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Kisses and Curses (Warlocks MacGregor Book 6) by Michelle M. Pillow (9)

Chapter Nine

Cora listened to the rain pounding against the window. The storm had been threatening all day before bursting angrily out of the sky in a sudden torrent. After finding his phone in the woods, Euann had driven her to where she’d parked her car. Thank goodness her cellphone and wallet were still in the console where she had left them. The vehicle had been unlocked with the keys still in the ignition.

There were fifteen missed calls from her boss, six calls from a co-worker, a call from the bulldog rescue to see if she had time to transport a dog to Iowa, and then another saying they found someone and not to worry about it, and finally one call from someone trying to get her to sign up for a timeshare.

Calling the timeshare person back sounded better than calling her boss. To be more precise, her former boss. The fifteenth and last voicemail Edie had left told her in no uncertain terms that the library would no longer be requiring her services.

“What if I was in a car accident or in a coma and couldn’t call?” Cora whispered, tapping the phone touchscreen. “Or kidnapped by a magickal phoenix child and forced to drive across country and eat nothing but cake and cookies with no will of my own?”

The former boss’ compassion had much to be desired. At least a few of her co-workers had sent her concerned text messages. Cora made sure to answer them back the best she could, assuring them that she was alive and well.

Without a job, there was nothing Cora needed to rush home to. Even if there were, she wasn’t ready to leave Wisconsin. She felt safe with the MacGregors, with Euann.

Her eyes went to the giant portrait hanging over the fireplace. It was of Euann wearing a kilt, surrounded by mist and midnight. The fog trailed up his arm. The ocean splashed against a rowboat behind him. His eyes were what captured her the most. It was as if he watched over her. She’d fallen asleep staring into those painted eyes.

Knowing there was magick in the world, real magick, fascinated and terrified her. She wasn’t sure how she’d do out in the world on her own, looking for goblins at every roadside rest stop and fairies at wherever fairies might congregate. Flower shops? Her lack of knowledge was proof enough that she wasn’t ready to venture back into the world alone. She’d be questioning everything around her. She didn’t know a thing about real goblins and fairies. And what about other supernatural creatures? What if there really were werewolves and vampires and sea monsters?

Cora hugged her legs close and dug her back into the thick pillow of the king-size bed. Beyond that still, there was this supposed magick Jewel had given her. She felt something was different inside her, but as hard as she tried, she couldn’t get a door to open without turning a knob.

The smell of food filled the room, drawing her from her musings. A soft knock sounded on the door.

“Come in,” she called.

Euann poked his head in. She sat up straighter on the bed. She wasn’t sure which fact about him attracted her more—the accent, the sultry eyes, the playful smile—but he made her stomach flutter every time he looked at her.

“Did the clothes fit all right?” he asked.

“Oh, yes, thank you.” Cora glanced at the pale yellow t-shirt and yoga pants Euann had found for her. “You’re sure your sister won’t mind?”

“Not at all. Malina has more clothes than she can wear in five warlock lifetimes.” Euann motioned as if to ask if he could come in.

Cora nodded.

“Sorry about the weather ruining our plans for a picnic outside,” Euann said.

Cora glanced at the window as lightning struck. “It’s fine. It’s not like you can control the rain.”

“Yeah, that would be Erik. He’s in a foul mood.”

Cora laughed, then realized he didn’t appear to be making a joke. “Erik made the storm?”

“He’s still angry about Kenneth,” Euann stood several feet away from the bed.

As they’d looked for his phone, he’d told her about Kenneth. The man had been gone for a long time, and that absence noticeably created a lot of hurt feelings within what sounded to be a close-knit family. She wasn’t sure what happened and thought it not her place to ask too much. Euann would tell her what he wanted her to know.

“But, I did promise ya a picnic.” His smile returned, and she felt a small thrill work over her.

“It’s all right, I—”

“So I brought the picnic inside.” He gestured to the floor at the foot of the bed.

Cora crawled forward on the bed to look. The smell was coming from the array of food that had somehow magickally appeared on the floor. The antique serving platters held towers of finger sandwiches and fried chicken. Strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries had spilled over the sides of their bowls. Wine glasses filled with white and red wines were placed in the center of the feast.

“Where did all of this come—oh, no.” Cora scrambled off the bed. She rushed around the food toward Euann. “Is Jewel playing again?”

“I just said I did it,” Euann answered.

She gave a small laugh. “Oh, right, sorry. I’m still jumpy. I keep feeling like I’m about to be taken over and made to pirate a ship or some other terrifying thing.”

“Kenneth assures us he had a talk with her about that.” Euann went to the bed and grabbed a couple of pillows. A fire lit up in the fireplace without anyone going to light it. At the same time, candles appeared on the floor amongst the food. He put the pillows on the floor near the foot of the bed so they could use it as a chair back.

“Thank you for letting me stay in your room,” she said.

“Who said this was my room?” He sat on the floor.

“I assumed because your portrait was on the wall, and there are male toiletries in the bathroom. It seemed strange to think one of your brothers would want to hang a portrait of you over their bed.”

“Fair enough, yes, this is my room.”

Cora joined him by the picnic. She tried not to sit too close, but the placement of the pillows made it impossible. Heat radiated off him and, just like the times before, she felt better when he was near. The low stinging sensation in her nerves dissipated, and she breathed easier. When she turned, it was to find him looking at her. She wanted to think of something clever to say, something to make him laugh. She really enjoyed the sound of his laugh, of his voice.

Lightning flashed, illuminating the room. The sound of the storm created a cocoon around them. Her heart beat a little faster. Her skin began to tingle.

“I—” he began.

Not knowing what came over her, Cora leaned forward to close the distance. Her lips pressed to his. Her hand slid up the side of his face, holding him as she instantly deepened the kiss. Reason had no place in this moment. It was as if he carried an unexplainable force inside him that called to her. When they touched, the world felt like it made sense.

Euann made a small sound of surprise but didn’t fight her as she leaned into him. As he returned the kiss, he slid along the foot of the bed before falling onto his back. She rode him down to the floor.

He chuckled, and the sound only caused her to slip her legs around one of his thighs. The new position made the shape of his body unmistakable as she pressed into him. He desired her as much as she did him.

A loud bang sounded on the door, hitting her libido like a bucket of ice water. She pushed away from Euann, wiping her mouth of any evidence and smoothing her hair.

“Go away,” Euann yelled. He was slower to sit up.

The door opened, and Rory poked his head inside. “I thought I smelled food. Don’t mind if I do. Downstairs is a dangerous place right now.”

“Rory, get—” Euann couldn’t finish his sentence.

“Did ya say food? I’m famished.” Iain appeared behind Rory. He left the door open as he came inside. Both men took a seat on the floor.

Rory lifted the platter of fried chicken onto his lap and began eating. Iain took a glass of red wine, and when he reached for a piece of chicken, Rory slapped his hand. “Mine.”

“Where is everyone hiding?” Erik called. He glanced inside the room. “Dinner upstairs. Good call. I don’t want to go near the dining room.”

“What’s wrong with the dining room?” Cora wondered what could frighten three powerful warlocks into hiding. “Is it Jewel?”

“Scarier. Aunt Margareta is home to confront Kenneth, and she just found out he wasn’t sucked into a vortex.” Rory acted like that explanation was enough.

“Margareta, that’s your mother, right?” asked Cora.

“Aye, my ma.” Euann scratched his forehead as if trying to think of the right words. “Guys, look, this picnic wasn’t meant to be a family dinner.”

“But ya have five glasses,” Iain said.

Cora looked down. She could have sworn there had only been four—two white wines, two red wines. She saw a fifth drink, a goblet filled with beer in front of Erik.

Erik picked up the beer, and took a long drink. The anger of the storm seemed to subside and the rain lessened. It still pounded against the window but with less force than before.

“Hold on a minute. I think he means he’s on a date,” Rory observed, still hoarding the chicken.

“Indoor picnic?” Erik grinned and nodded. “Classic MacGregor move. Ladies can’t resist it.”

“Nice,” Iain added. “Well played, Euann.”

“That’s how Niall won Charlotte,” Rory said. “Euann apparently took notes.”

“That is not how Niall won—” Euann began to protest.

“Och, brother, no, ya never talk about your ex-girlfriends when you’re on a first date.” Iain managed to swipe a chicken leg from Rory’s pile and was rewarded with a magickal slap as Rory slashed his hand through the air. Iain slid back on the floor but managed to take a bite before being stopped by the wall.

“It’s a good thing we’re here to help.” Erik lifted his beer in a silent toast. “You’re welcome.”

“Charlotte was only a friend,” Euann tried to explain, sounding defensive.

“Who’s Charlotte?” Cora asked his family.

“Euann and Rory had a crush on her when we first moved here,” Iain said.

“Hey, not me,” Rory protested.

“We are just friends,” Euann insisted.

“These two used to fight over her all the time,” Iain walked on his knees to reclaim his place, “like two kids on a playground.”

Cora forced a smile though she thought maybe Iain’s first observation was correct. She didn’t necessarily want to hear about Euann’s ex-girlfriends, especially if he’d been in love with any of them. And, knowing how old he was, she suddenly realized there was probably a long string of women in his past.

“Charlotte is engaged to my brother Niall,” Euann told her, his tone low. “I felt sorry for her because we erased her memories of some horrible events, and it drove her into madness. I love her like a sister.” He turned to give his family a meaningful look and said through clenched teeth, “Like I love all my sisters.”

“What horrible events?” Cora asked.

“She witnessed some magickal things she shouldn’t have. We couldn’t let the family secret get out into the world,” Rory answered. Iain hit him in the arm. “Ow, what?”

“She saw magick, so you erased her mind?” Cora automatically pulled away from them, moving to stand by the bed.

“That’s what, dumbass.” Iain shook his head at his cousin as he gestured at her. “Ya scared her.”

“Oh, yeah, sorry,” Rory mumbled. “I didn’t mean to scare ya, Cora.”

“We will not erase your mind,” Erik assured her. “The family has agreed that we will only do that in the direst of situations. It was a decision that was overdue. Too many things go wrong with that kind of magick.”

Cora contemplated her position as she stood over them. Slowly, she took her seat. “I have an important question, and I want you all to answer me honestly.”

“Yes,” Euann answered. “I promised, I’d answer all your questions.”

“If we can,” Erik corrected, with a meaningful look at Euann.

Cora took a deep breath. “Is there a pizza place in town that will deliver? Rory ate all of the chicken and I’m starving.”

“I have a better idea. The weather is lightening up. Let’s go into town.” Euann barely got the suggestion out before his brothers were on their feet.

“I’ll call Jane and have her meet us,” Iain said.

“There is a new bar and grill that just opened within the last week, and surprisingly it’s not one of ours,” Erik said.

“Yeah, it’s called The Red Room or something,” Rory said. “The owner is some kind of former mob boss in witness protection.”

“Crimson Tavern,” Iain answered. “And where the hell did ya hear that nonsense?”

“Internet.” Rory shrugged.

“Right,” Erik drawled, “because witness protection often posts about their witnesses online.”

“Fair point.” Rory took a glass of white wine and finished it with a few gulps. “But I saw him when he was moving into the apartment above the bar. He’s not been here but a few weeks.”

“Are ya sure? Who opens a restaurant in a week?” Iain asked.

“Something is not right about him,” Rory insisted. “Call it a vibe.”

“Do you think it’s strange he showed up right before Jewel and I did?” Cora wondered. Then realizing she was thinking more like a book plot and less like real life, she tried to clarify her reasoning, “Kenneth seems sure they’re being hunted.”

“Perfect, it’s settled. Now we have to go drinking,” Rory said. “Ya know, for the good of the family.”

“We’ll sneak out of the house and grab Lydia and Jane on the way. No reason to go downstairs right now.” Erik peeked out of the door before hurrying from the room.

Rory slid the chicken platter off his lap and hopped to his feet. Iain reached out and tripped him on his way to the door before he too stood. Rory stumbled, and it was just enough of a delay for Iain to maneuver past him. Cora suppressed a chuckle. They were like watching a group of ornery little boys who happened to be men.

Cora placed her hand on Euann’s arm to keep him from leaving. “I’m not dressed for going out.” She hoped his sister might have something else she could borrow. They appeared to wear the same size.

“One moment. I can take care of that.” Euann waved his hand over his body. His jeans faded to be replaced by athletic pants with dark stripes down the side. He grinned. “Now we’re both underdressed.”

Not exactly what she’d meant.

She wasn’t sure she’d ever get used to this magick stuff. Being in the MacGregor home left her feeling a little like Alice stepping through the looking glass. It looked like her world, felt like her world, even smelled like her world, but for all that it was the same, there were also gremains and phoenixes, magickally appearing food and pants, fires that lit without any noticeable effort, and Euann. She had never met anyone who made her tremble with excitement and nervousness like he did.

Okay, so the MacGregor house was a very grown-up, naughtier version of the looking glass world. The thoughts she was having were not PG-13, and definitely not fit to print anywhere other than a steamy romance novel…with a super-hot, rich, powerful hero who happened to be wearing workout pants. The last part caused a small laugh to escape her.

“Ready?” He gestured to let her go first. “Oh, wait.” He motioned to her feet and shoes appeared. “Now, ready?”

Cora walked into the hall and glanced around. The others had not waited for them. “Um…?”

“This way.” Euann walked slightly ahead of her. Seeing how the athletic pants molded against his ass gave her a new appreciation for dressing down.

Everything about the mansion made her feel like she’d sneaked her way onto the club level in some fancy hotel she couldn’t afford. Closed doors lined the hall on both sides of the stairs. At any moment, she expected to find a champagne bar hiding in a nook or a wine fountain.

The family had seen to each detail of the house. The dark wood banister gleamed, unnicked by time. The pristine floor looked as if no one ever walked on it. The walls were freshly painted, and each piece of furniture appeared to be set up for a photo shoot.

“Have I mentioned you have a lovely home?” Cora paused, looking down over the railing toward the front hall below. A giant chandelier hung over the empty marble floor. Its tiny crystals fragmented light to cause faint dots over the ceiling.

“Twenty-five years, boy,” an accented male voice yelled from below. “Do ya know what ya have done to your ma? Being chased by mountain witches is no excuse not to call home. Even Niall takes a break from clearing vampire dens to say hello to your ma on her birthday.”

She could only guess it was Euann’s father, Angus. Euann had mentioned his parents during their walk.

“What were ya doing in the mountains?” And that voice had to be Margareta’s. “I questioned the mountain witches. They swore they had not seen ya. If they have been chasing ya all this time, there will be a war. I’ll raise their mountain out of the ground and show—”

“Ma, stop,” Kenneth said, sounding completely calm and reasonable. “You’re not starting a war with the mountain witches and ya know it.”

Euann’s parents responded to the comment with a chorus of yelling in a language Cora could not understand.

“We should go.” Euann tugged lightly on her arm. “As much as I want to spend time with Kenneth, now is not the occasion to do so. My ma is on a roll, and she’ll be yelling for a good two hours, at least.”

A strange expression crossed his features. It was one of pain and worry. Cora understood something right then. All this playful banter was merely a distraction as was the trip to town. The MacGregors needed to occupy their minds with something they could control. Kenneth had obviously left home without leaving word. She couldn’t imagine losing someone for so long, not knowing what happened, only to learn they were fine and that they just hadn’t bothered to call.

The bedroom Euann led her to looked like it belonged to Erik—judging by the giant painting of the man in full Scottish garb standing regally in the countryside. Like the other bedroom, this one had fresh paint, dark wood, and a fireplace. Not like the other room, this one had a full-length antique mirror affixed to the wall close to the floor. It seemed a little out of place.

“Don’t be frightened.” Euann went to the mirror and pushed his hand into the glass. It disappeared into the reflection. “It’s a portal to—ah!

Euann’s body jerked, and he was pulled through his own reflection.

Cora stared at the mirror in shock. She inched closer slowly, reaching out a finger to test the glass. Logically she could assume Euann’s brothers were on the other side, but that didn’t stop the shaking in her hands. Could they see her? Was this two-way glass?

“Euann,” she whispered, waving her hand.

Euann’s head appeared through the portal. She jumped in surprise. His hand followed. “My brothers are assholes. I’m sorry.”

“It really is the looking glass world,” she whispered.


“Never mind.” Cora shook her head in dismissal. She took his hand in hers, holding tight. Euann gently pulled as he brought her into the mirror. The glass was warmer than she thought it would be. Euann’s head disappeared. She stepped over the frame and into her reflection. When it came time for her face, she turned her head to the side, closed her eyes tight, and held her breath. Her foot bumped the wood frame. Warmth surrounded her head.

Please let me come out the other side.




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