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Just One Touch: A Slow Burn Novel (Slow Burn Novels) by Maya Banks (18)

ISAAC froze, his hands that were still framing her beautiful face trembled as he soaked in the most beautiful words he’d ever heard in his life. He couldn’t breathe. The knot in his throat was so huge, it was choking him and cutting off his ability to suck in air. His heart raced, pounding the inside of his chest like a jackhammer and his eyelids burned like they were on fire.

“Are you sure, my sweet angel?” he finally managed to rasp out, the words stuttering over numb lips. “Because just knowing you love me is enough. It will always be enough. If you aren’t ready for me to make love to you then we’ll wait. I’ll wait. For as long as it takes until you’re sure that this—that I’m—what you want. We have forever.”

Jenna cupped her hands over his, then turned, sliding her mouth into the palm that had been cradling her cheek. She closed her eyes and pressed a tiny kiss into his large hand and simply held on to him, holding his hands in place against her face.

“You’re the only thing I’m sure of, the only solid thing in my life. You’re the only thing I’ve ever been certain of after so many years of fear, hopelessness and uncertainty. I may not have ever witnessed what love looks like, but I know what love isn’t. I also know that I’ve never felt the way I feel right now about anyone else but you. So yes, Isaac, I’m ready. I’ve been waiting for you my entire life. Don’t make me wait any longer,” she pleaded as she nuzzled even further into his palm, peppering tiny kisses everywhere her lips touched.

Isaac was overcome and it took him a moment to regain his composure and to swallow back the wave of emotion that unsteadied him. He blinked away the tears that made his vision blurry. Then, still cupping her face, he lowered his mouth to hers, kissing her with tenderness he didn’t even know he possessed.

“I’ll go slow and I’ll be gentle, baby,” he whispered. “The last thing I want to do is hurt you but . . . ”

He was tormented by the fact that, regardless of how slow or easy he was with her, he would hurt her. She was untouched by any man, a virgin. If that wasn’t enough, she was tiny and delicate and he was a large, hulking man who could so easily crush her without even realizing it.

His dick was rigid, swelling painfully against the confines of his pants, and he groaned. He was big everywhere. How the hell would she ever be able to take him? There was also the fact that he was on the verge of coming right now, and he wasn’t even close to being inside her. He doubted he’d get much more than the head of his erection inside her before he came all over her. How was that supposed to be good for her? The last thing he wanted was for her introduction to making love to be over with in two seconds and wondering if that was all there was to it.

Christ, he had to get it together. And for now, he was leaving his damn pants on. He had to make this special for her. He wanted to make it good, wanted her to come screaming his name in pleasure.

He drew away, sliding his hands from her face down the length of her body until he got to the hem of her shirt. He slipped his fingers underneath but halted and stared into her eyes.

“I’m going to undress you, baby. I don’t want you to be scared or embarrassed. You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen in my life and I intend to show you just how beautiful I think you are. But if I ever go too fast, if I ever do anything that frightens you, let me know and I’ll stop and take it down a notch and then we’ll work up to it again until you feel comfortable enough to keep moving forward, okay?”

“Okay,” she whispered, licking her lip nervously.

He regarded her seriously, making certain she was meeting his eyes with her gaze. “Promise me, sweet angel. We have all the time in the world. Promise me you’ll tell me if you’re afraid, if anything I do hurts you or if you just want to stop or take a break for a while.”

She smiled back at him and it was as if the entire room was suddenly bathed in sunshine. He felt the warmth to his bones, felt it enter his bloodstream and quickly travel throughout his entire body.

“I promise,” she said.

He began lifting her shirt, inching it upward, his eyes never leaving hers so he could be certain she was with him the whole way and that no panic ever entered her expression. When he had her shirt up over her breasts, he paused again.

“Lift your arms up,” he said huskily.

Slowly she lifted them until they were above her head. He quickly pulled the shirt up her arms and over her head until it was free of her body. He tossed it aside and then slid his hands around her hips, tugging her toward him. She fell back, so she was flat on the bed, her hair spread out in a cascade of curls. He fumbled with the snap of her jeans and shakily unzipped the fly. As he began inching the denim down over her hips, he rose above her and leaned down, pressing his lips to her soft belly.

She flinched and what sounded like a moan escaped her lips. He nuzzled her navel, chuckling when she shivered uncontrollably and chill bumps erupted and danced across her skin. As he continued to kiss, lick and nip her belly, he pulled her pants further down. He broke away from her only long enough to impatiently disentangle the pants from her feet.

He nudged her legs apart, staring down at the sheer panties that covered the one part of her he was dying to taste. He wanted to make her come in his mouth. He wanted to show her how good he could make her feel so she would be completely limp and sated before he ever pushed into her.

He crawled up past her knees and then reached down and pressed one finger over her underwear, right between the puffy lips of her pussy. He groaned.

“You’re so wet for me, baby. All that sweetness is just waiting for me to lap up.”

Jenna blushed bright red, but her eyes were glazed with passion. She looked almost drunk with her swollen lips, tousled hair and hazy eyes. She stared back at him and then she surprised him.

“Yes, Isaac, it’s all for you. Only you.”

Oh hell. His dick jerked to the point of pain and he could feel moisture coating the inside of his underwear as he fought an epic battle not to come right then and there. He put one hand to his groin and squeezed hard, sucking in several steadying breaths.

Jenna cocked her head to the side, confusion evident in her expression.

“Why are you in pain?” she asked with a frown.

He let out an unconvincing laugh. “You have no idea, baby. I want you so damn much that just looking at you, you saying those words and me knowing I’m about to finally taste you has me about to come and I haven’t even gotten my damn clothes off yet.”

“Then take them off,” she whispered, her eyes suddenly glowing with curiosity and desire.

He grunted. “Not yet, sweetheart. I’m not going to come all over you before I’ve had a chance to make you feel good. I’m only coming once I’m inside you.”

She flushed again but smiled, her entire face lighting up as she continued to watch him.

He leaned down, pressing his nose and mouth to her damp panties and inhaled her intoxicating, feminine scent. It was heady, the sweetest ambrosia. He closed his eyes, feeling unsteady and drunk as he breathed in as much of her as possible.

“Isaac, please,” she said, her voice strained as she fidgeted beneath him.

He glanced up her body to meet her eyes. “Tell me what you need, baby. You know I’ll give you anything.”

“I need . . . I want . . . please touch me,” she said desperately. “Something is happening but I don’t know what, but I know I need you to touch me to somehow make it better.”

He didn’t tease her or prolong her agony. He ripped her panties, tossing the remnants aside and then he got down lower, using his shoulders to spread her legs wider, until she was completely open to him.

“Hold on baby, because I’m going to devour you,” he growled.

He slid his tongue between her folds and licked upward until he reached her clit and then he swirled the tip in a circular motion around the taut bud. Her entire body went rigid and she cried out sharply but she never asked him to stop.

He traveled lower again and traced the mouth of her tiny opening before finally sliding inside her, his tongue doing exactly what his dick wanted to be doing.

“Oh God, Isaac! What are you doing? What’s happening to me?” she asked in bewilderment.

Shhh sweetheart,” he soothed. “Don’t fight it. I’m here. All you have to do is let go and trust me. I’ll always be here to catch you.”

“But it feels like I’m going to splinter into a million parts!” she protested.

“I’m only going to make you feel very good,” he said.

He returned to her sweet pussy, lapping and sucking greedily, not wanting to waste a single drop her body gave him. He wanted her to come all over his face, wanted her very first orgasm to be in his mouth. Her second orgasm would be around his dick.

He began tongue fucking her and her moans grew louder. Her legs were trembling and she began bucking almost as if it was more than she could bear. He slid a finger through her soft curls between the plump little lips to her clit and he began stroking it as he continued to have his tongue bathed in her honey.

“Isaac!” she cried, panic in her voice.

“Go with it, Jenna. Trust me. I’ll never do anything that hurts you,” he soothed. “Give it to me. Let it go. Give me what I want.”

Her entire body went rigid and he increased his rhythm and pressure, knowing she was hovering right on the edge of her release. When the trembling increased to the point of frenzy and more liquid rushed onto his tongue, he clamped his mouth over her opening, not wanting to miss a single drop of nectar when she came.

Her back bowed, coming off the mattress, just as a cry echoed through the room. She screamed his name and suddenly she was flooding his mouth with the sweetest taste he’d ever experienced in his life. She flinched and jittered beneath him as he gently brought her down from her orgasm, licking and sucking her quivering flesh, but much more gently than before.

When he’d licked her clean of every single drop, he rose up and then slid over her body, kissing his way over her belly up to her breasts. Her expression was dazed, her eyes glowing with contentment as she lazily watched him worship her breasts. When he closed his mouth over one puckered nipple and sucked it strongly between his teeth, she arched off the bed, her mouth flying open and her eyes lost the dull, lazy satisfaction of just a moment ago.

“Have to get you right to the edge again, baby,” he said in a gruff voice. “I want you right there, just about to come again before I get inside you. The first time, you came in my mouth. This time you’re going to come all over my dick.”

She licked her lips and hunger sparked in her eyes. As he bent to lavish attention on her breasts again, her fingers dug into his shoulders, her nails leaving their mark. He closed his eyes and groaned.

“God yes, baby. Mark me. Claim me just like I’m claiming you.”

He turned his attention to her other breast, licking around the nipple and leaving a moist trail. The deliciously pink tip was pointed outward, rigid and straining as if begging for his mouth. He nipped lightly at it, coaxing it to even further rigidity and then he lightly grazed his teeth from bottom to top before sucking the entire bud into his mouth.

He suckled strongly, finding his rhythm and then switched back to the other one giving it the same treatment. She was writhing beneath him, her hands everywhere on him, leaving marks on his skin that made him want to beat his chest and roar like a Neanderthal.

He kissed and sucked at her tender skin in a path from her breasts to the tender skin of her neck and then up to her ear, sucking the tiny lobe as she shivered uncontrollably under his much larger body. He completely covered her. There wasn’t a single inch of her that wasn’t pressed against his skin. She was a part of him, an essential part of him. The very best part of him. She made him better. Made him want to be a better man. For her. And the children they’d one day have. Never had his future looked as good as it did now and it was all because of an angel’s touch.

His mouth glided up her jaw until finally he captured her mouth again. He slid his tongue inside, sharing the taste of her nectar with her. His dick was screaming at him to take her. To slide so deep inside her that she’d never be free of him. It was swollen and rigid, straining upward so that it lay flat against his stomach.

When he lifted his body off her just a bit, she glanced down and her eyes widened in a mixture of fear and apprehension.

Then she glanced back at him, biting into her lip nervously. “Isaac, this will never work. How are you supposed to fit? You’re so . . . big,” she squeaked out.

Before she could work herself into a complete panic attack, he silenced her with another deep, languid kiss. When they were both breathless again, he released her lips and stared lovingly down into her eyes.

“You were made for me, Jenna. My own sweet angel. I’ll fit. We’ll fit. We will always fit. You’re the other half of my soul, the missing half. And now I can’t tell what part is me and what part is you because we fit so seamlessly. Don’t be afraid, my love. Never be afraid of me. I’ll never intentionally hurt you. It will be uncomfortable for you but only for a few moments and then it will pass and after that I’ll take us both to heaven. Do you trust me?”

She nodded but he could still see the anxiety in her eyes.

He leaned down, kissing her as he slid one hand down between her legs and between her slick folds. She was drenched with need, even after he’d lapped up every bit of her moisture from earlier. He slipped one finger inside her as his mouth trailed back down to her breasts.

She tensed when his finger penetrated her just the tiniest bit but she also clenched around him, another surge of wetness soaking him each time he sucked her nipple further into his mouth.

“When I get between your legs, I want you to wrap them around my waist and hold on to my shoulders, okay, baby? Can you do that for me?” he asked tenderly.

She nodded, her eyes wide.

“You’re ready for me, sweetheart. Your body is ready. You’re so wet and hot, so very soft and silky,” he murmured.

At his reassuring words, she relaxed, her body going limp against the bed.

He guided his erection between her legs and rubbed the tip up and down her satiny flesh until it was coated in her moisture. He pressed the head to her tiny opening, pushing in the tiniest amount just so the head was lodged there, freeing his hand to do other things.

He lowered his body onto hers, covering her as he propped himself on one forearm so he didn’t smother her. He used his other hand to delve between them and he began to caress her clit, pressing against it and rolling it in a circular motion.

She curled her legs around his waist as he’d asked her to and she clamped down tightly each time he toyed with her clit. Her head was thrown back, her chest thrust upward and he’d never seen a more beautiful, erotic sight in his life.

“Hold on baby,” he whispered. “I’ll try to make this first part fast.”

She opened her eyes, confused by his words.

“I love you,” he said. “I’ll always love you.”

Then he thrust forward, hard and deep, rending the fragile barrier that proclaimed her innocence. She cried out, tears shimmering in her eyes as she gripped his shoulders. His heart damn near split in two when a tear trickled down the side of her face to disappear into her hair.

“I’m sorry, baby,” he said, his chest aching as he lowered his mouth to kiss her. “I’m so damn sorry I hurt you. I wouldn’t hurt you for anything in the world. Just stay still. I won’t move until the pain goes away and then I’ll make you feel good again. I swear it. Please forgive me,” he pleaded.

She caressed his face with one hand and smiled tremulously up at him. “I know you didn’t mean to hurt me, Isaac. It just took me by surprise, that’s all. Will it be like that every time? I mean when you first get inside?”

She fidgeted with discomfort over asking such an intimate question and he had to kiss her again.

“No, baby, I promise. It’ll never hurt like that again. You were a virgin and the first time with a man is often painful because I have to break through your hymen. But it’s gone now and from now on, you’ll feel nothing but pleasure.”

Even as he reassured her, his fingers were on her clit, stroking and pressing. He could feel her body contracting and tightening around him and he could feel her bathe his dick with a flood of arousal.

She tentatively flexed around him, the walls of her pussy gripping him tightly. He groaned and closed his eyes, clamping his teeth together.

“Have mercy, baby,” he said in a pained voice. “If you keep doing that, I’m going to come way too soon and it will be all over with.”

She smiled and then arched upward, suddenly taking more of him inside her.

He swore and tried to withdraw but she clamped her legs tighter around his waist, preventing him from doing any such thing.

“It doesn’t hurt as much,” she said shyly. “I feel so . . . tingly. I need you to move. I want you to move.”

With more restraint than he would have ever attributed to himself, he eased forward until just two inches of him remained outside of her opening. Then he pulled back, moaning as she rippled and fluttered tightly over his erection. When he was nearly all the way out, only the head remaining inside her, he pushed forward more forcefully, seating himself as deeply as he could.

Her eyes went wide at the sensation and her legs trembled violently around him, her heels digging into his back.

“Please,” she begged. “I need . . . I don’t know what I need,” she said in frustration.

“I know what you need, baby,” he said lovingly. “Hold on to me tight.”

As soon as her legs and arms were around his body, he began to thrust harder and faster, planting himself deep before retreating only to do it all over again. He could no longer hold back, no longer measure his thrusts. He began moving faster and faster, his hips slapping against her ass as he reached maximum depth, every inch of his dick bathed in her heat.

Sweat broke out on his forehead and strain was evident in her expression.

“I need you to come for me,” Isaac said through gritted teeth. “Let go, Jenna. Let it happen.”

His thumb pressed more firmly against her clit and as he rolled it harder and faster, he lowered his head to suck her nipple into his mouth, using his teeth to add a tiny spark of pain.

It was all she needed. Her eyes shot to his and her mouth opened in a soundless cry. Her body tensed to the point she almost appeared as though she were in pain. Just when he knew he couldn’t last even another stroke, he was surrounded by a sudden surge of hot, silken release.

He roared her name and then buried his face in her neck as he thrust himself as deeply into her body as possible. His release surged painfully, shooting from his dick into her warm, inviting haven. Never had he come so much in his life. He could feel it leaking from inside her, smeared on the inside of her thighs and the outside of his.

And never had he felt so damn satisfied—so complete—in his entire life. He’d found home. She was his home. Not a place, not a house. But her. His angel. Wherever she was, as long as he was with her, he was home.