him on the back. “Let’s get some, brother.”

“You get any intel on the friend?”

“No, didn’t know you needed it.”

“Next time you see Lisa, get me the down-low on Courtney, so I can figure out what my first move is going to be when we’re stateside.”

“You serious, man?”

“As a fucking heart attack. The woman had a smile bursting with mischief and a mouth filled with sass. Considering no one loves a naughty woman more than me, I figure she’s perfect.”

“All right, if that’s what you want.”

“I do; so don’t let me down.”

“I never have and don’t plan on starting now.” Giving his buddy a fist bump, he grinned and thought about misbehaving with Lisa. When his dick reacted immediately, he let the thought go and wondered when they were going to be pulled out of Yemen.

The scuttlebutt he’d heard over the last couple of weeks suggested Congress was ready to put an end to their targeting mission.

Apparently, the powers that be hadn’t been totally forthcoming with the committee about his team not being limited to a non-combat advisory role and it was causing a storm on the hill.

Seems their actual mission of aiding the Saudi military in locating and destroying Houthi missile caches wasn’t popular enough with the public for the legislators to risk votes.

The blurred lines of train and equip missions and combat were tough for the people on the hill to understand, and no one wanted to admit that they supported the SOF community aiding in the capture of the rebel leaders. Which is why most of the missions he and his brothers took on were shrouded in secrecy. “Have you heard any updates on the status of the mission tonight?”

Caid shook his head and adjusted his hat. “Not a peep, which I hope means we’re a go.”

“If we acquire the target, then I bet were done since keeping us here for low-level Houthi leaders doesn’t make any sense.”

“Agreed and that means we could be home by next week.”

“Which sounds fricking fantastic, since we’ve had back-to-back deployments.”

“Based on the way you and Lisa were acting in the mess, I’m assuming you’re going to pursue this thing when we get back.”

“Yeah, definitely.”

“Damn proud of the girl for asking you out since she’s had a thing for you for a while.”

Ace glanced over and frowned. “Are you serious? I never had a clue.”

“Not sure how you missed it since every time we ran into her, she’d look at you like you hung the fucking moon despite the fact you were yelling your head off.”

“Guess I was too busy being pissed off to notice much of anything.” Adjusting his sunglasses, he shook his head. “I was a fucking idiot in more ways than one.”

“Admitting it is the first step to fixing it.”

“Yeah, can’t argue with that.”

“The only piece of advice I’m going to give is: make sure you’re done with Victoria before you start anything new. Lisa is too damn nice to get caught in the middle of the stupid shit you two have going on.”

Lifting his hand, he flipped Caid off. “We ended it back in January, so you can forget your nervous nelly worrying.”

“You saw her in April and were all fucked up afterward.”

“That was a huge mistake, and it’s never going to happen again.”

“Hope so because seeing you two go around and around isn’t anything I need to see again.”

Ace scraped his hand over his neck and nodded. “Everybody gets one crazy-ass person in their life, and Victoria was mine. She’s got nothing I want anymore, and I’m immune to her manipulations.”

“Hope so, brother, because there’s no vagina magic enough to put up with her brand of crazy.”

Snorting, he fist-bumped Caid. “True that.”

Walking into the building that housed their temporary HQ, he knew he was ready for something real, and picturing Lisa’s face, he wondered if she might be too.






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