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It Must've Been the Mistletoe by L.P. Dover (21)



Adeline?” Jessica turned the corner into the bathroom and saw me by the sink, her expression concerned. “You okay? I saw you hurry in here. I thought maybe you had too much wine.”

I snorted. “I wish that was it.”

Her gaze narrowed. “What’s wrong?”

I shook my head. “It’s nothing.”

“Nothing? I saw you with Will, and then you ran off. And speaking of Will, can we please talk about how he couldn’t stop staring at you all night.”

I’d already told her about my dream, but I wasn’t about to tell her about the similarities. Maybe the snickerdoodles were just a coincidence. Lots of people loved those cookies. I’d probably heard they were William’s favorite at some point, and subconsciously thought it up in my dream.

I looked in the mirror to make sure my makeup was okay. “It was nice talking to Will. He’s going to come to the Christmas party at my house.”

Jessica waggled her brows. “See? I knew you two would hit it off.”

If she only knew the whole story. “Sandra’s going to bring snickerdoodle cookies. Did you know they were Will’s favorite?” I looked at her through the mirror.

“Really? I never would’ve guessed that. Scrooge . . . liking snickerdoodles . . .”

Turning away from the mirror, my chest tightened. “So, you didn’t know? Trent didn’t tell you?”

She looked at me like I’d lost my mind. “Why would he? Will never came around during the holidays.”

Swallowing hard, I sucked in a slow breath. “What all do you know about William? He already told me he loves to ride horses. He wouldn’t by any chance love to fish and hunt as well, would he?”

She giggled. “All the time. Fishing is all he and Trent would do when we’d visit him in California. If Will wasn’t working, he was fishing. I know he’s happy about getting those horses. He and Trent both loved riding as kids.”

That just made the feeling inside of me worse. The William from my dream loved to fish as well. There were too many similarities. How could I dream all of that up?

One of Jessica’s favorite songs started to play, and she gasped. “Oh my God, I have to get out there. That’s my jam.”

Laughing, I pushed her out the door. “Go, Mrs. Blair. Shake that booty!”

She giggled and ran out, screaming the lyrics to “Dancing Queen.”

Now that she was gone, there was someone I had to find. After searching through the crowd, it didn’t take long to spot the only other person who’d been in my dream. Margaret was across the room, grinning wide as she watched everyone on the dance floor. She met my gaze, and it was as if something clicked inside of me. By the look in her eyes and the smile on her face, I knew she knew what was going on.

But what exactly was going on? A dream was just that . . . a dream. There was no such thing as magic. Or was there? The thought was ludicrous. It felt like I was losing my mind.

I hurried through the crowd, keeping my focus on Margaret. At least, until I ran smack dab into the arms of the man I’d already fallen in love with.

He steadied me, and his hands slid down my arms. “There you are. You left so fast.”

His eyes took my breath away. They were the same steely gray eyes I’d looked into for hours upon hours in my dream. I’d stared into them so much, I knew every single detail about them. There was a tiny ring of gold around his pupils that added to the allure. All I wanted to do was fall into his arms.

“I’m sorry,” I said, my heart beating out of control. “There’s someone I needed to talk to. She’s right over . . .” I looked at the last spot Margaret had been, and she wasn’t there. Man, she was a slippery little thing. Even in real life, she had a way of disappearing. “Never mind. She’s not there anymore.”

William chuckled. “I’m glad I caught you. I’m going to get up early and unpack some things at my house, but afterwards, I wanted to see if you’d like to get some coffee before I leave.”

The thought made my heart jump, but it also saddened me. It was like I knew everything about him, and yet, I was a stranger to him. “Sure. I’d love to.”

Trent tapped on the microphone, drawing everyone’s attention to him. Jessica jumped up on stage with him. “All right, everyone. We just want to say thank you for helping us make this night magical. Our flight leaves in a couple of hours, so we’re about to head out. If I could have all my groomsmen down upfront, that’d be great. I have something for you.”

William sighed and pulled out his phone. “I have to go. Do you mind giving me your number? I can text you in the morning and we can figure everything out.” Taking his phone, I programmed my number into it and handed it back. “Talk to you soon.” He smiled at me once more, making me slightly weak in the knees, before marching through the crowd.

I wanted to squeal, but reminded myself that he was not the man from my dreams. I would have to stop comparing the two, because it wasn’t fair to Will. No man could live up to the figment of my imagination.